All California investors read below:
The reason for the creation of this lesson is to help all California investors understand the purchase and transfer of their Titles and Personal Property Trusts (PPT). California as well as Texas and a few other states do NOT transfer titles at the local DMV or Department of Transportation.
The California HCD: Welcome to your mobile home title headquarters. Here is the branch to help with almost all of your manufactured home and mobile home title transfer and title ownership issues and questions. This department will also transfer the titles and help with some paperwork over the phone. Their phone number is (800) 952-8356. You may have to wait on hold however the folks here are usually very friendly and helpful.
Note: If the seller is NOT the true owner or the seller is BEHIND on TAXES please click here to be brought to the Fee & Tax Waiver Program in California.
Follow the steps below to Successfully close and transfer Title:(You should still call and verify this process for yourself).
1. Does your Decal # Start with an A or L? (Verify property taxes are current)
Ask the seller to verify the taxes have been paid. Mobile homes in CA are taxed either by what is called “Yearly Renewal” (a newer, online method of taxing managed by the state) or “County” (a method which is not managed by the state). If the mobile home tag number or registration number begins with an “A” (Example: A374984674894) it is taxed with a Yearly Renewal, this means you will NOT have to obtain a Tax Clearance Certificate (a printed piece of paper from the county proving taxes are current). If an “A” is present call 916-445-4775 to verify taxes are current.
If the mobile home tag number or registration number begins with an “L” (Example: L4846746547) the County will have a record of the tax payment information and a Tax Clearance Certificate (this certificate will be mailed to state) WILL have to be obtained from the local Tax Assessor’s office (the current owner must be present to receive this).
Starts with “A” = No Tax Clearance Certificate*, Yes Registration card for previous tax year.
Starts with “L” = Yes Tax Clearance Certificate, No Registration card for previous tax year.
*If the seller does not have a registration card then please fill out “Application for Duplicate Registration Card” (form 481.2) and submit with closing package when you mail to state or submit when you drive to HCD office to transfer title. Office address found below.
If the seller does not have a Title then please fill out “Application for duplicate Title” (form 480.4) and submit with closing package when you mail to state or submit when you drive to HCD office to transfer title. Office address found below. Extra: Confirm with the state via phone that seller on Title is the person you have been talking to and not a fraud.”

2. If the mobile home starts with an “A” follow this additional step to understand the home value you will be taxed at when transferring title. Fill out and fax/email form 476.4 “Certificate of Retail Value and Purchase Price”. Email or fax this to the state prior to send in the rest of the documents. The state will then send you a value back to know how much you will pay in transfer taxes to put the title into your name. (Mobile homes with decals that start with “L” will already has a taxable value as per your county so this extra form and procedure is not needed. However if you intend to mail in payment, title, and paperwork always call the state HCD office to get an exact total amount to send in via mail. This amount will vary based on your purchase price or home value (whichever is less).
3. Create and Print
Create and Print all necessary closing documents from this module. Promissory Note (if making seller payments), Power of Attorney, Agreement After Closing (if seller is staying in home post sale), Personal Property Trust (always recommend). In addition print necessary state forms below. All forms can be found at http://hcd.ca.gov/forms.html
1.) Multi-Purpose Transfer Form (state form 476.6G) = This form will be used when you transfer ownership in this home.
Use only when the legal owner or registered owners names are change. You will NOT use this form when selling beneficial interest in your PPT. Use ONLY when the tenant-buyer you sell this home to completely pays you off. Then you can use another Multi-Purpose Transfer Form to transfer the “legal owner” of the title from your PPT to the tenant-buyer’s name. Read instructions on form.
2.) Bill of Sale (state form 475.1) = Use in place of the MHF’s All States Bill of Sale.
3.) Certification of Retail Value and Purchase Price (Only if Decal number starts with “A”) =
This form will let you pay “use tax”that is collected by HCD. This tax is based on the purchase price or home NADA value, whichever is lower. Again, this is only for Decal #s starting this A)
4. Power of Attorney: Signed by each seller on title when paying all-cash. This form will only give you control to sign on the seller’s behalf concerning this mobile home should an emergency arise and the seller is long gone. We get this signed because we have been burned by the state wanting more paperwork due to something being incorrect on the title from long ago or currently. Instead of tracking the seller down we simply get each seller’s power of attorney when they sell us a mobile home all-cash.. When purchasing for cash this form is important. When making the seller payments this form is not necessary.
5. Only when the Title is missing or wrong. Statement of Facts: This form will make things easier when you aim to transfer the title into your control or the next buyer’s name. See demo version on left side downloads area. Statement of Facts Demo copy.
6. Sign all forms with seller.
- Your Personal Property Trust is the buyer (you should be using a PPT). The Seller is the seller.
- Your PPT will be named Registered Owner on Title.
- If the seller is accepting payments from you as buyer then the seller(s) may ask to be listed on the Title as Lien holder. If this is the case make sure he/she is listed as Legal Owner on the title and Multi-Purpose transfer form. If a lien is present then the new Title will be mailed to the Legal Owner. If the seller does NOT ask to be listed as Legal Owner then do NOT list him/her as Legal Owners.
Did someone make a mistake signing wrong? Use California’s Error Form to correct this issue and move forward.
7. “Packet” to send to state OR walk into a local office. Make sure to send these forms to the state for transfer of Title to go smoothly. Aim to transfer title with 20 days of signature dates on Title, Multi-purpose transfer form, and Bill of Sale to avoid penalties.
- Multi-Purpose Transfer Certificate (filled out and signed)
- Bill of Sale (filled out and signed)
- Tax Clearance Certificate (only if decal number starts with an “L”) (Printed at County Assessor’s office) or Registration card the seller should have be mailed yearly by state.
- Certification of Retail Value and Purchase Price (Only if Decal number starts with “A”)
- Original Title(s) (filled out and signed)
- Designation of Trust form (If placing into a PPT when buying)
- Check or Money order to mail. Remember to make sure you know how much the fees will be to transfer titles. Also make sure you know taxable amount you will pay based on purchase price/home value. Depending on your county in CA the tax rate will vary a bit (approx. 7%-9% of sales price or home value) Call state to confirm this amount. If the Decal number states with an “A” the state may ask you mail in the Mobile Home Certification of Vale and Purchase Price form as described in light blue paragraph above.
Contact numbers below: Main HCD phone (800) 952-8356 or 800-952-5275 (Mention you are a private buyer purchasing from a private seller inside a park.)
- Headquarters Office
2020 West El Camino Avenue, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95833 - 1530 Hilton Head Road, Suite 107
El Cajon, CA 92019-4655
Phone: (619) 441-2326 - 3737 Main Street, Suite 400
Riverside, CA 92501-3337
Phone: (951) 782-4431 - 3220 South Higuera, Room 103 B
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-6982
Phone: (805) 549-3373
Make CHECK or MONEY ORDER payable to HCD and show the DECAL NUMBER:
P.O. Box 277820
Sacramento, CA 95827-7820
When your Trustee signs anything as Personal Property Trustee for your Trust they need to sign like the example below: This is copied from a state website. A correct example is John Smith as Trustee of Personal Property Trust #22
Registered Owner: This is the actual owner. (Example: John Doe or Personal Property Trust #22)
Legal Owner (Lender): If applicable. Lien holders. (Example: Jim Doe Management Company, Pauls Roofing)
Behind on property taxes? Is the current seller NOT the real owner?
Potentially avoid some late property taxes and/or fees with the help of the California Fee and Tax Waiver Program. More in the video below. Click here to learn even more about the California Fee and Tax Waiver Program for this mobile home.
If you think the NADA value of the home is LESS than the price you paid for the home use this form below. (Use your best judgement on value.)
Certification of Retail Value and Purchase Price (state form 476.4) = The state will tax your mobile home on either the value you are purchasing the home for… OR (if you feel the NADA value is lower. Example: you’re buying for $2,000 but you think a 1977 may be worth $500 you may submit this form because you will be taxed on the lower value… either “purchased value” or “NADA” whichever is CHEAPER. If you wish to use this form do this after you have signed all paperwork with seller and before you send off “Packet” above. Read instructions on form.
Manufactured homes in California are generally subject to two taxes:
- Sales tax or use tax at the time of sale or resale, and
- Either the annual local property tax or the annual vehicle license fee, which is also called an in-lieu fee.
If your manufactured home was originally purchased new on or after July 1, 1980, it was automatically subject to local property taxes. If purchased new prior to that date, you or the prior owner could voluntarily convert the annual vehicle license fee to local taxation.
The general property tax rate throughout California is limited to 1 percent of a property’s assessed value. However, depending upon where your manufactured home is located, there may be other taxes or fees necessary to pay off any voter-approved general obligation bonds or other indebtedness which could result in a slightly higher overall property tax rate. You should contact your county auditor-controller’s office to determine if any of these other taxes may apply to your manufactured home. Contact information for county auditor-controller’s offices.
More California mobile home tax questions, click this sentence.
Learn more about the HCD and California’s manufactured home title transfer process here.
More help when purchasing in a Trust:
- HCD RT 804.6 – Changing Ownership into the Name of a Trust for a Home on Local Property Tax with HCD Certificate of Title (PDF)
- HCD RT 804.7 – Changing Ownership into the Name of a Trust for a Home on Yearly Registration Renewal with HCD Certificate of Title (PDF)
- HCD RT 804.8 – Changing Ownership into the Name of a Trust for a Home on Yearly Registration Renewal with DMV Ownership Certificate (Pink Slip) (PDF)
Notice: If a mobile home has a title, there will only be one title no matter if the home is a single-wide, double-wide, or triple-wide. However, if the home has a pink slip then there will be a separate pink slip for every section of mobile home. For example a single-wide will have one pink slip, and a double-wide will have to pink slips.
More help when purchasing in your company or personal name:
- HCD RT 804 – Private Party Sale for a Home on Local Property Tax with HCD Certificate of Title (PDF)
- HCD RT 804.1 – Private Party Sale for a Home on Yearly Registration Renewal with HCD Certificate of Title (PDF)
- HCD RT 804.2 – Private Party Sale for a Home on Yearly Registration Renewal with DMV Ownership Certificate (Pink Slip) (PDF)
September 23, 2012thank you john for giving away lots of free and useful information. I’m from CA and thinking of getting into mobile home investing. i’m currently doing the SFR w/direct mailings, but the cost is adding up and i’m running low on funds.
I will continue to read your blogs, articles, and follow you…
any advice for a newbie? THanks.
John Fedro
September 24, 2012Hi Kim,
Happy to help. Marketing to find buyers can get very expensive, very fast. In my opinion I would rather have 10 ways to find 1 deal then only 1 way finding me 10 deals… meaning it is important to diversify your lead generation source besides direct mailing if this is your only current source. My advice to you is to never ever stop pursuing your dreams (however make sure you are on a proven and verifiable path)!
April 17, 2015Hi John,
How do we add a person to title? Right now my brother holds title and he would like to add me. Can you tell me how to do that?
John Fedro
April 18, 2015Hi Becky,
Thank you for reaching out to me concerning this issue. I am happy to tell you there is a simple answer. You will need to fill out a form and mail it to the California Department of housing and community development. Please call them at(916) 323-9224 or toll free (800) 952-8356 and explain to them what you need to have happen. You will then be emailed or sent to the webpage to download the specific form you need to fill out and mail in. There will also be a small fee for this as well. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions don’t hesitate to reach back out.
Talk soon,
March 24, 2020I bought a mobile on payments. I have all receipts. I’m paid off. Seller says I still owe 6000 but he’s wrong. He refuses to give title. I pay the taxes every year to the gov. He’s even put an eviction on my door. Which never went anywhere. How do I get title. Or sue for breach of contract
John Fedro
March 25, 2020Hi Jeff,
Good to hear from you. However I very much regret to hear that you are going through these issues. It sounds like you have Most of your paperwork and can show a trail of payments as well. You mentioned about suing for breach of contract. I do not think it will get that far, however I do think that you should have an attorney send a letter to this investor. The attorney may suggest a different course of action which may be an even smarter idea. Sounds like you have little to worry about, besides this guy being a jerk and having to spend hopefully only a little bit of money to scare this guy into giving you what is rightfully yours. Question, are you sure that this person is the owner of the mobile home? Do you know if they have clear title?
Talk soon,
May 22, 2021Hi John I have question , so my mom is buying a mobile home form some lady .but this lady has not been able to give no receipts for proof of payment she already payed 15k halfway of what she buying it for , she is almost done paying it off she only needs 15k more to go but his lady has not given her the title or receipt my mom ask her repeatedly and I have recorded the conversation as well also she still lives with us in that mobile home as well I wanna take legal actions cause I feel like she robbing my mom for money I recorded conversations if she was gonna lie on payments also her saying she would give us receipts . What should I do also the landlord of the trailer park home is willing to help us if we do take this to court.
John Fedro
May 28, 2021Hi Larissa,
Thanks for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear that you and your mother are going through this situation. It absolutely does sound like the seller is trying to manipulate things and not being honest with you both. I would absolutely encourage you to contact a local real estate attorney that is experienced with mobile homes. You may want to contact your state’s manufactured housing Association to see if they are able to point you in the right direction of a mobile home experienced attorney. Perhaps you are able to find one that offers a free consultation call to give you advice over the phone. I am very glad to hear that the park landlord is willing to help and has your back. I hope that this helps a bit and point you in the right direction moving forward. Keep pushing forward and fighting this. If you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
June 21, 2021Hello, i would like to know if i can transfer ownership to my parents. This would not br a sale.
John Fedro
June 30, 2021Hi Tomy,
Thanks for reaching out and connecting. Understood about you wanting to transfer or gift the mobile home over to your parents. I would absolutely encourage you to call the California HCD to ask them this question specifically. Mobile homes in California may be titled one of a couple different ways and depending on your mobile home the steps moving forward may be a bit different. You can reach the HCD at the following phone number. (800) 952-8356 You may have to wait on hold for a little bit however these folks are usually quite helpful. Have the mobile home serial number or VIN handy when you call. Hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Moving forward if you have any mobile home related questions never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
May 24, 2016Hi John: I”m a senior in a mobile home park in Sacramento and would like to know if I can sell my home on my own. I spoke to a realtor who wants way too much to sell. I am a certified paralegal and would like to market and sell on my own. Can I do this? Thanks, Jpohn.
John Fedro
May 25, 2016Hello Marilyn,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I am happy to say that yes, you are able to sell your own personal residence to an end buyer. Moving forward if you have any questions or concerns about the selling process or advertising never hesitate to reach back out. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
October 20, 2020Those are the taxes you owe. The buyer always pays the sales tax because mobile homes are considered personal property.
Alfredo Dorame
July 31, 2016Im selling a manufacture home and its not in a bad conditions i just gotta sell it before i lose property its becuz my mother in law passed away and left it to my wife and we need money so we r seelling the manufacture so hope u r intersted and its going for cheap
John Fedro
August 2, 2016Hi Alfredo,
Thank you so much for reaching out. I very much regret to hear about your mother-in-law’s passing. Where is your property located if you do not mind me asking? Has anything changed since you posted this original comment? If you let me know where your property is located I can see if I am working with any local investors in your area. You will also want to list your property online at sites like Craigslist and sellfastbyowner.com. Let me know the location of your property, the asking price, and number of bedrooms and baths and I’ll be happy to forward your information to a nearby investor if possible. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
August 3, 2016Hello John,
I am currently in a similar situation as Alfredo. Except I bought a mobile home for my parents 10 years ago. Since then they have both passed away. This month will be 1 year since my mom passed. I have many many improvements on the mobile and actively tried selling it on Craigslist and Zillow without much luck. It is a 2bd 2ba double wide in a senior park. It is a nice mobile. I was asking 47k but have lowered it to 38k. Could you possibly pass on my info as well?
John Fedro
August 7, 2016Hi Traci,
Thank you for connecting and reaching out. I very much regret to hear about your parents passing. In many areas selling a mobile home in a senior citizen community may be difficult to do many times of the year. This is simply because you are selling to a much smaller buying pool versus a family type mobile home community. Make sure your property is priced competitively and marketed very well so that senior buyers know your home is for sale. In some areas of the country you may need to negotiate with buyers that are interested in the mobile home but can only pay less than you are asking. Perhaps you are able to take monthly payments with a large down payment? This is merely a thought. Yes, I will pass along your information. With that said please upload your property information and details and pictures to sellfastbyowner.com when possible. This will allow me to attach a link when I forward over the information. Moving forward you will likely have additional questions and concerns for sure. Never hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or confusions. All the best.
Talk soon,
Marshal Johnson
January 13, 2017Mother/in/law has mobile home paid in full when she purchased it agent put her roommate not married but living together he’s passing away his daughter said trailer would be going into probate because his kids would want there share so now she’s trying to get his name removed from title his name has no business being on she paid full amount from an inheritance from her brother now the agent is charging $800.00 seems like she’s getting scammed in cal she’s 75 yrs old and as far as I know is elder abuse need advice asap
John Fedro
January 14, 2017Hi Marshal,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your questions. I very much regret to hear about your mother’s titling headaches with regards to this home. It sounds like the realtor/agent made a big mistake when they accidentally titled the home incorrectly into the roommates name in addition to your mother’s name. With that said, another big mistake was not having his name removed while he was still alive. Perhaps this was something he did not want to have happen. Either way please see the following webpage link. Once you click this link head down to the bottom left of the page where you see the title “REGISTRATION & TITLING MOBILEHOME TITLE TRANSFERS” in this location you will find a number of forms that will help transfer the title and registrations from a deceased sellers name. Also feel free to call the state directly at the phone number provided on this website. You can asked them your question directly with regards to your home in California. Let them know the serial number or the VIN and they will be able to specifically tell you what forms are needed moving forward. Please keep in mind that the children may be vindictive or come after you legally if the title is taken out of the father’s name and they feel wronged for personally violated in some way. I only mention this in passing because I do not want you to get in trouble for any reason. As always, if you ever have any questions or concerns now are moving forward never hesitate to reach back out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
March 23, 2017Hi John,
I have a client who has just sold the mobile home they were living in. The mobile home has not been transferred title to them since it hadn’t been paid off. However the current occupants (my client has just sold the home to someone else, having enough money to pay off the original title owners. Question: Can California do a double transfer of title in one day??
John Fedro
March 24, 2017Hi Rick,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. In many cases there is a way to expedite a title being created and given to you. You will have to go into an HCD office instead of just calling them over the phone and mailing in paperwork to transfer titles. With that said I would encourage you to talk to the state directly and let them know your client situation and the best way to move forward. Whenever I’ve called up this number the clerks are usually very helpful in answering all questions. Please call 800-952-8356. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Moving forward if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
April 1, 2017Hola John me regalardón movieron malas condiciones la repare parcialmente porque no me han entregado título propiedad…la unidad necesita mucho arreglo.Y desconfío que recomiendas..soy retirado
John Fedro
April 10, 2017Hola Oscar Estoy usando el traductor de Google para ayudar a escribir esta respuesta así que pido disculpas si la gramática es incorrecta. En el estado de California le animo a que llame al siguiente número de teléfono. Explique su situación al empleado por teléfono y proporcione el número de serie a la casa móvil, si es posible. Esta persona le dirá la mejor manera de avanzar para su situación exacta. Espero que esto ayude y tenga sentido. Todo lo mejor. (800) 952-8356
March 30, 2018John i am purchasing a .mobile home. I’m scared I’m paying to much. I look at sites from mobile home people like my connection any info for me
John Fedro
April 1, 2018Hi Cathy,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. It is not usually a good thing if you already have “buyers remorse” before purchasing a home or anything else. If you believe you’re paying too much for the property than reconsider your investment or consider moving somewhere else. With that said depending on your area of California the demand maybe high and supply may be low. I will agree that you will probably pay a significant amount more for your mobile home then someone will pay who is further inland away from the coast or in a less high demand area. My best advice for you is not to rush into anything you do not feel comfortable with. Base your decisions out of logic and not out of emotion. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
April 15, 2020John,
I have an abstract judgement and the debtor has not paid; one of her assets is a mobile home she has left vacant. how do I do a lien sale on this mobile home it seems like nobody not even attorneys know. And she is definitely trying to move the assett
John Fedro
June 3, 2020Hi Virginia,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. My apologies for the delay in this comment reply. In Virginia you’ll want to get a lien on the title first. Once this happens you can then repossess the title as the lienholder. In Virginia contact the state DMV to get the paperwork needed to place a lien on this mobile home. I hope this helps and point you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
June 21, 2021I was left my friend’s mobile home in his will.
How do I handle that?
John Fedro
June 30, 2021Hi Tiffany,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your friends passing. If that is the case then the executor of the will is usually the one responsible for handling matters like this. Depending on your state the executor of the will will use the death certificate and additional forms to transfer over title to you. If the executor of the will have specific questions I would very much encourage them to call the California HCD at the following phone number. (800) 952-8356 Make sure to have the serial number or VIN handy when you call. Explain the situation to these folks and they should be able to point you in the quickest direction possible moving forward. Unfortunately this is not the first time things like this have happened, and it will not be the last. There is definitely a procedure moving forward and the folks at the HCD can help with your exact situation. I hope that this helps and points you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any mobile home related questions to follow up never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
May 22, 2017Hi john. We bought a m.h. and seller never gave me anything sying i was owner as i requested. He then resold my home twoce behind my back. I caught them trying to steal it the 1st time. I was unsuccessful 2wks ago. He resold ot to same thief. The thief then sent taunts and pics of my home on his land. Any action i should take? In cali.
