Welcome back,
Earn up to 10% by referring me a used mobile home park deal that meets the criteria below.
If you are a regular reader than you know I have been investing in individual mobile homes inside parks and attached to private land for the past 10+ years. During this time it has been my pleasure to:
- Help sellers sell their unwanted homes
- Help low-risk buyers buy used mobile homes via monthly payments.
While I have no intention of leaving my roots. I will continue to invest in individual mobile homes while I also turn my sites in search of my first entire Mobile Home Community to purchase.
Over the past 7 years writing and contributing on this website it has been my honor to help educate you, entertain you, pass along leads to you, and answer questions for you and all readers of this website. Thank you for making my last 7 years online amazing!
Now, it is I who needs help from you. I need your eyes and ears! If you know of any mobile home parks for sale that meet my current criteria below please email me the info at support@mobilehomeinvesting.net.
For sending me any leads that I close I will gladly compensate you up to 10% of the purchased price. Additionally, if you do have a park to recommend and wish to learn park investing I would be happy to have you shadow me to learn this business firsthand.
Park criteria: “I should be on the lookout for MHPs that have…”
- Over 30 lots/pads
- At least a 30% occupancy rate
- An asking price below $500,000
- Are located anywhere within the 48 continuous states
- Some seller held financing available is ideal
What do I do next to help John?
- Step 1. Anytime you hear of a mobile home park for sale email the details to support@mobilehomeinvesting.net.
- Step 2. Anytime you see a mobile home park for sale email the details to support@mobilehomeinvesting.net.
- Step 3. Anytime you talk to a park manager make sure to casually ask, “Do you know of any mobile home park owners that are selling nearby?” If you hear a Yes, please email me the details at support@mobilehomeinvesting.net.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter. If you find or hear of any parks email me. All qualified leads will be followed up with accordingly.
One of the best parts about being a mobile home investor and working with other investors is the sense of family and caring that we can share with one another. Although we may not have met face-to-face yet I want to extend me gratitude for any help finding me a mobile home park to purchase.
Should you need any investing clarity or have any specific mobile home investing questions don’t hesitate to comment them below or email me personally.
Love what you do daily,
John Fedro
Lou R
June 9, 2014Hi John,
Email sent. Very cool.
John Fedro
June 10, 2014Hi Lou,
Thank you for the fast reply. I will reach out to this park seller asap and let you know what happens.
Talk soon,
John Fedro
Martin Anthony
June 14, 2014Hi John,
Could you tell me who you are purchasing these parks? Where do you currently own? Thanks for your help. I am looking to get into investing and mobile homes seem to be the way I want to move forward.
M. Anthony
John Fedro
June 14, 2014Hi Martin,
Welcome to the community. Thanks for commenting and glad to have you here. Currently I am investing in my first park. Personally I am looking to own any parks in any of the 48 states as long as the ROI and other numbers look right. Send me anything you have and we’ll discuss further from there.
Talk soon,
Glen Frailey
June 19, 2014I’m interested in this niche. I think I’ve found a property for you to pursue and would like to take you up on your offer to tag along. I would like to roll these referral fees into a property for myself providing monthly income. I’m blessed that I don’t need to make a lot but I would like to add a little cushion to our monthly expenses.
John Fedro
June 22, 2014Hi Glen,
Thanks for reaching out and connecting here. Please send me any leads that fits my criteria and I’ll let you know my thoughts accordingly. Yes, I am happy to work with you with regards to learning this business and compensating you for bringing me any leads we work together.
All the best and talk soon,
John Fedro
Glen Frailey
June 24, 2014Can I contact you direct with the referral information?
John Fedro
June 24, 2014Hi Glen,
Absolutely! Please contact me at support@mobilehomeinvesting.net should you need any further help or you have any leads you would like to send me.
Thanks again for thinking of me of this.
Talk soon,
June 30, 2014Awesome! I’ll keep an eye out for you!
John Fedro
July 1, 2014Hi Steve,
Sounds great. Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Talk soon,
Talal Pharoan
July 7, 2014There is one here in MD for sale and its listed at 1.5 million
John Fedro
July 7, 2014Hi Talal,
That is a bit out of my price range at the moment but thank you for sharing. Some of these parks can be pricey for sure.
Talk soon,
da ron
August 1, 2014if I send you parks for sale, and its close to a good deal,but you don’t bite, can you assist me purchasing a park, with the help of a private investor?
I found a park 30 plus spaces, for $140k
John Fedro
August 1, 2014Hi Da Ron,
I am always here to help provide clarity to others in matters I can be helpful in. If you send me a park and I don’t bite I will give you my opinion as to why, if you still want help moving forward I will offer my support for sure.
Send the lead when you can to support@mobilehomeinvesting.net
Thanks again and talk soon,
October 18, 2014Hi John- just sent you some information on a mobile home park that fits your criteria. Please let me know if you have any questions!
John Fedro
October 20, 2014Hi Jason,
Thank you for reaching out to me and for sending over the park referral. I have emailed you back with my thoughts. Let me know if you didn’t receive that email.
Talk soon,
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