Welcome back,
In almost every state, mobile homes and manufactured homes are transferred from buyer to seller via a slip of state-issued paper called a title. If the mobile home is a single-wide, then there will be only one title; however, if the home is a double-wide or triple-wide, then two or more titles should be accounted for. Even in states that do not use titles to transfer mobile home ownership there may still be confusion and errors concerning who owns the home and the next steps moving forward.
A mobile home title will be issued from the state in which the mobile home resides. The title outlines pertinent information, such as the home’s vehicle identification number, serial numbers, make, model, year built, owner’s name, lien holder’s info and much more. A mobile home title is nearly equivalent to the title of your personal vehicle. A mobile home title should be kept private and stored in a safe place.
If a mobile home seller has a clear title with no liens, there will be little resistance in transferring the mobile home ownership from the current seller to the new buyer, unless there are other title issues discussed in this article and video.
Depending on your state, a mobile home title is typically transferred at your local Department of Motor Vehicles, Town Clerk, or motor vehicle administration. Texas and California residents may prefer to mail in their documents, as these states only have one or two mobile home titling department branches statewide. See video below for state by state info and contact numbers for the manufactured home departments of your state.
Oftentimes while mobile home investing, you will be faced with challenges concerning a mobile home’s title(s) and correctly transferring them into your possession. Common title problems arise due to a title being lost, the actual owner on title not being present, the title being missing or the current seller not yet putting the title into their name from when they bought the home, along with multiple other situations due to common mistakes.
In the bullets below, I will outline the most common title issues and some wise ways to proceed forward.
4 Common Mobile Home Title Issues & How Best to Correct Them
1. No Mobile Home Title, Correct Owner.
If the current seller is the legal owner of record, then there is a simple and easy process to obtain a duplicate title. Call your local mobile home titling agency to inquire about specific steps moving forward. Typically the owner of record needs only to provide proof that he or she is the owner and pay a small fee.
2. No Mobile Home Title, Incorrect Owner.
Sometimes when a new buyer closes on a mobile home, they do not immediately run down to transfer the title into their ownership. This happens for many reasons; however, legally the buyer is not the true owner until the title is registered into his/her name, or an entity he or she controls. In these cases it is not good if the title(s) are then lost or go missing.
a. Is the owner available?
If yes: If the owner is available, you must contact them immediately. Many times they will agree to obtain a duplicate copy of the mobile home title(s) if you pay for this small cost. The legal owners (prior sellers) will do this in order to transfer the home out of their name so they are not liable for taxes or accidents on a property that they didn’t think they still owned.
If no: If the owner is not available, then they must be tracked down in order to proceed ahead. A private eye or skip tracer may be helpful in tracking down the current owner.
Pro Tip: You will see occasions when buyers and sellers have “transferred ownership” via a separate piece of paper known as a Bill of Sale. A Bill of Sale acts as a meeting of the minds and as a receipt typically given when selling personal property. While this process may be sufficient for the buyer, seller and even park manager, it is not sufficient enough to transfer legal ownership from one person to another. The original owner is still the legal owner and can come back any time to take possession of his or her home.
b. The owner passed away.
Do you have the owner’s power of attorney for handling this property or a death certificate and immediate family? If yes, then you will likely be able to obtain a duplicate title by filing the correct forms with your state. If you do not, then you may want to ask your state the best course of action moving forward to obtain legal ownership of this mobile home. Obtaining clear title may or may not be possible.
Pro Tip: Always verify with your state that yearly taxes have been paid and are current. If a seller has not transferred a title into his or her name, then he or she may not be up to date paying taxes.
3. Correct Mobile Home Title, Incorrect Owner.
This scenario is the most common hurdle you will see as a used mobile home investor. In situations like this, your seller will be in physical possession of the current original mobile home title; however, it may or may not be signed and dated by the buyer(s) and seller(s).
If the true owner on title has already signed on the seller’s line, then simply have your seller sign as buyer and quickly transfer the title into the current seller’s name. Once the seller is the actual owner, they can now transfer their clear title to you without worry. Call your state to verify that this double transfer can be completed in one day.
If the true owner has not signed on the seller’s line, then this must be completed before the title can be legally transferred into the purchaser’s name. Track down the legal owner to have his or her signature placed on the seller’s line.
Pro Tip: Avoid forging documents. If you can’t find the legal owner listed on the title, it may be tempting for you or your seller to forge the legal owner’s signature on the title. Some people can rationalize that this is a victimless crime. With that being said, it is still a crime and illegal.
If your seller has a title that is signed by the owner but the buyer’s signature lines are blank, it can be tempting to skip over your current seller and transfer the title from the legal owner straight to you. While this can technically be done, most states consider it illegal, as you are skipping the chain-of-title and not placing the home into your current seller’s name first. You may not get caught; however, do this at your own risk.
Pro Tip: Be aware that most states charge a late fee for delaying the transfer of a mobile home title from a buyer to a seller if not completed within X number of days. This late fee will be paid when the title is eventually transferred into the new buyer’s name.
4. Correct Mobile Home Title, but there are liens still showing.
If there are active liens still on the title, then the owner will not likely be in physical possession of the home’s title(s). It is most common for the lien holders to physically hold the title(s) until they are paid off in full. At this point, a new title is issued showing zero active liens, or the lien holder simply signs a “Release of Lien” located on the title or provided on a separate form given to the owner. Both of these methods show the home is free and clear from debt.
If you run into a situation where a mobile home seller is in possession of their title with active liens, it is important to understand if this is an error or if there is still money owed on the mobile home. Being present with the seller as they call up the bank or loan servicer to confirm a principal balance pay off will answer this question. Once you know the amount of the lien you can decide to move forward accordingly.
Pro Tip: Always call your state to verify the mobile home’s VIN or serial numbers and confirm if there any active liens showing on the title. Some states will have this information at their fingertips, and other states will not be as technologically advanced.
When you are able to go the extra mile to solve a seller’s problem and close another mobile home investment property, you will find yourself competing with less and less investors and buyers. For most questions in real estate, the answer is typically, “it depends.” If you are a determined investor and are working with motivated sellers, you can typically come to legal win-win solutions that accomplish the goals of all parties. Continue helping others and going the extra mile to solve problems when possible.
If you have any comments or follow-up questions that were not answered above please do not hesitate to comment below or reach out to us directly at support@mobilehomeinvesting.net
Love what you do daily,
John Fedro
Related Articles & Videos:
Ghost or Invisible Mobile Homes (How to find the VIN or Data Plate?)
Open Mobile Home Titles are Everywhere (What are they?)
Jim Duggins
September 22, 2015Hi John,
Excellent resource here. If have often times wondered about this. It is nice to see a real-world outline of what to do in these situations. Thanks for helping and making posting.
What results have you found working with parks themselves that do not have the title to the homes they are selling? I have never had this happen to me, but I have heard of it happening to a friend in the past.
John Fedro
September 22, 2015Hi Jim,
Thanks so much for commenting in your kind words. Very glad to hear that this article and video has been a value to you already. Concerning your question about what to do if mobile home parks are selling a mobile home that they do not have the title for, I would be happy to answer this question and provide you further clarity. First things first, almost any mobile home park will have the legal right and authority to obtain a title for an abandoned mobile home in their community. This is of course assuming that the mobile home does not have any liens. I say this because if there was a bank lien then the bank would normally step up and pay the lot rent and foreclose on the home to get the title back into their control. So assuming that the mobile home is free and clear then the mobile home park should have no problem filing for “abandonment” in obtaining a new mobile home title in their names. From this point the mobile home park with then sell the title from their name over to you as the new owner. It is very odd and a little suspicious if a mobile home park sells a mobile home without a title and simply via a “bill of sale”. I hope this helps and makes sense. If you’re running into the situation nowadays definitely reach out to me because there are number of additional questions to be considered before moving forward on this deal. Keep me in the loop and feel free to ask any further questions you have moving forward. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
silverio yanez
February 3, 2016John i have a question.
Im trying to buy a mobile home, someone is selling it to me. He has the title im assuming is the title bucause it says state cartificate of ownership , it’s a single-wide but the title has a lien which is green tree financial servicing corp. what can i do to fix all of this? The title is also not under the name of the person who is selling it to me .
What do you think i should do in this case ?
John Fedro
February 3, 2016Hi Silverio,
Thank you for reaching out with your questions. From your IP address it looks like you are located in Texas. If this is the case that many mobile homes will not have a physical title that will be used when transferring ownership from the seller over to you. If you are in Texas than please call this number (512-459-1221) to verify there are no liens on the home, taxes are current, and that the seller is truly who they say they are. If you are not in Texas and you are holding onto the physical title of the mobile home then the lien holders information may say “Green Tree financial servicing corp” and there may be a signature releasing the lien, his is how a “release of lein” is handled in some states. Without a doubt, either way you will want to call your state’s manufactured housing division to confirme that there are no present liens on this mobile home moving forward. I hope this helps and makes some sense. If you’re not located in Texas or have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out anytime. Have a great week. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
charlene herron
March 23, 2022I am in the same situation with a lien on my title to a doublewide mobile home and green tree mortgage who first changed their name and then filed bankruptcy . My dmv says I need a statement saying the lien was paid in full which I have proof of with my canceled check which was deposited in their account . The companies that took over their accounts say they have no records. What can I do next ? Please help me, I am 77 years old and badly need to sell this home . Thank you !
John Fedro
June 27, 2022Hi Charlene,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. I regret to hear about your current situation. This is absolutely a situation that affects a decent number of mobile home owners that have taken out loans in the past. A number of banks sell their notes to other banks which are bought by service company after service company. We sometimes have to track down or go through five or six companies with the old loan number and our explanation of what we are looking for in order to find the current records and to receive a satisfaction. However sometimes the bank goes out of business altogether. In these situations I’ve seen where the banks do send out satisfactions to everyone whether they have paid or not, and other banks that simply close up shop never to help their current clients or release any of the notes/titles they have. It really is a bit crazy that there is not better regulation or processes involved in situations like this. With all of that to say, some states make this process easier than others. When a bank is shut down or people are in your exact situation, the process will vary from state to state. In some states you are able to send a certified letter or a specific form to the current lender’s address on file. Whether that address exists anymore or not if the letters filled out or comes back nondeliverable you can use this as proof that the bank has shut down. In other states there are other processes. And in some states there is no process besides getting an attorney and going in front of the judge to receive a judgment and force the DMV to print you a new title that is free and clear of liens. While this is not a magic bullet answer I hope it does help some endpoints you in the right direction moving forward. You may want to call up your states manufactured housing Association and they might be able to help point you in the right direction or towards a mobile home specific attorney that may be able to help. Moving forward any follow-up questions big or small please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
September 5, 2022How do I replace a lost mobile home title?
John Fedro
October 3, 2022Hi Olivia,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. This will definitely depend a bit from state to state. In fact, in some states the duplicate title process can differ wildly. For this reason I would absolutely encourage you to contact your mobile home title transfer department. The initial department or office where you transferred your mobile home title in the first place. If the title was purchased from a dealership and you may not have done this yourself. If this is the case then please click the link below and then click on your state for more information. I would like you to contact the state directly to provide them with the VIN or serial number of the mobile home. These folks will definitely point you in the right direction and let you know the quickest and easiest way to get a replacement title for your lost one. Hope this helps and point you in the right direction. https://www.mobilehomeinvesting.net/mobile-home-title-transfer-state-by-state/
Talk soon,
February 21, 2016I was given a mobile had it moved to my property, no idea as to manufacturer or serial/vin #, no way to contact previous owner, my son is trying to steal the home, by filing for a lost title, how can I stop him, or file for myself?
John Fedro
February 23, 2016Hi Bethany,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your questions. I very much regret to hear about your situation and family issue. The first thing that we need to do is find the mobile homes identification. This can often times be found in the mobile home on what is known as a “data plate”. This can be a metal sheet or piece of paper with the mobile homes pertinent information printed on it and glue to a wall inside the home. You can likely be found near the hot water heater, laundry area, master bedroom closet, or pantry. Look for any decal numbers on the exterior of the home as well. You may also find the vehicle identification number on the chassis of the mobile home. Look towards the front of the home, near the mobile home tongue, and it may be coldpressed into the steel. You may need to remove the mobile home skirting to find this number.
Once you obtain the vehicle identification number should absolutely be able to file for an abandoned mobile home title. It looks like you are messaging from Louisiana. If this is the case then you will want to get in contact with Lousiana Dept of public safety, office of motor vehicle at 225-925-9041 to learn more about filing for an “abandoned title”. I hope this all helps and makes sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out anytime. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
August 22, 2016Well, I bought a trailer 2 years ago and it took. Up until recently to get a title. I live in a park, by the way. I very recently found out that my trailer is a ’93 but my title states it’s an ’80. Where do I stand legally? I was sold a title, not a home! Should I sue the former title owner for the cost of the trailer? And how do I track down the real title? I live in Pennsylvania.
Thank you
John Fedro
August 25, 2016Hi Don,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about the situation you are in. Thank you for the detailed message as this makes it easier for me to answer your questions. Please see my thoughts below in bold.
I very recently found out that my trailer is a ’93 but my title states it’s an ’80. Where do I stand legally? The name on the title will be the owner of record. Whatever title your name is on you are the owner of, whether you thought you purchase this property or not. I was sold a title, not a home! I am very upset to hear this. It sounds as if the seller doesn’t know what they were doing and were either ignorant, neglectful, or malicious. Should I sue the former title owner for the cost of the trailer? I would absolutely consult a real estate attorney that offers one free hour consultation. Have all your questions ready and prepared to get them answered in this one free hour. And how do I track down the real title? In Pennsylvania you won’t want to call your local tag and title office. Try to start with this number, 888-242-7642. Let the clerks on the other end of the phone know what is going on and perhaps you may be able to get some added information as well. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. If you have any additional follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
October 15, 2016I have a park owner trying to sell me a home with only a bill of sale, they stated usually it’s one or the other and they never received the title.
John Fedro
October 18, 2016Hi Candace,
It looks as if you may be commenting from New York State. If this is correct then you will want to contact the motor vehicle title bureau in your area. Let them know you are a private seller purchasing directly from a mobile home park. Explain your situation and provide them the Vin or serial number for the mobile home you are aiming to purchase. While I always encourage people to have both a bill of sale and a title (in most states, including New York State) there may be an exception if the age of the title is older than so many years. For this reason I definitely want you to hear it directly from the state as to if this is considered a legal sale transfer or if the park owner is being fraudulent/neglectful. Either way I do not want you to be hurt in the situation so make sure to talk with the state directly. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach back out any time.
Talk soon,
November 17, 2016tennant left mobile home on my lot, sent a letter saying she can’t pay lot rent and i can have everything. her husband passed and she thought i owned home. i want to keep it, but i don’t know where to start.
John Fedro
November 28, 2016Hi Kathleen,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. The first step is to get the ownership into your control. In most states this happens by taking possession of the title. Depending on if the husband and/or wife owns the home, a duplicate title can be purchased from the DMV (depending on your state) and sold directly to you. Once the title is in your name then you are free to rent or resell the home as you desire. I hope this helps and starts to make sense moving forward. As always, if you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Dennis Fenn
September 13, 2022John I have question. I bought a used mobile home from individual, who has not provided title for yet. I have her phone number but no new address and she is not responding to my request for her new address or the title. Therefore, I can’t take her to court without a address. I live in Kansas, how can I get title?
John Fedro
October 3, 2022Hi Dennis.
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about the situation that you are in. You clearly trusted the seller you are working with and they have given you the mobile home but obviously no additional paperwork or title. You also do not know their address like you mentioned so it is difficult to take them to court. You can absolutely hire a private investigator or skip trace company to get a current address for them. However if you own the land with a mobile home resides, you may likely be able to file for an abandoned title. You want to contact the title transfer department in Kansas locally to ask them the process about an abandoned mobile home on your land. If the land does not belong to you than perhaps the landowner can file for an abandoned title and once it is in their name they can transferred over to you. You can pay for this abandoned title fee so the land owner does not have to pay it. However it absolutely sounds like the seller is a deadbeat and purposefully ignoring you. Luckily you do not really need them. Hope this helps and make some sense. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
September 2, 2016Hi john, I have the tittle to my home that has been paid off through a mortgage company. Tittle is under my name and a co signer who I have not been in contact with him for many years. I have sold the mobile has been moved from nm to tx. I thought tittle read it instead of and. So now the issue is I have no clue where other owner is. An I pretty much screwed? Is there any way buyer can register mobile home in tx?
John Fedro
September 3, 2016Hi Karina,
Thank you for commenting and reaching out. If I am understanding correctly you have sold the mobile home that you and person X once owned together. You have already taken the money from the buyer, and now the buyer has moved the home to Texas where he would like to get it registered in his name. However the state is requiring both of your signatures because of how the title reads… Is this correct? I will assume that my assumption is correct when I provide the answer below. As far as I can see there are a few ways moving forward. Not all of them are legal however I will provide all of them because they do exist. I say this because I’m obviously not encouraging you to use the illegal method. 1.) Perform and “skip trace” on person acts to find him or her and get the signature needed or a power of attorney. 2.) Contact the state of Texas to see if there is some way to transfer title ownership without person X. Perhaps there is a lawsuit of some sort that can remove person X’s name from the title without his or her permission. This is something I am not sure of as I have never tried it before however I can see it being a possibility. 3.) The buyer can forge person X’s signature as seller. 4.) You could have the title and paperwork mailed back to you, you could forge the signatures and mail it back to the buyer. Obviously #3 and #4 are very illegal however they do exist in reality and would accomplish your goal. Again, for my protection I am certainly not advocating you used either of the last two methods. I hope this helps and begins to point you in the right direction. If you have any thoughts or additional ideas never hesitate to comment back any time. Keep in touch. All the best.
Talk soon,
Elizabeth Bailey
May 29, 2019Dear John
We’re at a loss, my daughter bought a double wide mobile home, paid cash, moved it to her property, had a septic tank put in with lines ran to mobile home, had water ran also (town water), the electric company came to hook up electricity then told my daughter oh no we can’t hook up electricity without a title. When she inquired about the title she was told the bank that had bought it from hud said they did away with the title. Now we’re being told the bank said they have to get huds permission to get a new title. I just don’t know who to contact, this has been going on 6 months or more. We keep getting the run around. I don’t understand how was my daughter sold a mobile home that had NO title. Please help us with who to turn to next.
Thank you
Elizabeth Bailey
John Fedro
June 5, 2019Hi Elizabeth Bailey,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your daughter and family’s situation. Sadly, this is not the first time I have heard of a bank selling a mobile home without the required title. If there was title insurance on the mobile home and land when it was purchased, this may help pay for losses and getting this resolved. In my experience it will be a bit of an uphill battle that you must push forward with every day. No one is going to want this title created more than you and your daughter. I would continue calling the state’s manufactured housing titling department, HUD directly, and absolutely the bank that sold you this home in the first place. It is between these three parties that a new title will have to be produced. Each time you call ask if there is anything that you can do to help or what needs to be provided to get this expedited. I do not believe I’ve given you any new information however I do hope that this continues to point you in the right direction moving forward. You may want to seek out the help of a real estate attorney locally if possible. Aim for one with one free hour of consultation for you to explain your situation and see if they would be willing to help. Feel free to keep in touch moving forward. Any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
March 22, 2021Hi, Im in New York and found a double wide mobile home for sale but the title Im told ,by realtor, is owned by a company and is lost. Would it be useless to purchase the home or how do I make this legal and not be in jeopardy of having home repossessed by title owner? Price is so tempting that I hate to give up on it.
Regards, Diana
John Fedro
March 29, 2021Hi Diana,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. A New York State a mobile home considered private property does not need a title if it was built after 1994. You can find out more information about transferring titles to mobile homes in New York State by clicking the link below. If the price is as tempting as you mentioned that I definitely would not give up on this. Keep in touch moving forward. If you have any specific mobile home related questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back out anytime. https://www.mobilehomeinvesting.net/new-york-mobile-home-title-transfer/
Talk soon,
Joshua M Schleh
September 13, 2019My grandfather is ill and won’t make it to much longer and wants to give me his mobile home but he thinks he owes money on it but the lander from the original loan are not in business anymore and dosnt know what to do for us to got the place legally.. Could you please help? Thank you
John Fedro
September 13, 2019Hi Joshua,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your grandfather’s condition. The procedures to clear up lien issues and title issues will vary from state to state. It looks like you may be writing from the Ohio area. If this is the case then you’ll want to contact the local auditors office with the mobile homes VIN or serial number. Definitely explain the situation and do not get off the phone without getting instructions on how to proceed forward in order to get any old liens removed and placed into your name or your grandfather’s name. If the previous bank/lender center grandfather a payoff notice or can show proof that the loan was paid in full this would be ideal to provide to the state. Is the home currently in a mobile home park or on a piece of land? Is your goal to live in the home, move it, or resell it soon? I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Dana Tieman
October 5, 2016Hello. I have an urgent situation that I’m hoping you will be kind enough to provide insight on. The Doublewide mobile home was purchased and we have the bill of sale. We were supposed to buy the land but because it didn’t appraise for what the inheritated owners thought they tried to charge us triple of the appraisal. Obviously, we can’t do that. The title was supposed to be sent after sellers lawyer finished with the lawsuit from inheritance issues. It was never sent. We had the home sold but can’t sell without the 2 titles and were told by seller lawyer that the land and mhome has to be sold together because of inheritance agreement. we were offered less to buy back from seller and agreed but seller now is saying they want it off the land and changed their mind. We can’t move it or sell it without paperwork so what can we file to see a judge or make them furnish titles. If we see a judge what if anything are we entitled to in Alabama? Please help us. Thanks so much
John Fedro
October 6, 2016Hi Dana,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear that you are going through this situation. There absolutely sounds like there is a number of moving parts with a number of people and inheritance to consider. Normally I would be willing and happy to give you my advice and thoughts based on experience I have had in the past. However with that said I do not want to give you any bad or dangerous or misleading information. The reason for this is because there are so many moving pieces to your situation and depending on what you already own and the paperwork involved the process will be a bit different. I very much encourage you to have a qualified and experienced real estate attorney on your side. Aim to talk to a few attorneys locally that have mobile home experience and offer one free hour of consultation. Have all your questions lined up for this one free hour and get them answered if possible. The solution may be as easy as having an attorney write a letter on their letterhead to the landowners or perhaps there is some fraud involved in which the attorney can address as well. I apologize I am not able to give you a quick solution or magic bullet to solve your problem. With that said you are definitely in the wrong from what I can tell and should have an attorney on your side moving forward. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach back out any time.