John Fedro
May 23, 2017Hi Lee,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear you are going through this issue and dealing with this thief. Absolutely get the authorities involved sooner rather than later. Please check out this following link to the California state website and look for the phone number that refers to the “complaint department”. This will be who you want to call and explain your situation to in detail. There most likely ask for the mobile home serial number or VIN. http://www.hcd.ca.gov/about/contact.shtml Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. Always here and happy to help if possible. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
May 30, 2017Hi John,
I am getting into low income housing. Mobile homes seem like a good place to start. I have experience buying and selling cars in California but not mobile homes. Finding this blog has already taught me a lot. What else and where else can I find all the helpful information I will need?
John Fedro
June 1, 2017Hi Mark,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Please know that you may always feel free to ask me any general or specific questions moving forward. I’m certainly here to help with you are a member of my training/mentoring or not. With that said, I do work with folks in certain areas around the country if it is a good fit for both parties. You can learn more about this in the “work with me” tab found above. I hope this helps and answers your question. If I was not understanding the question correctly please always feel free to comment back with any questions or follow-up concerns. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
August 5, 2013Normally I don’t understand document in blogs and forums, having said that i need to state that this write-up incredibly pressured myself to undertake hence! Your writing style has been stunned everyone. Thanks, quite wonderful article.
John Fedro
August 5, 2013Hi Carl,
Thanks for commenting. Glad you have received value here.
Jacek Siebe
October 29, 2013Thanks for awesome share must be result of hardwork.
John Fedro
October 29, 2013Glad you have received value from my site and this posting.
All the best,
Verónica Ceja
April 18, 2021Hi John
Sadly my mom passed last month.
My mom left my sister and I her mobile home, but my mom and brother were the ones on the title and we cannot find the title how do we go about the transfer to change it to our names. Also is it real expensive to do this? Also where do I call to get it appraised. Thank you so much John for all your help, we all appreciate you.
John Fedro
April 19, 2021Hi Verónic,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your mother’s passing and this loss to you and your family. Since your brother is also on the title he will be able to order a duplicate title from the state. He will likely need to provide your mother’s death certificate however a duplicate title should be ordered and then this title may be transferred to the new buyer. This process is not expensive assuming there are no hidden liens and taxes are current. I would very much encourage you to contact the California HCD with the VIN or serial number to your mother’s mobile home. Explain the situation and these folks are usually very nice and will tell you the quickest and easiest way moving forward. I hope this helps and point you in the right direction. You can reach the California HCD at (800) 952-8356. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
pauline cymet
September 30, 2021I need advice. My cousin gave me this mobile home, but I said at the time put it in your nmme, and we can change it to my name later. Now he wishes to change it to my name on the title. I saw instructions for doing so, but there is a problem. It says the owner (orginl name) must APPEAR, but the owner lives in Mezico City out of the country & cannot due to pandemic & other issues, travel here. How do I deal with this matter? Thank you for your advice! This is a rush, & hope you will respond quickly. Today is 9/30/21. Thank you so much for your assistance. I would be happy to pay you a fee for any assistance you could give me beyond this one question, to help me expedite this matter as I am elderly & unsure of this transaction & given that owner is in Mexico City, it seems a bit tricky to me. Help, please. best regards, pauli cymet
John Fedro
October 13, 2021Hi Pauline Cymet,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. My apologies in the delay in this comment reply. I hope by now you have found a solution to your questions. In my experience situations like this absolutely happen and will continue to happen moving forward. I would very much encourage you to contact the California HCD to explain this exact situation and asked them the paperwork and best steps needed to move forward quickly and affordably. Mention that the original owner is out of the country and what are the best steps moving forward. What can be signed online via websites such as docusign.com or another digital signature website. You may have to wait on hold for a while however the folks at the HCD are typically quite helpful. You may contact them at the following number (800) 952-8356. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. I certainly do not want to give any wrong or misleading information and depending on your serial number or Vin number answers to your questions may change. The folks at the HCD will be able to help you best. Feel free to keep in touch. If you have any follow-up mobile home questions never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
margaret massey
November 18, 2013I appreciate this site and education so much. I have watched almost all your youtube videos and am very impressed and excited. How long have you been investing in mobile homes John? I look forward to learning and growing with you on your team.
John Fedro
November 19, 2013Hi Margaret,
Thank you for your kind words and congratulations on taking the time to educate yourself further in this field. I hope my videos and articles have given you further clarity into this business.
I have been happily investing in MHs since 2002. There were many mistakes and victories along the way but I have been loving it since the start. 🙂 Thanks for asking.
I look forward to getting to know you and working with you as well. In addition to the free Youtube videos you saw I have produced over 100 step by step lessons known as the Mobile Home Deal Maker Formula that lays out this entire business from start to finish. In addition I think ongoing support is crucial to getting your real world questions answered in detail and in real time. If you would like more info on this I will be holding an up coming webinar discussing it further.
All the best and let me know if you have any other follow up questions.
Talk soon,
John Fedro
Carolyn Alley
May 4, 2015Hi John,
We are planning on purchasing a Mobile in a Senior park in Orange county Calif.
Your video suggests a much lower price than what we are seeing. by a lot!
This is not for investment. We are going to use this home in lieu of a hotel when we are in Calif.
Approx. 4 months of the year.
Prices seem to range from 20,000. to well over 100,000. We are not willing to go over 60,000.
No loans necessary.
Thanks to your advise I know how to make sure no liens, and, taxes are paid. The park will be dealt with up front, for any issues, costs etc.
Now for my questions:
What are typical closing fees using a realtor?
Can we get comparable for the area, like you can in real estate?
Can we take possession day of sale if property is empty?
Is there a NADA website for free?
I am willing to do the leg work to keep fees down.
Our purchase will go into our family trust.
Anything else you can think of to help us is greatly appreciated.
Thanks again,
Carolyn and Ray Alley
From Cabo San Lucas, Mexico (in retirement)
John Fedro
May 5, 2015Hi Ray and Carolyn,
Thanks for reaching out and commenting with this issue. Please see my thoughts below in bold.
We are planning on purchasing a Mobile in a Senior park in Orange county Calif. Congratulations!! Have you already found a home you love?
Your video suggests a much lower price than what we are seeing. by a lot! I agree. If you are looking on the MLS or in the paper, or even on craigslist you will see what all the retail buyers are asking for. There is a saying that goes, “if the home is on a list, a deal doesn’t exist.” This is a blanket statement of course, but outlines the point that the homes in your area sold well below retail are found by knowing everything that is for sale and being in constant with professionals, dealers, Realtors, investors, sellers, park owners and more. For an investor looking to create business doing this it can be worth it, however for the average buyer you can either be patient and/or aim to purchase a fixer-upper for very well below retail cost. I hope this makes sense. Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions.
This is not for investment. We are going to use this home in lieu of a hotel when we are in Calif. Understood. In this case I suggest you aim to purchase a home you love, in a park you love, with average lot rent.
Approx. 4 months of the year. This gives you plenty of time to look.
Prices seem to range from 20,000. to well over 100,000. We are not willing to go over 60,000. Then you will have a number of quality homes to choose from for 60,000 and below.
No loans necessary.
Thanks to your advise I know how to make sure no liens, and, taxes are paid. The park will be dealt with up front, for any issues, costs etc.
Now for my questions:
What are typical closing fees using a realtor? The closing costs will be the same for you. As the buyer the seller will pay all closing fees to Realtor. With that said you will pay registration and sales tax in your state. This cost will be less than $3,000 for many homes in your budget. Obviously if you purchase a $10,000 priced home or below your transfer taxes will be so much lower. I know this answer is vague however the price varies much depending on your purchase price.
Can we get comparable for the area, like you can in real estate? Asking a Realtor will give you some clue as you can see some sold listings, however it is not listed on the tax or appraiser’s site like traditional SFRs.
Can we take possession day of sale if property is empty? Yes, for sure.
Is there a NADA website for free? Yes, here it is. http://www.nadaguides.com/manufactured-homes
I am willing to do the leg work to keep fees down. I am glad to hear that. I suggest you look around for weeks and talk to every park manager you can.
Our purchase will go into our family trust. Agreed. I always purchase in Trusts too. 🙂
Happy to help and I hope this has made sense. If you have any follow up questions don’t hesitate to reach back out anytime. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Catherine Tran
May 17, 2015Hi John,
I have a friend who lives in San Jose, California. He wants to add the name of his girl friend to the title of his mobile home. Is it possible to do that? If yes, please advise what process he needs to do. Thank you for your help!
Best regards,
Catherine Tran
John Fedro
May 18, 2015Hi Catherine,
Thanks for commenting and reaching out concerning this issue. Your friend will need to be provided a state specific form for adding his girl friend’s name to the home title(s). This form can be mailed or brought in to the state filing office. These forms change occasionally so call the CA Registration and Titling office at (916) 323-9224 or toll free at (800) 952-8356 and they’ll guide your friend through the easy process. The fees to do this should be minimal.
I hope this helps. If you have any follow-up questions don’t hesitate to ask.
Talk soon,
paul campo
June 10, 2015Hi,
I’m trying to determine WHEN a particular owner closed on the purchase of a particular mobile home in Ca. I have thus far struck out with a title search company who indicated that title searches are not done on mobile homes. I have also had a realtor check on this and was only provided the name of the owner … which I already had.
How does one go about determining WHEN a mobile home was purchased by the owner … or is this not possible?
Thanks for any help that might be forthcoming.
John Fedro
June 11, 2015Hi Paul,
Thank you for reaching out and asking for help concerning this issue. The owner of the home will have an official ownership card or title when the home was placed in their name. The information for when the ownership was last transferred should be found on this title. I’m assuming that you don’t have access to this or else you would’ve already found the information. Another way may be able to contact the local tax assessor to find out how long the current owner has been paying the yearly taxes. This can give you some clue as to the year they purchased it. Lastly you may want to try this link to the California housing community affairs. I have never used this service before however it appears to be an online public record of sorts for mobile homes and vehicles. Either way keep in touch and I hope this has helped to point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back out. Always here to help.
talk soon,
June 13, 2015Hi John,
My mother has sold me her mobile home but my sister is also on the title because mom is 94 and my sister is on there in case she had to take care of something for my mom. Now, I understand that there is no use tax in California if the sale is from parent to child. But does that still apply if my sister is on the title also?
John Fedro
June 16, 2015Hi Fred,
Thanks for reaching out and commenting concerning your question. From my experience I do not believe that this will still apply. However, I never want to give out any bad information so make sure to call the state directly and explain your situation to get the most up-to-date answer for this question. Call the housing and community development of registration entitling at 916-445-4782. I hope this answer helps and point you in the right direction to get your question answered correctly. Keep in touch and if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out.
Talk soon,
June 16, 2015Thanks John,
My sister called HCD yesterday and after waiting on hold for half an hour, we found out that use tax doesn’t apply anyways because the mobile home is on Sonoma county property tax. If your California decal number starts with an L, then no use tax no matter what. Would have been good if they had explained that in the title transfer instructions. ???
Christian Rodriguez
July 16, 2015Hi John,
Im a new Real Estate investor barely getting started in mobile homes. I placed an ad on craigslist advertising i sell and buy. I’ve gotten few leads from buyers and little on sellers. However i recently got a lead on a mobile home for sale and i thought it was a steal! However im stuck because i realized I have no idea how to go about it with contracts and paperwork. I live in California and know you posted the article on your website but im still confused on how to make a ppt or promissory note. i dont know if i have to get an attorney or an agent as well or how much i’d have to pay for it?
Also your article helped however im confused on what the money order or check is? and how much is it? its not the money i give to the seller right?
Best Regards,
Christian Rodriguez
John Fedro
July 16, 2015Hi Christian,
Thank you for reaching out concerning this issue. Congratulations on having the courage and strength to already start marketing to help local buyers and sellers. In California you do not need a personal property trust nor do you need a promissory note unless you are purchasing or reselling with monthly payments. In addition, make sure the promissory note you are using is Dodd Frank and say fact compliant. Because you are so new and without a mentor and without paperwork I would suggest you close with a help of a local escrow/title company and/or a closing attorney. This closing attorney and escrow company will give you all the paperwork and walk you through the closing process between you and your buyer, and you and your seller. Once you go through closing one time then you can duplicate this process with future homes using the paperwork you received from the first closing.
Please keep in mind that you do not need an escrow company or closing attorney concerning a mobile home inside a park, however because you are so new this may be a good idea for you. Concerning the money order this is the amount that goes to the state. After your filled out all the state forms, bill of sale, and titles you will mail this in or physically go to the state office to pay your small fee and have a new title issued in your name.
I hope this answer has been somewhat helpful. I know that my words have been a little bit vague because there are so many different ways you can purchase a mobile home and then resell it. This makes the paperwork and closing procedure vary from deal to deal. With that said never hesitate to email me personally or comment back with any questions or concerns you face along the way. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
Christian Rodriguez
July 17, 2015Thanks John Wow you really relieved alot of stress i had from overthinking it. Im gonna go ahead and get an escrow company for my first deal as you suggested and just reference those contracts i get for future sells. Its Amazing that you responded to my message Most other sites don’t end up having the creator reply it really means alot!
I actually had one more question or kind of asking about advice.
I am currently looking for a mobile home deal and have only about $1,000 and most homes here in southern California go for way more. I have seen a couple good deals but don’t have the money to pay it up front. Do you think it would be better to just wait until i can find a seller who is willing to accept seller financing, or should i get a Hard Money Loan to pay for the good deals that i normally cant afford and can’t get to seller finance?
Jacki L
August 24, 2015Great post. This is exactly the information I have been looking for. Thank you so much for putting this online. Would you be available if I had any personal questions on my scenario and situation? Thank you again. Jacki 🙂
John Fedro
August 24, 2015Hi Jacki,
Thank you so much for reaching out and for your kind words. I would of course be happy to answer any further questions or follow-up concerns you have move forward. Never hesitate to reach out.
Talk soon,
Matt Bishop
August 29, 2015Hey John,
Seems pretty easy except for one thing. Who signs the Multi-purpose transfer form? Buy, seller or both? Sorry I’m a moron.
John Fedro
August 31, 2015Hi Matt,
Thanks for following along and commenting. I hope this post has been helpful. Good question about who signs. You’re definitely not a moron. This is an crystal-clear on the form itself. Here’s a link to the form http://hcd.ca.gov/codes/registration-titling-mobilehome-transfer-forms/hcd476.6g.pdf.
To answer your question it is the registered owner who signs and sells the home. If you have any other selling or buying questions never hesitate to comment back. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
September 1, 2015Hi John
I’m selling a mobile for a friend in the park. I have been to the site to get all the doc’s to do so as you suggested. My question is how do we go about showing them we have clear title by doing a title search ourselves as they asked this. THey want to make sure there are no liens on my title. I have to go to riverside county to do the multi purpose transfer.
John Fedro
September 5, 2015Hi Wendy,
Thank you so much for commenting and reaching out concerning this issue. You will want your potential buyers to call the California Department of Housing and community affairs to verify your mobile home serial or vin number does not have any liens attached to it. You can reach these nice folks at the following phone number 800-952-8356. I hope this all helps and makes sense. You are certainly telling the truth if you do not believe that the home has any liens on it in your currently holding the title. Most lienholders will still hold the title while there is a lien on the home. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back out.
Talk soon,
September 8, 2015Hi JOhn,
Thank you so much for helping us with our question…My concern is my mother holds the title for a mobile home along with her ex-husband they are divorced now, the judge granted sole ownership of the property to my mom now my mother wants me to have it..What do I need to do transfer of ownership or a bill of sale and how do we show that the ex-husband is no longer a co-owner.
Best Regards, Elsa
John Fedro
September 9, 2015Hi Elsa,
Thank you for commenting concerning this issue. I’m very happy to help provide you as much information as I can. Concerning your mother’s property I would like you to get advice straight from your state-based on the cereal and VIN number of your mother’s mobile home. Please call the state at the number below and explain to them your exact situation. They will let you know the specific forms and procedures needed moving forward to change title into your ownership. Housing & Comm Development Registration at 800-952-8356.
I hope this helps and makes sense. Please keep me in the loop and if you have any additional questions or concerns moving forward never hesitate to reach out. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
Bill Walker
September 27, 2015Hello John, If I purchase a mobile home on rented space with the seller carry the loan, will the title be transferred into my name at the close of escrow (with a lien placed against the title) or would it stay in the seller’s name until the note is paid in full and then transferred in to my name? What is customary? The mobile home is in Riverside County California.
John Fedro
September 28, 2015Hi Bill,
Thank you for reaching out concerning this issue. If you end up purchasing this home than allow me to congratulate you for owning a mobile home you’re very happy with. Yes, in most cases the seller will have a lien on the property until they are paid in full for the home. At this point they will resign a release of Lien and a new title will be mailed to you that is free and clear without any liens. During the time the seller has a lien you will not physically hold the title. You will have to continue paying taxes, this is obvious however I felt I would bring it up anyway. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back out. In addition, you may also wish to call the state manufactured housing department and asked them any specific questions concerning the mobile home and the closing process moving forward. They can be reached at 909-987-2599 or 916-445-4782. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Keep in touch if you need anything else.
Talk soon,
September 30, 2015hi John been reading and finding everything helpful, but i have a question, im trying to buy a trailor home for myself from the owner and not the park, because the park managers have been hard to deal with for other people looking to buy this place, im guessing an monthly income issue, which would most likely stand my way as well so how would go about buying this place without the hassle of qualifying through the park first
John Fedro
October 1, 2015Hi Michael,
Thanks for reaching out concerning this issue. Congratulations on finding a home that you really like and will be living in as a private residence. Some mobile home park managers are greedy, rude, selfish, spiteful, racist, and worse. There may be a slight chance that the park manager is purposefully trying to deny mobile home potential buyers from purchasing this mobile home and/or other mobile homes located in the park. Park manager sometimes do this so that they have the opportunities to purchase the mobile homes for cheap from a motivated seller. I am certainly not saying or assuming that this is what the park manager is doing. Perhaps she is just very thorough and she has been denying people because they legitimately do not fall within the park approval process criteria.
Now that I have said that he was what I would do moving forward in order to purchase this home and hopefully build a good relationship with the park manager. Many park managers live at the property, and almost all park managers want the best for their communities. With that said it is important to be honest and sincere when speaking to the park manager. It is typically her decision (within reason) if you will be approved or denied for this park. If she feels comfortable with you and feels that you will be a good asset to the park she may likely approve you because she has a “good feeling” about you. This park manager listens to liars and people making excuses all day. Do not be another excuse maker, own up to your past mistakes and be honest and sincere about wanting to be a good example in this community, pay rent on time, and be well-liked by your neighbors. If your credit is poor perhaps you can have a cosigner sign OR you may also be able to pay an extra two or three months security deposit, they should help alleviate any worry the park has about you defaulting and them losing money on lot rent. With regards to your income I would simply be transparent and explain why you feel you will be able to pay the park monthly. Make it known that you are willing to jump through any hoops to make this work and be allowed in the park.
I hope this all helps and makes sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back out. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
Christi Snow
April 5, 2018John,
I have this problem in Covina. The manager and management company is greedy. They stole my mobile home from me. My faughter
John Fedro
April 6, 2018Hi Christi,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your situation. With that said it looks like your message cut off before you were done completely writing. Please feel free to comment back and I be happy to answer you accordingly. Keep in touch. All the best.
Talk soon,
September 30, 2015Thanks for all the info. I’m transferring my mobile title to my living trust. On the Form 476.6G, “REASON FOR USE TAX AND/OR MOBILE HOME RECOVERY FUND FEE EXEMPTION” section, the appropriate box (the last one) has a condition (4) which seems not to apply, since there is no existing loan on the property. Does HCD consider that this still applies?
John Fedro
October 1, 2015Hi Barbara,
Thank you for reaching out concerning this issue. You are correct, if there is no current existing liens on the property then condition four (4) does not apply and does not need to be met, as there simply is nothing to assume. I hope this helps and makes sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns you can always call the California Department of housing and manufactured homes at 909-987-2599/916-323-9803. These folks are usually very helpful and will be able to answer your exact questions moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back out. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
October 17, 2015Hi John,
I wish I would have found you five years ago! I overpaid for the Mobile home I purchased! I am finally done paying for it and am wondering how it’s all going to work!!! I am currently in the military and out of the country! I have a special power of attorney for my sister who will do the transaction for me! I will b giving her the monies for the transfer! How do I go about calculating the cost? I’m clueless hense why I overpaid for the beat up mobile home I purchased in the first place! Is there a calculator so I can determine the amount? I will have her submit a Certification of Retail Value and Purchase Price (state form 476.4) after appraising it! What else should I know to make sure she doesn’t make any mistakes in the process? Thank you so much for your assistance and support in this matter! r/s Sara
John Fedro
October 21, 2015Hi Sara,
Thank you so much for reaching out concerning these issues. First things first, I regret to hear that you feel duped into purchasing a mobile home that was not worth the money five years ago. However I am happy to hear that you are now reselling the home and will be moving along to brighter futures. I hope the new buyer will be able to clean up the home and fix it up where he or she can. With regards to your taxes you will simply want to take the county tax rate and multiply it by the appraisal value you receive from your appraisal. Besides this optional appraisal there are really no other snags to be aware of. I encourage you to make sure that the packet is either mailed to the state personally (or have your sister do it) versus trusting that the new buyer will transfer the ownership quickly. Sometimes buyers forget and I certainly don’t want that to come back to bite you in the butt. If you have any specific questions the state of California is very helpful in answering many of them. I’ve always had good results contacting the state directly and asking any questions I needed to. Feel free to contact them at 800-952-8356 for further specific questions. With that said I hope this answer has been helpful and pointed you in the right direction. If you have any specific or general questions never hesitate to write back anytime. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
October 19, 2015I am selling a single wide mobile home in a park on an installment sale. What form do I use to transfer just the registration and not the title and what are the fees?
