All states use Titles to show ownership, except Texas, New Hampshire, California (to some extent), and Vermont.
The states that do recognize states do use Titles as a method to prove mobile home ownership. Mobile home Titles are State printed physical pieces of paper that show details including:
Owner’s name and address
Vehicle registration numbers
Serial numbers
Recorded lien information including names and address
& more
There is a separate “Title” document for each section of your mobile/manufactured home. One Title for a single-wide mobile/manufactured home and Two Titles for a double-wide mobile/manufactured home.
If the mobile/manufactured home has been “paid in full” and there are no current Liens the owner will have an original state Title(s) in his or her possession. Verify on the Title itself that the Lien section is blank or released of lien by lien holder. Example: In some states the Lien holder can simply sign their name [with pen] on the original state Title in a designated section and the Lien is satisfied. Once a seller their Title(s) they can sell them by signing them as seller and handing them to the new buyer. Other forms are required to complete deal.
If the land on which the mobile/manufactured home is located and the home is likely legally and permanently affixed to the land and have no Titles.
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John Fedro
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