Talk soon,
June 24, 2021How would someone get a mobile home title in MS if the bank that financed it files bankruptcy while still in possession of it?
John Fedro
June 30, 2021Hi Crystal,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. In Mississippi if a mobile home is older than 1999 no title may be needed for the mobile home. The mobile home can transfer ownership with “bills of sale”. However this does not change the fact that there may be a lien on the mobile home itself. If the bank files bankruptcy that is holding the lien, this debt may be sold to a different bank that may collect the debt. However I have also seen were some banks simply go bankrupt and all of their accounts get wiped away as well. In these situations a “satisfaction letter” is typically not sent to the borrower. Instead the borrower simply has to fend for themselves to figure out how to proceed moving forward. If the bank is truly close down and no one will be coming for the rest of the money owed, or the collateral, then contacting the state directly will be your next step in trying to get clear title. If the mobile home is newer than 1999 then the state may give you a few steps to move forward to proof that the banks has gone bankrupt or to provide proof that this debt has been satisfied. I would very much encourage you to contact your state’s mobile home title transferring department. Provide your mobile homes VIN or serial number for the clerk over the phone. Depending on the age of your home and how it is titled the clerk may give you different instructions moving forward. If you do not speak with someone that knows what they’re talking about, asked to speak with the manager of the department if possible. This is definitely not the first time that the situation is happened, and it will not be the last time either. I hope that this helps and points you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up mobile home related questions never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
October 19, 2016Hi John,
To start I’m in Pennsylvania. Last year I bought a trailer from the assessment office for back taxes. I am holding a bill of sale for it and the information the assessment office gave me was when I got the bill of sale. To take that to the notary and do some paperwork so I could get a title from the state. Fast forward to now,last Friday I finally got to the notary but I’ve got no v.i.n. number and not seeing any info on the unit. Tax bills are coming in in my name. I’m completely lost in how to handle my situation.
Any help is greatly appreciated,
James Lewandoski
John Fedro
October 21, 2016Hi James,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your questions. I very much regret to hear that you bought a mobile home from the tax office and they were not able to provide you with clear title. I would first start my search at this department and demand that they provide you with clear title as you did purchase this home from them. With that said it sounds as if obtaining the serial number or VIN would help solve your problem. In Pennsylvania they should be able to track down the serial number or VIN based on the old title if it is still on record. In some cases they are able to track down the home owner information and home information on the state’s computer system by using the property’s address or mailing address to gather information on the home. The VIN or serial number may also be found inside the mobile home on the “data plate” that can sometimes be found near the electrical panel, master bedroom closet, hot water heater area, pantry area, or washer and dryer area. The Vin number may also be attached to the very front of the home where the mobile home’s tong is located. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. If you have already thought of all of these issues then please feel free to comment back with any follow-up questions or concerns you may have. All the best and keep in touch.
Talk soon,
October 21, 2016So I just called the 888 number and they gave me the form # for creating a new vin # because it is unable to be located. I also wanted to thank you for the useful information that you have provided to help people out!
James Lewandoski
April 18, 2020Hi John, my mother had to be put in a care center after living in her mobilehome in a mobilehome park for 20 yrs. She gifted the mobile home to my daughter. We have a title but my mom or someone wrote “Void” across it. What can we do now? Can we order a copy of title without having forms notarized? Dmv will not accept a title with void written on it.
John Fedro
June 3, 2020Hi Kath,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about the situation. I would encourage you to recall the state DMV and explain the situation and explain that the word void was written on a perfectly good title. If they still refuse to take this title than a duplicate title will have to be ordered. Since you are not the legal owner your mother will have to be the one to order the duplicate title most likely. You may need to get a power of attorney on behalf of your mother however the state DMV office will tell you the quickest and easiest path forward. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction.
Talk soon,
August 13, 2022Hi John. I am from Michigan. I would like to purschase a mobile home from the second owner. She does not have a title or bill of sale when she and her mother purschased and moved in. The original owner is deceased. It is a 1985 Patriot Home. Secretary of state has no information what so ever. Should i make a purchase with out the title? Would the park manager need to take possession and get the title in order that i have one? What are your thoughts. Sincerely, Craig
John Fedro
August 24, 2022Hi Craig,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better.
The state would absolutely want you to put in the necessary work to obtain a clear title for this mobile home. This may require paying a bond, tracking down the current owner, or even going in front of the judge. However I can absolutely tell you that around your state, and around the country, there are definitely people “buying and selling” mobile homes with only a bill of sale. That is because their titles are long gone and the homes have been transferred to new buyers for a few years or more. In some situations the current owner of the home is deceased, like you mentioned.
If the park is willing to file for abandonment to get the title and then transferred over to you, that would be excellent. That would give you clear title and when the home goes to resell it will be worth more money because you can show clear ownership and that is valuable.
However for the right price, and making sure the park is 100% okay with keeping the status quo as it is, purchasing the mobile home with a bill of sale is definitely seminormal. If the mobile home park once the home to stay in does not require the homeowner to show a title, but as long as the home is not going to be removed then it may be a good deal and a nice home.
I hope my answers help some and point you in the right direction. I hope that they make sense. If I miss the marker did not answer the question please feel free to comment back anytime.
Talk soon,
October 21, 2016Yeah I’ve looked at all the common areas that a tag may be found. Unfortunately nothing has turned up. I’ve called the assessment office (where I purchased it from the repository, back taxes) and they was no help.
Do you think the phone number on the video for Pennsylvania (888-242-7642) would be of any help in obtaining the vin number?
Pearl Crum
December 21, 2016If a dealer purchased a new home, move in 2001 never did record the title, He died last year we have all the info on the the hud statement but can not find the title.
John Fedro
December 28, 2016Hi Pearl,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. It looks as if you are commenting from the state of Kentucky. If this is the case you will want to speak with your local county clerk to find out more information about the title. If you have the HUD statement you may be able to track down the Vin number or serial number with the help of this website. http://www.ibts.org/services/services-in-the-public-good/cert-label-verification.html Once you have the Vin number or serial number you should be able to track down the title or order a duplicate title from the County Clerk. I hope this helps and make sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back out any time. Always here to help if possible. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Annette Dubanik
August 5, 2024Hi John
My name is Annette and we bought a trailer in North Fort Myers in Florida. It was someone that did not pay the lot rent so the trailer park took it over and sold it to us and we paid for it and we called them and called them and called them to get a title. We never received the title mind you this has been three years well now
The trailer Park sold to new owners and we cannot get in touch with the old people that owned it to get any kind of information. We do have the serial number and we do have the contract, but it doesn’t say anything paid in full. It does say the price that they want for it, but it doesn’t say we paid in full so I’m not sure what to do about that. Do you have any suggestions? Also, the contract does have our name on it and the amount that it was being sold for.
John Fedro
August 15, 2024Hello Annette,
Thank you very much for reaching out and commenting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed comment as this certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. I have a very strong sense that the previous mobile home park owners never had true ownership of the mobile home that they sold you in the first place. The title is likely in somebody else’s name. Perhaps the person that was evicted prior to you paying for the home, or perhaps the title was lost long ago. If you do have the serial number then you may call the dmv to go over your situation and provide them with the serial number. They will probably not tell you who the owner is, however they can tell you when the last time the title was transferred. I am curious if this is three years ago, five years ago, or 20 years ago. Florida does make it difficult to obtain titles in these type of situations. Clearly it sounds like you are the ones that were taken advantage of and misled and lied to a couple of years ago when you purchased the property. If the new park owners do not ask you to provide title then I would definitely not bring this up to them. When you go to resell the home you will need to use a bill of sale only. This may scare away some potential buyers however there are definitely some buyers that will still buy the home with only a bill of sale. I hope this helps and makes sense. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
April 21, 2019I’ve actually had this happen to me. I can’t find a lawyer to take my case. I don’t think the trailer is the one mentioned in my contract either. can you help me?,I received a bill of sale from park owner, unsigned!!
John Fedro
April 27, 2019Hi Kathi,
Thank you for commenting. With that said I very much regret to hear about the situation that the park has put you in. It is terrible that the park is not able to lift a finger to help in the situation. In reality they are the ones holding the cards and can obtain a title if they really choose to. I’m very surprised that an attorney will not draft up and send a letter to these park owners. With that said perhaps this does not seem like a very big deal or moneymaking case to them. With that said I would very much encourage you to continue reaching out to other real estate attorneys in the area to see who could help or point you in the right direction of someone that could help. Additionally, I would encourage you to reach out to local mobile home parks besides your own to see who they use for an attorney. Typically you will find that different mobile home parks have a mobile home park and mobile home experienced attorney on their team. Depending on your state you want one that is knowledgeable about your area and the local law. I hope this all helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Sundance Marshall
October 3, 2019Hello. I’m from Montana and have been given the opportunity to buy this abandon home from a guy that told me this mobile was dumped on him a couple years ago and needs it gone off of his property. I took a look inside and it was completely totaled. But in time and about 10,000 I could fix it up. The guy owns storage lockers on about ten acres. He agreed to let someone put this mobile on his property as long as he paid rent for it. But he never paid a dime. In other words the guy basically abandon the trailer on this storage locker property years ago. So contacting the person has been impossible! It’s been 3 years now and he has no title. He does however have the vin off of the trailer and the HUD tag for it. It is completely full of mice and the roof in almost every room is caving in. I guess my question is. Should I buy this thing with just a bill of sale?
John Fedro
October 20, 2019Hi Sundance,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed message as a silly does help me understand your situation a bit better. In my opinion this definitely does not sound like the “path of least resistance”. If you’re going to put $10,000 into a mobile home, you may purchase a mobile home from a semi-motivated seller that has a decent property already inside of a pre-existing mobile home park. With that said, you could take the VIN and talk to the MVD to see if they have any information on it. Since you are not the owner they will only tell you limited information. The landowner is really the one that would need to file for an abandoned title, and then the title would be in their name so that they could sell it to you. If you purchase it with a Bill of sale, you will not really be purchasing the home. You will be controlling the home with possession and keys, however you will have to transfer this “control” with a Bill of sale to the next buyer. It will be difficult to move this mobile home is just a Bill of sale and you will not get the full price since some buyers will not feel right about purchasing this home from you with a Bill of sale and the fact that you are not the true owner on title. In my opinion I would pass on this opportunity. You could probably create some value eventually down the road however it is definitely not the path of least resistance. However, if the storage locker land is for sale and you can also purchase the mobile home which is already there, that is a bit of a different story. But then again the numbers have to make sense of course. I hope this helps and makes sense. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Lessie Moreland
April 24, 2019hi john I have a dilemma I bought my mobile home from an individual but never received a title and have had possession of trailer for 9 yrs not sure if the person I bought it from even had a title and I think they passed away how do I go about getting a title
John Fedro
April 27, 2019Hi Lessie,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about the dilemma that you are in. With that said you are certainly not the first person to be in this type of situation. I would very much encourage you to call up the Texas TDHCA. To reach the manufactured housing division please call this number 800-500-7074. These folks have always been helpful to me when I call up and ask questions. With that said you may have to wait on hold for a little bit. Explain your situation and these folks will be able to tell you the best situation to move forward. Make sure to have the mobile home VIN or serial number available if possible. If you are able to prove you’ve lived there for this amount of time and originally bought the home when you said you did, there should be no issue with regards to getting the home in your control with the right forms. I hope this helps. Do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information so I would rather you hear the proper steps for directly from the state. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Kathy sherrell
February 8, 2020Mother in law gave us mobile home 4 years ago now is mad at us and saying its hers and wants it back how can we stop her.she says the title is still in her name?
John Fedro
June 3, 2020Hi Kathy,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I regret to hear about the situation that you are in. Your legal recourse depends on the paperwork that you signed. Since the mobile home is still in your mother-in-law’s name she can absolutely have you evicted or not renew your lease if she wishes to. However if there is paperwork saying that you are buying the home and you are living up to your end of the agreement then by all means you have the legal right to stay. Even though you may have to go to court to prove it. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out anytime. Keep in touch. All the best.
Talk soon,
Autumn short
March 24, 2020HI John,
I have a few questions about titles in Florida. So 2 years ago I made a purchase. It was for a mobile home. The man who lives here told me that I would be able to obtain a title with the bill of sale he had given me. So I took his note to the dmv and low and behold he was not the owner. Since then I have hunted down the original owner and he seems to have passed away 10 years ago. With that being said I found his daughter. She claimed to have sold it for 3000 dollars to someone. She gave him the title and never thought she would hear about it again. She refuses to help me get the title in any way shape or form. PLEASE HELP ME…
A worried momma
John Fedro
March 25, 2020Hi Autumn,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about this issue. I have a few questions. Since you have not had title these last few years, is the park now demanding that you show them title or are you just looking to resell the home? Do you still have the title that the seller gave you two years ago? Is the person that bought it for $3000 the same person that sold it to you? Or did this person sell it to that person? The answers to these questions are important so feel free to let me know. Feel free to comment back here or email me directly at support@mobilehomeinvesting.net. All the best. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Sheila Frazier
May 29, 2020We bought this as a salvage trailer the owner passed away and the land owner wanted the trailer moved no title was given ,,,what do I do when I want to sell it
John Fedro
June 3, 2020Hi Sheila,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I’m not sure which state you are located in however you will absolutely want to talk to your local states manufactured housing department. I would explain the situation as a “hypothetical situation” when you are speaking to the clerk. However if you are able to provide a serial number or VIN that would be ideal. You could then try to understand who the current owner is, if taxes are current, and if there any current liens. Also address the mobile home is currently located in the one the state has as well. When you do contact the state mention that you are a private buyer purchasing from a private seller. If you are able to obtain clear title that is the ideal situation. Or if you do not have title and you may have to transfer interest in the home with a bill of sale. Depending on your state this will not be legal ownership however the buyer will have the keys and control and be responsible for the park lot rent. Keep in mind that without a title some mobile home parks will have a problem with the home being there. I hope this helps him and point you in the right direction. The free to keep in touch moving forward. All the best.
Talk soon,
Richard R Coenen
February 12, 2021Bought this mobile home illegally. They said that he was dead. Not
John Fedro
February 24, 2021Hi Richard,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear this. I’m guessing that somebody sold you a mobile home that was really not there is to sell. Let me know if you have any specific questions with regards to this. Feel free to keep in touch moving forward. All the best.
Talk soon,
March 11, 2021I have a question. I have lived with my youngest sibling since 2014 until he passed away july 19th 2020. I paid the property taxes on the mobile home. Can’t find the vin #and so no title. The mobile home park said to give them $200 and he would act like he is taking the trailot back amd then he would put it in my mom’s name then she coukd will it to me. If there is no title how can I be I be paying taxes on it. Is what trailor park owner saying legal?
John Fedro
April 17, 2021Hi Sherri,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. I very much regret to hear about your younger brother passing. I’m sorry for this loss to you and your family. Understood about not finding the mobile homes VIN or title. Sometimes the serial number or VIN is pressed into the metal of the mobile home at the very front where the tongue is or used to be. There may also be a metal plaque on the tongue itself however this is not that common. This is not mandated across the country and only some builders do this. There is a way for the mobile home park to file for an abandoned title on your mobile home, however they usually need to know the VIN, serial number, or HUD label number that can be found on the back of the mobile home if it was built after 1976. However sometimes this label has been removed over the years. Depending on your state taxes may be due from you or they may be paid directly through the mobile home park owner, however I’m not sure what state you’re in so I do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information. In reality, I would encourage you to call your local states titling department to explain the situation and asked them specifically what you may do moving forward. If you are the next of kin and you have your brothers death certificate than perhaps this may be all that is needed if you can show that you have been paying lot rent for the past few years. This may be enough to prove ownership and provide you with a title assuming the state can find the titles information through your brother’s name or if you know the name listed on the current missing title. This is just the tip of the iceberg however I hope that this does help and make sense. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
lizeth martinez
April 6, 2021Hello John I was wondering if you had any tips to give me about I situation I ran across. My uncle was staying at this mobile home in Louisiana and just last year there was a hurricane that past and damaged the mobile home he was living at, the home was passed down by a close friend and his close friend the owner before him never have him a title he had a bill of sale but not the title years went by the owner was never to be seen again so my uncle didn’t want to fix the home so he said I could take over and remodel most of the paper work was lost during the hurricane and now I want to claim ownership but without the proper paperwork how will I be able to I’m waiting on the landlord to email me the rent payment history that we have been paying for the space and that no one else basically calmed it it was technically abandoned, I was wondering what I should do now
John Fedro
April 6, 2021Hi Lizeth,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed comment as this definitely helps me understand your situation a bit better. I very much regret two-year about the mobile home being damaged last year’s hurricane. I do hope that someone has the VIN or serial number to the mobile home. If the mobile home was built after 1976 it should have a metal HUD plate at the back of the mobile home as well, however this is not always the case as they have been removed or covered in the past. In Louisiana you will want to contact the Department of Motor Vehicles to explain the situation. This is definitely not the first time that this is happened and there absolutely is a process for obtaining clear title. However, this process may involve going to court or paying an expensive bond fee. If the home does not have to be removed from the current location, and it can likely stay there exactly where it is without a title as it is currently doing. The landowner may be able to help as well file for an abandoned title since it is on their land. However in this case the title possession will go to the landowner, which they can resell to you. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out anytime. Here’s a webpage that might be helpful as well. https://www.mobilehomeinvesting.net/louisiana-mobile-home-title-transfer/
Talk soon,
lizeth martinez
April 7, 2021Unfortunately most of the paper work was lost during the hurricane and the only thing that I have is the permanent Parish ID number that is present on the mobile home what I am doing is asking the landlord to email me all the copy of the payments that we have been the ones taking over the mobile home and paying the lot of with the mobile home is setting at, most likely the landlord won’t resell the home to me seeing that it’s being remodeled and almost at a presentable state I do feel that the only way would be to go to court like you ask and see what they can do to help I just like to know if there’s anything else I need to be more prepared or if you have any other tips in mind to have a better case in getting a title for this mobile home I have all the receipts of the material that was used to remodel
lizeth martinez
April 15, 2021And another thing I have the payment history from the times I have been paying for the lot to keep it there and it has my aunts name as she took out the lease when I couldn’t cause I was still a minor but we were leaving there from time to time and now that she moved out she had no part in it I took over but I need a title for the lease to be changed to me that’s why it’s still in her name should I talk to the landlord to see if he can put me on there as well or should I just leave it like that and explain to them the situation and leave it like that for the court that way they don’t try to say anything about the different name that’s on the document
Kerri covington
April 17, 2021Hello John,
Thanks to Jim for asking just the question I have. My landlord of our mobile home park has sold me a mobile home and he does not have the title. He has told me he is having problems getting it at the court house because he does not have all correct documentation and is having to wait for the right person to be in there. I have asked for over a year for my title. Something is big news fishy about this. Also he last told me yesterday that maybe a lady named cindy paid the taxes Last and has it! Like so is’nt he basically saying that he sold me another womens mobile home. I have lived here 3 and 1/2 years now. Though this home is on his property could he even be able to rent this out or sale it to me? I need to know what to do or how to approach the situation please. Big thanks
John Fedro
April 19, 2021Hi Kerri,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to you that you are in the situation as well. Around the country people certainly do sell mobile homes that they do not actually have title to. They may have “possession” however they do not have legal ownership just yet. If this is the landowner that he should be able to file for an abandoned title assuming the Vin or serial number is known. If you know the van or serial number you may call your states mobile home title transferring department to ask them if the owner is a company or this landlord. Or perhaps it is under a woman’s name. The clerk over the phone at the title transfer department will likely not tell you the owner’s name, however they will tell you if the person you think is on title is that person. They can also likely tell you when the last time the title was transferred. You may also asked the clerk how the process to file an abandoned title works or if there is a bonded process of title you have been living there so long. Explain the situation and these folks can likely point you in the best direction moving forward. Once you know a bit more about the situation you can then figure out the best way to move forward. It is best to not upset the landlord too much as they could make things more difficult for you moving forward with regards to living there comfortably. Obviously this sounds like this is a situation where they are in the wrong, however I would encourage you to play nice until you know more information. At that point you can try to get the title clear yourself, work with the landlord to get clear title, or contact an attorney for more help. However the attorney should be the last resort in my opinion. Hope this helps and points you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
September 21, 2021Hello, I’ve purchase some mobile homes and only have a bill of sale it does not have the serial or Vin present on them, I’ve search several areas where it could be located and still can not find them to get model and info for titling, what else can be done to gain this information? Help
John Fedro
September 23, 2021Hi Elisha,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. The VIN may be located somewhere on the mobile home. Perhaps inside on the mobile homes data plate which is a piece of paper that may be found on the wall somewhere inside of the mobile home, or on the HUD label outside of the mobile home in the back lower left corner of the mobile home on the outside. If the VIN or serial number is not listed there then perhaps it is pressed into the metal I-beam at the very front of the mobile home going along the width of the home. If this is not possible to find, which it oftentimes is not, you may be able to find some information to the County property appraiser’s website or tax collectors website based on the owner’s name or property address. However if you are not able to find any of this information then you may not be able to locate this particular mobile homes identification numbers. I hope this helps and points you in a good direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
Tabitha Wright
February 9, 2022Hello what if there’s a land deed and it’s not in a park but no title how to get it retitled
John Fedro
June 27, 2022Hello Tabitha,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. This process will vary a bit from state to state. If the mobile home and land are joined together and considered real property, then the mobile home title was probably ripped up or handed over to the state. This process of retitling or unretiring the mobile homes title will vary a bit and I would definitely like you to double check what I’m saying in your local area. You want to get in touch with the local tax collector to start. Explain to them your situation and they will usually be able to help you along this process. You may be instructed to create some type of affidavit from the land owner to the consent of the mobile home being removed and change back to personal property. A title company or real estate attorney may need to get involved as well to prove that there are no taxes owed or liens owed on the mobile home or land. This title company may also need to provide a report of the owners and/or secure parties. You will then likely have to pay different fees associated with retitling the mobile home. However these are usually not that expensive in most areas. Hope this helps and point you in the right direction. This is definitely not a complete answer however I hope it helps and makes sense. Any specific follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
June 10, 2022I recently transfered mobile home total to my name. They said I would receive title in 2 or 3 weeks. What are the doing in this time. If there were any liens I do not know of would that be brought to my attention when at clerks office or is this what they are checking in this 2 week time frame?