John Fedro
October 21, 2015Hi Bob,
Thank you for reaching out concerning this question. Congratulations on selling your home via installment sale. I hope you’re happy with the sale and making even more profit than if you would sell the home to an all-cash type buyer. With regards to your question I am not confident you can transfer only the registration while keeping the title/ownership the same. You are definitely able to change the mailing address so that the registration can be sent to someone else and paid by them, however I encourage you to call the state to ask them directly. Please call the folks at the California Department of manufactured housing and asked them this exact question. They can be reached at 800-952-8356. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back anytime. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
Ron Gay
October 20, 2015John,
My father lived in a mobile home that was given to him by his sister about 15 years ago. My father was a WWII veteran, and become very ill about 7 years ago. At that time, I had my son move into to the mobile home so my father could live with my wife and I. I gained power of attorney for all my dads medical needs and VA benefits. My father passed on January 3rd, 2014.
My father’s mobile home is a 1962 model, and is in very poor condition. My son has just moved out this month, and I want to give the mobile home away in a as is condition. What must I do to expedite this transfer. The trailer needs major work, and am not asking for any payment. I just want to be free and clear of it. My father had also signed the pink slip release, but did not date the pink slip. How can I move forward on this? I really appreciate help in this matter.
Ronald Gay
John Fedro
October 21, 2015Hi Ronald,
Thank you so much for commenting and reaching out concerning this issue. I very much regret to hear about your father passing. You mentioned that your father already signed the “pink slip” to release ownership of the mobile home. By “pink slip” did you mean “title”? If the mobile home title is is signed by the seller, your father, then technically you will need to find a purchaser and have him sign the title as “purchaser”. The title can then be dated at this time. There certainly has been a good bit of time since your dad signed as seller, however you are power of attorney so nothing should be misconstrued or deemed fraudulent moving forward. You will also not be signing anything except a bill of sale with your buyer, as the title is already signed.
In short it sounds like the paperwork is mostly already signed. If you have any fall questions or concerns about the paperwork never hesitate to reach out anytime and I’ll be happy to help where I can.
Now, with regards to selling a mobile home it is important that your sales price be very attractive and that everyone who wants a mobile home sees your message about your home for sale. The price is obviously very good because it is “free”. Now you will need to market the homes in as many ways as possible. Make sure to market the home online (at sites like Craigslist.com, mhvilliage.com, and sellfastbyowner.com) and also off-line in your small local community newspaper. Hanging signs around town advertising your free mobile home for sale and phone number is not a bad idea either.
Again, I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out anytime.
Talk soon,
Karen S.
October 25, 2015Hi John, I am in the middle of an escrow where the seller always believed the mobile was on a permanent foundation, we found out that no 433a is of record, we went to pull permits to find out that the mobile was never transferred with HCD, per HCD the previous owners still own it and it shows a lienholder who has been out of business since 1996, the title company recorded the Grant Deed from owner to buyer, so the property shows in my owners name but not with HCD, my owner is now trying to sell the property and the previous owners are now deceased, I have done everything I can think of to find family members to no avail, do you have any suggestions on how to handle this mess in the event we can’t find any family members of the previous owners? Per HCD we have to find them.
John Fedro
October 26, 2015Hi Karen,
Thanks so much for reaching out concerning this issue. I regret to hear about this unfortunate situation and the headaches must be causing you. I agree that the HCD will require you to find the family members of the previous owners. You may wish to use the help of a “skip trace” or private investigator service to try to find these folks. You may also wish to see if there is a way that you or the sellers can put a lien on the home with the hopes of legally transferring ownership by way of defaulted lien. This may or may not be a easy or likely option. With all this that I wish I could be more help in pointing you in the right direction. This is not the first time I have heard of a situation like this happening; in the end the deal did not go through. Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions or concerns. Keep in touch as I would very much like to hear how things work out.
Talk soon,
Sunil M
April 10, 2017Karen, I’m in a similar situation. What did you do? Did you find the seller? In my case I foreclosed on her as a single family home. Now title of mfd home is still in her name with HUD. Thanks for your reply.
Dovie Cabral
October 31, 2015My mother purchased a mobilehome in 2002 and my sister is also on the deed. My mother passed away in 2010. I have lived in the mobile from 2008 and still live in it. My sister wants to put it in my name and take hers off. How do we do that?
November 21, 2015Hi John.
I am considering a cash purchase of a mobile home in a private park. Dues are $400 a year and a one time $600 for the application/screening process.
Since the home is currently owned by sisters (2), if we are approved by the park, is it really as easy for us to purchase the home as you have listed:
1) Verify taxes are paid
2) Complete Personal Property Trust
3) Multi-Purpose Transfer Form (state form 476.6G)
4) Bill of Sale (state form 475.1)
5) Send packet to the state
Thank you for your assistance!
John Fedro
November 21, 2015Hi Vicky,
Thank you for reaching out and commenting concerning your questions. If you are using the services of a realtor than they may wish for you to close via an escrow company. However if you are a private buyer is purchasing from a private seller in a pre-existing mobile home park then you will only need the forms that you listed. In fact, you do not need a personal property trust, this is optional and for the benefit of investors. With that said a homeowner can absolutely placed their personal residence inside of a personal property trust for probate protection.
With that said please call the state to verify that there are no current liens and at the owner is who they say they are. You may call the state at these numbers (916-323-9803/916-445-4782) and mentioned that you are a private buyer that is purchasing from a private seller in the park. They will walk you through the steps necessary and anything particular about this home that may be a red flag. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns moving forward never hesitate to reach out to me anytime. Always here to help.
Lastly, congratulations on finding a home that you love and wish to live in. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Chris Gutier
November 29, 2015Hi John.
I have a question for a mobile home. I wanna buy a mobile home. But the owner doesn’t have the title. The mobile home came along with the purchase of a house he has. The mobile home is on the ground. He pays insurance and taxes for the property including the mobile home. He doesn’t know anything about the mobile home other than it came with the purchase of the property. The mobile home has the serial number. He has been told that if he wanted to sell it he needed to sign a bill of sale. Is that correct or what documents does he needs to sell it?
John Fedro
November 30, 2015Hi Chris,
Thank you for reaching out concerning your questions. The answer to this question will be in a few parts. First we need to understand if this mobile home is physically and legally attached to the land that it sits on. This can be found out by looking at the single-family home’s legal description. If this legal description also describes the subject mobile home and Vin number, then the current owner will have to separate the mobile home from the parcels legal description so that there may be a new title created for the home if possible. With this said I would highly encourage you NOT to purchase the home with only a bill of sale. If you have to end up moving this mobile home a mover will want to see your name listed on the title and the new mobile home park (if you’re moving to a mobile home park) will want to see you listed as owner as well. I hope this first part makes sense.
Because the mobile home has a serial number it will be wise for you to call the state to hear it from them personally with regards to this individual mobile home. They will be able to tell you if there any current liens, if taxes are paid, who owns the home, and even if it is registered in the state. You may call the California Department of titling at 916-445-4782.
Once you understand who owns the home and how it is titled you will be able to find out the process to legally re-obtain a duplicate or new title for the mobile home. Please watch the following video and article for more specific information with title issues such as the one you’re facing. https://www.mobilehomeinvesting.net/lost-mobile-home-titles-and-other-common-title-issues/
If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out anytime. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
December 8, 2015Hi John
I am in the process to buy some land in CA with 3 mobile homes, only one has a number that HCD does not recognize. They are over 20 years old.
What would be the best option for me, to break them down and use the material to build a permanent house, or should I go see HCD and end up with potential thousands in back taxes that the previous owner never paid.
Thank you for any advise you have
John Fedro
December 11, 2015Hi Christo,
Thanks so much for reaching out and saying hello. Congratulations on the potential closing of the property with the three mobile homes. This has likely not come without a good deal of effort and work on your part. Congratulations again!
Now that the congratulations are out of the way, my first question would be if you are sure that there are thousands of dollars in back taxes due on these homes? If you are not sure than I would encourage you to find this out as quickly as possible. Additionally, depending on the back taxes and the repairs needed on the home I am curious if these all would be sold or rented for a positive cash flow.
You mention the fact of breaking down the homes and using the material to build a permanent house. I am not sure what type of permanent house this would build however I am curious what you are figuring your exit strategy will be. Building a house can certainly take time and a considerable amount of money, however fixing the mobile homes and getting them rent ready may be a much more realistic path to profit.
Please let me know your thoughts and I’ll be happy to give you any further advice or answers you desire. Sounds like you are getting into a good property, and I hope you got it for really good price/terms. Deciding how you will sell it and where you will add value should ideally have already been figured out, however any questions and concerns you have moving forward never hesitate to reach out anytime. Always here to help. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
April 4, 2016Hi John
I have bought the property mentioned above in Jan 16 with the three mobile homes.
Two of them has Decal numbers but registered to a company that does not exists anymore, so no proof of sale, the third one has nothing no serial, decal. These mobile homes has been here for over 25 years and their average age is 50 years. HCD says I need an inspector to make sure they are up to present codes, surely being 50 years old that would not be the case and could take a lot of money to meet the state requirements.
How do I get them registered onto my name and what advice do you have to keep the costs down.
Thank you
January 27, 2016I don’t know if this is where I write this or not…but I am at a total loss. I bought a mobile home 4 yrs ago and have a bill of sale from the people I purchased it from. They had paid it off and we’re waiting on a title from the owner of the park. She never provided it and I have called her repeatedly and have received numerous excuses. The home originally came from Arizona and I have decals, etc to prove this. This owner declared bankruptcy and I still have no title…just a bill of sale. I want to do this legally…hiw do I go about it?
John Fedro
February 1, 2016Hi Kathy,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your questions. I regret to hear that this is happening to you and that the seller/Park owner is giving you the runaround and clearly not able to provide clear title as previously mentioned. I have created a past video and article that can be found here with regards to mobile home title issues and moving forward. https://www.mobilehomeinvesting.net/lost-mobile-home-titles-and-other-common-title-issues/ It sounds clear to me that the park owner does not care about your situation and is not willing or able to help. Please take a look at this article and video and let me know any follow-up questions or concerns you have moving forward. Always here to help. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Roger Warnock
February 16, 2016Hi John! I am looking to bid on a property with a mobile home, garage, and barn set on 1.19 acres in Riverside County. Apparently the bank who is selling the property does not own the Mobile or have title to it. However, the mobile is vacant and the sale agreement states that buyer must live in property for 20 days after close of escrow. This is all confusing stuff for me 🙂 Anyway, is there a way to place a lien on the mobile home after the property is purchased then generate a new title in the purchasers name? This is an all cash sale and wonder about any/all legal ramifications to keep or get rid of the mobile if I buy the property. I do not know the names of the previous owners. Thanks, Roger
John Fedro
February 16, 2016Hi Roger,
Thank you for reaching out and commenting. Please see my thoughts below in bold.
I am looking to bid on a property with a mobile home, garage, and barn set on 1.19 acres in Riverside County. Congratulations on the coming sale! Apparently the bank who is selling the property does not own the Mobile or have title to it. However, the mobile is vacant and the sale agreement states that buyer must live in property for 20 days after close of escrow. This is all confusing stuff for me 🙂 Understood. I’m a little curious as to why you must live in the property 20 days after the close of escrow, especially since this is an all-cash closing. With that said that certainly does not seem to be too much of a dealbreaker depending on how thorough they are at making sure you move it or not. Anyway, is there a way to place a lien on the mobile home after the property is purchased then generate a new title in the purchasers name? As the landowner you will be able to place a lien on the mobile home title however you first have to know the title number, serial number, or VIN to the subject mobile home. Additionally, this mobile home may already have one or two lanes currently on the property and you may take third position. You may also be able to file for an abandoned mobile home title. With all that said depending on the condition of the property you still may be able to create value with the mobile home even without a title. If the home was in decent shape than at very minimum some buyers may wish to purchase the home from you for free to move it on to their land or do with it what they will. If possible I highly encourage you to call the state at 800-952-8356/916-323-9803 and explain to them your exact situation. Whenever I have called to ask mobile home related questions there are always very friendly and happily answer my specific questions. These folks should absolutely be able to help point you in the right direction and answer your specific questions within your state. I do have my certain suggestions however I would rather you hear directly from the horse’s mouth and in this way I do not give you any bad information. This is an all cash sale and wonder about any/all legal ramifications to keep or get rid of the mobile if I buy the property. I do not know the names of the previous owners. I hope that my thoughts and advice about have been somewhat helpful in at least point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out anytime. Always here to help. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
March 7, 2016Hi John
Is it possible to hire you as consultant for a Mobile Home Purchase in Calabasas?
Your phone number or email?
John Fedro
March 9, 2016Hi Alan,
I’m happy to help whatever questions you may have moving forward. If I do not know the answers to these questions I can certainly try to point you in the right direction. I do not charge anything for answering questions or helping you out via email. Please don’t ever hesitate to comment back here or email me personally at Support@mobilehomeinvesting.net. Hope this helps and makes sense. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
March 15, 2016Hi John,
My cousin currently is on the title and the registered owner of the MH we’re living in in California. When I talk to the Park management about transferring the house from my cousin name to mine they said we need reach out to a title company to make sure that the property is clear that it belongs to the previous owner ( my cousin ). I didn’t quite understand what they meant by that, and when I went to a DOH workshop, the staff said that we can do it ourselves. The title transfer will cost around $30. It’ll be considered as a gift. Is it really that simple or do we have to go through a title company ?
John Fedro
March 17, 2016Hi Alex,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your questions. I’m happy to tell you that the DOH workshop is correct. As a private buyer who is purchasing from a private seller you may absolutely fill out the needed paperwork and file everything yourselves. Please check out this page and if you have any additional questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out anytime. If I had to make an educated guess I would assume that the park manager was simply pointing you in the best direction he or she could while giving you accurate information and not wasting any of their own time. With a little bit of time and effort the park manager could have absolutely instructed you how to transfer ownership outside of escrow or a closing attorney. Keep in touch and once again, if you have any questions or concerns moving forward never hesitate to reach out. Always here to help. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
March 21, 2016Hi John,
My mother owned a mobile home in a 55 and over community with her husband. She passed away recently, and in her will she gave her 50% of the mobile home to my sister and I. He currently still lives in the mobile home and will do anything to ensure my sister and I do not receive my mother’s portion. Is he able to transfer title into his son’s name who is not over 55? Will he be able to remove my mother’s name from the title, since she has passed? Can you explain to me what a Certificate of Ownership is and how do I determine if the mobile home park required one?
John Fedro
March 23, 2016Hi Sheri,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting with regards to your questions. First off, I’m so sorry to hear about your mother’s passing and the problems you are now having with her husband. Please see my thoughts below in bold.
He currently still lives in the mobile home and will do anything to ensure my sister and I do not receive my mother’s portion. Make sure to keep any written emails or text messages you receive from him stating that he is trying to go against your mother’s wishes. If you ever go to court this will certainly help your case. Is he able to transfer title into his son’s name who is not over 55? What did you receive from the estate attorney concerning this property and your mother’s passing? Did you receive a power of attorney? You likely have received nothing and it is expected that the husband will cooperate with your mother’s last wishes. Let me just say how awful it is to hear that this guy is doing this to you. Will he be able to remove my mother’s name from the title, since she has passed? The reality is that, yes he will most likely be able to remove your mother’s name and simply keep the home 100% in his possession. With that said, if he did do this he would certainly be wrong and in violation of your mother’s last wishes. I would highly encourage you to contact a local real estate attorney that provides one free hour of consultation. Make sure to have your questions in order to get them all answer during this one hour call. Can you explain to me what a Certificate of Ownership is and how do I determine if the mobile home park required one? Please let me know which state you’re in? From your IP address it looks like you may be in Minnesota however I know you’re commenting under the “California” titling page. Different states have different ways to transfer ownership and use a combination of titles, certificates of ownership, statements of ownership, etc. I hope this helps and at least point you in the right direction. Please let me know the answers above any follow-up questions you have moving forward. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
greg deanda
March 31, 2016Hello Sir, My question to you is my mother owns a mobile home in California and she is primary on the title but also has her best friend on it as well. I had to bring her to Arizona because she has dementia. I have full Power of Attorney medical and financial.My mothers friend has stayed in the home and now she wants to sell it but the problem is she does not care much for me.The mobile home is paid for as she paid it as there was not much of a balance on it.My mothers wishes were i get half the money before she got worse with dementia but my mother has no will stating this however her friend needs my signature to sell if i am correct since my mother is primary on the title is this correct? Her friend has agreed to give me money if it sells but i do not trust her. Am i entitled to get the Title of the home so i can be in control(i intend to give her half if it sells)? please any info on this matter would help. thank you Sir. 3-31-2016, regards, Greg Deanda
John Fedro
April 1, 2016Hi Greg,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your mother’s condition and having to move away. Your mother’s friend who is also on the title will not be able to do anything without your mother’s signature or your power of attorney signature. I would highly encourage you to be as cordial and amicable in working with this person is possible. With that said, you definitely have some control as you both need to work together to get this home sold quickly and for a very fair price. I hope this all makes sense and at least point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns at all please never hesitate to reach out anytime at all. Always here to help. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Greg deanda
April 2, 2016Thank you John for your fast reply and kind of you.
Am I entitled to get this title since my mother is Primary or at least get a duplicate? can the other party get the title without me?
Regards, Greg
Peter Tran
April 5, 2016Hi John,
I am new in this and I have and idea of buying new mobile home, install it in a park and sell it or rent it.
What are steps I have to do and what government agencies I have to contact to? Are there like buying a house?
John Fedro
April 5, 2016Hello Peter,
Thank you so much for commenting and reaching out. I believe your plan is fairly decent depending on which home you buy, what mobile home park this is located in, and who you sell the property to and how. There are so many factors that go into mobile home investing in there are number of errors that you can make along the way.
You asked the question about, “what steps are necessary to complete the task”. This is a conversation we can talk about four hours with a number of large and detailed steps along the way. In short you want to purchase a quality mobile home at a conservative price and safely install it into a park that will allow you to rent or resell the home within a very short period of time for a considerable income and profit. You should absolutely contact the California Department of manufactured housing if you have any specific questions or concerns with regards to closing any specific manufactured home from a private seller. I apologize if the above advice is a bit vague however I do encourage you to comment back with any additional questions or concerns you have along the way. Keep in touch and feel free to reach out anytime. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
April 7, 2016I am selling a lot with mobile on it in Ca,Havasu city the buyer going to tear it
down and put in a new one. In the escrow papers it does not say
a thing about the mobile only the lot. ,Should I have a bill of sale for the mobile that I do not own it anymore? TY
John Fedro
April 9, 2016Hi Shirley,
Thank you so much for reaching out with regards to your question. It sounds as if the mobile home lot and the mobile home itself are legally joined together and married as one physical property. With that said, just to be sure it is absolutely a good idea to have a bill of sale showing that you are not the owner of the property anymore. You can keep this in your file and if it is ever needed down the road it is good that you have a copy of a signed and dated bill of sale. If you have any questions or specific concerns moving forward never hesitate to reach out anytime. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
charles mac
April 11, 2016hi,
My question is my Manufactured home is just about finished being installed in Santa Barbara. It’s a state inspected park. If i sell before it finished do I have to register it first or can i just assign the certificate of origin to the new owner. there is a spot on the certificate for this.
John Fedro
April 13, 2016Hi Charles,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, congratulations on getting this home completed and ready for resale. This is just the first of many so keep up the great work. If the ownership is in your name and you can absolutely resell the mobile home to another buyer. With that said, if you do not have a “certificate of occupancy” or the home is uninhabitable you must disclose this to your buyer in writing before or at the time of closing. I hope this all helps and makes sense. As always, if you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
April 28, 2016Hi John,
I come to you because you seem to have a great handle on the type of issue I’m having.
So I am at a loss at what to do. I have a title to my mobile homette that my husband and I bought in Aug. 2014 from an LLC that runs the mobile park the trailer is in. (It’s still in their name.)
Being a first time home buyer, I had no idea what to do with it except put it in the file box. I pulled the title out a few days ago to re-examine it, because we are moving and wanting to sell our mobile. But I’m now realizing that there must have been some sort of paper work I needed to do to get the title transferred to me and my husband (to get our names on it). However, I haven’t the faintest idea on how to approach this. Help.
Please and thank you!
John Fedro
April 29, 2016Hi Macy,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your questions. I would be more than happy to help where I can. I assume that your property is in California, is this correct?
If the property is in California that I’m glad to hear that the company that still owns the mobile home park is the one who sold you the property. This is a better situation then a private seller being the owner who you have to track down. Are you able to follow the instructions above with regards to a bill of sale and the multi-purpose transfer form? Have you approached the park manager about this situation. They may likely be able to help facilitate the process for you completely. Keep me posted and let me know the answers to the questions above. Here and happy to help.
Talk soon,
Marie Penano
April 29, 2016Hi John,
I want to give my mobile home in CA to my brother. How do I proceed? What documentations do I need and to whom should I submit them?
John Fedro
April 30, 2016Hi Marie,
Thank you for reaching out and commenting. Because you are transferring this to your brother this is going to be a “family transfer”. The paperwork and fees you will have to pay will be minimal for sure. How do you pay for yearly taxes? Depending on how your home is registered this will determine the transfer form and procedure you will use. Check out these three links below and see which one pertains to you and your property. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out to me anytime. Additionally, you can also reach out to the phone number at the top of these forms to asked them any general questions about your property. You will need to provide them with the serial numbers for your home and let them know that this is a sale between family members for zero dollars.
Talk soon,
Russ Call
April 30, 2016John,
Thanks for providing this service and knowledge.
My family gave my stepmother my grandparents’ mobile home in Santa Clara County, CA in gratitude for her care for my aging grandparents. When the transfer was completed, we put the home in her name and my name as well.
Now my stepmother is in ill health and wants to transfer the sole title to me. She mentioned using a quit claim but from all I’m reading that’s not the proper procedure.
How do we remove her name from the title leaving me with sole title?
John Fedro
May 2, 2016Hi Russ,
Thank you for commenting and for your kind words. Very happy to help you in any way I can. First things first, I regret to hear about your mother-in-law’s ill health. I hope she recovers and feels better than before. In California the process to remove your stepmother’s name from the title will be fairly simple and easy. You will sign some forms, pay a fee, and mail this into the state. Please see the link here. http://www.hcd.ca.gov/codes/registration-and-titling/forms.htm Please look all the way on the bottom of this link’s page and find forms listen below… they are very close to the bottom of the page.
HCD RT 804.3 — Family Transfer for a Home on Local Property Tax with HCD Certificate of Title
HCD RT 804.4 — Family Transfer for a Home on Yearly Registration Renewal with HCD Certificate of Title
HCD RT 804.5 — Family Transfer for a Home on Yearly Registration Renewal with DMV Ownership Certificate (Pink Slip)
Depending on how you pay your yearly registration you will use one of the forms above to remove your stepmother’s name from the current title. Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions or concerns with regards to this procedure. Additionally, if I did not fully answer your question please never hesitate to write back any time. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
May 31, 2016I am in the process of selling my late mother’s mobile home from her trust. The mobile home is in a park where the residents own the lot. How will the California Department of Housing set a value on this mobile home to determine the Use Tax? Is it based on the sales price on the bill of sale or do they set their own value on the mobile home based on other sales? It is a large double wide from 1973, but still in very good shape. Thanks for any help you can give me.
May 31, 2016It will be going through an escrow that contains both property which we will pay transfer fees on and the transfer of the mobile home involving use tax.
John Fedro
June 1, 2016Hi Alvin,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your questions. I have to apologize that I’m still a bit unclear if the mobile home is a touch to the land and considered real property or if there is a title or pink slip to this mobile home and therefore considered personal property. If considered personal property the taxable value should be based off of the price on the “bill of sale”. With that said I do encourage you to talk to your escrow officer or call the states manufactured housing department directly at 916-323-9803 or 916-445-4782. I hope this helps and at least starts to point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to write back any time. Always here to help. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
June 1, 2016Hi John, I did seller financing for a family member with no deposit. They paid only 1 time the contracted agreed installment, can I evict them >
John Fedro
June 2, 2016Hi Linda,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. In my entire career I have only had to perform two evictions. One of them was not really mine as I purchased the home knowing I would have to perform it. And the second eviction was from a very close friend. With that said it is very sad that family and friends often take advantage of us and we may lose a friendship or relationship over this simple promise to pay.
The answer whether you can evict, repossess, or foreclose is going to be based on your paperwork. If you have sold the home or sold any equitable interest in the property you’ll most likely have to foreclose on the buyer. However if you can show the buyer was only renting you will likely be able to evict the buyer. Remember that you will have to go in front of a judge and if the buyer shows up they can state their case and try to remain in the home for longer.
The best words of advice I can give R that most people do not want an eviction on their record. Evictions really screw things up for people moving forward and typically with some kind words, a little bit of time, and perhaps even some money you can get the property back in good condition in a short period of time. I would also encourage you to contact a local real estate attorney that provides one hour free consultation. Aim to bring all your paperwork and get all your questions answered during this free one hour consultation. There is a lot more to know on the subject however I do hope this starts to help you in points you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out anytime.
Talk soon,
June 1, 2016This is on a mobile home in a senior park in California
Uri Roma
June 11, 2016Thanks John, I have been searching for this info for a while. Much appreciated. ~Uri
June 27, 2016Hi John,
My mother recently passed away and gifted her mobile home to my brother. She signed and dated the title 2 weeks before her passing. This was her only asset and she did not have a Durable power of Attorney. My question is this, my brother has not registered the mobile home in his name yet. Is this going to be an issue for him? The mobile home is paid for and taxes are current. Can he just take the title to the Department of Housing and what type of fees should he expect?
Thank you for your help and time, we appreciate it.
John Fedro
June 27, 2016Hi Kim,
thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed question and comment. I regret very much to hear about your mother’s passing. With that said because she did sign the title prior to passing away this will be one less step needed in order to move forward and get the ownership transferred into your brother’s name. Because there is no power of attorney this may cause an issue when signing the “multipurpose transfer form” required by the state. With that said I would absolutely encourage you to contact the state directly and explain your situation to them. They will look up your mother’s mobile home and tell you the exact steps needed to move forward with transferring the ownership. You may contact your state’s manufactured housing division at 800-952-8356. Lastly, if all the taxes are current and the transfer cost should not be over $200 in most cases. Perhaps less if the home is a single wide. I hope this all helps and begins to point you in the right direction. If I missed anything or if you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out any time. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
June 28, 2016Good afternoon John! I was hoping you could help me.. A dear friend has been given 3 months to live and she want to give me her mobile that is paid for. It is in a park. The problem we are having is that she is home bound and simply cannot get out to do the paperwork. She’s worried that the park will keep her home. Her son’s want me to have it. What can we do to make this happen and make it easy for her? Your help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
John Fedro
July 1, 2016Hi Tamra,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your close friend and her situation. Additionally, my thoughts and prayers go out to her family as well. Moving forward there are two ways you can go. Your friend may sign a power of attorney giving the son control to sign on her behalf. However, in the state of California you can mail in all forms that are needed. I encourage you to call the state directly and explain your situation. Mention you are a private buyer purchasing from a private seller inside of the park. Explain the situation with the seller and what forms will be needed to move forward. Every time I have called the state has been very helpful. You may reach them at 800-952-8356. I hope this all helps and points you in the right direction. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns at all never hesitate to reach out. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
sharon birch
June 29, 2016Hi John, I have finally paid off my mobile home in park to private sellers,my question is who pays for title transfer and additional cost? The taxes are current. Thanks Sharon Birch
John Fedro
July 1, 2016Hi Sharon,
Thanks for reaching out and connecting. Congratulations on finally paying off your home! Who pays the transfer fee an additional cost to get the property into your name should have already been negotiated. However, because it has not perhaps you can negotiate with the seller to split this with you 50-50. If you are not able to talk the seller into splitting this cost with you then you will be responsible for transferring the title into your control and paying the associated fees. I’m glad to hear taxes are current as these certainly add up over the years. With all that said there is nothing legally that the seller needs to pay to transfer over the title if it was not agreed to. I hope this makes sense and helps. If you have any follow-up questions or I didn’t answer your question fully never hesitate to reach back out. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
sharon birch
July 7, 2016Thanks John, this was very helpful !!
sharon birch
July 7, 2016Thanks this was very helpful !!
July 7, 2016Hi John,
I have a friend who owns a mobile home and rents a space in San Mateo County. He has a high-interest loan. If I offer to buy him out of half ownership at current market value (the home has appreciated considerably), he would be able to pay off the loan (assuming no massive pre-payment penalty) and deal with some other financial issues. I’d like to know what issues to consider, like capital gains, changing title, costs associated with the sale, insurance, redevelopment issues regarding the land (e.g., eminent domain), etc., to figure out if this is a viable plan. I would not be living there.
John Fedro
July 8, 2016Hi Mary,
Thank you so much for commenting and reaching out. Additionally, thank you for the detailed message as this will help me answer your questions. Please see my thoughts below in bold.
Capital gains: If you keep the property for longer than 12 months after being part owner in the property, then you will be paying long-term capital gains taxes. If you keep the property for less than 12 months you will be paying short-term capital gains taxes. The amount of time your friend has owned the home does not matter with regards to your tax consequences. I hope this helps and answers your question. If I miss the marker did not fully answer your question never hesitate to comment back.
Changing title: This will be a fairly simple and straightforward process. Once the underlying liens are paid off a new title will be issued and sent to your friends home address or mailing address. Some banks send an “electronic lien release” that will allow your friend to file for clear title the very next day it is paid off… With that said California does not use “electronic lien releases” so this does not apply to you. Once your friend receives a free and clear title in the mail it will then be her responsibility to contact the state to then add your name to the title as co-owner. The procedures for this can be found on the state website mentioned above. If you need any help locating this our extra assistance never hesitate to let me know. I will certainly help where I can.
Costs associated with the sale: From what I can tell there is no actual sale taking place… From what I can see you’re providing money to help pay off the home that the seller is still going to be living in. In order to put your name on the title you will likely pay less than $100 for the state to re-issue a new title with both names listed as owners.
Insurance: The insurance policy should be updated to reflect the new owners information and remove the “additionally insured” lienholder that is likely listed on the current policy.
Redevelopment issues regarding the land (e.g., eminent domain): While this is possible it is not likely. What is more possible and likely is the mobile home park selling out to a developer that wants to use this land to build condos or townhomes or a strip mall. With that said if you are not in the path of progress or you do not feel that this community would be changed anytime soon then you may likely feel safe to move forward. In short, if the mobile home park is large and generating profit for the owners then this rezoning or change in land use is not something to likely to happen for this particular park. I hope this makes a bit of sense. If not please let me know.
I hope this helps and begins to point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. The last thing I might mention is that doing business with friends or family often times (in my experience) does not lead to a good outcome. You will typically do exactly what you say you will however your friend that you trust sometimes drops the ball. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
July 9, 2016Hi John,
Thank you so much for the quick reply and for the useful information!
One more question: Would my friend have to pay capital gains tax on selling part of his interest in the mobile home to me? If so, would he be able to take the $250,000 exclusion as it is his primary residence? If so, would he be able to take the $250,000 exclusion again if/when the entire property is sold later?
July 8, 2016Hi John I bought a mobile home and I lost the pink slip or registration form the owner signed that and stated that he sold the mobile home to me. How can I get the mobile home transferred to me or make me the new owner of I lost the papers? I have Ben trying to get a hold of the owner but I can’t find him, what can I do in this case?
John Fedro
July 8, 2016Hi Joanne,
Thank you so much for contacting me and reaching out with regards to your questions. I very much regret to hear about your situation. With that said there is absolutely a path moving forward. Depending on where your home is located in CA and a number other factors the process moving forward will vary a bit and so will the fees associated with this. For this reason I encourage you to call the state at the following number 800-952-8356. Explain to them that you are a private buyer who purchased from a private seller in a existing mobile home park. Let them know the information you have on the home such as the address, serial number, or VIN number if available. Every time I have called and asked for help I have been very happy with the outcome and the clarity of which I get by talking to the state clerk that answers the phone. They will likely point you to the paperwork that can be found online in the procedure moving forward with exactly what to do. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction moving forward. As always, if you have any additional questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
July 14, 2016Hi John-
I am not sure if you can help or not, but you seem to have a very good understanding of mobile homes. I have a family member who owns his mobile home and wants to transfer title to another family member, but not actually selling it for a profit. Does the same paperwork get filled out and then the bill of sale would be for something nominal like $1.00? Or is there an easier/quicker way to transfer the title so that the current owner no longer has their name on title and is no longer responsible for the home and or any profits received from a future sale? Any help would be great. Your information already provide was very helpful.
Thank you ahead of time.
John Fedro
July 18, 2016Hi Carly,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed comment and specific questions. Very happy to help you in any way I can. You can transfer the Title for a $1.00 like you previously mentioned, Or in California the process to remove your family members name from the title will be fairly simple and easy. You will sign some forms, pay a fee, and mail this into the state. Please see the link here. http://www.hcd.ca.gov/codes/registration-and-titling/forms.htm Please look all the way on the bottom of this link’s page and find forms listen below… they are very close to the bottom of the page.
HCD RT 804.3 — Family Transfer for a Home on Local Property Tax with HCD Certificate of Title
HCD RT 804.4 — Family Transfer for a Home on Yearly Registration Renewal with HCD Certificate of Title
HCD RT 804.5 — Family Transfer for a Home on Yearly Registration Renewal with DMV Ownership Certificate (Pink Slip)
Depending on how you pay your yearly registration you will use one of the forms above to remove your stepmother’s name from the current title. Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions or concerns with regards to this procedure. Additionally, if I did not fully answer your question please never hesitate to write back any time. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
August 5, 2016Hello ive have a question im buying a mobile home but the person who is selling it to me doesnt have the title but he says he will give me the bill of sale how can i go about that
John Fedro
August 7, 2016Hi Diozy,
Thank you for connecting and reaching out. I am honestly very very happy to be writing you this email comment reply. Many of the folks commenting on this page are already in situations where they have “purchased” a mobile home with only a “bill of sale” and now are having trouble reselling the home because they are not the owner and they have no title. You have a few different options moving forward as far as I see it. 1.) Pay for the home and only take a “bill of sale”. No one will likely stop you from living there and as long as the taxes are current you could likely live perfectly fine for the next five or 10 years. If a new owner purchases the mobile home community they may require everyone prove they have a title, however this is a risk you will take. After you move in you can certainly try to obtain a new title with the help of an attorney and/or tracking down the true owner of the home. 2.) Do not buy the home until the seller has a title they can provide to you. 3.) Work with the seller and park to call the state and find out your options for getting clear title into the sellers name so that they can transfer it over to you. In California I encourage you to call 800-952-8356 and explain your situation. Mentioned that you are a private buyer purchasing from a private seller inside of a mobile home community. The state will absolutely let you know the proper way to move forward. Keep in mind that the state will not encourage you to purchase the home without a clear title. If your seller is willing to work with the state to figure out a way to get the title in their name this would be ideal. However the seller may not want to do anything and simply wish to sell the home to an eager buyer that is happy to accept a “bill of sale” as true ownership, which it is not. I hope this helps and makes sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Alan Hont
August 20, 2016Great Post John! Thank you very much for explaining this and putting this together.
Kay Lee
September 1, 2016I am trying to remove my name I bought this mobile home with my friend together.
how and what do I need to file?
John Fedro
September 2, 2016Hi Kay,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your question. For my understanding the home would have to be sold from both of your names to simply your friends name and ownership. This would require a brand-new sale and transfer, even though it was for a zero dollar price. With that said there may be a less expensive and free option with regards to removing your name from the ownership. I encourage you to call the state directly and let them know your exact situation and the serial number for the manufactured home in question. You can reach the state at 800-952-8356 and they will be very likely to help you in this matter. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. They will let you know what is needed moving forward for the quickest and easiest solution. All the best.
Talk soon,
Vincent Cruz
September 3, 2016John,
My mother passed away a few weeks back and my inheritance was a mobile home in a deluxe area in Los Angeles. Address is 2550 Pacific Coast Highway in Torrance Calif. We got a 60k + offer from one of the home developers and we are still accepting offers at this point. It is space #9 in the mobile home park. If you are interested please give me a call at (407) 367-5634. Note that I am located in Florida and my mothers living trust has not been settled but I was told by the attorney that the mobile home would be part of my inheritance. I look forward to speaking with you
Vincent Cruz
John Fedro
September 9, 2016Hello Vincent,
Thank you for reaching out and commenting. I very much regret to hear about your mother’s passing. The offer for $60,000 from a developer sounds like a very serious offer from a serious buyer. I agree to continue listening to other offers however I would not be in the market for this home is you are looking for a retail price. With that said you absolutely should be seeking a retail price and as much money as you can get for the property. Make sure you are advertising the property in as many mediums as possible and possibly even using a real estate agent in the local area. Moving forward if you have any specific questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. Congratulations on the coming sale. All the best.
Talk soon,
Allan Foglio
September 10, 2016Excellent Article!
There are something new ideas that you make.After reading this article I make more information that you share.Thanks for sharing this article.
John Fedro
September 14, 2016Hi Allan,
Thank you for taking the time to stop by and comment. Additionally, thank you very much for the kind words. Moving forward if you ever have any specific questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
September 15, 2016What is the difference between a mobile home and manufactured home?
John Fedro
September 20, 2016Hi Catalina,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Here is a previous article and video I made on the subject. I hope that it helps and answers your question. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to comment back any time. https://www.mobilehomeinvesting.net/difference-between-mobile-home-manufactured-home-and-modular-homes/
Talk soon,
September 16, 2016Are you able to put mobile homes or manufactured home on a permanent foundation?
John Fedro
September 20, 2016Hi Catalina,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your question. While the answer to most things real estate related is, “it depends”, most of the time it should not be any issue to place a mobile home or manufactured home on a permanent foundation. The question is if a permanent foundation is available or if you will have to add one by building a concrete slab or using other material? Some conventional home loans and FHA mobile home loans require a manufactured home or mobile home to be attached to a permanent foundation for sure. I hope this helps and answers your question. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
October 5, 2016Hi, how do I remove one co signer on a manufactured home, if the home isn’t paid off yet? We also don’t want to refinance. Is there another way for this to happen? Thank you!!
John Fedro
October 6, 2016Hi Donna,
Without having the finance company or bank agree to this “title change” there is little way to do this in my experience. With that said you should absolutely get an agreement signed by the person you are wishing to take off the title. Have them fill out a power attorney on the property that they give to you. This power of attorney only allows you to sign on their behalf in the distant future when the home is paid off in full. Additionally should have a paper or agreement signed by them stating that they will have no further interest in the home moving forward. I would encourage you to contact a local real estate attorney as well to help them draft up the papers so that you are safe moving forward. Remember that if everything goes well and everyone does what they say they are then there should be no problem. However the attorney is here to help when things don’t go as planned or when this person comes back in the future and wants money to sign off on the property or title. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. As always, if you have any additional follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Allan Foglio
October 14, 2016I think that your article has been something new ideas.You added more information that you share.I get lots of information that you make.Thanks for sharing this article….
John Fedro
October 18, 2016Hi Allan,
Thanks for commenting and reaching out. I am very happy that this article help provide you some value already. Moving forward if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
October 25, 2016Hi John,
We’re financing a manufacture home not too long ago. My question is how do I know if the tax and insurance are being paid and if the lien holder now has the title? The previous owner has a different bank as their lien holder, now I have a different bank from the previous owner. We weren’t fortunate enough to have an experienced realtor. He didn’t explain the whole process as much, and so did the escrow officer. We moved in about a month ago, but still in doubt about the whole process of buying. Please advise. Thank you!
John Fedro
November 1, 2016Hi Stacey,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your questions. From what you have described it sounds like you are listed as owner on the title and are simply paying a lien holder for some amount borrowed. You are still very much the owners of the property and have every right to see your insurance binder policy and a copy of past and current tax receipts. It may take a little bit of time to produce these depending on how big of a company you are dealing with, however it should certainly be possible for you to get a copy of these to learn more and have them for your own records. I hope this helps and make sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
October 29, 2016Hi John,
I must have my married sister on the bill of sale for my mobile home in order to meet park income requirements.
However, after one year, I want to remove her name (she is in complete agreement with this strategy) so as to keep her husband from exerting any rights over my unit.
How can I go about doing this, please?
Thank you and thank you for the wonderful service you are providing!
Ventura, CA
John Fedro
November 1, 2016Hi Stephanie,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Very happy to help where I can. Thank you so much for your kind words, they truly mean more than you know. It sounds that the park really only wants your sister as cosigner on the park lease and not really on the title itself. With that said it sounds like this park is pretty anal and wants to verify the name on the title matches the name on the lease agreement. Most parks are not this picky. With that said it should not be an issue for one year down the road to quietly remove your sisters name from the title. In most cases the park will not find out and should not care as long as park rent is being made properly. With that said the most they could do is ask for her name to be placed back on the title. However by this time you have proven yourself to be good residents and this should not be required. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction and make sense. If I did not fully answer your question or missed something please never hesitate to comment back anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
Cynthia aronson
November 1, 2016What is the legal waiting period a buyer is allowed by California law in buying a mobile home? Is 17 days legal and a California law
John Fedro
November 2, 2016Hi Cynthia,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your question. I’m not sure what exactly you are referring to when you mention a “waiting period”. When you write a purchase and sale agreement between a seller and a buyer this. Can be as long as both parties agree to. However if you mean you have already closed on the home and are waiting for a new title this is a different story. If possible, please reword your question and I would be happy to answer it if I can. You may also call the California housing department of manufactured housing at this number 800-952-8356 to ask more specific questions about the mobile home in question. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Karen Anders
November 28, 2016I am interested in purchasing a manufactured home in ca it says it has a 433a certificate and on the parcel quest info: it states that it is on a permanent foundation built in 1973.
It is where you purchase it and the land but you pay a HOA fee of 67.00 monthly.
I am having trouble finding someone to finance us. We have a good credit score, no debt. We did however file bk in 2011 because of a business I had that did not do so well and we didn’t want to lose our current house we live in now which they modified and we have maintained the payments ever since.
We are currently in escrow so I will have 110,000.00 to put towards a down deposit so I only would need to borrow 100,000.00.
Does a 433a certificate mean that it is up to HUD standards? and if not what do I need to do?
or maybe you can refer me to the correct resource or company to get the financing?
I would greatly appreciate anything you can do to help me out
Time is of the essence,
Karen A.
John Fedro
November 28, 2016Hi Karen,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear that you’re finding it difficult to obtain financing on your future mobile home. You are certainly not the first person to have this issue, however I would think the $110,000 you are bringing to the closing table would encourage many lenders to feel safe. With that said two nationwide companies that are still writing… Triad financial services and 21stmortgage. We’ve also had decent success with local credit unions near the property. From my understanding a 433a does not necessarily mean the home has been set up to HUD standards. With that said I would absolutely refer you to the two companies listed above and local credit unions in your area. I hope this helps some and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Renee L.
December 12, 2016Hi,
We are trying to sell a mobile home in CA for an aging family member who has been moved to assisted living. The home has been paid off for years but we can’t find any paperwork to prove it. When we pull the title, it shows a lien holder – Security Pacific Housing. I’ve tried to reach them but apparently they are out of business and I have been unable to locate a successor. I live in AZ and don’t even know where to begin. Have you ever run across this or do you have any advice on how to get a lien released when the lien holder is out of business?