John Fedro
June 15, 2022Hi Kim,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. If you were able to transfer the ownership from the person you bought it from into your name with someone working at the state or county mobile home transfer title office you have little to worry about. With that said the government is slow and 2 to 3 weeks is very short in some areas around the country. In California there is around a six month to nine month waiting period for you to get your title after you transfer it from buyer to seller. In some areas you can go to the DMV and walk out with a new title the same day. With that said you should be able to call your states title transfer department to ask them how things are going and if they have sent off the new title yet. You should call after a while to check in as they may have sent this to the wrong address or have some other issue. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out anytime.
Talk soon,
April 27, 2016what is the seller signs over title and do bill of sale then he goes gets a duplicate. making the title void that was given during sale.
John Fedro
April 27, 2016Hi Alyssa,
Thanks for following along and reaching out. In this situation the title that you were given is only “void” if the second party the seller gave a duplicate title to already went down and transferred the title into their names. It is for this reason I suggest you transfer the title into your possession immediately after closing, or at least the following day. Does this make sense? Let me know if you have any follow-up questions or thoughts with regards to this answer. Additionally, if I did not answer your question please do not hesitate to reach back out any time. Always here to help. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
October 18, 2016Hi, John,
I wanted to ask you how I could get the title for my mobile home. I bought a property that came with a mobile home but I didn’t receive the title for the mobile home. I have the deed to the property but the owner of the mobile home is passed away. I was wondering what I could do in this case since they ask for the title at the Department of Motor Vehicles.
John Fedro
October 21, 2016Hi Rosendo,
Thank you for connecting and reaching out with regards to your questions. If you have all of the pertinent information with regards to your mobile home then you should be able to receive a title moving forward. If the mobile home was legally married and joined to the piece of land it is sitting on the mobile home title may have been relinquished years ago. With that said should be able to talk to the Department of Motor Vehicles to obtain a new title once it is proved that the previous owner has passed away. Bring what documentation you have to the Department of Motor Vehicles and aim to speak with the manager about your situation. They should be able to point you in the right direction and let you know what paperwork is needed based on your particular situation and based on the serial/VIN of the mobile home in question. If this is not possible then you may be able to put a lien on the mobile home, as you are not the owner, and then simply file for and “abandon title” with the Department of Motor Vehicles. With that said I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Definitely talk to the Department of Motor Vehicles and they should be able to point you in a clear direction moving forward safely and quickly. All the best.
Talk soon,
April 18, 2019I am in the process of purchasing two double wides in upstate NY. The current sellers purchased them as a foreclosure from a bank. They never received titles and after some investigation found out that the titles were still in the name of the person who had been foreclosed on. The sellers have paid taxes on these double wides for 4 years and it seems there are no liens on the title. How can we get the title in their name without having to go through the previous owner who lost them to foreclosure. Can the bank they purchased from obtain title in their name and sign it over to them? Please and help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
John Fedro
April 30, 2019Hi Katrina,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed question as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. I’m assuming that the homes are new enough to where a title is needed, versus older mobile homes prior to 1994 may be purchased and resold via a Bill of sale. There are a few ways to move forward. Contacting the bank with the person who originally purchased the homes will be a good place to start. However definitely contact the local Department of Motor Vehicles and asked to speak with the manager to explain the full situation. You are not the first person that this is happened to, and sadly you will not be the last. The state may be able to provide your seller with clear title assuming the seller can show the back taxes have been paid in the homes were purchased via foreclosure years ago. The management at the Department of Motor Vehicles should be able to help point you in the right direction moving forward. I do not believe I told you anything that you did not know already however I do hope that this helps some. Please feel free to keep in touch moving forward and if you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Bonnie hott
October 23, 2016Hi i have a question my mother inlaw has lived in a mobile home she bought from the park landlord for over 17 years she has a title that she never got transferred to her name on the back of the title he put the price of the trailer new not what she paid an the park owner passed away over 10 years ago. The problem is we need to get a title in her name for her will for the future. Our state is Maryland do you have any idea on what we should do to fix this problem. My mother inlaw is paralyzed from a stroke an age 73. Thanks
Bonnie hott
John Fedro
November 1, 2016Hi Bonnie,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your questions. I very much regret to hear about the situation you and your mother in at this time. From my understanding it sounds like the title is present with both the buyers and sellers signature, an incorrect price, and possibly the sales date from over 17 years ago. There are number of situations that may be happening depending on if taxes are current and any other possible hidden liens that may be on the title for some weird reason. I very much encourage you to call your local motor vehicle administration in Maryland and explain your situation to inexperience clerk over the phone. Situation such as this happen regularly and there’s absolutely a procedure moving forward. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Moving forward if you ever have any additional questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
November 11, 2016Hi i have a question, my dad cannot find the title of his mobile home we believe it was stolen, can the person who have it change the home under his/her name?
John Fedro
November 15, 2016Hi Yuri,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I regret to hear that the title has been misplaced. If somebody finds this they can absolutely forge the signature of your father and change ownership into whoever’s name they wish. While this could absolutely be fought in court and you should not be too much of risk at eviction, it would certainly be a pain in the butt to have to go through. With that said your father should contact the local manufactured home division locally, or local DMV, depending on your state this will vary from location to location. If you let me know what state you’re in I can point you in which direction with regards to who to talk to moving forward. There is absolutely a procedure for this and depending on your state they will have you move forward one of a few different ways. A form will need to be signed by your father and likely a small fee will need to be paid. Besides this there is nothing to be worried about. I hope this helps and make sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
February 6, 2017John,
Thank you so much for your prompt response. I went to the Tax Collector’s office with my ID, Death Certificate, Will and MH registration and left 15 minutes later with the title, transferred into my name as surviving spouse. I am now able to list and sell the home.
February 19, 2019I bought a moble home from my friend she said I would have to get the title from the park. When I signed the lease to the park the manarger said she would call the lawyer for my title it’s now five mthe later no title. Got a paper in the mail saying oerviouse owner owes 8000 in back taxes I live in Butler county Ohio the paper said the tax people would be here March first the title is not in my name but I have the lease from the moble home park and the bill of sale that we both wrote up and I had two of them the husband and the wife sign it. She told me she had no ideal the original owner owed taxes. What do I do sir
February 10, 2020My husband and I sold our modular home to his daughter. In return she gave us her singlewide trailer that was paid for in a park. We talked with the park owner it was ok for us to live their and we have been living there. She has yet to sign the title over to us at this point. What do I need to do
John Fedro
February 21, 2020Hi Jeanie,
Thank you very much for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about the situation. I’m curious if they are not handing over the title because they do not have it, or because they are being difficult, or for some other reason. However if they are not communicating with you that I would definitely encourage you to talk to an attorney if possible. An attorney that specializes in real estate will be able to help point you in the right direction. Sounds like this person will not listen to anything else. I hope this helps him. Feel free to keep in touch. All the best.
Talk soon,
March 10, 2020John,
I have a question about process of filing abandonment on a mobile home in state of OK… Our niece had her mobile home on our land and sold it to someone in December of 2018, which in their contract it stated the new owner had to move the trailer before the 14th of January 2019. The new owner left the trailer for 6-8 months then when we sent them a certified letter letting them know they had to either start paying lot rental fees as well as back fees or move the trailer, they came and tried to move the trailer but couldn’t so they stripped it of all appliances and air conditioning unit and left. a month later came while we were at work and vandalized it and refuse to talk to us or remove the trailer. it now needs costly repairs, and is an eye sore unless we put money into it which we can’t unless it’s in our name. It has been over a year and the mobile home is still on our land. What can we do? How can we file for abandonment charges or make them remove it off our land. They never got our permission to leave it on our property.
John Fedro
March 25, 2020Hi Chapman,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear that you are having these issues. It definitely sounds like one thing led to another and another and another. In my opinion and experience I do not think that you’re going to get any money from anyone to help with getting this off of your land. You could potentially speak with an attorney on this however this may cost even more money. When it comes to removing a mobile home from your land, you have a few different options. You can demo it and have it removed in pieces, or put it in a few dumpsters, or have someone pull it off and bring it to the dump. I would encourage you to talk to a handful of local mobile home parks to see who they have used in the past to get rid of unwanted mobile homes. You also may want to call around to local mobile home dealers to see who they could recommend as well. I’m not sure if this is the advice you wanted however I do hope that it helps and points you in the right direction. Feel free to keep in touch moving forward.
Talk soon,
April 18, 2022What if bill of sale serial number is different from identification # and title is salvage title and tax office can’t find either number for mobile home and seller is a large mobile home company?
John Fedro
May 6, 2022Hi Michelle,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I regret to hear about the issues that you are having. The certainly are a number of concerns in one situation. If the serial number is different on the title versus the bill of sale, then that bill of sale will not typically be applied to that title. However perhaps it might slip by if a state clerk is not paying attention and matching up the serial numbers. In different states a salvage title will mean different things. However if the tax office is not able to find the mobile home then perhaps it was moved in from another state illegally without registering it. Perhaps the title you are looking at is not even for the mobile home in question. Double check the VIN or serial number you find on the mobile home or inside the mobile home with the one on the title. Ideally the title and the identification number on the mobile home match. If the tax office was not able to find the information perhaps they can look based on the address or the seller’s name. Lastly, if this is a big real estate company it does not sound like they are doing things by the book. It does not sound like they are even doing things ethically. I would absolutely encourage you to reach out to this company to work out things amicably. In some states a salvage title can be sold and in other states it cannot be sold easily, or has to be sold to a licensed dealer and not to an end user. Every state has a manufactured housing Association, I would encourage you to call your states manufactured housing Association asked them if they have any recommendations for mobile home experienced attorneys in the state. You may be able to assess attorney what your options are and if this large mobile home company has taken advantage of you in some way. I’m sorry that I’m not able to be more of a help or give you more specific information, however I do not want to misguide you or mislead you. I hope this helps and makes sense and if you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out anytime.
Talk soon,
Wes davidson
July 20, 2023I wish I had run across this a month ago.
We just wasted over a month trying to get a loan and buy a trailer on a lot, only to find out that 2 owners ago, the title went missing, and all the Vin tags were removed.
The county has no records, the sellers don’t have any.
It will probably get sold for cash. Just kicking the can down the road.
August 27, 2023Trying to make a purchase in the state of Pa. There is a 1991 double wide on the property. I don’t know if the title has been surrender. The bank that’s doing the mortgage for this purchase want a surrendered title of a copy of the title. The current owner said they never got a title for the mobile home. Dept of transportation has no record of the title.How do i get a copy of the title or proof that the title has been surrendered? Thank you
John Fedro
September 18, 2023Hi Flora,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Congratulations with regards to the potential purchase of this mobile home. I assume that you will be purchasing the mobile home as well as the land. If the mobile home was legally attached to the property and the title was surrendered then the local Township or County will have a record of this. Call up the County tax collector in the County property appraiser’s office to dig deeper on the paperwork they have for this particular mobile home. Some situations the mobile home may have been moved onto the land illegally and there may not be any title to speak of. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Please feel free to follow back up with any follow-up questions or concerns. All the best.
Talk soon,
Maria Vasquez
September 22, 2015Thank you John. This is just what I’ve been looking for and wish I had earlier this year. A mobile home I wanted to buy for my family did not have a title and the owner was simply selling with a Bill of sale. Based on what you said above it sounds like we could have still bought the home and been safe. Is this correct? Thank you in advance. Maria V.
John Fedro
September 22, 2015Hi Maria,
Thank you so much for reaching out in your kind words. I regret to hear you miss the opportunity to purchase that mobile home that you like here. With that said I hope that you found something you love even better for you and your family. Moving forward if you have any questions about selling your home are purchasing any other mobile home don’t hesitate to reach out to me now or in the future. With regards to let you past on, you could have taken control of the mobile home however you would not have technically opened. With that said you could likely have purchased that mobile home for a reduced amount compared to what the seller was asking. The reason for this is because the fact that the seller does not have the title means that some percentage of qualified buyers are going to be scared away because there is no title. This of course is a very valid and true statement – you would not be the technical owner of the mobile home. However if your goal was to get into a mobile home that you liked for an inexpensive price than this may have solved the problem. Additionally, you could work out an agreement with the park itself to file for “abandonment” on the mobile home so that they can obtain clear title and then they could pass it on to you for a small fee. I hope this answer helps and makes sense. There certainly are a lot of variables when were talking about a mobile home that does not have a title or the actual seller present. In this answer I have been assuming that the actual owner could not be found. If the actual owner on title is present then they can easily get a duplicate title from the state and transfer this over to you at that point. Again, I do not think this is the case and it sounds like the actual owner and actual title are not available. If you have any questions or comments moving forward never ever hesitate to reach out. Additionally, if anything I have said and this answer confuses you please don’t hesitate to reach out for further clarity as well.
Talk soon,
Carlos Oliver
September 23, 2015I give this video a #10 rating.
Thanks for sharing the fun and exitment of Mobil Home Investing.
Carlos your friend.
John Fedro
September 26, 2015Hi Carlos,
Thank you so much for your kind words and for commenting. I actually laughed out loud a little bit while reading your comment. I hope that’s a 10 on a scale of 1-10. 🙂 Very happy to help and provide you some value. If you have any specific questions or have a good idea for another video or topic never hesitate to reach out. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
September 23, 2022My husband inherited his mom’s mobile home after she passed away. Now that probate is all over, we want to sell her mobile home and move it off the property. We have the original title in hand but the state assessor’s office nor the DMV is able to find the title in their system. It has not been settled as the property tax is still separate from the land. We can’t sell it without having the title transferred into my husband’s name but when they look up the info in the state system, it’s not there. What can we do?
John Fedro
October 3, 2022Hi Brittany,
Thank you very much for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your mother-in-law’s passing. Understood about you wanting to change the title and sell the mobile home. Understood about the state not being able to easily find this mobile home in their records. In some states there is a “archive” type of record system that is kept separate from the main mobile home database used on a more regular basis. However I am unsure the state that you and/or the mobile homes are located in. Assuming that the DMV is where the title transfer process takes place in your state, I would encourage you to definitely go down there and speak with the manager to figure out what is going on. If the mobile home is not in the database currently, then it can likely be placed in the database as if it were a different mobile home moving in from out-of-state. After all the home is gone through probate in the original title is in hand. However some states definitely make this a lot easier than other states. I do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information so I would encourage you to contact the manager at the DMV in your specific state. Hope this helps some. All the best. Feel free to keep in touch if you have any follow-up questions.
Talk soon,
Kathy Reed
October 29, 2015I bought a used mobil home in Sept. of 2011. The owner has refused to get a lien release letter for me to transfer the title into my name, she told me to get it myself. Since I am not on their loan…..I can’t get any information from the loan company. They have since changed their phone numbers and closed their social media accounts. I have no way to contact them and can not afford an attorney. I live on a fixed income. I have been paying the personal property taxes for 4 years now. What if anything can I do to get this home into my name? I live in Jefferson County Missouri……..
John Fedro
November 3, 2015Hi Kathy,
Thank you for reaching out and commenting concerning this issue. I regret to hear about your situation and the rudeness of the lien holder. You likely have a few choices moving forward. In your comment you say that the “owner” has refused to get a lien release letter for you. Are you for sure that there is a lien on this mobile home? Is this mobile home located inside of a mobile home community or on private land? I’m going to guess it is in a park due to the fact you are paying personal property taxes.
With all this said, how the original sale should of taken place is that you become the owner on title day #1 and the seller/previous owner becomes the “lienholder”. It sounds to me that the seller is still the owner, and therefore they would not need to put a lien on their own home. Do you have a copy of the title? Do you know how the title reads and who the owner is? Have you received the bill of sale or any paperwork at closing when you agreed to buy this home from the seller?
Please provide some answers to the questions above and I’d be happy to help you further. Please feel free comment back here or email me personally at support@mobilehomeinvesting.net.
Talk soon,
February 27, 2020I have a mobile home with title that is in my dad’s name I paid for the trailer and am now ready to sale it but the title is in his name and he passed away in 2005 What I can do to get the title in my name He also did not have a will
John Fedro
March 16, 2020Hi Monica,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your father’s passing in this difficult situation you are put in. Concerning the title issue, you’re definitely not the first person to go through the situation with the title, and unfortunately you will not be the last. The state absolutely has a procedure moving forward for just the situation. I would definitely encourage you to call up the state directly. You want to call your states manufactured housing titling department. Have all of the information on the mobile home, your father, and you possible and explain the situation clearly. Because you have been paying taxes and living in the home for so long there will absolutely be a procedure moving forward for you to take ownership in most cases. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Moving forward any follow-up questions or concerns you have never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
Emma Wedge
November 5, 2015Sir;
I came upon your website here and I am not an investor but I do have questions. I bought a small mobile home four years ago and was given a bill of sale.The person that I bought it from was a local businessman and I thought I could trust him. I did not know then that mobile homes had titles. Now my home is sitting on the bay up in the UP of Michigan and I am having trouble selling it. I over paid $14,000 for this 14 x 44 trailer. It is in good condition though for a 1996 and I have a buyer that is willing to pay $8500. It is in a mobile home park and the buyer or I should say potential buyer is an co- owner of multiple parks. I was told that I could buy a surety bond and take that to the DMV along with my bill of sale and file for a lost title. Is that true? The home was built in Indiana, I bought it in Illinois but it is currently in Michigan and I was told I need to go to the Michigan DMV . I was also told that there would be a 6% user tax…doI pay this ?I talked to a mobile home dealer in Michigan and she said that when I sold it the next person who registered the title they would pay that tax ….she said it was like a sales tax. I’ve spent much time on the phone and talk to multiple agencies anything you can do to advise me would be deeply appreciated. Thank you in advance. Email
John Fedro
November 6, 2015Hi Emma,
Please see my thoughts below in bold.
I came upon your website here and I am not an investor but I do have questions. I bought a small mobile home four years ago and was given a bill of sale. The person that I bought it from was a local businessman and I thought I could trust him. I did not know then that mobile homes had titles. Now my home is sitting on the bay up in the UP of Michigan and I am having trouble selling it. I over paid $14,000 for this 14 x 44 trailer. It is in good condition though for a 1996 and I have a buyer that is willing to pay $8500. It is in a mobile home park and the buyer or I should say potential buyer is an co- owner of multiple parks. I was told that I could buy a surety bond and take that to the DMV along with my bill of sale and file for a lost title. Is that true? I regret to hear about the situation in the fact that the seller completely left this title mess in your hands. This does not sound accurate as the duplicate title that is “lost” still will not be signed by the seller/current owner. With that said I am not aware that this is a possibility in Michigan however hopefully I am incorrect. I encourage you to call the local DMV and explain your situation. It will most likely need the mobile homes serial number or vehicle identification number. This way you will know if the mobile home title currently resides with Michigan or Illinois.The home was built in Indiana, I bought it in Illinois but it is currently in Michigan and I was told I need to go to the Michigan DMV. This will very much depend if the title was retitled when it was moved to Michigan. I am slightly surprised that the mobile home park did not keep a record of the title on file. The mobile home park can also file for “abandoned title” on the mobile home. This will put the title into the park’s name, which they can then resell to you for little to no money. However, please call the local DMV and speak to a supervisor to explain your situation. They may have a very easy and inexpensive way to solve your problem quickly. I was also told that there would be a 6% user tax…doI pay this ? There will likely be a sales tax when you transfer the mobile home into your name. I talked to a mobile home dealer in Michigan and she said that when I sold it the next person who registered the title they would pay that tax ….she said it was like a sales tax. Every time the mobile home is transferred the new buyer will typically pay a transfer/sales tax that will be applicable to the state or county which the mobile home resides. I’ve spent much time on the phone and talk to multiple agencies anything you can do to advise me would be deeply appreciated. Thank you in advance. I hope the words above have been helpful and clear to understand. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back out. Here to help anytime.
Talk soon,
tina bowman
November 19, 2015trying to buy used mobile home. 1985 tiffany. Called to austin texas records the said citi corp accpentance put a lien on it in 1985. owner nos nothing of it as citi financial sent them the paid off title. what to do? purchase or not that is the question.
John Fedro
November 20, 2015Hello Tina,
Thanks for commenting and reaching out concerning your questions. Congratulations on finding the seller and working the deal thus far. Concerning your question it is of the utmost importance that you remove the lien from Citigroup prior to purchasing this home. In fact, the state will likely not transfer ownership until this lien is satisfied.
I encourage you to follow up with the state and double check as to what is needed to be sent to them or provided to prove that the lien from Citigroup was satisfied nearly 30 years ago. This seller has been in the home for over 30 years?… That is impressive. Additionally, you may be able to get in touch with Citigroup if verification is needed with regards to the lien. In short, there is definitely a solution moving forward for you to purchase this home without the Citigroup lien. The exact answer them paperwork needed will be found by contacting a manager or director of the manufactured housing division in Austin.
I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns moving forward never ever hesitate to reach out anytime. Always here to help. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
tina bowman
December 13, 2015always appreciate the info. thank for share
tina bowman
December 15, 2015Are ther any laws or rules for mobile home transporters. Our Trailer frame and plumbing was damaged in the move.
December 31, 2015I left the Florida Keys about 3 years ago. The park owner agreed to accept ownership of my trailer, and I gave her the signed title.
Almost 3 years later, I get a bill from the tax office saying I owe 3 years
taxes. They say I must prove I no longer own the trailer, or it no longer exists. I am having problems getting a response from the park owner.
So how do I handle this situation? I don’t want to pay registration fees for
the rest of my life!
John Fedro
January 5, 2016Hi Me,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your question. This sometimes does happen when a seller will hand over title however the buyer will simply not go through the process to change it over legally into their name. With that said this problem typically never arises from a mobile home park being lazy. It absolutely sounds like you are not at fault and should not be held liable as you did not own the home. If you have a bill of sale signed and dated from this time that would ideally be best to show proof of sale. I would reach out and get in contact the Florida tax department phone number that was on your bill. It is important to work with these folks to resolve the problem. You are completely innocent here so there should be no reason you should have to pay anything. You may wish to call local mobile home parks nearby to see if they know of the mobile home park you used to live at is still around or may have changed names. Please keep in touch and if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back out. I hope the answers above were helpful and point you in the right direction. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Alan Manisco
July 21, 2016This sounds funny. Just over 3 years ago, I bought a trailer in Key Largo. The owner had owed several months of back lot rent. And she had left the state. I made a deal with the owner and the trailer park owner regarding the purchase of the home. The old owner signed over the title to the trailer park owner(Karen). She held onto the title until I paid off the trailer, at which point, the trailer park owner gave me the title. And Karen had forgiven the overdue lot rent due. When I went to title the trailer in my name, the DMV had trouble with some number on the title. So he changed the number and I was given a new title from the DMV, which I still have as I still live here. I wonder if this is the same girl I bought the trailer from. If her name is Jodi W., have her contact me and I can go to the DMV and get it straightened out. What a strange, possible coincidense.