Renee L.
John Fedro
December 13, 2016Hi Renee,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your questions. I very much regret to hear that you’re going through these frustrations and headaches. Yes, I do have experience with regards to this type of issue. I’m happy to say that you are certainly not the first person to go through this matter and there is definitely a process moving forward. In every state this process varies a little however you will need to talk to your local Department of Motor Vehicles. Aim to speak with a manager available to find out the possibilities moving forward. The Department of Motor Vehicles is the one that can remove the lien assuming they understand and have verified the title and debt was paid in full years ago. Things will get a little more difficult before they get better however the home is in your family members control and all debts were paid in full. I apologize I’m not able to give you any more specifics however contacting a local real estate attorney in the area may be of help in finding out more answers as well. You may also want to contact local mobile home parks to see which “mobile home specific attorneys” these parks are working with that may have experience in exactly your situation. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. If you find a quick fix solution please never hesitate to comment back and let us know how everything resolves itself. Keep in touch please. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Allan Foglio
January 1, 2017This is an excellent article that you published. I learn more information that you made. It will be helpful for us. I gather extra knowledge from this website. Thanks for sharing this article.
Tom D
January 25, 2017Hi,
I live in Anaheim and want to purchase the 1981 manufactured home I am renting …from my ex. I see the forms you listed…what fees though do I need to pay ($$ amounts) and send to the State? ( the link above does not work). How long does the process take to get the new title back?
Thank you,
John Fedro
February 6, 2017Hi Tom,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Congratulations on the potential home you will be purchasing into your sole ownership. Thank you so much for alerting me to the link error above. Please try the link above or this link as well. http://www.hcd.ca.gov/manufactured-mobile-home/registration-titling/index.shtml Because this is a bit of a unique situation with regards to you and your ex, I would encourage you to contact the state directly. This will allow you to tell them your situation and figure out the exact amount you will need to send in to transfer ownership or simply remove this person’s name from the current title. You may contact the state directly at 916-323-9224. These folks are usually very helpful and are typically in the office from 8 to 5 Monday through Friday. I hope this all helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Moving forward if you have any additional questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
February 24, 2017I settled my father’s estate which included the sale of his ranch. In the far back of the property is a mobile home approx. 50 yes old. The sale of the property included all outbuildings, among which was included the mobile home. There was no specific paperwork completed for it and I thought I was done with everything.
Recently, I received a registration renewal notice for the mobile home. I do not have a bill of sale, or a certificate of title, these were not in the docs of purchase when my dad bought the property 20 years ago.
I am really not sure what I need to do to get my dad’s name removed. He died 06/2016.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I do not live in the same area as the property, btw.
John Fedro
February 28, 2017Hi Julieannora,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your father’s passing. With that said I am happy to say that there is an easy answer moving forward. Please check out the following link and see the top group of forms. http://www.hcd.ca.gov/manufactured-mobile-home/registration-titling/registration-titling-forms.shtml Please choose the correct form for you with regards to “removing a deceased family member…”. Moving forward if you have any additional questions or concerns or this is not the correct answer to your question please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Joe D.
March 4, 2017Hi John,
I have lived in my mobile home for 15+ years however it truly belongs to my Uncle. He is happy to transfer or sell it to me, but he doesn’t have the title (lost it) and wants me to deal with all the paperwork.
I am currently looking at a HCD document called “Application for Duplicate Certificate of Title” . I believe I have the right document but can you verify if this is correct? Also when we sign this, do we need to have it notorized? I don’t see an area on this form for a notorized signature and stamp.
Also, what would be the least inexpensive way to do this? Transfer, sell or gift?
Any info and links you can provide would be awesome. Thank you!
John Fedro
March 4, 2017Hi Joe,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you so much for your detailed comment as this certainly helps me answer your question. With that said I normally have an answer or reply of some kind in order to point you in the right direction. With that said California does a few things differently in the title of your mobile home may be titled a few different ways. For that reason I encourage you to call the state manufactured housing department directly at the following number. (800) 952-8356 explained to the clerk over the phone exactly your situation and your questions. Based on the mobile homes VIN or serial number they will be able to tell you the quickest and easiest way to move forward and put control into your ownership. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Joe D.
March 6, 2017Hi John,
Thanks so much for your quick response. You have been so helpful, even after all these years (looking at previous posts). I truly appreciate it. I will call the number and hopefully resolve my issue. 🙂
Lisa F.
March 31, 2017I have a family member and I am confused at the process:
If a mother purchased a double wide manufacture and it is paid off, then the daughter moved in and became registered owner and paid taxes for 4 years. She is willing to pay taxes for a 5th year, this year, as she wants to sell.
I pull the title and only the daughter’s name is displayed. The daughter states; The mother won’t sign off for the daughter to have clear title.
I am confused. Are their rules, something like: where someone pays taxes for 5 years then becomes legal owner? What is the process for the daughter to sell the manufactured home with no title issues?
Thank you for any assistance that you can give us.
John Fedro
April 10, 2017Hi Lisa,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed and clear message as the certainly helps me point you in the right direction moving forward. First things first, I very much regret to hear about the situation. It sounds like the mother is listed as the “legal owner” which is essentially the lienholder in California. Or perhaps use attached to the home in some other way. Or perhaps she does not have any ownership is simply bluffing when really she does not need to sign off on anything. With that said I would very much encourage you to contact the state directly and explain the situation that is happening. If you can provide the VIN or serial number to the mobile home they will be able to let you know the exact situation and best course to move forward quickly and safely. I hope this makes sense and point you in the right direction. In California you want to call this number and talk to a clerk over the phone that picks up. Every time I have called they have been very helpful to me. I hope this helps and make sense. As always, if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. (800) 952-8356
Talk soon,
April 11, 2017My mother and father are the registered owners on their mobile home, but my mother wants to sign off so that my father has clear title. How does she go about relinquishing her portion so that he is the sole owner?
John Fedro
April 12, 2017Hi Kate,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. In California the process is fairly simple. You will want to have both parties fill out and sign the correct agreement to change the name on the title. For my experience you will use one of the top forms (either 804.6, 804.7, or 804.8) in order to change ownership. With that said I would also encourage you to call the state directly to hear it directly from the horses mouth what forms are needed based on your mobile homes serial number or VIN. The clerk over the phone will definitely be able to tell you the quickest and most cost-effective way to move forward. There may number is . I hope this helps and make sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
May 16, 2017Hi John,
Great information here – thanks. My sister passed away 3 years ago and asked me to purchase her son a mobile home with her life insurance. It turned out that our park requires the owner to pass the credit check AND be a resident in the unit. My nephew does not meet the credit requirements (and never will) so I have been living there for 3 years. I’m ready to move on now and want to transfer it to a friend of his that will meet the requirements and reside in the unit, but I want to remain on the title so it can not be sold without my knowledge. I will not be making any money off of this and am not sure how to go about it. I know I can list myself as the lien holder, but I do not want to have to pay taxes for a sale that didn’t involve any money changing hands. Do you have any suggestions? We are in Santa Ana, CA.
John Fedro
May 20, 2017Hi Lorraine,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your sisters passing a few years ago. With regards to your question, I’m happy to say that there is definitely an easy solution for you moving forward. I encourage you to simply add your friends name to the existing title. This will not be a “sale” of any kind and therefore no taxes will be collected. You will have to pay a fee to re-have the title printed out however this will be minimal for sure. Please call the California HCD at the following number (800) 952-8356 to explain your situation to a clerk over the phone and asked them the quickest and most affordable way moving forward. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. As always, if you ever have any questions or concerns moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
May 24, 2017Hi John,
I am wondering if its necessary to keep the registration current on a 1970 singlewide on private land(in a n. cal. city limit).
The registration is due june 1 2017, it was paid last year(2016)but the state did not send the tags because they said it was postmarked past the due date(asked for an additional $20 which was never paid).
what could be the consequences of not paying registration(red tag, insurance, transfer ect.)?
Thank you
John Fedro
June 1, 2017Hi Brad,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed message. Because of your unique situation I do not want to give you any wrong or misguided information. For this reason I definitely encourage you to call the state directly and explain your situation to the clerk over the phone. They will most likely asked for the mobile homes vehicle identification number or serial number. From this point the person over the phone can absolutely give you the best information moving forward safely and quickly. I hope this helps and point you in the right direction. As always, if you ever have any additional questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Use this line in California. (800) 952-8356
Talk soon,
May 27, 2017Hi John
My mom want to transfer her mobile to me. It’s in a senior park and it’s paid for. Could we just transfer it on the back of the title and have a notary, then file with the DMV? We live in California.
John Fedro
June 1, 2017Afternoon Lori,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. The DMV typically only works with mobile homes less than 39 feet in length or in a few other circumstances. For this reason I encourage you to call (800) 952-8356 and speak with the clerk over the phone. Explain your situation and what you are looking to accomplish. The clerk over the phone may ask for the mobile homes VIN or serial numbers. This clerk will definitely let you know the quickest and easiest way to move forward to accomplish her goal. I hope this helps and make sense. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
June 4, 2017Hi John,
I’m in the process of buying a 1987 mobile home to use as a second home on my property. The city (of Tracy California) planners say it’s ok. But when talking about it with them the planner kept referring to a packet I would receive when I purchased the mobile. My guess is it’s something showing it was built to code, but I’m not sure. Also I’m worried that this information might have been lost with it being an older mobile. Any idea what the planner might be referring to?
Thank you for your time.
John Fedro
June 10, 2017Hi Jane,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Congratulations on purchasing the second home for your property. In California you will likely want to go through escrow to purchase this mobile home so perhaps this is the packet the planner was mentioning. However the planner may have been alluding to a survey, specifications, or other pertinent information about the mobile home when purchase. However these are much less common if you are simply purchasing an individual mobile home to be moved onto your property. With all that said, I would very much encourage you to contact the city planners and asked them specifically what packet they were referring to. Gaining this clarity will be the best thing to move forward. I apologize I’m not able to give you better help, however I definitely do not want to give you any wrong information either. When you do figure out exactly what is being referred to please comment back and let us all know. As always, if you ever have any additional questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
June 5, 2017Hi John,
My mom owns a mobile home in Southern CA. She wants to sell it as-is. Is this possible? Do you have any websites you would suggest to market it? She is not expecting a lot out of it. Thank you!
John Fedro
June 10, 2017Hi Ally,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Depending on your area of Southern California you may likely not have an issue selling this property, with that said I would encourage you to list the properties on the websites below. The first two are free and the last one will be a paid website. All of these websites will definitely get your home looked at by local buyers and investors. Try sellfastbyowner.com, craigslist.com, and mhvillage.com. I hope these all help and point you in the right direction. As always, if you ever have any additional questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Vivian Paskell
July 24, 2017Hi John my name is Vivian and I live in Clovis, California. Five years ago my mother passed away and with very little assets. Basically she only had a mobile home that she had paid in full $25,000.00 when purchased. When she
died she had no legal will but we had enough time to make my older brother administrator of everything. I was understanding that mobile home was going to go through probate but unfortunate circumstances happened, my brother had heart attack and surgery the following two years after moms death and nothing was done. Now to make this as short as I can how can I get deed transfered into my name..my brother wants nothing to do with it anymore he has paid the rent space on it since death and also I had gave him deed at time of death and its been misplaced. The mobile home park where mobile sits is a fifty five and older community and Im 48. Ive been staying here on and off since my mom died keeping mobile home and yard up but park management is trying to get rid of me and they are also wanting updated owner info..its still in moms name..they threatened to do a 60day eviction which leads me to believe they are going to file it as abandoned so they can take ownership..all I want to do is stop them from doing that in order for me to sell mobile..so what should i do and how. I understand you can’t give me legal advice but if you can give me any ideas of how you would handle it hypothetically speaking to direct me in the right direction it would greatly appreciated as I am unemployed as well as a veteran soon to be homeless. Thank you, sincerly Vivian
John Fedro
July 28, 2017Hi Vivian,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed message as the certainly helps me answer your question a bit better. First things first, I very much regret to hear about your mother passing and your brother falling ill. Because your brother is still alive this will make the process to put the home into your name significantly easier. I also regret to hear that the park is not being too accommodating in working with you even though lot rent seems to be paid. Try to remain on good speaking terms with the park management as best you can. I know sometimes they can be quite difficult. With that said definitely reach out to the California HCD with regards to the specific instructions needed to move forward to change the title from its current ownership into your control. When you call up the HCD explain your situation in full. The clerks over the phone are usually very helpful and will ask for the serial number or VIN of the mobile home in question. They will then do some research to figure out which paperwork you need in the fees you need to send into the state to get the title transferred. You may reach the HCD at (800) 952-8356. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. As always, if I missed something or you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Beth Sanabrais
July 30, 2017In July of 2016, I helped my mom sell the mobile home she owned. The title was signed over to the new owner and I thought that was all that needed to be done. I kept receiving the property tax bill as my mom’s mail was being forwarded to me. After calling the number on the bill, I was told to ignore the bill. It even says on the bill if you’ve sold the property disregard the bill. I recently received an unsecured property tax bill. After going to the HCD website, I see that there were so many forms I needed to fill out and mail in. I’m not sure if the new owners sent in the title we signed over to them. I feel like I really screwed up. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
John Fedro
July 31, 2017Hi Beth,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed comment. This certainly helps me give you advice moving forward. I can definitely tell you that you are not the first person, and will not be the last person to simply sell their mobile home and trust that the buyer will transfer everything accordingly. Most of the time the seller will not be responsible for anything owed after the point they sold the home. With that said it would be best if you did have paperwork from when you sold the home in 2016. In California the mobile homes can be owned a variety of ways so I would definitely encourage you to call the state with the serial number or VIN Handy. Talk to the clerk over the phone and explain your situation in detail. I found these clerks to be very helpful and friendly over the phone. You can reach the state at (800) 952-8356. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Beth Sanabrais
August 1, 2017Thank you so much for the info. I really appreciate it.
Rob Gikllen
August 6, 2017Is there a seperate sales tax on used mobile homes in palm springs CA?
John Fedro
August 16, 2017Hi Rob,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. No, not to my knowledge there is no separate taxed on use mobile homes in this area. Additionally, every doubt to a local investor in the area to confirm this there does not seem to be any extra sales tax. With that said let me know if you experienced something else or have any additional follow-up questions or concerns. I hope this helps answer your question. All the best. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Mirella Jimenez
August 9, 2017Hello John,
I am in a confusing situation and wanted to know if you can share some of your knowledge? My father purchase a mobile home in CA from my cousin in 1997. My cousin promised to provide my father with the title and never did. My father is sick and has given my the home. I have tried to inquire on this situation to see how I can go about getting the title to this home. Come to find out, my cousin never obtain the title from the person he purchased the home from and that person has since passed away. We have been living in that home for over 20 years. Is there anything I can do to obtain the title? What do you suggest I do?
John Fedro
August 16, 2017Hi Mirella,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed comment as the certainly helps me answer your question a bit better. I’m happy to mention that you are not the only person that has gone through the situation, and you will not be the last. With that said there is definitely a procedure and plan moving forward. In fact, the state of California would prefer that the title was correctly issued so that they may charge you taxes every year. Depending on how the title was written and issued years ago will determine the procedure moving forward to go through escrow or be bonded. I definitely encourage you to reach out to the following phone number and contact the California venue fractured housing department. (800) 952-8356 When you speak to the clerks over the phone definitely mention your situation in full and ask all appropriate questions. Make sure to have the serial number or VIN Handy to provide to the clerk over the phone. Because you are not the owner you may only be able to get limited information however you can certainly ask them the best way to move forward correctly and safely. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
August 26, 2017Hi John i have a long story, sorry. 13 yrs ago we went to purchase a mobile home, but unfortunately we couldn’t get approved without additional down payment. my mother in law offered to give us a gift of 10k telling my husband it was his “inheritance” and “not to expect anything when she passed. I declined but after discussing with her that we couldn’t pay her back she agreed saying it was “a gift” sadly we didn’t get that in writing, nor any agreement in writing. on the day we moved into the mobile home she informed me that she “changed her mind and wanted the money paid back” Needless to say I was floored, I went and talked to my husband, we decided to let her keep the income tax returns as form of repayment. and for the last 13 yrs she has done so. The agreement when we purchased the home was that she was “gifting” us the money which would be a down payment along with our 5k and she would co-sign with my husband. again after we were in the home I found out that the home was solely put in to my mother in laws name.. we have made all mortg. payments, taxes and property insurance payments. 5 or 6 yrs ago she decided that she no longer wanted to be “involved with the mobile” she told us if we wanted to try and put the home in our name alone it was going to cost $1,000 to run our credit and if we couldn’t get approved then we would lose the $1,000 and any fees to put the mobile in our name we would have to pay. or she was going to sell the home. I had just lost my job and was having health issues. we didn’t have $1,000 and felt it was a lot of money to run our credit and possibly lose. when we called the mortg. company to find out if this info was correct they wouldn’t discuss the mobile with us because we “weren’t the owners, there only has only given us permission to accept monthly payments, nothing else” so she put the home up for sale asking $62k the home is a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom with converted den; we purchased it for $42k so the 63K 5 yrs ago was too much to ask for the home and it didn’t sell. she then text my husband; her son, that she doesn’t want the home its ours when its pd for or if she dies before its pd for, that she will give us the deed and we can take it to the County and file whatever is necessary to put the mobile in our name. well we made the last payment on Aug 1, 2017. she called us last week saying we need to plan a day to meet with her and her Atty to process the paper and pay whatever fees need to be paid to have the title transferred to our name. we talked to our Community Park Mang. who told us that she thought the only thing necessary to transfer the deed to your name was for the owner to sign and give us the title then we go to the DMV and do the transfer just like a vehicle…what is the process of doing this? thank you for your help in this matter
John Fedro
August 31, 2017Hi Sally,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed message is the certainly does help me answer your question. I’m not sure if you are located in California or not. In California you will not use a DMV so I will continue the rest of this comment assuming that you are in a state that uses the DMV to transfer mobile home titles. In most situations you are correct that you would simply take the original title that is signed by the seller and the buyer (you) and bring it to the DMV to get it transferred into your name. A bill of sale would also be helpful to bring as well. In some states this is mandatory. In some states there is a state specific bill of sale as well. Keep me posted if you have any questions with regards to this. However, because your mother-in-law has mentioned paying more money and an attorney, I would venture to say that the lien may not be 100% paid off yet. Or they will be a waiting period before the time where the lien is paid off and where you will actually get clear title. I am glad to hear that there is an attorney involved, even though it is your mother-in-law’s. It is important to understand exactly what you are signing and you want to make sure that you do not have to pay any extra money and that the title will be coming to you in your name. If it is not able to come in your name but instead comes in your mother-in-law’s names first, do not hand over any extra money until she can provide clear title that you can take and walk away with to then bring to the DMV. In my opinion you should not trust your mother-in-law anymore when it comes to this deal. Make sure everything is in writing. Additionally, make sure that you are not being forced to remove the mobile home from the land or anything else fishy like that. I hope this all helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Before signing anything feel free to get an attorney of your own to look over the paperwork. Never feel bullied or pushed into anything. Keep in touch. All the best. Lastly, congratulations about finally paying off this property.
Talk soon,
October 24, 2017I am currently in escrow, we are selling our DBL wide MH. The realtor said that we are waiting for the DMV from Calif. to send paperwork. I financed this MH when I purchased it I wasn’t informed of anything needed by DMV then. Now that we are selling the realor stated we needed that info. Can you explain why is it needed or not. It is not on wheels so I am a bit confused.
John Fedro
October 26, 2017Hi M.Ochoa,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I regret to hear you are going through these headaches. In California you will be dealing with the California Department of Housing and Community Development and you can reach them at the following phone number. (800) 952-8356 If there is a current lien on the mobile home then this will have to be paid off prior to the title being free and clear for you to sell to your buyer. Your escrow company/agent will facilitate this payoff and sale between you, the bank, and your buyer. You may also have to verify that the taxes are current and have been paid depending on your county. However I am not certain why you would need to go to the department of motor vehicles in California for any reason. With that said I would definitely call the state at the phone number above to ask them any specific questions with regards to your specific mobile home. Additionally, you should never feel bullied or scared to ask any questions to your escrow officer as well. Answering your questions as part of their job. I hope this helps a bit since and starts to point you in the right direction. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Miguel Moreno
October 31, 2017Hi John, I am recently trying to buy a mobile home from a friend but need help with filling out the proper paper work. I am giving him a down payment and he will be financing me the rest. Who can help us fill out the proper paperwork? A real estate agent or a notary? We are new to this but want to make everything right for his and my protection. He will be the lienholder until I finish paying off the balance remaining. Thanks for your help.
John Fedro
October 31, 2017Hi Miguel,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I’m very glad to hear that you are looking to do things the correct way in order to protect all parties. Even though you are both friends it is very important to have correct paperwork. In fact, the fact that you are friends means that your paperwork should even be more secure. It is important to address every situation that could come up and who is responsible for what. With regards to your questions a local real estate agent may be able to help you put together a loan and security agreement between you and your seller. Keep in mind that mobile homes are purchased and sold all across California without the help of an attorney. However because you will be creating a promissory note it may be wise to have an attorney make sure everything is correct and that all parties signatures are notarized. However when it comes to transferring the title and making sure that you are listed as legal owner and your seller is listed as registered owner this is not something an attorney, notary, or agent is needed for. This can be something you do on your own. With that said I would definitely encourage you to call the state and make sure there are no hidden liens or back taxes due for your friends mobile home. I hope this all helps and make sense. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. Always happy to help if I can. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
November 7, 2017Hi John, my fiancé and I are purchasing a MH and paying cash. Initially, it was going to be purchased under my name alone so that his heirs would not be able to get any part of this should he pass away. Our realtor is having the ownership in my name but my fiancé will be listed similar to a bank or lender. She insists that this will be in his best interest. My question is, will his daughter be entitled to half the MH if he passes away? Can we change this to take his name off completely? Thank you!