Alan Manisco
July 21, 2016I also have re-registered it every December and paid the yearly taxes due on it. So it has been paid for. I get a new registration sticker to put on the window every December.
Chris Gutier
February 2, 2016Hi John!
I have a question. It is about the water heater.
Since I have a small mobile home. I live in California.
Can I replace the water heater to a tank less water heater?
Would it be legal to do that?
John Fedro
February 2, 2016Hi Chris,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your question. As the owner of the home you can absolutely replace your water heater and install a tapnkess water heater as well. With that said you will most likely need to pull permits depending on your county. I would encourage you to call your local city/County permit office to find out the correct steps moving forward. If you will be using a gas water heater then you will most likely need the help of a licensed plumber or water heating specialist to connect the gas. Once the installation is complete a local inspector will come out to make sure that all current codes are met. I hope this question helps and points you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out anytime. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
Chris Gutier
February 2, 2016Thanks John for your response.
I got another question. This time is regarding the electrical panel. I have it inside the restroom. Many people tell me that it can’t be there. I would like to know if there is fine or if I need to remove it and put it somewhere else which is gonna cost me some money.
Also, my mobile home has a big heater(furnace). Since I got it, I have never used it. I normally use a mobile heater depending on the room I am.
Would it be okay if I remove it and use that space for something else?
Thanks again!
John Fedro
February 3, 2016Hi Chris,
Thanks for reaching out and asking your questions. Concerning your question about the furnace removal, yes this will absolutely be fine if you do not need the furnace any longer. Be aware that you will likely have to patch holes in the floor, ceiling, and roof once the furnace is removed. With regards to the electric panel, this will vary from county to county and state to state. The inspector may or may not ever see where the electric panel is unless they are looking for. With that said it would be best to have an electrician look at your electric panel and confirm if this is compliant with codes or not. I hope these answers help. I certainly do not want to give you any bad information. If you have any future questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out anytime. Always here to help. Have a great week.
Talk soon,
February 10, 2016Good information here. I just recently purchased a new mobile home in Delaware with an inheritance from my father. My husband and I agreed that since it was my inheritance from my family, that the title would go to my daughter at death. The title came in my husband’s name and not mine. We got the title in November….can it be easily changed?
John Fedro
February 11, 2016Hi Anne,
Thank you so much for commenting and reaching out with regards to your question. Congratulations on the new home! I hope it is a home that you love in an area that you really like. With that said, I regret to hear about your father’s passing and your family’s loss.
Concerning your question, if the home is free and clear and there are no bank loans or liens on the property then yes, this process to retitle the mobile home into the correct names will be rather straightforward and simple. In Delaware I suggest you get in contact with your local DMV or at 302-744-2500. These folks have always been very helpful and friendly to me whenever I call so please explain your situation and they will tell you the correct paperwork and procedures to move forward to get the home title correctly. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out to me anytime. Always here to help. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
February 11, 2016Thank you for this.
John Fedro
February 11, 2016Hi Jules,
Very happy to help. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out anytime. Always here to help. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
February 16, 2016Hi, I have a question I’m hoping you have an answer. I had a mobile home given to me they were putting a new home where the trailer was, I have never had a title to the trailer nor did I know the owners now I’m trying to sell my property and they want the title for the bank what can I do?
John Fedro
February 16, 2016Hi Mindy,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting concerning your questions. Most purchasers of a mobile home will absolutely want clear title when they hand over money for the ownership and keys of the mobile home. With that said, you currently do not have ownership or clear title to provide this buyer. This is because someone else, or a corporation, owns this property it is the legal owner of record on the title. Inside the mobile home there should be a “data plate” that is made from a thin piece of metal or piece of paper glued to the wall listing the homes serial number, VIN, dimensions, manufacture date, size, etc. If you can find this then you are able to find the vehicle identification number so that you may ask the state more information about this home. The land owner may be able to file a lien on the title or simply file for an “abandoned title”. If the mobile home is still sitting on the land owners land then these folks will be able to help you obtain a new title, however if the home is not on land that it will be very difficult for you to obtain a new title. With all this said I would greatly encourage you to call your state and explain your situation in full. Based on your IP address it looks like you are emailing from Michigan. In Michigan you will want to contact the local DMV to make sure that the homes taxes are current, there are no existing liens, and to verify who the owner actually is. You will also want to explain your unique situation and ask them what options you have to obtain clear title legally ASAP. In Michigan you may call 517-322-1624/517-241-9328. Every time I call these folks are very helpful and friendly to answer most of my mobile home related questions. I hope this helps and at least point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out anytime. Always here to help. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
February 20, 2016We just bought a home in monore county tn. We were told that this was a stick build home not a double wide.Now we know it is we can not find the Vin any where on either a or b.where can we go to look find it we have to have it ASAP for insurance or we lose our home?
John Fedro
February 23, 2016Hi Alex,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your questions. I very much regret to hear about your situation. The vehicle identification number can typically be found on the homes “data plate” which may be a piece of paper or metal sheet with the mobile homes serial number, make, model, etc. You likely already look for this near the hot water heater, master bedroom closets, pantry, and laundry areas and could not find this information. If there is any decal on the outside of the home that pertains to a HUD # this could give the state a clue as to the home’s VIN. As a last resort you can look on the chassis of the mobile home. On the front of the home, near the mobile homes tongue, the VIN will often be coldpressed into the steel. You may have to take off the skirting to find this number. I hope this helps and at least point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out anytime. Always here to help. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
February 20, 2016I’m trying to buy a forclosure mobilehome but the bank that has it doesn’t have the title. What can we do to obtain a title in order to buy this home?
John Fedro
February 23, 2016Hi Stacy,
Congratulations on your up-and-coming purchase. As the bank they are in position as Lien holder and can absolutely contact the state to request a duplicate title or foreclose and take possession into their own name so that they can resell it to you. In looks like you are commenting from Arkansas, if this is true then the bank will want to contact the local DMV in order to start the repossession process. I would encourage you to call the bank and ask what help they need from you to facilitate this process and get this deal done. You will course be happy to do this for a discounted purchase price. I hope this all helps and makes sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out anytime. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
February 25, 2016i was purchasing a mobile home on a land contract, isnt paid off yet, but owner signed the title and gave it to me. boyfriend and i started having problems. he took the title without my knowledge and transferred ownership. is there anything that can be done?
John Fedro
February 26, 2016Hi Star,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your question. I very much regret to hear that your thief of our ex-boyfriend has stolen your title and put the home into his possession. I would very much encourage you to reach out to a local real estate attorney. This may take a little bit of money however if you can show that the paperwork from the seller is going directly to you and not to your boyfriend then you should have no problem convincing a judge the home should be yours. I hope this all helps and makes sense. It sounds like it will definitely get a little bit worse before it gets better however your ex-boyfriend has definitely done something against contract and against the law (if he is not listed anywhere on the paperwork). I would encourage you to reach out to a local real estate attorney that has a one hour free consultation to offer. Have your questions ready and make sure to get them all answered in this one free hour. Keep in touch moving forward and if you have any questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out anytime. Please keep us posted here as your reply may help others who are in a similar situation. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
February 29, 2016Thank you so very much for your advice, i really didnt know where to begin with persuing this issue and now i do… again, thank you!
John Fedro
March 3, 2016Happy to help, Star. Keep in touch if you have any follow-up questions or concerns. Have a great rest of the week.
Talk soon,
Ashley Goodwin
March 1, 2016Hi, I had a question, just trying to reassure ourselves here, we purchased a free-and-clear cash mobile home from a park, signed a lease, and continually demanded title until we got it in the mail – 4 days before our lease was up. In our eyes, this classifies as obstruction of sale by a park owner, which was outlawed here in Illinois in 1980, so were just filed suit yesterday, for a variety of issues as well, including fees not described in lease, changes to lease dates, so many things.
Our question was, what regulatory agencies in IL, and what rules apply, that give these parks their license to do this?
John Fedro
March 3, 2016Hi Ashley,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your questions. Congratulations on doing what you feel is right. This mobile home park may likely have been taken advantage of and bullying residence for years without anyone else doing something. Good job again for standing up for yourselves and the rest of the park. I’m very interested to hear what comes of this moving forward.
In Illinois I can tell you a various things with regards to investing in mobile homes on their private land and inside pre-existing parks. However your specific questions or something that I do not want to give you any wrong information to. Here are three great sources to local organizations that will be able to point you in the right directions. Here is a link to the Illinois manufactured home owners Association http://www.mhoai.org/. The following link is for an outline of your rights as a mobile home park resident in Illinois http://www.illinoislegalaid.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.dsp_content&contentID=363 I hope this all helps and points you in the right direction. Moving forward it will be hard for the park manager and park owners to look at you in an unbiased manner. If you are aiming to resell your mobile home I encourage that you take a hands-on approach to making sure your potential buyers receive a fair approval process from the park management.
Lastly, great job being demanding with regards to your title and receiving it when you did. Keep in touch moving forward. If you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out anytime. Additionally, please do keep in touch and let me know how this works out. I know others will be interested are reading along as well.
Talk soon,
Carolyn Foshee
March 3, 2016We rented to buy mobile home, when it was paid for the lady never gave us a title but a bill of sale because she did not have the title. Then we sold the mobile home and they wanted the title. So we went to the DVM to try and get a lost title. They could not help us. So now we want the mobile home moved from our property and they want a title and I am lost. What do I need to do to get them a title. We went to a notary and made a bill of sale to them. But now they want a title to the mobile home. Can yu help me, I am lost?
John Fedro
March 4, 2016Hi Carolyn,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your questions. I regret that you are in this situation. I am a bit fearful of what you may find moving forward due to the missing title. The reason I say this is because the woman who you purchase the home from may not have clear title because she was not the owner, there is still a lien on the title, and/or was never hers to begin with. I encourage you to head to the office of motor vehicles or call them directly with a serial number or VIN number that you may have been provided by the seller. If you do not have this identification number then you will have to find it on the mobile homes data plate located inside the mobile home, typically found in the master bedroom closet, pantry, hot water heater area, or utility room. Let me know if you are unable to find this information. We will need to find out if the mobile home was ever titled within your state. It looks like you are emailing from Louisiana, if this is the case than the above information is how you should proceed to figure out if this mobile home ever had a title locally. If the home does have a title than the next step will be to figure out who the owner is so they may receive a duplicate title and sign it over to you. Once you have clear title you may resell to your buyers. I hope this helps and makes sense to at least point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out anytime. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
March 9, 2016Back in 2000 I loaned my boyfriend at the time $1,000 and he signed and gave me a bill of sale on his mobile home. We broke up shortly after that but I never bothered with taking possession of the mobile home (that he still lives in). I choose to take the $1,000 loss rather than have to deal with the frustration (and him) of moving the mobile home. However, now and out of the blue, he’s intentionally trying to cause problems between me and a family member. So now I’m thinking since I’m having to deal with this BS anyways, I might as well see what I can do about taking possession of the mobile home. Again, I have the signed bill of sale and also a lease agreement where I had rented the mobile home out during the time he lived with me. The mobile home is located in Georgia.
John Fedro
March 9, 2016Hi Tammy,
Thank you for reaching out and the detailed comment and questions. I regret to hear that this ex-boyfriend is making your life difficult after all this time and the fact that you never pressed the issue of the thousand dollars. If the title is in your ex-boyfriend’s name then there is little ability you have to retitle the home into your name. A Bill of Sale is a very important form to have, however it is only half of the required documents you need to change it over into your control. Do you happen to have a signed Title?… Signed by your ex-boyfriend as the seller and you as the purchaser? Again, without the signed title you will not be able to have it transferred into your name. With that said I am certainly not an attorney of any kind. In fact, I would encourage you to reach out to a local real estate attorney that provides a one-hour free consultation for added help. I hope this helps and at least point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to write back. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
March 28, 2016Hey John,
I am trying to buy a piece of property that has a mobile home on it, we are in Fl. The current owner never had the mobile home put in there name back in 2002, they have a signed title but no bill of sale.
When they went to get the Mobile home put in there name the title office stamped the title with no bill of sale, how does the owner get the title in there name?
Thanks for your help
John Fedro
March 28, 2016Hi Dale,
Thank you so much for connecting and reaching out with regards to your questions. It sounds like you are trying to purchase a piece of land that is “vacant” and does not have a mobile home “legally” married to the land you are trying to purchase. This means that you are correct in thinking that the mobile home will have a title that needs to be transferred from the current owner to you as the buyer. Without a current title or even knowing who the actual owners of the mobile home are, you will need to go the legal route as the land owner to obtain clear title to this property. Assuming that taxes are current and there are no liens on the mobile home you should be able to file for an abandoned title as long as you know the mobile homes VIN or serial number. Using the current information you have with the previous owners “Bill of sale”, I encourage you to call up the state at 850-907-9111 or Head down to your local Department of Motor Vehicles to talk with them specifically about the mobile home in question and your options as “land owner” moving forward. I hope this all helps and at least point you in the right direction. I want to make sure you get all of the correct information from the state based on the current properties information. Moving forward if you have any additional questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out anytime. Always here to help. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
March 31, 2016I recently paid off my loan for my mobile home and I was wondering how I could go about getting my title.. I live in the state of Louisiana and all the bank gave me was a paper where i had the loan done originally that is stamped paid in full.. They seem to be giving me the run around about getting a title, so is there another number I could call to get another title if need be?
John Fedro
March 31, 2016Hi Misti,
Congratulations on paying off your home! This must be a great feeling and a big relief off your shoulders. In your state you should be able to take the “satisfaction of Lien” down to the office of motor vehicles to have a new original title printed out with your name as owner and no liens in place. I encourage you to call up the numbers below and ask them where the local offices near you that this can be done at. Explain your situation in these nice folks will be able to tell you just where to go and what to do. Keep in mind that you will very likely have to pay some small fee as the title is changing a bit. 225-925-9041 I hope this all makes sense and points you in the right direction. If you find any new or interesting information on never hesitate to comment back and share with us. Keep in touch and if you ever have any additional questions never hesitate to reach out anytime. Have a great rest of the week.
Talk soon,
April 9, 2016Hi John, I have a question for you. I live in New York State and my boyfriend and I purchased a double wide together and is titled in both of our names. We have recently split up and I want to know if I can have his name removed from the title. He is no longer living in the home. I have still currently live in the home. What do I need to do to have his name removed from the title, if I even can? Need some advice please. Thank you
John Fedro
April 9, 2016Hi Susan,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your questions. I have good news for you, this is absolutely possible in your state. With that said you will most likely have to get his signature in order to remove his name from the title. First things first, depending on the year you originally had this home title there may be an “and” or “or” between both owners name. If there is an “or” then you may likely simply sell the mobile home title into somebody else’s name with only one of your signatures. If this is the case then your boyfriend will not need to sign as only one party is required due to the verbiage on the title. I hope this first part makes sense. If not please let me know.
However if there is an “and” or simply a “comma” between both owners names that both signatures will be required to transfer the ownership to somebody else’s name. With that said, if your ex-boyfriend is willing to sign there may be a state agreement that allows him to simply remove his name from the title with a very small processing fee. Because I want to make sure this is done for you correctly and as inexpensively as possible, I encourage you to call your state titling Bureau for motor vehicles. Please explain the situation to them and they will point you in the right direction to find the correct paperwork and procedures to move forward to take your ex-boyfriend’s name off of title.
In short, this situation happens all the time from people breaking up, getting divorced, or passing away. There is absolutely a procedure in small fee that this will take and nothing more. The biggest hurdle to overcome may be having your ex-boyfriend sign off ownership on the title. I hope this all helps and points you in the right direction. You may contact your state at 518-867-3242 for more information. Moving forward if you have any additional questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out anytime. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
April 10, 2016Thank you John, you have been very helpful and I appreciate it. I will contact our DMV titling bureau.
Sincerely, Susan
April 10, 2016Also just looked a my original title, there is no (and, or, or a comma) at all. Just simply my name on the first line and his name on the second line. What would that mean?
Thanks again, Susan
John Fedro
April 13, 2016Hi Susan,
Thank you for following up. This means that both your signatures are needed in order to sell this mobile home. I was hoping only you would need to sign, however both signatures are likely needed for the sale to go through and the name on the title to change. With that said, please reach out to the state and let them know what you are trying to do and they will be able to point you in the easiest and quickest direction possible.
Talk soon,
Rita D
April 15, 2016We owned a mobile home and sold it back around 2000 or 2002. We just were served papers for back taxes beginning 2002 – current. We are not the owner of the mobile home and have not been since that time. it was sold and moved out of our property to a town about 40 miles from where we originally had the home. We cannot find any of the selling documents. What can we do? How can we prove this is not our mobile home? The tax records show it in our name. Do we need a lawyer to exempt us from the $5000 taxes owed to date? Need advise. I have already contacted the attorney that served us and they say they cannot drop the case since we are the owners of record. I called the county and they said they would investigate. Any suggestions?
John Fedro
April 15, 2016Hi Rita,
Thanks for reaching out concerning your questions. I very much regret to hear that your buyer likely did not transfer the ownership out of your names and into his or her own name. This is not uncommon and you are not the first people this is happening to. I say this to help you understand that you are not at fault or to blame. You will need to provide what documents you have so the state can go after the right person. If the state still persues the legal avenue to sue you for taxes that are not yours, then I would suggest contacting a local attorney for sure. In fact you may wish to reach out to a local real estate attorney now for advice on how to proceed based on your specific situation and state. Again, the taxes are not yours and I am fairly confident the state will see this. At least this is how it has transpired in the past with other folks in the same spot. I appologize that I could not give you a quick answer to fix the issue right away, however keep in touch with the state and contact a local RE attorney for consultation. As always, please keep us posted and let me know if you any other follow up questions or concerns.
Talk soon,
Nancy Weinhardt
April 15, 2016Hi John-
My neighbor passed away and had $18,000 in back taxes due on her lot. Her son does not want anything to do with the mobile home and handed the title to me. My landlord of the mobile home park is hospitalized and cannot help me at the moment on how to take possession without having to pay back taxes. Do you have any idea how I can do this? I want the home but do not want to pay $18,000 in back taxes. I have the title, a signed letter from the son stating he is walking away from the property. It has been cleared out, the utilities are off. What can I do. I live in Pennsylvania
Thank you so much for your help.
John Fedro
April 19, 2016Hi Nancy,
Thanks for reaching out and connecting. I am sorry to hear about your neighbor passing. Some (few) states will transfer ownership without having the back taxes paid before ownership is transferred. This means that the state will go after the person that failed to pay the taxes while that specific owner owned the home. With that said Pennsylvaia is not one of these states. If you purchase the home the taxes will need to be paid prior to this ownership being transferred to a new party. With that said $18,000 is the largest back tax bill I have ever seen with regards to a MH inside a park. I apologize I amnot able to give you better news on this matter however I do hope it helps. In short, I would pass on this home for sure unless you can talk to the state and find out from them a way to proceed with voiding the back taxes all together. If you contact the state and find any useful information please let us know here so that we all may learn together. Additonally if you have any questions or concerns moving forward never hesitate to reach out anytime. Always here to help. All the best.
Talk soon,
Ellene Elliott
April 16, 2016Bank never signed off as lien holder when paid off 15-20 years ago. Bank is no longer around and cannot get a title also cannot get a number to find out about bank . Original bank was Citizens National Bank in Tulare , ca. They were sold to Mineral King National bank who took over the loan. This bank also is no longer in business and I cannot get a number for Mineral king National Bank. I have tried the DMV with the vin number and this has not worked. I have tried the tax office where I pay taxes on my mobile home, housing authority. Citizens National Bank in Tennessee and they could not helpeither
John Fedro
April 19, 2016Hi Ellene,
Thanks you for reaching out with regards to your questions and detailed comment. I regret to hear about this situation and hardship you are going through for sure. This is certainly not the first time this has happened and it will not be the last. It always pains me to hear about situations like this from honest people like yourself. My advice was to first contact the state and then the banks in quesion. Since you have done this with little help provided, I would highly recommend contacting a local real estate attorney that is familiar with mobile homes within your state. There will not be many attornies like this but there will be a least one within your state, this attorney likely works with local parks in the area. You may with contact the park to see who they can recommend. You may have to start a legal case to obtain clear title but if the home was paid off and you can prove this, there is a way to obtain clear title through legal avenues. In short, this is going to get a little more difficult before it get solved, however it will get solved. Likely through a court case and being in front of a judge. I hope this all helps and points you in the right direction. If you have any follow up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out to me anytime. Keep in touch and if you learn anything else please comment back to tell us and educate us all here. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Marti Shartzer
April 26, 2016Dozy here. Thinking I had found a perfect homemade log cabin on a trailer frame, I paid for the finished shell box and proceeded to complete the interior while it sat on original guy’s property. That doubled the purchase price. Done, and ready to transfer title. The guy as manufacture of origin got his VIN (12 digit)as if it was a Body Type – FB (Flatbed, unikely because it had a full bathroom and kitchen sink). I got a MH Transporter to haul 75 miles, 11×40. Told RV Campsite owner I would stay 3 yrs, we both felt good. Until, the guy across the street call Planning and Zoning to say “you have a permanent MH, on blocks, wheels off, and tied down in a RV Campground.” P&Z says ordinance allows only 6mo time and I have to put wheels back on, remove blocks, take off tie downs (no my Ins Co will not insure for value nor liability). I called State Fire Marshall to get Safety Inspection, he came but I have no word yet if it passed. I called Building Inspector to ask them for inspection, but, they don’t inspect Flatbed Trailers. I can not occupy as housing anywhere without the St Fire Marshall seal on the breaker box. I can not sell to a used car lot to use as an office without a building inspection. I can not park in any of the 3 county trailer parks without that Safety Seal. And…that Certificate of Title transferred to me is Body Type Flatbed. How do you propose getting the Title changed to the appropriate usage as a MH? Original builder was an electrician (not licensed), this was his only creation. VIN number is not correct with only 12 digits, think a MH is to have 16. Any clues, other than redneck justice…just joking…but have thought of that recently.