John Fedro
November 9, 2017Hi Donna,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Thank you for the detailed comment as the certainly does help me answer your question. I’ve course do not know the entire situation however based on what you told me it would be best for you to not have anyone listed as “lienholder” or “legal owner” on the title. With that said it is understandable that your fiancé would want to be listed as “legal owner” as this gives him the right to repossess the home if needed. With regards to your question the answer is definitely, it depends. I hope that your fiancé is healthy and happy and he is going to be around for a long time. However if something did happen to him and his daughter had power of attorney, she could repossess the home and evict you from the property. This would mean you could end up with nothing. There may be some merit for you to go to court however legally she could repossess the home and have you evicted. If possible, it would be ideal if you could get a “lien satisfied” signed by your fiancé that you could keep in a safe place and only use if something happened to him. This would release the lien and you would then own the home “free and clear”. This “lien satisfied” form can be found on this webpage. http://www.hcd.ca.gov/manufactured-mobile-home/registration-titling/registration-titling-forms.shtml It is near the top of the list and form number 475.3. I hope this helps and make sense. If this did not answer your question are you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
December 9, 2017Hi John Fedro ,
The extra charges of a government on the purchasing of property in the form of general country tax can be eliminate easily with in a seven days according to the rules and regulations of a government,If you write an application with the authentic reasons for a elimination of property tax and also attached a legal documents of a property tax pairs after that submitted in the government office by the tax layers which is helpful for you to approved the claim of your property tax in the seven days without any allegations of a government on the application of your property tax ,Remember don’t write any irreverent reasons in the applications of property tax you want to submit in the office of government and also don’t attached any illegal or extra document of property which increase the chances to refuse or neglect your claim application ,So keep it in your mind all the instructions and requirements given to you by the tax layer after concerning this kind of matter according to the current policy of government .
February 28, 2018HI John,
My mom passed a few months back. she signed over the title of her mobile home to me and my sister as a gift i believe. there is a third siblings involved and we signed an agreement that he does get a third of the proceeds. my cousin who is the realtor is not really being clear on the process. he is able to transfer the title however i have a few question for you in regards to the sale. please explain the sale process to me. i would like to know what determines the expenses paid out at the closing and can i have an agreement signed to such. when the sale is done how do the funds get transfered and can they cheat me out of any? can i be present at the time of sale to collect my share on the spot? how are the taxes determined. there is a bit of a family feud going on and i want to know what my right are and how to protect myself.
thank you
John Fedro
March 2, 2018Hi Michael,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your mother’s passing. I also regret to hear about the family feud over this property. Whose name is currently on the title at the moment? Also, what will be the asking price of the mobile home? Do you already have a buyer? I assume you’re looking to close through escrow? Do all the siblings have to agree on decisions or is there one sibling In Charge? I assume that this is in a mobile home park, correct me if I am wrong. Let me know the answers to these few questions above and I be happy to give you my thoughts with regards to your questions.
Talk soon,
March 8, 2018Hi there,
I have Power of Attorney for my Dad’s estate. Just found out another person’s name is on the title with my Dad’s. He bought this mobile home over 20 years ago. He has dementia so he won’t remember anything. I have no records. My Dad does pay the property tax every year on this property. Will it be easy to get the title transferred out of the other person’s name? He bought it from her. Not sure if she is alive or not. Help!!!
John Fedro
March 14, 2018Hi Allison,
Thank you for reaching out and commenting. I very much regret to hear about your father situation in the mobile home title being clouded, so to speak. If I’m understanding things correctly it definitely sounds as if you have your father signature accounted for, however this other person signature will have to be signed off on the title and perhaps other forms. I would absolutely encourage you to call the California manufactured housing department to asked them the steps to legally move forward to get this home titled into the name you wanted to be. You may have to prove that this other person is no longer around. While some people might encourage you to forge the signatures, especially if no notary is needed, I would hesitate against this. You can reach this department at (800) 952-8356. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Jen from MI
March 24, 2018I did read a ton of these. A couple were close but not the complete answer I need. So here I go… My dad is in the process of selling his manufacturer home and property that it sits on. He just found out that there is a lien on the title from the original owners from 28 years ago. The home has also been sold 2 different times before my dad! He purchased the property and home 15years ago as a foreclosure.
Now that he is selling the buyer’s lender wanted the title to be retired before proceeding (no problem! It has been updated to the max so it really is a almost a real house!). My dad then went to the SOS to do just that (yes he got bonded)but ended up finding out about this lien! From 28years ago!!! And they have passed on! So we have been working on this for weeks! The lending company will not give us any information! And will not sign off! We have a title company calling them daily. SOS says there is nothing they can do! We have given them every piece of information they have asked for!even about the original owners family. Any suggestions on how to handle this different?
John Fedro
March 27, 2018Hi Jen,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed message as this does help me understand the situation better. I very much regret to hear about the situation and headaches you are all going through. I wish that this was the first time I heard of a situation like this. It is ridiculous how many banks and note servicers resell liens or never released the liens once they are paid off. Some of the banks don’t even have the titles or liens they claim they have. With regards to the bonded title and talking to the Secretary of State and the lending company itself. It is obviously wrong that nobody at the lending company is willing to help understand the situation or remedy the problem. You may want to consult a local real estate attorney if they can put any pressure on the lender or move forward with some sort of legal proceeding proving that the home was paid in full years ago. I wish I had a better solution for you. You could also sell the mobile home with a different lender, or sell it via owner financing and collect payments from a potential buyer. I apologize I’m not able to be more of a help here. With that said if you do find a better solution moving forward please never hesitate to comment back and let us know what you discovered. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Jen from MI
April 3, 2018Thank you! We have contacted a lawyer. I will let you know the outcome of this crazy situation!
Vu Nguyen
March 24, 2018Hi John,
My parents own a mobile home in San Jose, CA. They want to transfer the title to me. Is that considered a sale and subject to any taxes? Do we have to get approval from or report the title transfer to the mobile home park management? Thank you in advance.
John Fedro
March 27, 2018Hi Vu,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. If I’m understanding you correctly than your question is about transferring the ownership and potentially paying taxes. And also about letting the park management know. If this is the case then you will likely only have to pay minimum fees and no transfer taxes on the sale. Please see the following link and click on “family transfer”. Then click the associated link concerning your mobile home and there will be instructions and paperwork of what to do. I hope this helps and make sense. http://www.hcd.ca.gov/manufactured-mobile-home/registration-titling/buy-sell-transfer.shtml
With regards to the park management, I would definitely let them know what you are doing and that the title may be changing. They will likely want to do a background check on anyone new that is moving into the mobile home. Depending on the mobile home park they may have a limit to how many people can live in a mobile home. I hope this helps and make sense. If this does not answer your question please feel free to write back any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Vu Nguyen
March 27, 2018Hi John, thank you for your response. I didn’t see any link, so could you please provide that again? Thank you so much.
Regarding telling the management, is that required or optional? I thought that’s not required because the mobile home itself has nothing to do with management, only the land that the mobile home is on, and since we’re not doing anything with the land, we’re not required to tell them about the title change. To clarify, my parents want to put the mobile home under my name, but they’ll continue living there and paying the space rent.
Curtis Jolley
May 25, 2018John,
How do we transfer the title of a mobile home that my parents left without a will or living trust?
Thank You!
John Fedro
May 26, 2018Hi Curtis,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. The answer you are seeking will depend on how your mobile home is titled in California. For this reason I would very much encourage you to call the California HCD’s manufactured home department to ask them specifically how to achieve the goal you are looking for. Definitely make sure to have the mobile homes VIN or serial number or title available when you make this phone call to the state. Tell the clerk over the phone your situation and how to move forward. (800) 952-8356 Whenever I have called this number is always helpful. I hope this helps and point you in the right direction. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
June 1, 2018hello John 3 weeks ago I made a terrible mistake, I put my son in eed of my mobile home, and now my son wants to send me away he wants me out and my mobile home what I can do I live in riversaid
John Fedro
June 2, 2018Hi Lina,
I very much regret to hear about your son wanting to send you away. I’m not exactly sure what that means however that sounds terrible that your son is treating you that way. I certainly do not know the situation however I would very much encourage you to call the California HCD and let them know your specific situation. Make sure you call with the title or registration information handy. (800) 952-8356 Again, call this number and explain to the clerks over the phone exactly what is going on. Ask for help and the steps needed to get the home back if possible. I apologize I’m not able to help more however do not know the specifics of your situation and do not want to give you any bad or misleading information. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Donald Easter
June 4, 2018John,
My mother is the legal owner of a mobile home and before she died, she sold it putting the buyers as the registered owners. I have been collecting payments for the past three plus years and it is almost time to give the legal ownership to the buyers when they complete the payments. What do I need to do to complete the transfer of the title of her mobile home? In addition to the title, I have my mom’s death certificate and an attorney’s letter that i am the legal successor as owner of the home. It looks like there are places to sign on the back of the title, but I am not sure of what I should do.
John Fedro
June 5, 2018Hi Donald,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your mother’s passing. With that said it sounds like these payment-buyers have been paying steadily for the last few years. It sounds like these people were definitely a good fit and right choice for the mobile home. The process to remove you/your mother’s information from the title is a fairly simple process. However because of the death I do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information. For this reason I would very much encourage you to call up the California HCD and asked them this question directly. Definitely have the title of the mobile home available or at least the serial number or VIN of the mobile home in question. Explain the situation and the clerk over the phone will tell you the quickest and easiest way to achieve your goal. You may call the California HCD at this phone number (800) 952-8356. I apologize about pointing you to the state and not answering you directly, however I would rather you hear the answer directly from the state based on the mobile home serial number and your specific situation. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Brandon Jones
June 10, 2018I bought a mobile home that was under the guys deceased parents name. I’m trying to get it put it in my name but I don’t have a copy of the wife’s death certificate and can not get sold of the guy I bought it off of. How can I legally get it in my name with out repercussions.
John Fedro
June 10, 2018Hi Brandon,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I regret to hear that you are having difficulty transferring the title and ownership into your name. With that said, perhaps the son did not have the legal right to resell the deceased parents mobile home. This ideally should have been discussed prior to you purchasing the mobile home. In all reality if the title and ownership is not in your name, then you really have not necessarily purchased anything as of this point. There are a handful of different ways that a mobile home may be titled in the state of California. For this reason I would encourage you to call the state directly at the phone number below. (800) 952-8356 Mention to the clerk over the phone exactly what you’re going through and make sure you have the mobile homes serial number or VIN available to provide to this clerk over the phone. Hopefully the clerk will be helpful and give you the steps needed to claim clear ownership of the mobile home. With that said there would likely be a handful of legal ways to move forward, whether or not they are possible depending on your situation and the fact that you are unable to find the person who sold it to you may or may not allow you to move forward with some of these options. There are a couple gray area/illegal ways to move forward however I would of course encourage you to stay away from these other strategies that may get you in trouble. With all of that said I do not believe I’ve given you any real strategies on how to move forward except for to call the state directly and explain your situation to them. I prefer you hear from the horses mouth exactly how to move forward based on your exact situation and how the mobile home is currently titled in the state. I hope this helps and starts to make sense. As always, if you ever have any specific questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
June 26, 2018Hello:
I am selling a 1990 double wide 26×52 in the visalia CA area. 10 years ago it was gutted and remodeled new sheetrock, tile floor, cabinets. Roof is 5 years old comp shingles what is a ballpark asking price?
John Fedro
July 9, 2018Hi Jon,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. It sounds like your mobile home is definitely a good size. Being a 1990 it certainly is not that old either. Very glad to hear that it was fairly recently remodeled and has a five-year-old shingle roof on the property. I would like you to sell your home for the highest win-win price you are able to successfully get from an eager serious buyer. With that being said I certainly do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information. I would very much encourage you to speak with your local park manager as well as drive through all the local mobile home communities in your local area including your own. Make sure to drive-through parks that are similar to yours, such as they allow all ages or only senior citizens inside the community. Look for homes comparable to yours and even go in a few to check out their condition. This is the same thing other buyers will potentially be doing in and around your local area. For a fast sale it is important to have your property 10% below the competitions and prettier than the competitions as well. Keep in mind that if you are looking for a cash buyer and need to sell quickly you should aim to be flexible when possible. With that said definitely make sure you are advertising and marketing your mobile home in as many online and off-line methods as possible. If you’re willing to accept payments for your mobile home you will likely be able to sell for bit of a higher price and two more interested parties. With that said selling on payments certainly is riskier and I would very much encourage you to take at least 40% down payment from your potential buyer. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
June 29, 2018Hi John, I recently bought a mobile home from the park owner. She did not tell me that there was no title. I paid the trailer in full amount and only got a bill of sale. I qualified for some new equipment for the mobile home from the state but require the title. I contacted the State of California and got the legal and registered owners name and address. It looks like they are businesses. I looked up the address and tried to contact them but the address is not correct or the business shut down. How do I go about getting the title with without paying a fortune in the process?
John Fedro
July 9, 2018Hi Melinda,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear that the mobile home park allowed you to buy something they technically did not own themselves. In all reality this is not the correct way to do things and you could most likely get them into trouble by reporting them to the state.
Good job doing your research to find out who is the legal and registered owner as far as the state is concerned. Good job tracking down the owners that are on title. Or at least who they are. I understand that the company or business name may be out of business as this may have been many years ago. There could be a few different reasons for this, some malicious and some harmless. Perhaps somewhere down the line the ownership was not changed or the lien was not removed from the title. This can happen when people are lazy and don’t transfer ownership when they purchase the home between private parties. Another answer is that the company closed down and/or may have transferred the property on paper but clearly the “owners of record” have not been making payments to the park.
Some states have a way for you to obtain clear title by going to court or performing what is known as a “bonded title”. California does not offer a bonded title to my knowledge, and since there is a different owner of record it may be easiest for the park to file for an abandoned title. Once the park is clear title they may sell it to you legally. However it doesn’t sound like the park is willing to do this or knows how to do this since they clearly try to sell you something the incorrect way.
In California the home can be titled a few different ways. For this reason and others I would definitely like you to hear what to do moving forward directly from the horses mouth. I would encourage you to call the HCD again and explain your situation and what are the best steps to take moving forward.
I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. I don’t think I’ve told you anything that you do not know however would definitely encourage you to call back the HCD office to find out all your questions. You may eventually want to talk to an attorney if the mobile home park does not want to help you. This is because the mobile home park was wrong the whole time and selling you something that they technically did not own. Unless perhaps the company on the title is the mobile home park itself.
As always, any follow-up questions or concerns you have now are moving forward never hesitate to reach out anytime. If you learn anything new from the HCD never hesitate to comment back and let us know as well. We would all like to learn and grow if possible. All the best. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
September 24, 2018Hi John,
I am cleaning up some titles in a Mobilehome Park in CA. I have a home with no numbers on it. We did check inside the home we checked the frame and the tongue as well. I called HCD and they checked by address and space number and they do not have anything which means that it is registered with the DMV. Do you know how I would contact the DMV without having numbers or the name of the owners. Or should I just call HCD out to do a Technical Service inspection and have them issue new numbers for the home.
John Fedro
September 25, 2018Hi Laura,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed message as a certainly does help me answer your question. Since you have done a thorough inspection of the property and are unable to come up with any identifying markers or numbers for the property or what absolutely encourage you to call out the state to have them reissue you a new VIN or serial if possible. With that said if this doesn’t work please feel free to email me directly for additional potential ways to move forward. Feel free to keep in touch. All the best.
Talk soon,
December 2, 2018Hi john i was hoping you coukd help me and my family, our home we owned burnt down and their is a man who offered to donate the doublewide he has on his property because he put a triplewide. He lost the title and it was in his mothers name whom passed away. We need to figure a solution as soon as possable to get it into our name so me my wife and 3 boys can have an actual sized home again. We live in kern county california thank you
John Fedro
December 2, 2018Hi Chad,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. First things first, I very much regret to hear about your home burning down. However I hope that you and your family are all safe and physically unharmed. With regards to the title, it would be great if he still had this in his possession. However because the title is gone and he is not the current owner, he will only be able to receive a new title if he is the trustee of her estate, has a signed power of attorney, and/or has a death certificate. There are definitely some hurdles to overcome however it is great that this person will give you this home if you are able to move it.
With that said, definitely reach out to the California HCD at (800) 952-8356 to explain your situation and double check the procedures moving forward that the seller must do in order to get the title into your name. Depending on the serial number or VIN the state may tell you to do a couple different things. Tell the person over the phone that you are a private buyer who is purchasing from a private seller and wants to make sure you do not get into any trouble or make any mistakes. Additionally, try to find out from the seller if the home went through probate, or he has a power of attorney or death certificate concerning his mother. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Celia Orozco
January 15, 2019Hello Mr. Fedro,
I wanted to ask if Department of Motor Vehicle(D.M.V) is involved in any way in regards to registration of trailer home? I was hoping to purchase a trailer but the owner only has registration, he claims we must go to D.M.V. for paperwork to get title. But reading this confuses me.
John Fedro
January 19, 2019Hi Celia,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. In California there are a few different ways to hold and transfer mobile home titles inside pre-existing mobile home parks. For that reason I do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information. The seller may be correct in only having a registration for the home. With that said I would definitely encourage you to get a copy of the serial number or VIN before calling the California HCD’s manufactured home titling department at (800) 952-8356. Explain your situation and ask what paperwork is needed moving forward. These folks are usually helpful however you may have to wait on hold for a little bit of time. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out anytime.
Talk soon,
Sue Sloan
January 19, 2019Hi John,
I inherited my recently deceased mother’s mobile home, in California, which is in her Revocable Trust. I’m trying to figure out what the process is, what steps I need to complete if any, so that I can sell the mobile home.
The mobile home was a gift to me in the Trust, and I am the Successor Trustee of the Trust.
The mobile home Decal number begins with “A”.
Do I need to first get the Title into my name before I can sell the mobile home? Or is that not necessary and it can be sold somehow through the Trust, by me, as the Successor Trustee?
Do I need to first contact HCD, or does a realtor handling the sale for me normally take care of any HCD forms as part of the sale process?
And how do the taxes on the mobile home sale work?
Appreciate any guidance you can provide!
John Fedro
January 23, 2019Hi Sue,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your mother’s passing. I’m sorry to hear about this.
In California there are a number of ways to incorrectly handle paperwork and procedures moving forward. Additionally, you can spin your wheels doing one thing when it is truly not even needed. For this reason I would definitely encourage you to call up the California HCD directly and explain to them what you are trying to do in the best steps moving forward. They will direct you to the paperwork and places you need to go to to correctly get everything out of your name and into a new buyer’s name. Here is the HCD’s direct number to their titling department. You may have to wait on hold for little while however these folks are always helpful when I call. Make sure you have the mobile homes been or serial number with you if possible. (800) 952-8356
I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. As always if you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out here to contact the state directly. All the best.
Talk soon,
January 29, 2019Hello,
On my State of California Department of Housing and Community Development “Certificate of Title – Manufactured Home” I have second person listed as a Registered Owner (along with me). I would like to have the second person removed off the title. How would I go about that? Do they just need to sign under Section B for “Releasing Signatures”?
Thank you in advance.
John Fedro
January 30, 2019Hi Barbara,
Very good to hear from you. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. The state of California has a few different types of mobile home titles so I hesitate to give you any specific advice because if the title is signed in the wrong location it can be a little bit of a pain to correct this issue. With that said in order to get the second person off of the title, it should be relatively easy. However because I want to give you any wrong or misleading information. I would encourage you to call up the California HCD’s mobile home titling department to ask them the specific question. Make sure you have the mobile homes VIN or serial number before you call. You may have to wait on hold however these folks are always helpful when I call. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. As always, any specific mobile home related questions you have now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out anytime.
Talk soon,
February 7, 2019Hi John,
My mother in law recently purchased a mobile home – personal property (not yet affixed). If she wants her husband to release his interest in the property, do you know what forms need to be filled out and filed where?
I am familiar with this process with real property – however I cannot find much online with respect to personal property/mobile homes.
John Fedro
February 14, 2019Hi Ryan,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. If I am understanding your situation correctly then this should absolutely be a very quick and easy changed to get her husband’s name released from the property. With that said California titles mobile homes and a few different ways, so the forms you may need may be a little bit different depending on how your mother’s home is titled. For this reason I would definitely encourage you and her to call the HCD together at (800) 952-8356 and explain to them your situation and asked them personally which paperwork is best moving forward. They will likely point you to the right paperwork and procedure moving forward to get things done quickly and affordably. I hope this helps and point you in the right direction moving forward. I do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information so I would rather you hear it directly from the horses mouth. When you collect HCD you may have to wait on hold for a little while however make sure you have the mobile homes Vin number or serial number to reference when you talk to the clerk over the phone. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Stephen Alexander
February 10, 2019Hi John,
I helped a friend by financing a manufactured home for her in Stanton CA. I am the lien holder /Legal Owner. She has repaid the loan in full, and I want to release the title back to her. Can you tell me what steps to take?