John Fedro
April 27, 2016Hi Marti,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your questions. I very much regret to hear about the situation you are having and your nosy neighbor who read you out to the local zoning department. Over the years I have certainly seen some mobile homes that are incorrectly labeled. I have also seen some travel trailers that have gotten their descriptions upgraded from travel trailer to mobile home, when this clearly was not the case. These mistakes and oversights happen by accident over the years as people incorrectly fill out titles, transfer forms, or via government computer errors. With that said, I do not have any specific step-by-step information for how to correctly change this Vin number to a legal mobile home versus its current “flatbed” designation. With that said, I would love to see pictures of this property as it sounds certainly unique and one-of-a-kind. My advice to you, although you may not want to hear it, would be to move the mobile home to a different site where you do not have a nosy neighbor reporting you to the states. Are you able to get electric, water, and gas hooked up to this property? If you are able to move it with this solve your problem until the state found out? Are you able to keep tires on the home and simply remove the straps and retie down the home every six months? As you can tell, I see very little way for you to legally change this properties description and am mostly trying to think of ways to get power turned on and for you to keep living in the property legally. Please let me know your thoughts and the answers to the questions above. You may have already thought of all these questions however I do hope they help some and at least point you in the right direction. If you have already talking to your state and describe the specific situation you are having they will know what the best course of action for you moving forward is specifically based on your property and its location. Again, I regret that I am not able to give you a magic bullet type of answer that will solve the problem. Please keep me posted moving forward and if you discover anything please let us know so we can all learn and grow together. Keep us posted.
Talk soon,
michael jones
April 26, 2016I live in lawrence county ohio . I have the title to the mobile home . It was my mothers home on a rented lot . She died almost 3 years ago and I have not transferred the title into my name because I am worried that since she had medicaid the state may take it . I am 56 and we lived together for the last 15 years in this mobile home . 4 years ago I was disabled and have been on social security since . No medicaid , only medicare . It is a 1977 14×65 home . The title does not show a lien on it. It is the original title from when she bought it with cash from insurance when dad died in 1981 . Any advice ??? Thank you , michael
John Fedro
April 27, 2016Hi Michael,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your situation and questions. I very much regret to hear about your mother passing a few years ago. Since the passing have the taxes and lot rent been kept Current on this property? You asked in your comment about any advice… Could you elaborate a bit more on the specific questions or concerns you are having? Did you want advice about putting this into your own name at this point? I would be happy to answer any questions you have however just let me know what those exact questions are. Keep me posted.
Talk soon,
May 1, 2016My mom passed we have a paper with vin on it saying we inhabited it but the vin is coming back in someone else name. What do we do? They say we can’t get title…
John Fedro
May 2, 2016Hi Shanon,
Thank you for commenting and reaching out. I very much regret to hear about your mother’s passing. If you had contacted the state with the vehicle identification number and the state is saying that someone else owns the property, there sounds like there is an issue and confusion for sure. When your mother purchased the home did she ever get a bill of sale or title from the seller? How long have you been in the property? As if someone else owns it why are they not living there? What state is this in? If you’re able to answer some of the questions above so I can get a little more clarity on the situation I will be happy to point you in any direction that might be helpful. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
May 3, 2016I purchased a trailer and received a bill of sale with the owners signature but they did not date it and they also did no sign the title. Now they are saying I can not have it. I’m a single mom they knew it would take me a while to move the trailer from the land because of money issues. They filed that I abandoned it and say it is now there’s again. What do I do.? I worked so hard for this.
John Fedro
May 7, 2016Hi Ila,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your current situation. I’m assuming that you purchased a mobile home on someone’s private land and did not move it off quick enough or within the required amount of time. Apparently no one kept in touch with anyone else and there was a misunderstanding that you may have abandoned the home, it sounds like they have gone through the effort to take control of the home back or perhaps it never left their control in the first place.
My first thought/question is if the mobile home is actually titled in your name or the sellers name? It sounds like the title and bill of sales were not filled out 100% correctly so the ownership was never transferred into your name. Have you already paid for this property?
I see that you may be located in California. If this is the case that I encourage you to call the state directly (909-987-2599/916-323-9803/916-445-4782) and provide the serial or VIN number of the mobile home. Mentioned that you are a private buyer purchasing from a private seller and wish to make sure taxes are current and to find out who the owner is? Additionally, make sure to explain your situation and ask them for their advice moving forward.
You may likely still have all the correct paperwork needed to transfer the home into your control. With that said you will still need to move the home from the property and that is where you will need the sellers to allow your mobile home transporter on their land to remove the home. What I’m saying here is that you may or may not be able to easily take title to the home, however if the sellers are vindictive or angry this is not a good recipe for anyone. There is likely a rational fix and solution if both parties are willing to negotiate and compromise. Are the sellers being rational or do they now want to keep the home or resell it to someone else?
If you have paid for this home that I would encourage you to contact a local real estate attorney for help. The attorney may only need to call or provide a letter to the sellers on the attorneys letterhead to help encourage the sellers to honor their agreement and sell to you. If the sellers have gone through and paid some holding cost because the home is on their land for extra long, you may have to pay this back fee. With all this said I am certainly no attorney however it does sound unfair that you will not get this home because it sat vacant for a little too long. Again, consult a real estate attorney that offers one hour free consultation. Have your questions lined up and get them all answered during this free hour.
I hope this all helps a bit and starts to point you in the right direction. I’m not sure who is in the right and who is in the wrong however do not give up and turn the other cheek in this situation. Fight for your home and please keep in touch if you have any follow-up questions or concerns. Keep us posted.
Talk soon,
May 8, 2016Hello – I live in CA (Orange County) and have lived in my mobile home for 20+ years. The home was in my father’s name, but my boyfriend and I have lived in the home from day one. My father had the home put in his name (due to credit issues with us). Anyways, we found a home in a nice mobile home park, the park knew that my father would not be living there. We have paid off the loan to the house (with Greentree). My father has since passed away and the park is now asking for a copy of the title to the home. How do I get the house transferred into my name?
Thank you, I really apreciate any help you can give.
John Fedro
May 10, 2016Hi Vickie,
Thank you for commenting and reaching out. Additionally, thank you for explaining your situation quite clearly. I regret to hear about your father’s passing. I am a bit unsure if you hold the title currently or if this is still being held by the bank. Do you have a power of attorney concerning your father? If you do then that would make things significantly simpler moving forward. If you are on the loan at Greentree then you may be able to track down the title and have one sent if the property. If the home has been paid off recently then there has likely been an electronic lien release statement sent to the state or a physical title that was printed and mailed to the owner of record. However, assuming that you do not have the title but your names are on the title, you will have to contact the state of California to have a duplicate one sent to you. At this point you can then show the park that your names are on the title, your father’s name will still be there however you can have this removed by filling out a form with the state. Please see the forms (HCD RT 804.9, HCD RT 804.10, HCD RT 804.11) at the bottom of the page using the link below. I hope this all helps and points you in the right direction.
If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out at any time.
Talk soon,
May 22, 2016Looking to buy a mobile home that was abandoned in a park. Assumed ownership by the park owner without putting title in his name. Apparently since 1999 he has sold the mobile to one tenant who sold it to another tenant. Now the park is closing and 2 new park owners later. All the tenant has is a Bill of Sale and no title. DMV already says I need a indemnity bond to title in my name. I was wondering how wise it would be to buy the mobile and moved it first then go through the mess of dealing with the title. Would the transporter require the title?
John Fedro
May 22, 2016Hi Pamela,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, congratulations on having the opportunity to purchase a property that you like. Some mobile home movers do require the title be in your name and others do not. In many situations the VIN or serial numbers will at least need to be known to pull permits if required. This is something you should have no problem asking a mover. They likely hear this quite often. In my own personal life, as long as I double checked that I could indeed obtain clear title in my control I would move forward with a good deal for sure. I hope this helps and make sense. Additionally, if you ever have any questions or follow-up concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
May 22, 2016Thanks for your response. I guess my next question would be if no one has had the title in their name since 1999 then I am assuming that property taxes have not been paid all these years. In your video you suggest I believe not buying anything with liens or taxes owed. Also would you pay their asking of 3500 if their maybe title and taxes issues after the purchase.
John Fedro
May 25, 2016Hi Pamela,
Very happy to help. Great follow-up questions. Someone going to be responsible for the back taxes. In most states the new purchaser must pay these before transferring the ownership into his/her possession. However in some states the legal charges and liens will follow the party that was on title while the taxes were not being paid. Call your local DMV to confirm your state. Additionally, I do not believe I would pay $3500 to a mobile home park that needs a home moved and has no title to provide. Unless you are in a very hot market and you truly believe that this home will be purchased in the next few weeks at this price, I would let the park managers and park owners know that you are very interested in serious however due to all of the problems and unknowns you will not be able to pay anything for this property. See if they are interested and go from there. As always, keep me posted with any questions or concerns moving forward. Feel free to email me as well.
Talk soon,
Scot Jurgens
May 22, 2016I bought land and mobile home in 2014.I have never bought a home before so I left it up to the agent I contacted to buy it.A bank was selling land after repo but never repoed mobile home on the land. The owner died so that’s why they repoed.Title to mh is still in dead owners name.I found that I needed a title for MH when I tried to sell MH.Home is now in escrow for more that a month and im losing the buyer because nothing is being done by escrow company
John Fedro
May 22, 2016Hi Scot,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. Good job on purchasing the land/home in the first place for investment purposes. It does not surprise me too much that the escrow company is not “going the extra mile” to figure out how to get your name onto the title. This is going to be a bit of uphill work however it is completely possible. I understand about you requiring the homes title prior to the transaction being finalized. Because the mobile home still has a title then it is not yet married to the land. This will make it a bit easier to receive a new title in my opinion. I’m curious if the bank had a lien on the title or if the title is free and clear without any current liens attached to it? Most states have a process of removing the deceased party’s name from a title. While this is a bit unorthodox because you are not a family member of the deceased party, you are the owner of the land where the home sets and therefore can place a lien on the title if required. I’m unsure of what state you are located however call up your states manufactured home division and title transferring agency to explain your situation and ask for their help. You will likely be passed around to a few people’s offices however you are the true owner and sorting out the paperwork is what you need to accomplish with the help of the managers in the correct government agencies (again, I’m not sure the state you are located in or otherwise and be able to point to whom you should call to start asking questions). As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
May 24, 2016Hi John,i live and work in a mobile home park In Georgia,theres a mobile home in the park that somebody bought from a older couple about 10 years ago.but never signed the title.the lady has since passed away and her husband has azltimers,im trying to obtain ownership of the home but cannot get in contact with the people who bought it.they just up and left about a year ago,theres also unpaid taxes ,and lot rent owed,any willing to pay both but what should I do about getting the title?
John Fedro
May 25, 2016Hi Timothy,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your questions. Good job being available to purchase this home and help the sellers and Park move forward. You are correct about having to pay lot rent owed in taxes due moving forward. Hopefully you are getting a very good deal on the home itself. If you are absolutely unable to get a hold of the “owners of record” that are listed on the title, I would encourage you to work with the park to file for an abandoned mobile home title. Depending on your state you may want to head down to the manufactured housing division or local DMV to understand the steps the park will have to take to obtain a title. The title will come in their name and they will have to sign it over to you. This is certainly one way to move forward if no title is currently available. If the park does not want to help you then they will eventually need to step up themselves to place a lien on the home and file for a title or file for an abandoned title for themselves. Perhaps you can pay the park some money and help facilitate the transaction to make it easy for them. If the title is available then I do know of other investors that would consider forging the signature of the sellers. I mention this to you only because it is an option that may be effective, although illegal, to get this deal closed. This is not something I recommend however I do mention it in passing. I hope these suggestions help and point you in the right direction moving forward. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Judy Bauer
May 25, 2016Hello John – I’m at wits end and hoping you may be able to direct me. I bought my manufactured home on five private acres in 1998. In 2014 I decided to refinance and was told by a real estate person that I needed to have an Affidavit of Affixture in order to sell my home. To get that affidavit I had to show my title. Ah, there’s the rub. I never received a title when I bought the home. It was closed by a title company but all I ever received was a Warranty Deed. I thought I would get the title when the home was paid off, so never worried about it. I called the Michigan Secretary of State who told me they have no title for my home on record so cannot give me a duplicate. I contacted the Dept. of Licensing and Regulatory Affiars who told me the same thing the Secretary of State did. I went to the title company and they told me that when I bought my home in 1998 a title was not required. He said the law changed in 2003 and there was nothing they could do to correct it. My health has declined and I now want to move closer to my daughter. I have all my paperwork filled out and in order to get the Affidavit of Affixture but no one can help me because I don’t have the title and apparently can’t get one. Obviously, I also can’t sell the home without a title now. Thank you for any advice you can offer.
John Fedro
May 27, 2016Hi Judy,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. I truly regret to hear that you are in this current situation. Normally there is a legal course of action to take in order to track down the title if you are the correct and legitimate owner of the mobile home. With that said it seems as if you had slip between the cracks due to the laws changing in 2003 that now require a title being needed for your Affidavit of Affixture.
With that said I am still happy to hear that you have a nice piece of property with a quality mobile home attached to it. Since you are trying to sell the property you can absolutely do so via a warranty deed. The legal description of your mobile home and land will most likely have the mobile home’s serial numbers or VIN numbers listed. This help show that the land and mobile home are married together and a title is no longer required. However, it may be difficult for a new buyer to obtain a new bank loan to purchase your mobile home and land if there is no title. Keep in mind that there most likely are lenders out there willing to lend on your property in its current state. These may not be traditional lenders however they absolutely exist and typically target hard to finance properties and buyers. Do not simply settle for one real estate professionals opinion, make sure to talk to at least 15 local credit unions/lenders/mobile home mortgage brokers.
You may also choose to sell your property via land contract or seller held financing. You may choose to sell with a down payment and monthly payments moving forward until you are paid in full. I hope this all helps and points you in the right direction. You are still in control here and absolutely have options. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
linda debell
May 26, 2016hi my name is linda i bought a foreclosed double wide , cash deal from a realtor company, were do i go for a title in my name i need it for the insurance company i bought it in 2007 since it was a cash deal there is no info of make model an vin huber i need
John Fedro
May 27, 2016Hi Linda,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I’m curious if the mobile home came with land or if it was simply a mobile home in a pre-existing mobile home community. If the mobile home is personal property than it should have a title to prove that there are no liens and that the foreclosure has taken place to wipe off this debt. The title should be provided by this realty company or they simply did not sell you anything at all. If the mobile home has land included then there may not be a need for a title. The title may have been relinquished to the state when the land and home were “married” together for legal and tax purposes. I’m sure I am not telling you anything that you do not already know so I do encourage you to call your states manufactured housing division or local DMV to find out more information on your specific home. You absolutely need to find the VIN, HUD number, or serial number on each section of your double wide home. These numbers will be located somewhere and if our unable to be found inside the home they can be found coldpressed into the steel chassis of the mobile home underneath the skirting. Call the state to find out who the current owner of this home is and if there are any current liens on the property. From this point you should have a better understanding of the ownership of the home. I hope this all helps and begins pointing you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns or I did not fully answer your question please never hesitate to write back any time. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
May 26, 2016My question is, what do you do if you purchased a foreclosed mobile home (double wide) that is on property, from a bank and they never gave you the title?
We are trying to sell our home (we have been the owners for the last 10 years).
The buyers bank (FHA loan) wants the title and the affidavit of affixture!
We were NEVER GIVEN these documents.
This home is 30 years old and the DMV has no records and the county has no records about any of these items!!!!
We CANNOT proceed with the sale of this home because of this.
We have called and talked to any and everybody, with no luck or a hint of direction to take. We are always told, theirs nothing we can do!!! Why would their be no record of anything????
Do we need to go after the bank that sold us this home?
Thanks for any input you have.
John Fedro
May 27, 2016Hi Jackie,
Please see my thoughts below in bold.
My question is, what do you do if you purchased a foreclosed mobile home (double wide) that is on property, from a bank and they never gave you the title? Many mobile homes that are attached to real property have been legally “married” to the land for legal and tax purposes. During this process the title is typically given to the state and relinquished. I am not sure if this is what happened in your situation, the mobile home certainly can still be personal property in which case a title is most likely (depending on your state) required to show and convey ownership. If the company you purchase the home from did not facilitate you with a clear title than they may have truly not sold you anything at all… Well, at least not the mobile home anyway. I am curious what you did receive at closing besides the mobile home and the keys to the mobile home?
We are trying to sell our home (we have been the owners for the last 10 years).
The buyers bank (FHA loan) wants the title and the affidavit of affixture!
We were NEVER GIVEN these documents.
This home is 30 years old and the DMV has no records and the county has no records about any of these items!!!! Understood. This is not uncommon.
We CANNOT proceed with the sale of this home because of this. We have called and talked to any and everybody, with no luck or a hint of direction to take. We are always told, theirs nothing we can do!!! Why would their be no record of anything???? Systems breakdown and people fall through the cracks. This is a scary thought however the world we live in is full of mistakes and run by people that do not fully think ahead or think of others first. I understand about you needing the title or affidavit of affixture for the financing. Your options for selling this property via bank financing may be limited. With that said, I do encourage you to talk to at least 15 local credit unions/mobile home lenders to see what other non-FHA programs are out there for your home for sale. If selling the home via bank financing is not possible then selling the home via land contract or owner financing is always a possibility. You may collect a down payment and monthly payments until you are paid in full for the equity of your property. I hope this all helps and begins to point you in a direction moving forward. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns or I did not fully answer your question please do not hesitate to write back any time. Always here to help. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
May 27, 2016What if I bought a mobile home( where I live) in 2008 and the owner signed the title on the date of purchase but because of some legal and personal complications is only until now that I can go ahead and transfer the tittle to my name.. Is there a proble because the tittle has the 2008 date? And I am just now doing the process?
John Fedro
May 27, 2016Hi Karen,
Thanks so much for reaching out and connecting with regards to your questions. In most states there is no time limit for when the title must be recorded after it is signed by both buyer and seller. With that said many states do have a penalty if you do not do this within 10-30 days. The number of days should be listed somewhere on the title itself. With that said, you should be fine simply paying this fee and getting the title transferred into your ownership. Keep in mind that if no one has been paying taxes for all this time then there may be taxes due. I hope this all helps and point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. Always here to help. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Robin Rhodes
May 31, 2016Hi my husband and I purchased a mobile home in 2012, the owner gave me the title we had it put in our name, now she’s selling the park and we are trying to sell our mobile home. The problem is I looked at the title and it’s for a completely different trailer. I called her and have received no reply. Can I use her for fraud or what should I do? Thank you, Robin
John Fedro
June 1, 2016Hi Robin,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your question. I regret to hear that you are having this issue. This is an issue due to negligence and human error and oversight. Hopefully the correct title has not been sold to someone else in the community currently. Either way the correct title should be found to give to you and your title be given to its correct owner. I also encourage you to call your states manufactured housing department or DMV (depending on your state) to ask them the “on record” address of the mobile home you own (VIN or serial number on title). Next try to find out who the “legal owners” of the mobile home you are living in are? Explain your situation to this clerk and mentioned that you are a private buyer who purchased from a mobile home community. This clerk should be able to point you in the right direction as to who owns what and what the procedure may be to move forward. I do encourage you to consult a local real estate attorney that has experience dealing with mobile homes and mobile home communities. Look for an attorney with one hour free consultation and go to get all of your questions answered in this one hour. Moving forward keep me posted if you have any follow-up questions or concerns at all. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
June 1, 2016Hi This is Exactly what I was looking for.My situation is I sold a mobile home in Dec. 2014. I have recently come to find out that I still own the Trailer.What has happened is I filled out my part of the transfer of Sale and the buyer did not. I have contacted her several times to do so and for whatever reason she has not done so.
Well now she is selling the trailer and I am not sure what i can do . I want out from under this trailer and I was told that all I could do was take her to small claims court but I do not want to take it this far.what other route do I have.?
I thank u so much in advance for any help.
John Fedro
June 1, 2016Hi Glen,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your questions. I regret the year that you are going through this issue. Good job finding out now rather than later. Since the seller is now selling she will most likely take the bill of sale and transfer forms you already signed and provide them to the new buyer. With that said there may or may not be anything encouraging this new buyer to transfer the home into their names if they are feeling lazy.
You could take her to small claims court however you are still the owner and a simpler route to take may be to start an eviction process on her and serve a “three-day notice” for her to vacate the property. This should hopefully encourage her and motivate her to put the home in her name before you can evict. This answer is only based out of experience and I certainly am not an attorney or legal professional in any way. In all reality this wooden go to court and you would not start the eviction process, however hopefully it will get a return phone call from her. I hope this helps and at least point you in the right direction. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or the situation changes never hesitate to reach out any time. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Eric Wolfe
June 2, 2016Quite Informative Thanks! I have three questions from MHP owners perspective. 1. When a mobile home owner brings a new home or had brought a new home in and was never title with the state can the resident or said mh owner still apply for title with a (Manufacture State of Origin) M.S.O. certificate within that state DMV?
2. Generally speaking, does the MHP Owners have the right to request proof of ownership of the home residing on there property or identification such as a title number or VIN number of the home?
3. If the state can’t find the VIN through a VIN Inspection is it possible for the court of state to assign a new vin to get the home titled?
Thanks in advance!
John Fedro
June 5, 2016Hi Eric,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting with regards to your questions. I would certainly be happy to help. Please see my thoughts below in bold.
1. When a mobile home owner brings a new home or had brought a new home in and was never title with the state can the resident or said mh owner still apply for title with a (Manufacture State of Origin) M.S.O. certificate within that state DMV? From my experience, yes this is quite possible, however this may vary from state to state. With that said it is wise for the park owner/management to verify any homes coming into a park are correctly titled in the owner is who they claim to be.
2. Generally speaking, does the MHP Owners have the right to request proof of ownership of the home residing on there property or identification such as a title number or VIN number of the home? Yes, absolutely. The community manager should be on top of this and ideally have a filing cabinet full of titles and ownership records in the park office.
3. If the state can’t find the VIN through a VIN Inspection is it possible for the court of state to assign a new vin to get the home titled? This I do not have the answer to. With all the mobile homes we have dealt with we are always able to find some identifying markers, HUD label, serial number, or VIN. With that said I am optimistic to think that if there is a mobile home without a VIN that a court, DMV, or manufactured housing division within your state could create a new VIN or serial number for this home. I apologize that I’m not able to give you a quick and clear-cut answer. If you find anything out please reply back and let us know what you learn. This obviously would be very valuable to someone in a similar circumstance. Keep us posted. I hope all of this helps and points you in the right direction.
Talk soon,
June 6, 2016John,
Thanks for the reply to those questions, its much appreciated! I’m picking up the pieces from my predecessors on building a database of title information of thousands homes located on our properties as I feel it will strengthen our operations. I absolutely will let you know how question three above plays out from our attorney & court & DMV.
Again, thanks for you time & take care.