Stephen Alexander
Marietta, GA
John Fedro
February 14, 2019Hi Stephen,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I’m very glad to hear that your friend has successfully paid you in full with regards to the lien you are holding on their mobile home. Mobile homes can be titled a few different ways in California so I would definitely encourage you to call the HCD at (800) 952-8356. When you call make sure you have the mobile homes Vin number or serial number to mention to the clerk over the phone and explain your situation. They will most likely have you fill out and send in form http://www.hcd.ca.gov/manufactured-mobile-home/docs/HCDRT475.3.pdf… However I definitely want you to hear this personally from them as the type of title and lien you have may require a different form or procedure moving forward. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. As always, if you ever have any more mobile home specific questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Eric Haug
February 22, 2019Dear John,
I sold my mobile home in California 6 years ago, and learned last summer that the 5 buyers never registered it with the HCD. The county tax office says I owe the back taxes, liens, and penalties. As you know, there is a law that mandates buyers to transfer the title of the mobile home they buy (California Civil Code Sections 798.70 ~ 798.74). Months ago I wrote to them, but they have yet to register it. My questions are: (1) Am I legally liable to pay the back taxes, liens, and penalties? (2) If I am, then what should I do? I have lived outside of America the past 6 years. I deeply appreciate your advice!
John Fedro
February 28, 2019Hi Eric,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your situation. Please see my thoughts below in bold.
I sold my mobile home in California 6 years ago, and learned last summer that the 5 buyers never registered it with the HCD. The county tax office says I owe the back taxes, liens, and penalties. As you know, there is a law that mandates buyers to transfer the title of the mobile home they buy (California Civil Code Sections 798.70 ~ 798.74). Agreed. It is a good idea as the seller to make sure that this is transferred into the new buyer’s name as well. Sellers may also proactively contact the state and tax department to let them know that they had sold the home as well. With that said this happens to a number of sellers in the state, and around the country for various reasons. If you have proof that you sold the home years ago then this should help prove that you are not responsible for this back due amount. Months ago I wrote to them, but they have yet to register it. My questions are: (1) Am I legally liable to pay the back taxes, liens, and penalties? I would absolutely encourage you to call up the HCD and make sure you speak with the manager to explain your exact situation and what paperwork you still have to prove that you are no longer the owner. (2) If I am, then what should I do? I have lived outside of America the past 6 years. I would absolutely encourage you to reach out to a local real estate attorney in the area that may be able to help. Look for an attorney with one-free hour of consultation to get your questions answered and explain your situation. I deeply appreciate your advice! I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. I do not think I told you anything that you did not know however I would rather you hear your exact options directly from the people in charge. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. Additionally, keep us posted and let us know how everything goes. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Wayne E DeLong
March 29, 2019My mother recently passed away and wanted to leave her mobile home to my son ,her grandson.What do I need to do to put it in his name??Thank You Wayne
John Fedro
April 6, 2019Hi Wayne,
Thank you very much for reaching out and connecting. First things first, I very much regret to hear about your mother passing. That is very nice about leaving the home to your son. I would encourage you to call the state directly at their mobile home housing phone number. (800) 952-8356 However I believe they will recommend form HCD 488.4 (PDF) — Transfer on Death Beneficiary to transfer over the interest from your mother to your son. With that said I definitely want you to hear it from the horses mouth, which is the state, once you have clearly explain the situation. You may have to wait on hold for a while however these folks are typically helpful when I call as well. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Moving forward, if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Christopher Cavanagh
May 24, 2019Hi John,
Mobile homes are not my forte and I’m impressed by your expertise on the subject. I hope you can help. A friend of mine owns a mobile home jointly with her brother in California. Her brother has completed a form to transfer ownership to just his name and remove her name from title without her permission. He forged her signature. It is my limited understanding that California handles mobile home title changes via mail as opposed to in person at a local DMV (where they would verify the title owners ID and not just signature). If the state honors the forged form and changes title out of my friends name and into her brother’s name as a sole owner, what recourse does my friend have? Does she need to hire an attorney or go to small claims court? Is their a department of California State that she can contact to dispute this or let them know her brother is attempting to change title without her permission? Any help you can give is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
John Fedro
June 5, 2019Hi Christopher,
Thank you very much for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your friend situation with her brother. You are correct that you may mail in all the forms and not do things in person. The state currently has a backlog of a few months in order to get titles reprinted and mailed to the new owners. If the forged signature was accepted then it would be placed in the new party’s name. An attorney may be needed however calling the California HCD and speaking directly with these folks over the phone would be my first course of action. (800) 952-8356 Your friend should explain the situation she is having an ask for any advice these clerks may have. You may have to wait on hold for a little while however these folks have always been helpful when I call as well. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Frank Johnson
June 24, 2019I read that in 2019 there are no new amendments to the Mobilehome Residency Law, do you have any idea if that is still true? Thank you in advance
John Fedro
July 7, 2019Hi Frank,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Where did you read this? Could you send over a link if you sought online? I have not seen this or heard this. Thank you for connecting and reaching out again.
Talk soon,
E. Ramirez
July 3, 2019Hello and thank you for this very useful and relevant information.
Number 5 states the package of a sale should be sent to HCD within 20 days of closing the sale. We had sold a property by owner last November and still haven’t closed because of the buyer, who has not been able to collect the money for the closing of escrow (part of the deal was that the buyer will pay the closing cost because we gave them a really good deal on the trailer). What penalties are we subject to now and what will be the consequences of not doing it within a timely fashion?
Thanks a lot,
John Fedro
July 7, 2019Hi E. Ramirez,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I hesitate on telling you the exact back due fee amount because I do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information. I would definitely encourage you to call the HCD directly with the mobile home serial number or VIN and explain the situation to them. They will definitely let you know the back due fees exactly for this particular mobile home. In my experience the fees are not too bad. Should be less than two hundred dollars if that, assuming it is just for the transfer being delayed.
Talk soon,
S. Fry
September 11, 2019Hi John –
I’ve have been doing a lot of research with regard to transferring title of a mobile home into the name of a family owned LLC. Is this title transfer possible? Which transfer form would you use? The Multi-Purpose Transfer Form 476.6G) doesn’t seem to apply re designation of co-owner term section. It would be JTRS, TENCOM COMPRO, etc.
Please advise. Thank you
John Fedro
September 11, 2019Hi S. Fry,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I know California we’ve put mobile home titles into single member LLCs and multimember LLCs. However I’m not sure about a family owned LLC. I do not see why this would be too much different though. However I do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information. With that said I would very much Encourage You to Call the HCD mobile home Department yourself at the following phone number. (800) 952-8356 you may have to wait on hold a little bit of time however these folks have always been helpful to me. Make sure you have the serial number or Vin number and explain your situation. This way you can hear the correct answer directly from the horses mouth. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Denise Mathews
September 16, 2019Hi….Does it really take 6 months to transfer title on a mobile home in California now? My escrow office told me it could take that long. Can I expedite the process if I walk all the completed papers into the Riverside office? Six months of extra space rent while waiting to sell my mobile home will really hurt. Thank you so much. Denise
John Fedro
September 20, 2019Hi Denise,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. As of the date I am writing you this comment, I can report to you that California has had a multi-month backlog of mobile home title transfers for a few years now. It is been six months for at least a few months. If you bring all the completed forms down to the Riverside office, you will not expedite the process however you will ensure that the paperwork does not get kickback because it is incorrect. That is because the clerk will process this paperwork and make sure things are correct before taking it from you and taking your payment. When I work with folks in California it is not uncommon for cash buyers to pay us 80% or more of the purchase price at the same time that we provide the buyer the keys. However another agreement you’ll want written up that explains when the title comes in you will transfer it over to the buyer and take the rest of the money from them at this time. This allows you to hold most of the money and for the seller to take possession of the property. With that said this is not always work for both parties. I hope this helps him and point you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
John Merzon
September 20, 2019Hi John,
I have a mobilehome in a park where the registered owner died years ago after “transferring” it to another person who never registered it in his name. Then that person died and no relative wants to do anything about the missing registration. The other wrinkle is that the registration is through DMV as it was when the original registered owner “transferred” it. So, the park owner wants to take possession of the unit. I think a warehouse lien sale for a deceased owner (original registered owner) with no beneficiary is in order, but the DMV aspect is confusing. Any thoughts?
John Fedro
September 25, 2019Hi John,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. I am curious how you ended up with this mobile home and how long you have been living in it, or if it is just for investing purposes. Obviously without legal ownership the park could have always nonrenewed the lease and demanded that this home be moved out… They would do this if they wanted the home for themselves so they could fix it and resell it. Without forging some signatures it would be difficult to get the home into your name very quickly. Additionally, California has a bit of a backlog when it comes to transferring mobile home titles that are personal property. You are correct that the situation is a bit confusing due to the multiple aspects and owners over the years. I would very much encourage you to call the HCD and explain to them the situation you have in the best way to move forward. If you are able to provide any proof or how long you’ve been in the home that may be ideal, however if not than the park owner may end up taking possession of the unit. Keep in mind that it is not ideal to fight against the owner of the park or park manager… If they want this home it is best just to give it to them as they will make things difficult for you moving forward when it comes to reselling. I regret I’m not able to help a bit more. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
November 1, 2019Hi John,
I was looking to bid/ invest on a mobile home subdivision through a tax sale in Merced County at https://www.bid4assets.com/mvc/auction/897857
According to the information it seems that I will only be bidding on the land? But the google map address shows that there is a mobile home on the lot. So my question is if I bid and win will I automatically own the mobile home? If so would there be HOA fees or underlying fees or liens that I need to be aware of?
Also if I win the bid and own the land, but the mobile home is not included what are my options in terms of leasing the land to the current tenants or evict? Thank you so much!
John Fedro
November 7, 2019Hi Ray,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Please see my thoughts below in bold.
I was looking to bid/ invest on a mobile home subdivision through a tax sale in Merced County at https://www.bid4assets.com/mvc/auction/897857 Interesting property. You have any idea what you could resell this for cash or payments? You know what the interior of the home looks like?
According to the information it seems that I will only be bidding on the land? But the google map address shows that there is a mobile home on the lot. So my question is if I bid and win will I automatically own the mobile home? The answer is definitely, it depends. It depends on the deed breeds and if the mobile home is attached to the land legally. Whether it is or is not you can almost certainly obtain the title to the mobile home since it is vacant and on your land. However if it is not vacant and somebody owns it than they could certainly pull it off of your land. However from what I can see from Google Earth it looks like the home is on the older side and may not be move too easily. If so would there be HOA fees or underlying fees or liens that I need to be aware of? There may be community fees to, this is something that you would need to check into and ask a local resident in the area. There may be a president of a local committee or board. However there but probably certainly be no liens.
Also if I win the bid and own the land, but the mobile home is not included what are my options in terms of leasing the land to the current tenants or evict? Yes, both of these are possible. As the landowner you hold many of the cards. Thank you so much! Glad to help. Hope this all make sense. Feel free to keep in touch. All the best.
Talk soon,
November 13, 2019Howdy John, I stumbled onto your web site due to searching for Mobiles for sale. Perhaps you have heard CA is ALL ABOUT the Haves and Have Nots, thus there is several thousand in Sacramento Ca homeless. Among that amount their are great people fully employed, average credit sleeping in their cars due to the zero apartment and home affordably, plus shortage. Thank again for posting your fair ideas without saying pay me thousands before I finish my key paragraph.
I think you have understanding that many of us are not Hunter Biden getting $$$$$$ handouts because of our last name. We are looking to thrive as individuals or help our family, children and or seniors have a place to call home. Keep posting and thank you again for your selfless act of sharing ideas how to make money in your industry.
December 6, 2019Hello,
I want to remove someone from my title for my mobile home and they are willing to do it. The house is registered with the DMV . What documentation do I need to complete? I live in California.
John Fedro
December 29, 2019Hi Jane,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Understood about you wanting to take someone off of your mobile home title. It is very ideal that they are willing to sign off and have them so removed as well. Definitely do this sooner rather than later. There are few different ways of mobile homes can be titled in the state of California so I would rather you hear the exact procedure for your specific title directly from the state itself. Here’s the number to the California HCD’s manufactured housing title department. (800) 952-8356 Give them a call and explain the exact situation and they will tell you the documents and procedure needed to move forward. You may have to wait on the phone for a little while however they are typically helpful whenever I call. Keep in touch moving forward. I hope this helps. If you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
January 12, 2020Hi John,
I want to join the masses by saying thanks again for your effort in providing this information for free. I’m located in Northern Cali following the F.I.R.E (Financial Independence/Retire Early) path and thinking of using manufactured home investing as a vehicle to get me closer to my number. I have no experience in single family home investing.
As I go through your site and learn as much as I can my biggest concern about jumping into this is that I have no experienced in home repairs of any kind. I’m also a little nervous about being able to find a repair person I can trust to not over charge or provide quality work.
Do you know of any resources that can make finding a local repair person? Also, is it beneficial for me to learn how to do basic repairs before jumping in?
John Fedro
January 24, 2020Hi Angela,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Thank you so much for your kind words. They truly mean more than you know. I love your path for early retirement and financial freedom. This definitely takes a lot of hard work and daily discipline however it is quite possible. Understood about you having no experience yet in single-family home investing, this is how we all get started.
You are definitely right that repairs are a normal part of this business. Not on every mobile home, but on many of them. When I work with folks I definitely want to see a lot of pictures and some videos of every mobile home that we make offers on. However even if we are not working together feel free to send over pictures via email and I’ll be happy to give you some thoughts.
You are absolutely right about finding a handyperson that you can trust. Recommendations from local mobile home dealerships and local mobile home parks are good start. You will also want to vet people that you find online and that they find you online as well. You should have dealbreaker questions that whittled down 50 potential handy people to only less than 10 or so that show up to bid out the property and give you an itemized bid. Only a handful of people will give you a bed and of them you will only want to work with two or three. You can give these people a test job to see who comes in under budget, is a problem solver, etc. I hope this all helps and makes sense. Feel free to keep in touch moving forward.
Talk soon,
January 31, 2020Hi John,
Your website and thoughtful responses are super helpful and I might have the answer I need but wanted to confirm. I am trying to help out a friend who’s mother has just passed away. She left no will and has three adult children, one of whom is my friend. The children are all in agreement in regards to her assets so thankfully there is no issue there but they need to sell her mobile home asap as no one wants to be responsible for the monthly dues of the park it is currently in. My question for you is, are they able to use a Transfer of Death Beneficiary form after the owner of the home has passed or is this a form that has to have one or all of the kids listed before her passing? I was a bit confused by the wording on the form. Perhaps their best bet is to call California HCD directly and inquire.
Thank you John I look forward to hearing your answer.
John Fedro
February 1, 2020Hi Liz,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Thank you for checking out the website. I do hope that it has been somewhat helpful to you already. Thank you for the detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. I regret to hear about your friend’s mother’s passing. California has a few different ways that mobile homes hold a title. For this reason I would definitely encourage your friend to call up the HCD at (800) 952-8356. Your friend may have to wait 30 minutes on hold however these folks are usually fairly friendly. Make sure your friend has the serial number, title number, or VIN to the mobile home while calling. Calling the HCD will allow your friend to hear the right answer directly from the horses mouth. I hope this helps a bit. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Boyd Astle
February 11, 2020We purchased MH in 2007 and are thinking of selling. I was trying to get papers in order and found our registration but apparently did not file section C (new owners information) and never did receive the title. Can I just fill out this title information and mail in or am I going to have to do more, fine, etc.
Thanks for any help you might provide.
Boyd Astle
John Fedro
June 3, 2020Hi Boyd,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. You are likely going to be able to simply fill out and file section C with the state. However definitely call up the California HCD and ask them directly. You may have to wait a while on the phone to get in touch with someone. Or you may likely have to leave a voicemail message and people will call you back. However this is definitely something I would like you to hear directly from the state. Have your mobile homes VIN or serial number with you to tell the clerk as well. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Keep in touch moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out anytime.
Talk soon,
Maria Solis
February 27, 2020Hi John,
I came across this site while I was researching how to change the name on an existing title on a mobile home. My daughter and I had purchased a mobile home a couple of years ago and we paid it in full with cash. The owner on the title was deceased and we purchased it from his daughter. She gave us the old title (with her fathers name on it) and a hand written letter saying who she was and her relation and that we purchased the mobile home and paid the amount requested in cash. She does not live in CA and we have no way of contacting her. We’re trying to get the title in our names but HCD says we need signatures from the owner (who is deceased) and we keep telling them that hes passed and they don’t have a solid answer for us. This has been an ongoing issue for 2 years and I’m at a loss for words and do not know what to do. We had already sent the application for transfer all other duplication reg and duplicate title forms and fees as well and still nothing. Is there anything you recommend we do? At this point we are just fed up and don;t know what to do.
John Fedro
March 25, 2020Hi Maria,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I apologize about the delay in this comment reply. Thank you for explaining the situation as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. The below advice comes from helping other folks it is not something that I suggest that you do. However I do want you to know what others have done in similar situations where there are little other options. I hope you have solved the situation by this time, however if you have been dealing with the for two years you probably have not. To my knowledge no notary is needed for the paperwork in California. I’ve worked with other investors that have looked the other way to have the signatures signed by a loved one that may or may not have power of attorney. The reason for this is exactly due to what you’re going through. In some situations the state or situation makes it nearly impossible for us to get the title any other way. The above situation is only what was done by one or two other folks that I have known. I am certainly not suggesting that you do it, or you encourage anyone else to sign on someone else’s behalf. Moving forward feel free to keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Michele P
May 30, 2020Hello! My father signed over his MH in Arizona to me without my knowledge. Later he passed away and while going through his things I found the deeds. Anyway, then the pandemic happened. I have searched high and low trying to find out if I can do the deed transfer here in California at our DMV or if I have to go to Arizona (once they fully open again) ADOT to transfer the ownership to me. It’s been almost 6 months since he signed it over to me but I didn’t have the deeds until mid March which is when we went into quarantine. I asked at AAA but they didn’t know as they were/are running on scaled down and limited functionality. I have looked at both Arizona and California DMV sites for information but for MH there seems to be little to nothing. Our CA DMV’s are currently on very limited means as well.
It is just the MH not the property it sits on. I have had to pay the rent since my dads death as well. I have to get this sold because I can’t afford the rent increase coming up. I’m going a bit crazy with all the restrictions of Covid on top of the lack of information available.
Any help/information would be appreciated.
Thank you!
John Fedro
June 3, 2020Hi Michele,
Thanks for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thanks for your detailed comment as this really does help me understand your situation a bit better. I regret to hear about your father’s passing. Understood about you receiving control of the property. I would definitely encourage you to get in touch with the California HCD and provide them the mobile homes serial number or VIN. In California a mobile home can be titled a handful of ways I want to hear directly from the state the best way to move forward. Once you are able to get clear title from the HCD, or an Arizona from the MVD, then you can resell the property. However I would encourage you to put the home on the market now while you are getting the title paperwork situated. In your comment you mentioned about going through California or Arizona. You want to contact the state where the home resides in the current title is located through. I hope this helps him and make sense. Hope this point you in the right direction. Feel free to keep in touch. If you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out anytime.
Talk soon,
Marcus Fontes
July 26, 2020Hey John. Thanks for taking time out of your day to answer questions. I have one also. I have an older mobile home (probably 70s) that I plan on purchasing but the owner does not have the title and the registration plate is old and rusted so it’s illegible. Is it possible to get another copy of the title or can we get a while new title in CA?
John Fedro
August 4, 2020Hi Marcus,
Very good to hear from you. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Congratulations on the coming purchase of this older mobile home. I hope that you like the home and the current location. I’m curious if you have any identifying information on the mobile home? Besides the owner’s name and address of course. You’ll want to call the HCD in California directly and explain your situation. Provide the VIN or serial number that you do have. You may have to wait an hour or more to get someone on the phone however this will be worth it. Do not hang up until you get the answer you are looking for. Assuming that the person you’re talking to is the legal owner than the HCD will point you to the correct document for a duplicate title. You are able to get a duplicate registration plate as well to the state once the home is yours. I hope that this helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. Any follow-up questions you have or have never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
October 4, 2020some additional info:
1) I have the original Certificate of Title (Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship with her name and mine)
2) The mobile home decals start with an “A”
March 18, 2021My 85 year old friend has a mobile home in her name only. She wants to quick deed her home to her daughters. She has a husband but paid for home with her own money he is not interested in staying in home if something happens to her. Would it be easier to just add daughters to title?
John Fedro
March 29, 2021Hi Sharon,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Based on your comment I would absolutely agree that adding the daughters names to the physical title is 100% the way to go. This will help ensure that when something happens to your friend the daughters are able to relatively easily sell the mobile home if needed. I hope this helps and answers your question. Feel free to keep in touch moving forward if you have any follow-up questions at all. All the best.
Talk soon,
March 25, 2021A person bought a small fixer up trailer and the day they can’t move it for ten years would anyone know why is that?
John Fedro
March 29, 2021Hi Rosemary,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. In California will want to call the HCD at the phone number below and provide the VIN or serial number to the mobile home. You may have to wait on hold for a little bit however these folks will deftly be the ones to ask pertaining to this exact mobile home and why it may not be moved four years. Perhaps this is something to do with taxes or perhaps it is simply just a mobile home parks stipulation for some reason. I hope that this helps and point you in the right direction moving forward. Feel free to keep in touch. All the best. (800) 952-8356
Talk soon,
April 16, 2021I’m the legal owner of a manufactured homes that is now paid off. To release my lien I was instructed to sign the back of the title before sending it to the registered owner. My question is, do I sign section B, line 2?
John Fedro
April 17, 2021Hi Alex,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. Understood about your situation. Over the last 20 years the California mobile home titles have gone through many many changes and looks and sizes. Additionally, depending on how the home is taxed the title may look different from other titles. For this reason I do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information. I’m not sure the exact title that you are looking at but would encourage you to contact the California HCD at (800) 952-8356 to ask them the specific question. Whenever I call the HCD they are usually always helpful. You may have to wait on hold for a little while however explain your situation and your goals and they will likely provide you the quickest and easiest way to accomplish this. I hope that this helps and point you in the right direction. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Glenn Holeman
August 6, 2021Hi,
I recently sold our mobile home, I am waiting for my last fee to be returned by escrow, it is listed as hold for transfer. I spoke to the escrow officer and they said it would be months before I will be reimbursed. Does that sound right?