– Eric
June 7, 2016In my recent dealing looking to buy a used mobile. I had a DMV inspector come out to try and locate a VIN number on a mobile. He was unable to locate it and said that indeed for a fee the DMV will assign a new serial number to a mobile. But you will have to have the DMV inspector come and look for the VIN and make the determination there is no VIN inside or outside.
John Fedro
June 7, 2016Hi Pamela,
Thank you for following back up and letting us know what happened. Great job getting to the bottom of this and contacting the DMV inspector to have them come out and use their expert opinion to try to find the VIN. Additionally, I’m so glad to hear that it is an easy process and small fee to get a new VIN or serial number attached to the mobile home. Congratulations again on getting this problem resolved. Great work and effort.
Talk soon,
Frankie lanier
June 3, 2016I am purchasing a trailer from guy
that don’t have the title it is in his name the tax papers are in his name but I’m trying to figure out how do I go about getting a title for this trailer it is a single wide mobile home in South Carolina
John Fedro
June 5, 2016Hi Frankie,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for mentioning the state you are located in. I am unsure if this title is in the owner/seller’s name however hopefully it is. Whether it is or is not please call the state directly and mention that you are a private buyer purchasing from a private seller inside of a local mobile home community. Give the state clerk the VIN or serial number to the home and explain your situation in detail. They will be able to give you the specific paperwork and procedure to get this correctly filed in your name moving forward. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. The phone number to your states manufactured housing office is 803-896-4682/803-896-5000. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Rosemary Meister
June 5, 2016John Thanks for this site! I listed my home with A Sun Communities park that I live in, They are not showing the home after 6 weeks I’m becoming concerned, My question is was I obligated to give them the titles to my palm harbor home. I have also come to realize they are not even licensed and do not list homes on MLS. Do I have the right to request them returned to me for safe keeping. Thank You!
John Fedro
June 7, 2016Hi Rosemary,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your questions. I would be happy to answer them below. Please see my thoughts below in bold.
Thanks for this site! Thank you for commenting and reaching out. Additionally, thank you for the kind words concerning this website. I listed my home with A Sun Communities park that I live in, They are not showing the home after 6 weeks I’m becoming concerned, Understood. Once you sign a contract for a realtor or community to sell your property they will typically simply add your property to a sales sheet that they will let people coming into the park know about. Some parks go out of the way to hold open houses and advertise to help market properties, however many parks and communities do not do this. In reality the park will receive lot rent from you whether the home is sold or not. My question is was I obligated to give them the titles to my palm harbor home. I have never heard of this before. Perhaps if it was mentioned in the Realty listing agreement however this does not seem normal and I am unsure why they are wanting to hold onto the titles of your palm harbor home. I have also come to realize they are not even licensed and do not list homes on MLS. Understood. Many local MLS systems will not allow for realtors to list personal property, a.k.a. mobile homes inside pre-existing mobile home parks. Do I have the right to request them returned to me for safe keeping. You do have the right to request anything you like however this will most likely be spelled out for you in the listing agreement you signed with the park. This listing agreement will likely have the terms and conditions needed to be fulfilled in order for you to back out of the listing contract early. I’ve seen the situation a number of times were many parks do not actively try to sell any of the homes they are helping to list and sell. Additionally, when asked for a refund many of these communities will object and not allow you to remove the listing until it has expired with them. Additionally, this may have a negative impact on you in the park managers relationship moving forward. Make sure not to be emotional as we do not want this park manager upset with you and possibly denying future applicants who are interested in your mobile home. With all this said, make sure you are advertising your property for sale as well. Make sure you have the property advertised online, off-line, as well as small yard signs around your area advertising your mobile home for sale. I hope this all helps and makes a bit of sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
Rosemary Meister
June 9, 2016John Thanks for your reply. The contract is a one page cut and dried short and sweet paper stating I cannot post signs and cannot advertise myself, it ends Oct 31, I’m going to sit this month out if no showings I’m firing them as I’m pretty sure the contract is worthless. I been thru a similar situation before my main concern was if they had any right to my Title and you answered my question, Thank You So much!
Michelle Kellam
June 13, 2016I have a question. I live in Pennsylvania. My husband bought a mobile home off of a realtor 2 years ago for $2,500. He was given a Bill of Sale but never a title. He has called him numerous times but he keeps getting told that the guy can’t find the title. A different company recently bought the trailer park and they want proof of ownership. We asked her if a Bill of Sale will work but she said she isn’t sure. Is a Bill of Sale proof of ownership or should we contact the dmv? Honestly, we have no idea who holds the title, we just know it isn’t my husband, but we are the ones paying the monthly lot rent on it. Thank you!
John Fedro
June 15, 2016Hi Michelle,
Thank you for reaching out and for your questions. Additionally, thank you for being detailed and specific in your questions. I regret to hear that you were taken advantage of by this realtor two years ago. Without a title the realtor did not help convey any transfer of ownership. The home is still in the person’s name it was at the time the seller was representing the home. With that said it does not sound like anyone has come by in the last two years demanding you leave their home or threatening to evict you. In Pennsylvania you want to see the tag title office to convey ownership. Try calling this number and explaining your situation. Let the clerk who answered the phone know you are trying to locate the owners so you may track down the title and finally finish closing this home. If the clerk will not give you this information or point you in any direction of the current owner or their whereabouts then there are still options to consider moving forward. The park for some reason is now cleaning up their records and making sure they have all titles on file in the office and making sure the titles are controlled by the correct owners living in the homes. While the park could eventually evict you in the home because the title is not present or in your name, this is not likely anytime soon and it will be important to be honest so the park is hopefully sympathetic to your situation. The park is helpful they can file for an “abandoned title”. This will require the park to file a form and pay a fee to have a new title created in the name of the park. The park and then sell/transfer the title to you. While you are on the phone with the state make sure to ask for any other options that will legally allow you to show proof you have been living in the home so that a title may be created in your name. I mention this last sentence to you just to make sure we are not missing out on any other options that I do not know about for some reason. Please follow back up with us and let us know how you are moving forward. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. The park manager and park owner they also be useful tools to help straighten out the situation. Again, hopefully they are sympathetic to your situation and not bullies simply demanding and demanding. Keep us posted.
Talk soon,
June 14, 2016Hi John im hoping you can help me out. I purchased a mobile home 3 yre ago. In the following weeks the title was stolen so now im faced with the problem of trying to obtain a new one. I had not yet titled it in my name. On the date of purchase i wrote out a bill of sale due to the fact the seller would be remaining in the home for 1 week and then i would be taking posession. It is not a notorized document but has all information off the title including cash purchase price and signatures from both of us. Will this be enough to file for a title? Location is knoxville Tn
John Fedro
June 15, 2016Hi Nicole,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your questions. I very much regret to hear that the title was stolen right after closing. I’m assuming that in the last three years no one has knocked on your door demanding possession of their home or trying to evict you. Assuming that this is true then the title may still be in the seller’s (a.k.a. still the current owner’s) name. Moving forward a bill of sale will not be enough for you to place your name on the title and receive a clean/new title. There are three ways I see to move forward. 1.) You may choose to do nothing and try to “sell” possession of the mobile home to a new buyer. There are definitely people out there that will move in and take the keys to a mobile home without an official title. They will not be the owners of record however if the park manager vouches that you are the owner and have lived in the home there are definitely some buyers out there for the right price. Additionally, when you have a new buyer move in this park manager may want proof that the title has transferred in this new resident is the official owner… This clearly was not enforced when you moved in so perhaps new management took over since then or perhaps the park still will not check to see if a title and ownership has been transferred. I hope this cart makes sense. If you have any specific questions let me know. 2.) You can work with the local mobile home park for them to place a lien on the property or file for an abandoned title. The park will legally have to take possession of the mobile home and will see the title in their name. If you can work with the park and perhaps pay this transfer fee you will be able to have the park transfer the title from their name over to your name.3.) If possible you need to track down the seller and possible still owner of the mobile home. The owner will need to go down to the DMV to obtain a duplicate title and pay a small fee. If the taxes have not been paid for the past few years these will also have to be paid. Once there is a new title in hand the owner can then choose to sign the title to then take back to the DMV and transfer it to your name. I hope so helps them make sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
June 26, 2016Trying to get information on Minnesota laws on mobile homes. My friend purchased a mobile home but seller didn’t have a clear title. (Owner is illegal immigrant from Mexico) this mobile home has been sold by seller numerous times prior to my friend buying home. An oral agreement with old manager was oral agreement that until title was clear lot rent was free. Now that manager is gone and my friend is facing eviction for non payment of lot rent for a year. What can she do? is it illegal for seller to do this numerous times without punishment legally? Seller isn’t owner of mobile home.
Please help!
John Fedro
June 27, 2016Hi Marci,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed question and comment as this helps me answer your question for sure. I regret to hear that your friend is in the situation in being threatened and evicted by the mobile home community. I’m certainly no real estate attorney however based on my experience over the last 14 years I regret to say that the mobile home park is holding most of the cards here. Your friend has absolutely been wrong because no title was ever provided and a verbal agreement was agreed to giving free/comp lot rent until clear title was provided. Normally a park is able to get clear title in three months or less so I’m not sure why this process would’ve taken a year or more. With that said the eviction is illegal and because your friend is not the owner (who even knows where the real owner is) there is little recourse your friend has besides trying to work out an agreement with the Park to start paying lot rent moving forward. I’m sorry that I’m not able to give you better advice or more happier news. If I forgot to answer any questions or you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach back out anytime. Always here to help. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Belinda Gibson
June 30, 2016I have a hard question well hard for me to find info on anyway, i bought a mobile home from an individual 8 yrs ago and was given a bill of sale we both signed, in front of a notary public, didn’t have title he said it was salvage title, i never applied for the title, i have lost the bill of sale and can’t remember the mans name, i am being asked to have a decal placed on trailer yet i can’t do that w/o a bill of sale which i do not have, what to do??? was wondering since its been over 8 yrs can i take a friend with me to sign a bill of sale as if they are signing it over to me then take that to get the decal with? i am so in a bind any info would be greatly appreciated I am in Alabama, ty so much
John Fedro
July 1, 2016Hi Belinda,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I hope I am able to point you in the right direction moving forward. From my experience it will be difficult for you to receive clear title with only a bill of sale. With that said I certainly have been wrong in the past and hope I am in this situation as well. I would like you to explain your situation directly to the state and have them tell you the procedure moving forward to get the home into your control. Please contact your local DMV or call 334-242-9006 or 251-574-1923. Explain your situation to the clerk over the phone and you may have to provide the physical address or serial number of your mobile home if you have it. You may be able to find the serial number of the mobile home on the “data plate” located somewhere inside your mobile home. You may be able to find this “data plate”, which is a piece of paper or metal sheet with all the pertinent information of your mobile home. This can often be found in the master bedroom closet, kitchen pantry, or near the hot water heater or electrical panel. If you are able to locate this than you may find the information pertaining to your mobile home so that the state can identify which property is yours. From this point they can tell who is the owner and what steps are needed to move forward. I hope this helps and makes a bit of sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns or confusions never hesitate to write back. Always here to help.
Talk soon,
July 6, 2016Hi John –
In the summer of 2015, I bought (paid in full) a single wide mobile home in Michigan and I had the title listed in my name as well as my daughters name. I want to remove my name from the title, and am just giving my daughter the mobile home. Please advise on what I need to do this.
Thank you.
John Fedro
July 7, 2016Hi Renee,
Thanks for commenting and reaching out with regards to your question. You are state may have listed you both on the title as “mother and daughter” as owners OR “mother or daughter” as owners. If there is an “or” between your names and only one of you will need to sign moving forward. This will allow your daughter to sell the home in the future without your signature as the title currently sets. However, if you would still like to remove your name then I would absolutely encourage you to contact the state directly with your title number or VIN number handy. Based on your property and its location there may be one of a few ways for you to move forward to successfully remove your name from the title. There will be a nominal cost involved however this will not be much at all. It looks like you may be writing from Michigan. If this is correct and you will want to call your state office at 888-767-6424. These folks should be helpful in letting you know which form is needed and where you can mail it or deliver it in person for your daughter to receive her new title without your name listed as owner. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out anytime.
Talk soon,
July 11, 2016John,
I am a licensed Real Estate agent that listed a mobile home set on a foundation in GA and we have it under contract. The title company asked for the title which no one has. The DMV has searched using all the serial numbers and the clerks office has as well. It seems a title never existed and now we are running into the title insurance company not wanting to issue a policy for the lender and buyer. We have the original purchase contract and closing docs but it was financed like a home and no bill of sale was issued. The current mortgage company doesn’t have the title either. Our guess is it may have been surrendered at the time of purchase but there is nothing to indicate that. We are at a loss for how to proceed. Have you ever had this experience? Any guidance is much appreciated. Thank you
John Fedro
July 13, 2016Hi Lisa,
Thank you for reaching out. Additionally, thank you for your detailed message and specific questions. I regret to hear that these title issues are virtually stopping the title insurance process for the property. I have dealt with this three times with regards to mobile homes attached to private land while selling to buyers arranging conventional financing. Two of the times there was no way forward that was figured out. The mobile home titles were definitely relinquished when the home and land were joined/married together. The mobile homes VIN and serial information was now listed on the legal description of the properties. This still did not affect the banks as they did not care and would not land on this home. For these two properties I ended up selling via seller held financing. I’m still happily collecting payments on these homes. The third time I was able to have a new title created. Depending on your state there may be a way to legally reissue a new title for a mobile home that is considered personal property. With that said it sounds like you have talked to your local DMV and property appraiser. As a last resort you may want to contact a mobile home specific attorney in your state. You may want to reach out to a large/corporately owned mobile home community that made turn you on to the attorney they use on a regular basis. I have never sought out an attorney this way however mobile home specific attorneys do exist and could be your last line in order to acquire a title for this property. I hope this helps and starts to point you in a direction that may lead to success. As always, if you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. Additionally, please keep in touch moving forward with regards to your results. All the best.
Talk soon,
July 21, 2016I live in North Carolina. My mom has a 1971 mobile home with lost title. She received home from her sister (who is now deceased) many, many years ago. There is a Bill of Sale, and therefore I am assuming there was no title. My mom does not remember a title. I need to get this home transferred to me as the mobile home is on my property and my mom is in her 90s and need to get out of her name. I cannot find a VIN. Can I prepare a “Bill of Sale” and will this be sufficient to transfer to me? She does not live in the mobile home.
Any information will certainly be helpful. Thank you
John Fedro
July 26, 2016Hi JE,
Thanks for commenting and reaching out with regards to your questions. I’ll certainly be happy to help with regards to what I can. This situation has happened a number of times before and there is very likely a procedure to move forward. With that said you do need to give the state some information in order to pull up the records of the mobile home. The state should be able to use your mother’s sister’s name. She is most likely still the owner and still the one on title. With that said if the taxes have not been paid then these are likely very past due. While the mobile home is on your land it sounds like it is personal property if a title still exists. If the state is unable to find the home information via your aunt’s name then you can sometimes find the mobile home serial number or VIN on the “data plate” located inside the mobile home in the master bedroom closet or near the hot water heater or washer and dryer area. I assume you would’ve looked for this already or perhaps it has been removed over the years. Another area for the serial number or VIN can be coldpressed into the front tongue area of the home. This is the metal beams that support the entire length of the mobile home. You will likely have to remove the skirting in order to possibly find this information. It is usually towards the very front of the home. Contact the local Department of Motor Vehicles and let them know your exact situation. With the proper forms and death certificates a new title can very likely be issued. Do not give up on this and keep reaching out to the management at the local and state Department of Motor Vehicles. This is certainly happen to others and there is an answer. With that said I want you to hear it directly from the people in charge so you get the correct answer based on your home and possible back taxes or fees owed. When you find a resolution please write back and let us know how everything went. Additionally, if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
July 25, 2016My mother bought a mobile home here in texas. But he hasn’t gave her the title or bill of sale. They did get notarized in 2014 at a bail bonds,is that even possible? I checked into it,but it’s still in his name. they send tax liens, he owes tax money. what does she have to do?Is it her home? Can you please let me know what I can do to help her.
John Fedro
July 26, 2016Evening B,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I regret to hear about you and your mother’s situation. Click the link to the website below and fill in the title number, serial number, or VIN into the website and click “submit”. You definitely need to find out what is going on and take care of this sooner rather than later. If he has not given your mother a bill of sale or had her fill out an SOL application and the ownership is likely still in someone else’s name. It sounds like the bail bondsman may have only notarized some type of agreement. If you are making payments to this person then perhaps they are waiting till they are paid in full in order to provide you with the ownership. This is technically not how things should be done… Your mother should have received ownership and this gentleman could be an “lienholder” on the SOL. Keep in mind Texas typically does not use titles any longer, they use SOL’s which stand for statements of ownership and location. It is basically the same thing as a title however it is electronically kept online so it does not matter if it is lost or misplaced, as another one can be printed and mailed to you easily. Try to get an honest answer from the person that sold it to you if possible. You can absolutely call the state at the number located on the website through the link below. They have always been very helpful whenever I’ve called them to ask questions. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
July 25, 2016I have been offered a trailer in a trailer park from the park owner! It doesnt have title ,im here in poquoson va! Im suspicious anout this deal,bc of no title,i plan to go to dmv in morning,and also try to find a vin# on trailer,does this sound like a risky buy?
John Fedro
July 26, 2016Hi Justin,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Congratulations on the offer of the free home! While this one may or may not be a wise one to move forward with (time will tell) it is good that you are well known and at least being offered these homes in the first place. I think you are doing the correct thing by contacting the state directly and providing them the serial number or VIN to the home. The state will absolutely be able to tell you any back taxes owed and current liens still on the home. They may or may not be able to tell you the address or owners information because you are not the owner however at least it will be something for sure. The state clerk will certainly be able to give you instructions and directions moving forward. This is absolutely happened other people and there is a procedure moving forward for sure. Because the mobile home is abandoned in the park the park owner/park manager should absolutely be able to file for an abandoned title and put ownership into their name. Perhaps there is something else going on with regards to the home and rehabs needing to be fixed. In addition to the title there are many other things to watch out for moving forward. If you have any questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. I hope the above thoughts and advice have been somewhat helpful to you. Good job being proactive in seeking out this answer. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
July 29, 2016I will try to make this as uncomplicated as I can, which is nearly impossible.
My husband and I paid off our loan from the company which we had financed it from. That finance company sent us a lien release along with original documents from the loan. The problem is that they purchased our loan from another company in 2008 and apparently never bothered to change the lien holder information on the title. We went to the DMV in Illinois to get a duplicate title and have been told that the documents we have are not enough to remove the lien. They want a letter from the original lien holder releasing the rights to the second company. The problem is that the original company no longer exist. We have sent signed letters from the new company (on their letterhead) showing that they had the rights to the lien but we are being told by the DMV that if we don’t produce documents from the first company that no longer exists that we will have to get a court order to have the DMV give us our title. We are no longer living in the mobile home but we are still paying the lot rental. We have a buyer that wants to move it out of the park, but we can’t do anything without the title. Plus we have to pay 3 months rent in order to break our lease. Every month that our home sits there we are paying rent, and we will pay for 3 months after that. Any helpful advice would be appreciated.Thanks!
John Fedro
August 2, 2016Hi Lucy,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed message outlining your questions. This is absolutely a question that comes up from time to time. It upsets me that many of these lending institutions go out of business and leave people on the hook in exactly your situation years down the road. It sounds as if you have exhausted talking to all of the management at the local DMV. I would encourage you to call the state Department of Motor Vehicles to talk with the main person in charge and provide them the paperwork you can to see if there is any way to move forward without going to court. I also encourage you to contact a local real estate attorney that has manufactured home experience. Bring all your questions and try to get them answered as quickly as possible with regards to talking with they a real estate attorney to obtain a new free and clear title. In all the times I have received this email I have come to find out that working directly with the Department of Motor Vehicles in your state and talking with somebody in charge will typically get to the resolution and outcome that you want. Most of the people at the DMV only follow protocol as they know it. However when you talk to the person in charge they can make custom decisions based on their experience and logical sense of the company being out of business. I hope this all helps and points you in the right direction. You will absolutely have a bit more hardship prior to figuring all this out however you are not the first person this is happened to and you will definitely not be the last. Take action now as it may take another few weeks to get this all resolved, especially if you have to go to court. Lastly, perhaps you can provide a three month notice now while you work on the title issue so that you do not have to pay these three months later. This is just a thought. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. Additionally, please keep us all posted here with regards to what happens and your outcome. All the best.
Talk soon,
August 3, 2016John
I have a question re: a park model home that we recently purchased in a campground at the New Jersey shore. We had no idea re: titles etc…We basically handed over a check to the owner who only owed it a short time, renovated it, with the intention to sell it. When we questioned a title or bill of sale after the purchase, she stated “she never received one from the previous owner” which I believe may be deceased. She did give me a piece of paper she signed with the previous owners basically “relinquishing” ownership over to her. No other info on the paper other than their signatures and not notarized. Can you tell me what needs to be obtained at this point and how I can get the information on this park model that I need? Thanks
John Fedro
August 7, 2016Hi Christine,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your questions. I very much regret to hear about your situation. Besides not having a title or clear ownership, congratulations on having the courage to take action and create value with this mobile home. Like you mentioned, the next steps now are to find out more information of the mobile home, find out your options moving forward, and move forward with the path of least resistance. You will need to obtain the serial number or vehicle identification number of the mobile home you have been working on and that is in your possession. If you do not have this on the current bill of sale, you will want to find it on the mobile homes “data plate”. This data plate can be paper or metal and is often times found in the master bedroom closet, hot water tank area, washer and dryer area, or electrical panel area. If this has been removed or covered up over time then you may have luck talking to the state to find out if they can pull up the home information by the physical address of the property. If not then the serial number may be found coldpressed into the frame of the mobile home near the front tongue area. Once you have this information you will want to contact the Department of Motor Vehicles in New Jersey to see if they can tell you if taxes are current or if there are any outstanding liens on the mobile home. They may also be able to tell you the homeowners information so you can track them down if possible. You will also want to explain what has happened to the clerk over the phone at the Department of Motor Vehicles. They will likely point you in the right direction moving forward. This is definitely not the first time this is happened and it will certainly not be the last. It does not sound like there is anyone fighting you for this home and there is definitely a procedure, fees, and paperwork that is required to get the ownership in your name. I hope this all helps and make sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
August 9, 2016John I have a question we currently purchased a mobile home and are ready to move it, but we have an issue with the title. the folks that we just bought it from, purchased it a while back and never looked at the title for errors, they purchased the home through a company and so the title has the signature of the owner who was selling the home, but is missing the signature of company that sold it for him to the folks we just bought it from, and we are having a hard time finding a way out because the company no longer exists. The county will not let us move it if the issue is not solve.
John Fedro
August 10, 2016Hi Mary,
They you very much for connecting and reaching out with regards to your questions. Additionally, thank you for your detailed comment as this will make it easier for me to answer your question. I very much regret to hear about the situation you are going through. From what I can tell you are trying to put the title into your own names and are having trouble because although the sellers information and signature is present the title is not signed by the company that helps sell the home. This is absolutely not the first time this is happened and sadly it will definitely not be the last. I see a few ways you have to move forward. 1.) Contact your states manufactured home division and asked them for specific instructions with this exact situation. Mentioned that you are a private buyer purchasing from a private seller, and provide the serial number or VIN information to the clerk over the phone. Explain your situation and ask for help. The state will provide the quickest legal way forward with the path of least resistance. 2.) Have the sellers forged the signature of the company. This is obviously illegal however if the company is out of business it may get the deal closed. I do not encourage that you use this method however I did list it because it is an option that you have. 3.) Contact a local real estate attorney for help in this matter. Look for an attorney with one hour free consultation and have your questions ready when you call or show up for your free hour. 4.) Demand that because there is not clear title you receive your money back from the seller. I hope this all helps a bit and make sense. If I am missing something please don’t ever hesitate to comment back or let me know. Additionally, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. There is a way out of this situation however you may have to do some digging prior to finding out the answer. I hope this all helps and make sense. Keep in touch. Have a great rest of the week.
Talk soon,
August 16, 2016I filed bankruptcy on a double wide, it was finalized in april 2016. I have had an abstract co wanting me to force a title since I don’t have a cop of it. I don’t own the place anymore the bank does. I just got served with papers for a lawsuit that the new bank owners are filing on me–not the bank they bought it from. what do I do as I haven’t owned this home for 4 months.
John Fedro
August 25, 2016Hi Marilyn,
Thank you so much for emailing me with regards to your questions and concerns. I very much regret to hear that you are going through these headaches. In this country anybody can soon for almost anything they choose to, whether a valid concern or completely irrational. While this does not mean they will win in court, it does cause you anxiety and potential monies if you hire an attorney to help you. I would encourage you to contact a local real estate attorney that offers one hour of free consultation. Make sure to have all your questions ready and get them answered in this one hour with the lawyer. If you do not own this home any longer then there is a chance that there was a mistake and that the lawsuit is very inaccurate. If you bring this to the attorneys attention this make clear everything up quickly. With that said I do not think this is the case as ideally the attorneys should have done their research prior to filing the lawsuit. It is for this reason that I encourage you to talk with a local real estate attorney as to your options moving forward. Even if the attorney simply writes a strong worded letter to the plaintiff’s attorneys alerting them to the error, this would speak much higher and with much more weight than if you tried to call the plaintiffs attorney alone. I hope this helps and makes sense. Moving forward if you have any additional questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best and please follow up with regards to how this matter ends up. We all would certainly like to know.
Talk soon,
Angela Laskodi
August 17, 2016Hello,
I have a mobile home space rent question. My parents passed away and left behind a mobile home title with a listed lien which I am working with the bank to resolve. That is not the issue. My brother who lived with my mom is disabled and still in the mobile home, however, has no way to pay space rent. We are selling the mobile home and giving him the proceeds. My question is this: Since we are establishing a new title under another family member name, is my brother who is living in the mobile home currently responsible to pay space rent since he is not on the lease (however he is moving out next month). I’m concerned that if we sell, then the corporation will want their share of back rent.
John Fedro
August 25, 2016Hi Angela,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your questions. I regret to hear about your parents passing. In some mobile home parks you will be able to talk directly with the owner and they will have empathy for your situation and not wish to charge you lot rent while your brother is in the home and you are attempting to resell the property. With that said this is almost never the case, and the mobile home park you are in will most likely want the backspace rent owed. While the mobile home park may not be able to evict your brother, as they do not have any documentation on him. They can certainly restrict you from selling the home or moving the home until the back lot rent is brought current. You may be able to negotiate this down if the amount is substantial however the park has most of the leverage with regards to making sure you pay or they will make it tough for you to resell the property. I hope this helps and makes sense. If you have any additional questions or concerns or thoughts never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Betty Foust
August 20, 2016Hello John,
I am attempting to help a friend who resides in South Carolina and can not afford an attorney to assist with this matter. While doing some research to assist her I came across some excellent information on your site. Perhaps you can offer some insight as to how she should proceed in addressing her problem. In 2011 she entered into a Rent to Own lease with A & B Mobile Home Park/Joe Edge. As per the lease she has held up her responsibility to pay the property and garbage fees monthly. In 2015 she made her final payment for the mobile home and was issued a bill of sale by the property manager advising her that the title will be issued soon thereafter. It has been over a year and she has not received the title as of yet. She contacted the property manager repeatedly advising her that she would like to move the mobile home from the park and needed the title to do so. The property manager refuses to provide any contact information for the seller advising her that she can move the mobile home with the bill of sale. Recently she attempted to change the name on the title and was told by DMV that there is a lien on the mobile home, however she can not obtain any information regarding the lien because the title is not in her name. Upon visiting the court house she received a copy of the original deed, which list someone else as the owner of the property. Further inquiries revealed that the taxes are up to date. Presently she is forced to remain on the park grounds and continue to pay the monthly property and garbage fees in spite of the garbage company recently removing their garbage cans stating that they haven’t been paid in a year. Would it be wise for her to put the monthly fees in escrow and allow A & B Mobile Home Park to take her to court for lack of payment in hopes of addressing and obtaining satisfactory answers to her concerns?
John Fedro
August 25, 2016Hi Betty,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting with regards to your questions. Additionally, thank you very much for the kind words regarding my website. I regret to hear about your friend situation concerning her mobile home in South Carolina. It absolutely sounds as if the property management company is purposely trying to not answer your questions and hope they will simply go away. You mentioned that there is a lien on this property and this obviously was not disclosed to you. As I was reading your comment I began to feel sick as it sounds like your friend is clearly being taken advantage of, not being respected, and continually put on the back burner with regards to getting these issues addressed. She has lived up to her side of the agreement now it is time for the park to provide clear title of ownership.
I absolutely agree that going to court and having an attorney involved is the next step forward. With that said I do not encourage you to allow the park to bring you to court for nonpayment, even if you are making these payments in escrow. Although this will bring the situation of the missing title to light, you would have to move forward with a separate court case to sue for some type of “nonperformance”. With that said I am certainly not an attorney of any kind. I would encourage your friend to consult a local real estate attorney that offers one free hour of consultation. Make sure she gets all of her questions organized so she can have them answered in this free hour. Perhaps a strongly worded letter on an attorney’s letterhead may be enough to get a fire under this parks butt with regards to helping your friend out. I hope this helps and at least arts to point you in the right direction. You are doing the right thing by trying to obtain the title before the home is moved or sold to a new person. Keep me posted with regards to what you find out in any other questions you have moving forward.
Talk soon,
jackie nitowski
August 28, 2016Hi John..I hope you can answer this for us..we are pulling our hair out. My mother in law passed last day of Feb 2016..she left her mobile home in Englewood FL to my husband and his two sisters by quit claim but it appears the State of FL Charlotte Cty never filed it although we have a copy of it. Her husband (their stepdad) had the mobile home in his name and paid cash..he passed in 2002 and left everything to her including this mobile home which they shared for 20 plus years…we have his and her death certificates, we have his and her will stating the above, we have the quit claim he did to give her ownership of the mobile home and we have her quit claim she did in Charlotte Cty to gives ownership to her three kids..we have the title to the mobile home but the title is not “clear” we are told because there is no record with Charlotte Cty. We have the mobile home for sale and had one great offer but lost it because no bank will give a loan w/o a clear title..we now have another offer this morning but it is about 4,000 less because of the nonclear title..they are offering cash. We’d like to get this cleared up and we have a definite paper trail but are not sure where to start..we are in CT so we don’t know who to call in Fl?? to start with..can you help us?? thanks so much, Jackie nitowski and family
John Fedro
August 29, 2016Hi Jackie,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed comment as this helps me answer your questions. Please see my thoughts below in bold.
I hope you can answer this for us..we are pulling our hair out. My mother in law passed last day of Feb 2016.. I very much regret to hear this. She left her mobile home in Englewood FL to my husband and his two sisters by quit claim but it appears the State of FL Charlotte Cty never filed it although we have a copy of it. If you can find the signed and notarized original this can still be recorded even though she has passed. I am assuming that because there is a quitclaim deed this is a manufactured home attached to a small piece of land (as mobile homes and parks would not use a quitclaim deed). Her husband (their stepdad) had the mobile home in his name and paid cash..he passed in 2002 and left everything to her including this mobile home which they shared for 20 plus years…we have his and her death certificates, we have his and her will stating the above, we have the quit claim he did to give her ownership of the mobile home and we have her quit claim she did in Charlotte Cty to gives ownership to her three kids..we have the title to the mobile home but the title is not “clear” we are told because there is no record with Charlotte Cty. Understood. Have you contacted a real estate attorney yet? If not I encourage you to contact a local real estate attorney that offers one free hour consultation to get your questions answered during this free hour. We have the mobile home for sale and had one great offer but lost it because no bank will give a loan w/o a clear title.. Understood. We now have another offer this morning but it is about 4,000 less because of the nonclear title..they are offering cash. We’d like to get this cleared up and we have a definite paper trail but are not sure where to start. I’m assuming that the taxes have been paid in our current up to this point. If they are not this will absolutely have to be addressed. Is the lien on the mobile home valid? Is this from a company still in existence? If this was paid off and not removed from the title this can be cleared up with a few phone calls to the company. Let me know the answers to these questions as they are certainly important with regards to getting the lien removed from the title. We are in CT so we don’t know who to call in Fl?? In Florida you will want to call your counties property appraiser and tax assessor to find out more information with regards to taxes and homeownership. You can absolutely explain your situation and the folks on the other end of the phone should point you in the right direction moving forward. .can you help us?? Let me know the answers and thoughts to the questions above and we can certainly go from there. It is good that you are in an area where you the home is in demand and it sounds like there are eager buyers willing to purchase it as soon as the title issues get cleared up.
Talk soon,
Ervin Wright
September 2, 2016My son bought a mobile home in Texas about 11 years ago. He paid cash and was
given a correct Texas title. What my son did not know was that Texas passed the
law in 2003 that mobile homes are real estate & taxed accordingly. When he went
to the Texas DMV with his title, they told him approximately $1,500. tax was owed. The seller had already set up the trailer in a park of my son’s choice &
promptly went out of business, so my son lived in it, but never registered it in
his name. He now wants to sell it. There may be 11 years more taxes owed now, but the title is not in his name. Does that make the person on the title liable for all the axes? Is he better off to just walk away & leave it? What is the best way to handle this?
John Fedro
September 2, 2016Hi Erwin,
Thank you very much for commenting and reaching out. I very much regret to hear about your son situation at the moment. Please see my thoughts below in bold.
Does that make the person on the title liable for all the axes? Yes and no. The taxes must be paid before the ownership is placed into the new person’s name. While the owner on record is the one responsible for these taxes, he or she could absolutely fight this by providing evidence that the home was sold and they did not live in the mobile home all of this time. At this point the state would have little direction to go until some sort of petition or legal matter was brought to try to get these taxes reduced or eliminated. In short, it will be an uphill battle to get these back taxes discounted or removed. Is he better off to just walk away & leave it? If the $1500 is the amount that is owed total for the 11 years then this is very low compared to what it could be. If this is the case then perhaps selling the mobile home for more than $1500 will allow you to pay off this debt and keep a little money for yourselves. With that said I would not suggest walking away from the home either. Who is asking that there be a title present? Clearly wherever the home is sitting no one has ever asked about title or making sure the taxes have been paid. If this is the case then with “full disclosure that there is no title present and taxes are not being paid” you can sell what little interest you have in the home (as you are not the true owners) to a new buyer. This new buyer will most likely have to keep the home where it is and understand that they will not have a title or current taxes. With this said the state will not want you doing this however it is a possibility, this is the reason I bring it up. You will be passing the problem to someone else down the line however is long as they understand what they are buying this is an option that you may have. What is the best way to handle this? Contacting the state to see if there is a payment arrangement that can be worked out may be a wise idea. Someone will eventually get this figured out whether you walk away from the property or not. I’m not sure the current condition of the home however if it is valuable someone will do something with it to likely create a profit down the road. I hope this helps and make sense. If you have any additional follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. Always here to help if I can. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
September 2, 2016Hello,
I had bought a mobile home in 2012 and the owner had gave me a bill of sale and said that this was all i needed so i was like okay being that i never purchased a home or mobile before and it was an old trailer so i never looked into it now i am trying to sell it and people are asking for the title and on the bill of sale it just has the color and size of the mobile home and i tried to get in contact with them and he passed away 1 year ago and i asked the lady who worked for him if there was anything she said there was nothing she could find on the trailer so what can i do so i can get the title so i can sell it
John Fedro
September 3, 2016Hi Belinda,
Thank you for commenting and reaching out with regards to your questions. I very much regret to hear about your situation. You may be able to call your local states manufactured housing titling division (DMV, DOT, manufacturing titling agency, they vary per state) to possibly find out more information on the home based on its current address. If this is not possible then you will need to find the serial number or VIN of the mobile home so that the state can tell you who the owners name is and where you can find this owner or what to do to get the home registered into your name. The VIN or serial number may be found on the “data plate” somewhere in the mobile home. This is a piece of paper or small piece of metal that is typically screwed to the wall in the master bedroom closets, near the hot water heater, near the washer and dryer, near the electrical box. If you are unable to find this or perhaps it was painted over or removed, there may be information on the very front of the mobile home near the mobile homes tongue. You may have to take off the front piece of skirting to find the small metal plate, however you may have luck there. Once this is found you can call the state to ask them what is the easiest way to move forward and get this ownership into your name. Additionally, if the taxes have not been paid in a number of years there will likely be an amount owed before the title can be transferred into your possession. If you are unable to find this serial number or VIN then you may not be able to get more information on the mobile home until you find this information. A local real estate attorney may be able to help you however without identification of the mobile home it will certainly be difficult, unless the state can create a new serial number and VIN for you. Like I mentioned in the video above, you could sell the home with only a bill of sale. This really would not be selling the home however it would allow someone to move in and take possession. If you do sell the home without a title You should absolutely be transparent and let whoever you know purchases the home that a title will be nearly impossible to a get in the future. I hope this makes sense and starts to point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
John Fedro
September 9, 2016Hi Paul,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. In the state of Washington you will want to call 360.902.3770 to ask these specific questions to. Make sure you have the mobile home serial number or VIN to reference to the state clerk. Explain your situation and these folks should be able to point you in the quickest direction moving forward to solve your problem. There is absolutely a solution and these folks will have the best one for you. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. If you have any additional follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
September 9, 2016Hi, about 11 years ago my husbands grandmother bought us a trailer My husbands grandmother wrote a check to the previous owners, My husband and the previous owners signed a bill of sale and had it notarized. The previous owners were supposed to mail the title to my husbands grandmother, but they never did. She then Hired a private investigator to track them down, but never had any success in finding them. Now that our family has grown from just the two of us to Five of us we need to invest in a bigger house. How can we sell our trailer? We have gone to the DMV, although we have tax receipts showing we have been paying the taxes for the last 11 years, because we do not have a title or bill of sale they will not help us. Any suggestions.
John Fedro
September 14, 2016Hi Patricia,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about the situation you are currently going through. That is awful that the previous sellers simply took your family’s money and did not provide you with a clear title. Depending on your state I’m curious if there is any legal course of action you can take with the help of a real estate attorney. I would encourage you to talk to a real estate attorney that may know about manufactured homes and offers one free hour of consultation. Try to get all your questions answered during this one free hour. I mention this because in some states there is a legal proceeding to sue and obtain a new title. If this home is located in a pre-existing mobile home park you may also have the park put a lien on the property to then repossess and take into their own names. They can then sell the home from themselves over to you. You would certainly pay the park the required cost for this however it certainly can be done if the park is willing to play ball. Besides that you can try to “sell” your interest in the mobile home with the help of a “bill of sale”. Like I mentioned in the video above this will not technically transfer any ownership however the new buyers will be able to live in the property without anyone disturbing them moving forward. What state are you located in? This may help me a little bit depending on the state. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
September 11, 2016I inherited land (which is now in my name)when my mother died over ten years ago, with an old 1972 mobile home on it. The mobile home is still listed in the name of my mother’s Trust, which was completely dissolved in 2009. I now would like to give this old home away to a friend in the next county to put on their own property…possibly as just a storage unit or hunting cabin, although it has been approved to be lived in due to updated electrical system, etc. and has been noted as “road transferable” even being as old as it is. Do I need to go to the expense of getting a title in my name before it’s moved off my property? Will my friend even need a title on something this old? I kept up the taxes on it all these years and now it’s value is so little that it is no longer taxed at all. Can I just write out a paper showing I am giving him the mobile home?
John Fedro
September 14, 2016Hi PJ,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I would be very happy to help give any insights and value that I can. Please see my thoughts below in bold.
Do I need to go to the expense of getting a title in my name before it’s moved off my property? For the physical act of moving the home and setting it up and connecting utilities you can do all this in many areas without a title. Will my friend even need a title on something this old? This depends on the County/city feels about it. If they are driving around all the time looking for violations they will likely spot this right away if your property is not already zoned to have more than one home on it or an additional shed. Some areas are picky about this and some areas are not. I kept up the taxes on it all these years and now it’s value is so little that it is no longer taxed at all. Very interesting. What state is this located in? Can I just write out a paper showing I am giving him the mobile home? While you can do this, the state may not encourage you to do so as they will be losing out in transfer taxes and doing things exactly “by the book”. I mention this because if you tell them the home is not titled in your name they may cautiously advise you that it is unlawful to “sell” a home without a clear title in one’s own name. I mention all this to you because I would encourage you to call your states local mobile home transferring division, if you let me know your state I can help point you in the right direction if needed. Explain the situation and provide the serial number or VIN for the state clerk to give you more specific information on how to move forward. You can either take their information and use it or simply decide to not use it. With that said do make sure your friends land is zoned correctly for these multiple properties and hookups are established correctly. I hope this all helps and make sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to write back any time as well.
Talk soon,
September 14, 2016Thank you for your reply. I will call DMV in Raleigh to check. Our local small mountain town DMV didn’t know what we should do. I was wrong about the mobile home not being taxed…it’s value is listed as $673 and we had already paid the tax of $4.81 for this year. The person we are giving the home to has already checked with our county and the one he lives in for approval of the moving of the mobile home. His father happens to be in the business of moving them.
Annette Jonczyk
September 13, 2016John, here is my situation that I would like to have resolved:
My neighbors want to give me their mobile home for free. They inherited it from a relative who has since past away and they lived in it for several years. They never had the title. I would move it across the street onto my own privately owened property. I do not intend to ever sell it! I want to do things the proper way and obtain a title. I live in Illinois. What steps do my neighbors and I have to take?
Thank you!
John Fedro
September 14, 2016Hi Annette,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I’m assuming that your neighbors do not have this “married” to the land, and that this is just a second home on their property. The reason I mention this is because if this property is attached to the land legally it may be considered real property instead of personal property. If this is the case the process to re-create the title and transfer the ownership over to you will be different versus a different situation. With that said I would encourage you to talk to your local DMV. Perhaps call your state Department of Motor Vehicles division if possible and have the mobile homes VIN or serial number to provide to the clerk over the phone. Mentioned that you are a private buyer purchasing from a private seller and you want to make sure there are no liens and taxes are current. Additionally you want to go through the steps of how to correctly get a title and move forward legally. The state will be the best people to hear this from based on the specific VIN or serial number information. Let me know if you have any specific questions moving forward or if I did not answer any questions please don’t hesitate ever to comment back.
Talk soon,
Annette Jonczyk
September 14, 2016Thank you John for your swift answer! The information I previously gave you turns out to be incorrect. My neighbors bought the land and it happened to have the mobile home on it. They want it off the property and offered it to me for free . They are not able to obtain a title from the seller. Does this somewhat different scenario change your response?
Thank you so much!
Jeremy herb
September 14, 2016Hello my wife and I are saling our mobile home and the buyer is only in town a few days. We went to get any info needed to transfer over to find out the when we bought New in 2006 the park never switched the title over into her name. Now we finally got title switched but it’s not going to be here in time and we were using that as the down payment on new house that we are under contract right now. Do we have a legal act that can be taken on the park if so what kind?
Thanks Jeremy
John Fedro
September 20, 2016Hi Jeremy,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your question. I very much regret to hear about your situation and the fact that this lazy park did not complete the title transfer years ago when you purchase the home. I hope that over the years the taxes have been paid and are current. With regards to your exact question about legal action to take against the park, the answer is, “it depends”. The reason I mention this is because anybody can soon anybody for almost any reason. The case can be frivolous and it can still certainly go to court. With that said there certainly is merit to the fact that the park has dropped the ball with gross negligence to delay your closing and possibly destroying your current deals with the buyer and purchasing your new home. The reason I mention all of this is because I am not a real estate professional or attorney of any kind. I would absolutely encourage you to reach out to a local real estate attorney in your area that offers one free hour of consultation. You should be able to get all your questions answered in this one free hour and determine if this is something worth pursuing moving forward. In all reality I do not think an attorney would take this case as there is not much money to be made in the process. This is only my educated guess and I certainly have been very wrong before in the past. I hope this helps and at least starts to point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Lee Tussinger
September 23, 2016I work for the Alachua County Tax Collector here in Gainesville FL. We had a customer purchase property at tax deed sale with an abandoned MH on the property. The ex owner is deceased and we have no record in the State of Florida database that this MH has ever been titled or registered. I have personally inspected this MH looking for data plate/VIN and was unsuccessful locating. Looking for suggestions on how new owner can get title for this MH.
We get this scenario quite a bit in my area and hate not being able to thoroughly assist the customer. Thanks for your help.
John Fedro
September 26, 2016Hi Lee,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting with regards to your questions. My deepest respect goes out to you for proactively looking at ways to solve this problem. I agree that the issue is rampant and will likely only continue as people continue to “sell” mobile homes without titles and simply pass the problem to the next buyer who does not understand a mobile home title is required for ownership.
From my understanding if you are able to find a Vin number or serial number or title number of some kind to identify the property, you will then be able to start the detective work to find out who has ownership in the title and what fees are likely past-due from back taxes?