John Fedro
August 31, 2021Hi Glenn,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. If this is a reputable escrow office then it will almost certainly find its way back to you. However in my opinion this is very long and ridiculous. I have come to learn that many things in California take significantly longer and cost significantly more than in other parts of the country. I’m sure that you are already experiencing this in other ways. This money is not returned within 30 days absolutely call back on a regular basis. I hope this helps some. Moving forward if you have any follow-up mobile home related questions please never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
Amy Wang
September 29, 2021Hello John Fedro,
May I ask a question about how to changed mobile home title to my name only and remove my ex husband name? Because I own the mobile home from our divorce settlement. It has been 7 years since our divorce, and I have not changed this title. Could you please tell me how to transfer it to my own name? Very grateful?
Amy Wang
John Fedro
October 13, 2021Hi Amy Wang,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Thank you for the detailed comment as this certainly helps me understand your situation a bit better. There is certainly an answer to your question and you are certainly not alone with regards to delaying this transfer after a divorce settlement. However depending on how your mobile home is titled in the specific Vin/serial number the paperwork needed to move forward will differ a little bit. I would very much encourage you to contact the California HCD to explain this exact situation and asked them the paperwork and best steps needed to move forward quickly and affordably. Explain the situation and they should be able to point you to the exact paperwork needed and where to file everything once completed. You may have to wait on hold for a while however the folks at the HCD are typically quite helpful. You may contact them at the following number (800) 952-8356. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Feel free to keep in touch. If you have any follow-up mobile home questions never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
January 5, 2022Hi, I’m searching for information about transferring the title from DMV to HCD. I have a mobile home and bought it from someone who only had the DMV title. I am selling it now and the lot manager is telling me that I need to get the title from HCD. It is a 1963 model, and I can’t find any information that it is required to transfer the registration from DMV to HCD in order to sell it. Note that I am in Caliornia. Can anyone point me to the right direction?
John Fedro
January 5, 2022Hi Kay,
Thank you for reading and commenting. Thank you for explaining your situation in detail as this definitely does help me understand your situation. California certainly does things uniquely compared to every other state. There are a few different versions of mobile home titles, and there are even more versions that have been printed over the years depending on how old your current title is. With that said you’re definitely not the first person going through the situation but I would rather you hear an answer directly from the horses mouth. I encourage you to call the HCD directly at the following number. (800) 952-8356 you will definitely have to wait on the line for a while however these folks are typically quite helpful. Have your title or registration available when you make this call. Explain the situation and they should be happy to help. Hope this point you in the right direction. Feel free to keep in touch. All the best.
Denise Panzich
February 2, 2022My mom purchased a mobile home seven years ago in California. She has a trust and was told to put it in the trust. However, she has miss placed the pink slip. She has a accountant that has gone to the DMV and they told her they don’t do that for a mobile home. Can you tell where in California we should go? I did read your article and you mentioned that California and Texas have very few offices that do that. I’m scared to mail in original paperwork to get a replacement.
John Fedro
July 19, 2022Hi Denise,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Thank you for the detailed comment has the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. I regret to hear that your mother has lost the pink slip to her mobile home, however this definitely happens from time to time. Usually the folks down at the HCD are very helpful at explaining things and helping you get through these types of situations. You may visit their offices at the locations and phone numbers below. I hope that this helps and point you in the right direction.
City of El Cajon
1530 Hilton Head Road, Suite 107
El Cajon, CA 92019 (619) 441-2326
City of Riverside
3737 Main Street, Suite 400
Riverside, CA 92501 (951) 782-4431
City of San Luis Obispo
3220 South Higuera Street, Suite 103B
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 549-3373
All the best. Talk soon,
July 2, 2022I have a question. What can I do Me and my mom had a mobile in both our names and we sold it 15 months ago and the new owners have not transford the title in their name and I’m still getting paper work for taxes. What can I do. I have called two weeks ago and the new owners still haven’t pit it I’m their name. what can I do?
John Fedro
July 11, 2022Hi Sandra,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I regret to hear that you are going through this situation. With that said it seems like you hold much of the card since you are still the owner of record. You would be able to obtain a duplicate title and evict the folks inside or even resell the home to someone else. You of course would not do that, however you could do that and it should scare the current buyer/occupant. I would encourage you to let them know that you will be obtaining a duplicate title and selling this to someone that will transfer the title into their own name if they will not do so. Keep in mind that the steps to transfer ownership in California do require a few things having to be done before sending everything into the state or having the title transferred. Keep in touch moving forward. Obviously you want to work with the buyer, and I can tell you that this is definitely a semi-common issue. You may also be able to call the HCD to ask them for any advice they can offer. Hope this helps and points you in the right direction.
Talk soon,
September 12, 2022I recently won a property/land with a mobile home on it through a tax defaulted auction, but the previous owner passed away. The title is in her name, but what is the process to, “file to take title to the homes through an abandoned property process”? in California? Any insights would be appreciated. TIA!
John Fedro
October 3, 2022Hi Ray! Thanks for reaching out and connecting. Congratulations with regards to winning this auction! Great job pulling the trigger on this one. In California there are a few different ways that mobile homes may be titled, and for the abandonment process to go through correctly. For this reason I would like you to hear directly from the horses mouth and call the California HCD office directly. Make sure to have the address and all pertinent information you can about the mobile home when calling the HCD. You may have to wait on hold for 30 minutes however these folks are usually very helpful. Hope this helps and point you in the right direction. Feel free to keep in touch. All the best. Great job again with this property.
Talk soon,
October 31, 2022John – my mom has a mobile home that’s paid off, she would like to give me the mobile home. What is the process to put everything under my name?
John Fedro
November 22, 2022Hello Javier,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Congratulations with regards to getting your mother’s home paid off. Now that there are no liens on the property, it is important that the taxes will be paid and then things can switch over into your name. There are a few ways for mobile homes to be titled, and I’m not sure if the lien was electronic in your situation or not. For this reason I would encourage you to call the HCD directly to give them the serial number or VIN of the mobile home. You can then let them know you would like to transferred into your name and they will give you the quickest steps moving forward based on your mom’s specific title. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Moving forward any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out anytime or feel free to contact the HCD directly as well. You may have to wait on hold for a little bit however there always very helpful when I speak to them. Keep in touch. All the best.
Cory Nunez
February 14, 2023Hi John I am an LDA in California. We often get requests to handle MH transfers. I am experienced in Real property transfers but MHs is a bit of a different animal. Id like to be able to offer such service to expand my offerings. Is there any class that you are familiar with that I can take to be sure I am taking all the correct actions for my customers?
John Fedro
March 21, 2023Hi Cory,
Thank you very much for reaching out and commenting. This is a very good question. I hope that there is a class like this. The more clarity and information provided to folks in the industry would be helpful. There are so many mobile home title transfer issues and problems. People seem to just kick the can down the road time and time again. I would very much encourage you to contact the HCD’s office directly to ask them the specific question. You may have to wait on hold for a little while however these folks are typically very helpful when I call. Hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Their phone number is (800) 952-8356. Moving forward any follow-up mobile home questions please never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
March 14, 2023Hello, you may or may not have an answer to my question.
My husband committed a grievous crime and will be going to prison for a very long time. We have a mobile home paid for that is in both our names (“and”, not “and/or”). He said he’d sign over the title to my name, removing his name. Since he’s going to be in prison, I have no idea how to make this happen. I’m also going to get a divorce, and I’m hoping to file an uncontested divorce, as he said everything will be mine: the mobile home, the vehicles, and investments. I believe him. Should I list all assets to be in my name on the divorce decree? Or should I process title name changes before I file the divorce. Again, I understand this may not be your expertise, and you’ll most likely refer me to a lawyer.
Thank you.
John Fedro
March 21, 2023Hi LW,
You so much for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed email as the certainly does point you in the right direction. First things first, so sorry that your world is likely been turned upside down. You are definitely right that I am no attorney, or anything close to that. However all my experience would say to make sure to have a very competent attorney on your side. I would also say to transfer the ownership of the personal property sooner rather than later. If possible, have your husband sign off on a bill of sale, the mobile home title, and any other forms needed before you transfer them at the HCD office in California. I’m assuming that this mobile home does not include land. The land is included then this will all have to go through escrow. However if this is inside of a land-leased normal rental community, then please contact the HCD office at (800) 952-8356. You may have to wait on hold for an hour but these folks are usually quite helpful. Provide the clerk with your VIN or serial number to the mobile home. You may also ask about the car title as well to potentially get some help there. You will ask these folks besides the bill of sale and title, one of the forms are needed to transfer your husband’s name off of the title. In some instances, a title and bill of sale do not even need to be signed. Again, getting is transferred into only your name sooner rather than later will likely prevent some problems moving forward. However again please talk to an attorney for sure. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction moving forward. Any follow-up questions please never hesitate to comment back anytime. I wish you nothing but the best moving forward.
La Daughn
March 17, 2023Good Morning,
I have an uncle that purchaseda mibile home home 7 years ago but never transferred title or registered in his name. My uncle just passed away last month. My brother had the park manager produce a bill of sale in my brothers name. My brother then went down to HCD and fraudently filed paper work to get title into my brothers name. Ughhhh. I don’t think this is legal. What should I do?
John Fedro
March 21, 2023Hello La Daughn,
Thank you very much for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. So many mobile home buyers delay or do not put the mobile home truly into their name. Sometimes they do continue to pay the yearly taxes owed, and sometimes they do not. This may mean there might be seven or more years of back taxes owed on the property. These usually have to be paid or taken care of prior to the title transferring to another buyer. I’m surprised the park manager produced a bill of sale to help out your brother. Depending on how the title was held by your uncle, typically more than a bill of sale will be needed at the HCD’s office. However if you fraudulently filled out everything then perhaps the ownership is now in your brother’s name. I am curious if you want to fight this or if you simply want the name to be transferred into your brother’s name as well. If that is the case that I would confirm with the HCD by calling them up giving them the number or serial number of the mobile home, and asking them if this is in your uncle’s name. If it is not then I would explain to the clerk over the phone exactly what has happened and allow them to tell you directly the best steps moving forward. I assume that there is no will and your brother does not have a power of attorney. If this was the case then things would be a bit more streamlined. However I do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information and I would rather you hear directly from the horses mouth in the situation. Make sure to call the HCD to find out if this title did transfer and if not the folks over the phone will be able to help you from there. You may have to wait an hour on hold but the folks usually are helpful in this department. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Moving forward any specific follow-up questions or other mobile home related questions please never hesitate to reach out anytime.
Joan Lumpkin
March 20, 2023Hello,
purchasing A Mobile Home from Private Party, will not be go thru Escrow.
The title is held in a trust both seller have passed away.
488.4 with original death certificate
Send in forms 476-6B
or can send copy of Death Certificate
joan lumpkin
Kaylea Huff
April 26, 2023Hi John,
Thank you for all your information on this site. I currently live with my fiance in a mobile home him and his mother lived in for the past 15 years. His mom recently passed away and we have been paying the space rent, property taxes, and bills since ( for a little over a year). I am hoping you can answer my questions in regards to getting the title in his name. A little background, his mom bought this single wide 15 years ago but put the title in her brother’s name so it wasn’t listed as one of her assets. Her brother lives in a different state, has never seen the mobile home and wants nothing to do with it. Well we are expecting a baby soon and need to get a lot of home repairs but need a title or something stating this is our home. My fiance is not in contact with his mother’s brother and can not get in contact with him. (After mom’s passing my fiance’s younger half sister started a lot of family issues/rumors about him and he’s just not going to be speaking to the uncle) So my question is how do we go about getting the title in my fiance’s name? My fiance says we just have to pay a fee to transfer ownership and it’s that simple. Is this true? I hope what I’ve typed makes sense and I get a response ASAP. Thank you for reading this and for your time. Today is April 26th 2023.
John Fedro
May 10, 2023Hi Kaylea,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. First things first, I very much regret to hear about your fiancés mother passing away. It is terrible that he cannot talk to his uncle to have him simply title the home into your fiancés name. In reality, the uncle is not in a very good situation since he has this random mobile home titled into his name. That could cause problems for him down the road if taxes are owed or if a lien or judgment ever happens then perhaps the uncle will get dragged into this, when in reality he should’ve taken the home out of his name as soon as possible. In California the HCD handles the transfer of mobile home titles. Additionally, mobile homes can be titled one of a couple ways over the years. This requires potentially different forms and procedures when transferring ownership. Since the uncle is the owner, and the uncle is still very much alive, the HCD will need a bill of sale, multipurpose transfer form, tax receipt, and potentially other forms before the title is transferred into your fiancés name. However I do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information. I would very much encourage you to call the HCD directly at this phone number (800) 952-8356. You may have to wait on hold for a little while however these folks are typically helpful when I call to ask questions. You want to explain your situation and provide the VIN or serial number to the mobile home. Let them know what is happening and they will give you the best and quickest advice moving forward. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. My apologies for the delay on this message reply as well. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions please never hesitate to write back or email directly anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
May 20, 2023Hi John-
You’re providing such a great service. Thank you! Hypothetical: A sibling passes away with no will leaving a mobile home, no “real property,” and an estate far less than the max of 184k that would have otherwise required probate and no other assets. What are the steps to ensure that keeping up mortgage payments/space payments, maintenance and taxes would eventually lead to the sale of the mobile home and title transfer w/o any glitches benefiting the sibling left behind? Depending on your answer, would it be better to keep registration/title as is til selling or have registration/title transferred til a sale for more immediate tax benefits?
Thank you kindly-
John Fedro
May 29, 2023Hello John,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Will hypothetically than I very much regret to hear about this sibling passing away in the loss to the family. Sounds like that sibling had a mortgage/lien attached to the title that they own. If this is located inside of a mobile home park then the community will certainly want the new person living in the home to be approved to live there, and potentially have his or her name on the title itself. While the bank will still accept monthly payments if they are continue to be paid on the deceased owner’s behalf, however when everything is paid off the satisfaction will be sent to the deceased party. Without it power of attorney from this deceased party it may be quite difficult to obtain clear title without a will or probate. However, this is definitely a very good question for the California HCD. These folks are always helpful when I call up to ask different questions. You can reach them at the following phone number (800) 952-8356. When you call up you may ask this hypothetical question, in this way you may hear the answer directly from the folks that will be transferring the title in the first place. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Any follow-up questions that you have never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
Jeff Johnston
May 29, 2023Hi, and thanks for such thorough and thoughtful answers in your posts.
I am in escrow to purchase a mobile home, but cannot get approved by the park because they claim I have too much that load. The MRL says they are supposed to use grossing come, so we are fighting.
I have already wired the money to close the transaction, but it can’t without Park approval according to the escrow officer. Is it possible to record the sale with HCD directly without park approval?
At this point, I just want to flip the property for a little bit of profit, rather than doing the extensive renovations to live there myself. Any thoughts on how to force the transfer of title without park approval?
I realize they’ll file a 60 day notice to sell or move the trailer, but I will have closed on a replacement buyer, and only a very short time. i’d appreciate hearing your thoughts.
John Fedro
May 29, 2023Hi Jeff,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Great job potentially investing in this mobile home inside of a community. Understood about the park being a bit difficult to work with. Normally they understand that we are not the ones that are going to be living there. They usually cut us a little bit of slack, however sometimes they treat us just like the rest of the residence. Other times they may even discriminate against us and not want us in the community at all. Great job giving some pushback to figure out how you can try to keep this home in the park and become approved. With regards to your question about forcing the sale, yes the escrow company is requiring that the park approval comes through, however this is not a requirement for the state. In fact the stay will have no idea whether you are approved or not, and they will not care. As long as the HCD receives all of the paperwork and fees that they need to transfer ownership, they will do so. Many people to go through traditional escrow, however you absolutely do not need it. Would encourage you to call the HCD directly at (800) 952-8356 to explain the situation and figure out what paperwork you need to send over specifically for this mobile home. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Great job getting things done. Any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
Candy Hernandez
November 2, 2023My mom gifted me her mobile home sign the back of title over to me her daughter what do I have to do to get it put on my name ? Or where do I go to get it done?
John Fedro
November 21, 2023Hi Candy.
Thank you very much for reaching out and connecting. Understood about your mother gifting over her title in signing the back of it. There are a few different ways mobile homes can be titled and transferred in California depending on the age of the mobile home and title age. For this reason I would very much encourage you to reach out to the California HCD directly yourself. Make sure you have the mobile home VIN or serial number available to give to the clerk over the phone. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Any follow-up mobile home questions you have never hesitate to reach out here directly or speak directly with the California HCD for specific questions pertaining to your exact mobile home. Hope this point you in the right direction. All the best.
Tracy White
March 4, 2024My mom and dad own a mobile home in a mobile home park in Indiana. They paid it off in 2012 but never cleared the lien from the title and have since lost the title. We do have the original loan statement that has a stamp on it as paid in full. BMV says it still has a lien hold on it for Chase Manhatten Bank (which does not exist any longer as it was acquired by Chase Bank). The BMV states that we can order a duplicate title but it will be mailed to Chase Manhatten Bank and not to my parents address. We are at a lose as to what to do to get this resolved and my parents are needing this completed because they are going to be in a nursing home and we have been ordered to sell the home but can’t sell it as there is a lien on it. Any suggestions?
John Fedro
March 4, 2024Hi Tracy,
Thank you very much for reaching out and connecting. I regret to hear about the headaches that the BMV is giving you and your family on this matter. Clearly you have proof that the Lien has been satisfied. It is ridiculous that the state is giving you this much trouble. This may seem like a silly answer, however I would absolutely encourage you to work your way up the food chain until you talk to the person in charge. Call the state branch of the bmv to speak with their manager to show proof that everything is paid in full and also that Chase Bank is no longer in existence. You may also want to see who Chase Bank was sold to as your loan is still likely on file somewhere. Even if it is satisfied the bank that purchased Chase Manhattan Bank will likely have a record of it. However in reality this should not be needed as the loan was satisfied some time ago. I hope this advice helps and points you in the right direction. Obviously do not give up on this as you are clearly in the right. Moving forward if you have any follow up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. Additionally, keep in touch here and let us know what happens please.
Talk soon,
Amy Walker
August 3, 2024So my mom is selling a home with a mobile home that has not been registered or transferred into the current owner , since 1987. All escrow / title companies never had an issue, it has passed thru more than 6 owners and multiple home loans. Now my mom is selling her home and it is causing an issue, how can she sign over the mobile home with out destroying it and signing a salvage paperwork. she is located in california.
John Fedro
August 3, 2024Hello Amy,
Thank you for commenting. If I am understanding things correctly your mom lives in a home on private property, and there is also a separate mobile home on this property that has not ever been registered or title transferred since 87. If that is correct then I can absolutely see why title escrow/companies have never had an issue with this saying as the individual mobile home is personal property. Title companies and escrow companies usually do not warrant any personal property on the land. This would be similar to they were being five or ten junk cars broken down on the property, the title company or escrow company would not make sure that all of these car titles were successfully transferred into your name. A situation like this would not stop the closing of your Mother’s home and land from one person to another. My opinion is to look for another title company or escrow company. Perhaps the company that has closed the property in the past. I have haunch if you call around you will definitely find a company that will successfully transfer ownership while not including the individual mobile home. That individual mobile home that is personal property that can be transferred outside of closing with a bill of sale. Ideally a notarized bill of sale. This will not technically transfer the ownership since the title is not transferring, however it will likely be satisfactory enough for the buyers. I assume the buyers of the land also want the mobile home to stay. Additionally, you could try to write up a purchase and sale agreement that does not have the personal property mobile home included in the paperwork. This way the title company would not have any notice or way to know about the individual mobile home that is there. Therefore they would transfer the home and land to the new buyer and you can transfer the title/ Bill of sale to the new buyer outside of closing. I hope that this all helps and makes sense. If I did not answer the question please feel free to write back any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Jerry Adams
January 16, 2025My name is Jerry. My folks signed their mobile home over to me.I currently live in the mobile in a mobile home park. What is my next steps far as getting the home into my name? It was gifted to me. Do I just mail in the title with the $89.00?
John Fedro
February 4, 2025Evening Jerry,
Very good to hear from you. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. If you were in most other states I would have a easy black and white answer for you. However because you live in California, the mobile home may be titled One of a few different ways. Since this is the case, I would definitely encourage you to hear directly from the horse’s mouth what paperwork and steps are needed for you moving forward. This requires a free call down to the California HCD office at (800) 952-8356. Have the mobile home serial number or VIN ready and explain your situation to the clerk that answers the phone. You may have to wait on the line for an hour, however hopefully the hold is not that bad. These folks will instruct you on the quickest and cheapest way to get the mobile home correctly changed into your name. Sorry I’m not able to give you a short answer, however I definitely want you having all of the correct information based on your home. Any follow-up questions feel free to reach back out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
[…] for ALL STATES, except for California and Texas. If you plan on investing in mobile homes in either California or Texas (click the links) make sure to view the unique process and how-to steps in the links […]
[…] at your local Department of Motor Vehicles, Town Clerk, or motor vehicle administration. Texas and California residents may prefer to mail in their documents, as these states only have one or two mobile home […]
[…] How To Transfer A Mobile Home Title … – All California investors read below: The reason for the creation of this lesson is to help all California investors understand the purc […]
[…] California […]
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[…] Title or Ownership Documents: These documents prove that you are the legal owner of the manufactured home. […]
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