If I am correct in assuming that all is we need to do is find the VIN number or some identification information than my first thought would be to look up the mobile home by physical address if possible. This seems like an easy answer and I’m sure you have tried this already so the next possibility is to either talk with the mobile home community itself, in hopes that they have kept records or have a photocopy of a previous title. The last solution I can offer is to remove the front pieces of the mobile home skirting where the mobile home tongue should be. There is sometimes a metal data plate welded to the flat area at the front of the mobile home (the flat area is the area where the tongue should be but not directly on the tongue of the mobile home). My mind also goes to thinking that the park could put a lien on the property and then file for a title that way, however if they do not know the Vin number or any information then by all means they will not likely be able to put a lien on the home.
I hope this helps and makes some sense. Besides these few suggestions above I have had to pass on a number of homes because of the same titling issue. If you are able to find another solution or workaround please try to comment back or email me personally to let me know. As you mentioned a blanket solution for this problem would absolutely help a lot of people. All the best.
Talk soon,
P.S. I had one final thought that if the homes tax decal (Florida only) is present we may be able to work backwards to find the homes information that way.
Haleigh Collins
September 25, 2016What if a title is salvaged by an insurance company? The mobile home was bought from them and remodeled. I’m trying to sell it now but the insurance company still has the title.
John Fedro
September 26, 2016Hi Haleigh,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your question. This is an interesting situation. What requirements do the insurance company need in order to release your title and send it to you? Is there a current lien on the home keeping the title from coming directly to you? What has the insurance company said specifically must be done before you receive clear title? Once you can let me know this I’d be happy to help point you in any direction moving forward that will help. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
September 29, 2016Hi. We are in escrow to purchase a 1994 mobile home on 5 acres. The closing attorney stated since it is a mobile home he can transfer deed of property but not mobile home. Luckily I started asking questions and after going back and forth with our agent and the seller’s agent and calling the Georgia TAG office I have discovered that the title was never put in the sellers name . The seller is shocked and was not aware and has been paying a mortgage since 2001. In a perfect world he would of purchased title insurance when he bought the property but I have a feeling he didn’t.
Now what do we do? We are supposed to close in 23 days! The TAG office did say it is showing a lien but from 1994 and she said that is probably taken care of but she can’t see it in her system.
John Fedro
October 6, 2016Hi Kelly,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting with regards to your question. Additionally, thank you so much for the detailed description is the certainly does help me understand your situation and answer the question better. I agree that title insurance may not have been purchased, however this is deftly something to follow-up on and confirm. If you do purchase this property it sounds as if you will own the land, however will not own the home on top of the land. With that said it does not sound like anyone will be coming after you for this property because “they” are the owner. Have personal property taxes been paid on this mobile home in the past few years? At the very minimum I would use this “surprise” to get the purchase price reduced significantly if at all possible. Moving forward you will be doing some due diligence to track down the true owner and obtain a satisfaction of lien from the current lien holder if at all possible. With that said the lienholder may have gone out of business and this may prove to be almost impossible. There are other ways you may obtain title such as possibly placing a lien on the title, as the home will be sitting on your land without paying you. You would then normally be able to take possession/ownership of the home by repossession at this point, since you are the lienholder. However the first lien in place makes this a bit difficult as they will have to be satisfied as well, which again they most likely have already been paid in full.
In short, you will have an uphill battle obtaining the title for the home, however this should not be impossible. With that said if it does prove impossible you still do have a place to live. I would absolutely try to renegotiate the price if you do decide to move forward as clear title will not be transferred and you technically will not be buying the mobile home. Also, when you go to resell the property it will prove a bit challenging as well if you are not able to obtain clear title by this time. I hope this helps and starts to make sense. I wish I had an easy solution for you to obtain clear title in Georgia however I do not. This is certainly a situation I have heard many times before and will likely continue to hear in the future. If you do move forward make sure you are getting a great deal and that the price is reduced due to the fact you will have to overcome these objections. Lastly, great job being proactive in calling the state to find out more. Moving forward if you come to any new realizations or discoveries please comment back and let us know what happened. Additionally, any future questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
John Fedro
October 6, 2016Hi Kelly,
I wanted to follow-up by suggesting you call these folks in Georgia. They may be able to provide you with an “bonded title” that may solve your problems. If they are able to help please follow-up back and let me know how everything works out. I have never used this company before however they may be able to point you in the right direction moving forward. http://www.georgiatitlebond.com/
Talk soon,
Dana McCrackin
September 30, 2016Hi,
I purchased my mobile home back in 2005 from a Repo outlet in Georgia. I didn’t know I had to have a title for it as I’ve never bought a mobile home before. I just have the receipt of purchase. I found out a few years later that I needed the title to be the legal owner and if I ever wanted to sell. I eventually got the title and thought every thing was good. Fast forward to now when I want to sell the home and I find out that the business that is listed on the title never signed the title so I can’t get it into my name until they do. The business is no longer in business and I don’t know what to do. There was a lein on the home before I bought it that was released according to the title. I did contact the bank to see if they could help track down the previous owner or do as the tag and title office suggested and try to obtain some kind of repossession paper from them and that way I could get the title in my name. Tag and title office also said something about getting a bonded title if all else fails. Can you help with this please? I can’t find the previous owner so far myself and if I run into a dead end with the bank, I don’t know what to do. I guess I can’t sell until I get it into my name. Any info or help is greatly appreciated.
John Fedro
October 6, 2016Hi Dana,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed message as the certainly helps me answer your question. I very much regret to hear that you’re going through this situation. Let us take this one step at a time for sure. In Georgia you may call the following website to obtain more information about a bonded title in your state. These folks will likely be able to help point you in the right direction moving forward. If these folks are unable to solve your problem that I absolutely have some words and advice that will be helpful if a bonded title cannot be issued on your mobile home. http://www.georgiatitlebond.com/ However they will likely be able to point you in the right direction moving forward in your state. Again, keep me posted moving forward because if this company cannot help you there are certainly some things you can do to move forward to get out of the situation and move on with your life. Have a great rest of the week and keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Darla Gustaitis
October 3, 2016Hi John, My mother-in-law wants to add a relative to the title of her mobile home in Delaware. Is this an easy process? There would be no selling/buying involved.
John Fedro
October 6, 2016Hi Darla,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting with regards to your question. If the home is free and clear then this will be an easy process in most circumstances. You will want to contact any local Department of Motor Vehicles and explain your situation. They will be able to provide you with the correct steps moving forward to add someone to your title. Because this is not a sale the cost to do this should be very minimal at most. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction moving forward. Please know that if you have any additional questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. Always here to help if I can.
Talk soon,
Christine Clark
October 4, 2016hi John
this might not match your topic but i have a question.
our park where we live over 10 years was sold and we was moved out a falling apart trailer home into one right next ,with the promise that in the new place the repairs would be done quickly.that never happened and we paid the rent to the maintenance guy on time every month.
now we received 2 sheets of paper ,one at our car window ,2nd taped at the door with a note the park owner changed.a envelope included to mail the rent in cash. how do i find out the real owner and what is the best way to get this all settled?
John Fedro
October 6, 2016Hi Christine,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about the situation you are going through. I would certainly be happy to help give you any words of wisdom and answers based on my experience. Again, I very much regret to hear that you were taken advantage of in this way. It certainly sounds as if you are strung along for a while in are the victims in this transaction. I agree that your first course of action is to find the new owner and figure out what is going on. I would encourage you to go to the address on the envelope that you are supposed to be paying the money to. If you are unable to do this then including a note to have them call you immediately is your next best bet. While I do have other thoughts and suggestions please let me know where you are feeling vulnerable and any follow-up questions you have specifically. Additionally, if I did not fully answer your question please never hesitate to write back any time. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
October 5, 2016I was looking to buy a foreclosed double wide in NY there is not a title. what legal forms do I need to be able to get a title?
John Fedro
October 6, 2016Hi Lori,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. If you happen to know why there is no title for your mobile home then certainly let me know if possible. With that said I would very much encourage you to call your local New York Department of Motor Vehicles. You can reach these folks at 1-518-486-9786. You will want to explain your situation to the clerk over the phone and provide the vehicles serial number or VIN if you have it. These folks will absolutely be able to let you know what the correct process and procedure is for you to move forward as quickly as possible to obtain title. Because of your situation I certainly do not want to give you any information that might be damaging or misleading. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. If you are able to resolve this issue please comment back and let us know how it all worked out. As always, if you have any additional follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Cody Smith
October 15, 2016People I need help! Success management in okc are screwing over my family. Months ago I was evicted with absolutely no reason my rent was paid, the court papers said I had a overdue balance of 0. The judge was shocked about this decision but went with it. Okay no problem we dealt with it. A month ago I had a buyer lined up to take my trailer off my hands. I told these buyers to go through success management before we did paper work to make sure they didn’t buy and get told they couldn’t live in the park. The buyer came back and told me the managers told them not to do business with me that I would screw them over. Okay I lost my buyer no problem I’ll find another.
Two weeks ago I come to my parents house to visit, and catch two women in my trailer throwing my stuff away. I went in to see was going on. These women told me that Laura Halley from success management told them they could rent it out and start cleaning it out. I cussed and kicked these people out and called the police.
Next I posted my title and a post telling them they cannot rent my property out. Today my elderly parents (one of whom is in late stage dementia) received a lease termination paper. This is how it started for me. My dad has never missed a rent payment since I’ve known him. The court (when the eviction notice does show up) is going to allow these people to kick him to the streets. My dad also owns his trailer. They are trying to steal our property and the legal system is allowing it.
Please tell me what I can do before they steal my trailer now, and my dads trailer after they evict him soon.
John Fedro
October 18, 2016Hi Cody,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Thank you for the detailed message. I very much regret to hear about how this park is treating you and your family. I have no reason not to believe anything you have said. For that reason this absolutely sounds like a community that is playing by their own rules and does not give a damn about the law or people they are not “buddy buddy” with. If possible I would absolutely encourage you to reach out to a real estate attorney who specializes in manufactured homes. A real estate attorney in general will be someone good to talk to and get these questions answered. If they are being as blatantly deceptive and fraudulent as you say then talking to a news channel may not be out of the question either. It does not happen often however some mobile home park owners take the law into their own hands and even seem to be bipolar, racist, sexist, violent, and more. It amazes me how some mobile home park managers/owners still have jobs or run properties. With that said the park does have the ability to simply terminate leases as it wishes (in most cases based on the state and park rules). With that said in some ways the park is not legally breaking the law by deciding not to renew your lease agreement. However we both know that they certainly are ethically and maliciously deceiving you, while likely trying to take your homes as well. Again, my best advice to you is consult with a real estate attorney. You are in a difficult spot because the park can continue making your lives difficult if they aren’t kept in check. Are there any local mobile home parks that are running specials where they will move your homes in for free at no cost to you?
Talk soon,
Marlon Campbell
October 17, 2016Hi John, the situation I have is that I have a seller of a MFG home on a permanent foundation. Seller is original owner. Seller bought home directly from the manufacture out of Kentucky (we are in Tennessee) and a title was never issued but we do have a copy of the Manufactures Certificate of Origin. Wells Fargo did the original loan and they have no title and said they only have an Affidavit of Affixation.
The buyer’s lender said they will not do the loan for fear that the new owner will have issues in the future with re-sale although the title/escrow company and the loan underwriter are okay with a copy of the MOOC. They are saying they want the original MOOC. Commander Homes out of Indiana was called and they do not have an original but did send us a the copy. IBST went out and confirmed data plate information which is still in the home.
If you were me, what would you do, lol?
John Fedro
October 18, 2016Hi Marlon,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed comment as this certainly helps me give you a reply. I very much regret to hear that you are going through this situation. I have not been in this exact situation however I have been caught between a rock in a hard place with regards to real estate and dealing with lenders. From your detailed description it sounds as if you have provided all the necessary material and proof needed to move forward with the loan. However it truly is the bank’s preference to give the final go-ahead with the loan. I am surprised that the loan underwriter is okay with the copy and the bank still has a problem with this. Is the buyer patient enough to try a different lender that is a bit more flexible? If you fear losing them perhaps you could offer a tiny discounte in price. I hope this helps a bit and points you in the right direction. It does not sound like this bank is willing to work with you after all the effort you put in. You definitely have the proof needed to get a loan from a different lender or local credit union. I mentioned credit union because we’ve had good experience selling homes to buyers working with local credit unions. Moving forward if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. Please keep us posted on what happens. All the best.
Talk soon,
October 25, 2016Thank you for actually responding to people. The majority of times on these types of sites – you never receive any response which is frustrating.
Do the titles for mobile homes and mobile offices work the same? I am waiting for the title for our brand new double-wide office and not sure if there should be two when it finally arrives.
They lost the title and indicate they have now requested a CO. Is a CO the same or equivalent of a title? Or will there need to be additional steps done to get a title(s)?
We are in Washington state.
Thank you!
John Fedro
November 1, 2016Hi Jeanne,
Thank you for reaching out with regards to your questions. I’m very happy to help where I can. While I do not know exactly what type of “mobile office” you are ordering, it is likely delivered into sections. If this is the case, or even if the home exceeds 18 feet wide and is delivered in one section will likely have two titles. A CO is the certificate of occupancy and is not the same thing as a title. However with a CO you will be able to obtain a title. I encourage you to call the Department of licensing and explain your situation directly to a mobile home experienced clerk. You may reach these folks at 360-902-3770. I do hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. If you have any additional follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. Happy to help if I can.
Talk soon,
November 3, 2016Hey John,
I see that you are able to answer a lot of people’s title questions so I am hoping you will be able to help me with mine. I bought a mobile home through owner finance because at the time our credit was not good enough to go through a bank. We have been in the home for over a year now and back in June, which made a year, we decided to try to get a loan from the bank so that we could pay off the people and get a lower interest rate. Unfortunately, during this process we found that the person we had been owner financing with did not have the title. They had bought the home with cash from Fannie Mac who had gotten it from another financial institution that went bankrupt. The people we are owner financing with are the second owners and bought it because it was in foreclosure due to the first owners not being able to pay. I have done extensive searches as well as the lawyers with the bank and the previous owners and we have found that their was never an original title issued or registered for this mobile home. I need to know what steps I can take to get a title since the bank will not do a refinance without one. We have the deed which states that the land and mobile home should be considered as one, but they say they need the title. What can I do? please help. thank you
John Fedro
November 5, 2016Hi Heather,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear you are going through this headache with regards to obtaining your mobile home’s title. My first thought while reading your comment was that the seller you purchased from never disclosed that the title was not available. In fact they may have had no right to sell you the home if there was no title. With that said in some states you relinquish the title when you marry/join the home and land together into real property. With that said I have not heard of a situation where a mobile home never had any identifying characteristics such as a title/HUD seal/serial number/certificate of origination. If this is truly the case then I am not sure if there can be a title now created for this used home. With that said I would absolutely point you to your states manufactured housing division. Explain your situation to a manager and ask for help. I would also encourage you to talk with the local zoning department or property appraisers department that is in charge of marrying homes and land together. They should have paperwork on file as to where this mobile home came from. I apologize that I’m not able to provide you with a clear-cut easy answer. Again, I regret that the seller did not disclose this when you were first purchasing the property. Most refinance companies will require a title of the mobile home however depending on the refinance amount perhaps you can use only the land as collateral and not the mobile home. I hope this all helps and starts to point you in a direction moving forward that you have not thought of. If and when this all gets resolved please comment back and let us know how it went. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
November 15, 2016I have a question….
My mother is buying/living in a mortgaged mobile home in Texas.
I also reside in the mobile home, and the mobile home is on land which is in my name.
My mother wants the mobile home title to transfer to me when she passes away -or sooner, if possible -rather than any other siblings or potential heirs.
The mortgage company said they were fine with that, and we would need to have some sort of legal document.
I have heard of a beneficiary deed for real property -but what would we need for the mobile home, which is personal property?
John Fedro
November 28, 2016Hi Davison,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Since the bank/lender is being so accommodating I would encourage you to transfer the ownership of your mother’s mobile home into your name sooner rather than later. She may pay the mortgage payments and taxes however better to be in your name now in case anything happens later. Normally, if there was no loan involved, your mother would simply fill out an SOL application and sell the home into your name. However because there is a lien in place the bank needs to give permission before ownership can change to you. Normally the bank will want you to sign personally onto this loan in case it defaults however this will be between you and the bank. With that said I would encourage you to talk directly to the bank to find out what the procedure is moving forward. You will likely need proof in writing from the lender to give to the state proving the lender agrees with the owners name change. Concerning your last question, there are personal property trusts and personal property beneficiary deeds if needed. I hope this makes sense an elite starts to point you in the right direction. I may not have given you anything new to think of however if you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
November 21, 2016So I have been looking into all this for months now and I was also wondering if since the first buyer bought the mobile home and put it on her father’s land and it was foreclosed on the only way she could have lost the land too would be because she had it categorized as one (real property) like it says on the deed. If it is real property we wouldn’t need a title just like you wouldn’t need one for a brick home on land correct?
John Fedro
November 28, 2016Hi Heather,
In answer to your question, that is correct. With that said you may likely have some follow-up questions or unique details specific to your local area and/or nature of the specific transaction. Moving forward if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
November 15, 2016Hopefully someone can help. I am currently in a sale for a very old singlewide. We need to prove age of trailer in order To sell. We have searched everywhere for a serial number. Front ibeam all supports under trailer, closets, under sink. Hot water tank and breaker box have been changed. We can ask for affidated but we need someone who has acknowledgement of old trailers. Does anyone know who could proved that information? We believe the trailer was manufactured by highland and built in1974. Thank you
John Fedro
November 28, 2016Hi Jodi,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about the headaches you are going through searching for any identifying information on your mobile home. You absolutely have an understanding of where this “data plate” information is typically found throughout the mobile home. If it is a 1974 then by all means this information could have been painted over, covered up, or removed long ago. Normally on the I-beam on either side of the home or directly where the tongue is located there may be information such as the serial number or VIN if available. Besides this I would encourage you to talk to the local tax assessors or DMV office (depending on your state) to perhaps find more information based on a physical address and lot information if available. I apologize I’m not able to be of more help with regards to your questions. If you do find the information you’re looking for please don’t hesitate to write back and let us know where you found it. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. Always here to help if I can.
Talk soon,
Nick Raineri
November 16, 2016John, great job discussing the common issues that come with mobile home titles. There are a lot of people that deal with this issues and I’m sure they will find this post helpful.
John Fedro
November 28, 2016Hi Nick,
Thank you so much for reaching out and for your kind words. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
gail hancheck
November 17, 2016Our mobile home has been paid off for over 10 years and never received a title. Now that we need one I contacted SCDMV and was told it showed a lein on our home. We were given the name of the bank but no other information. How can I find who had our loan last and get a lien release. We need the clear title to get a small business loan from damage from hurricane Matthew.
John Fedro
November 28, 2016Hi Gail,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear that you never received the title for your paid off mobile home. My first question is that I hope taxes have been paid and are current up and to this year. It was nice of the DMV to provide you with the bank name. If you have any old information then by all means try to call this bank or perhaps by looking online to find the bank’s phone number. This bank should still have your information based on your home address, Social Security number, and personal name. With that said stranger things have happened and this bank may have sold your debt to another bank, which was resold to another and another bank. Moving forward you will have to be a bit of a detective to find out where the loan information is being held and who can provide you with the payoff. This is the first step in order to move forward. If you are unable to find this bank information and receive a lien release you will have to re-talk to the DMV to find out other options moving forward. You’re certainly not the only person to have gone through this issue and there are absolutely procedures that vary by state on how to move forward. Please keep in touch moving forward and if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
caryl rodriguez
November 22, 2016I lost my title to my mobile home hoe and where do I go to get a new or dublacate title
John Fedro
November 28, 2016Hi Caryl,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. In most states you will head down to the local Department of Motor Vehicles. With that said this location does very state-by-state… If they do not do this at your local DMV they will point you to the manufactured housing division building locally that does. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
November 23, 2016Hi I have a question I bought a trailer from a mobile trailer park the manager sold me the trailer for 800$ with a contract of 2 years leaving in the property before she gives me the title so I went to find out if there was any title for the trailer I got and it came out that there was but this trailer is not under the name of this property it’s under a other sale man’s property is there anything I could do to brake that contract and get mi title cuz this smells like fraud ciz previous owners from this trailer we’re never able to get the title this lady resales the trailers cuz people give up on the title and walk out is there anything I could do
John Fedro
November 28, 2016Hi Ariana,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed message as this certainly helps me answer your question better. I regret that you are going through this headache in dealing with this “fishy situation”. No matter how long you have been living in the home you should absolutely be able to get a copy of the title. You are correct to think that the title should be in the name of the park or somebody affiliated with the park at least. Additionally, make sure your contract was correctly signed and dated by representative working at the mobile home community. This will be helpful if you need to go to court later to prove the mobile home park was fraudulent and neglectful. Try to find out who this man that is listed as owner truly is? If the park is being shady than perhaps they will forge his signature and sell the home to you after two years has passed. I hope that there are people in the mobile home park that have nice things to say about this park manager and that she actually does sell the homes as agreed. If 100% of the people leave before two years I would absolutely expect for you to start getting harassed when this time approaches for you. Moving forward please keep us posted and if you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. Always happy to help if we can. All the best.
Talk soon,
November 27, 2016hi my momma bought a trailer 1985 Clayton mobile home in1993 -94 she had the title but lost it i bought it from her she gotit from a private owner and got a title at the first union bank in Burnsville north Carolina now its a Wells Fargo Bank I need a replacement for this lost title now so she can give it to me.where do I get it what form HELP
John Fedro
November 28, 2016Hi Donna,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear that you are going through these headaches with regards to the lost title. You mentioned that your mother originally had the title back in the early 90s. Normally if there is a bank loan or lien on the property the bank will hold onto the paper title until they are paid in full. If there is still money left on the home the bank may be still holding the title and may still be listed as lien holder on the title itself. If this is the case then you, as homeowner, are not typically allowed to hold the title until it is free and clear and the bank is paid in full. If the title is free and clear and there are no active liens then you should be able to go to the DMV in North Carolina and obtain a duplicate title. The owner on the title must be present and there is a small fee, less than $50, to obtain a duplicate title or titles. I hope this helps and make sense moving forward. As always, if you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Phil Nelson
December 1, 2016John I recently was given a mobile home and the title was signed by former owner ,My question is in the purchaser info The mobile home park owner put his name in by accident he also signed it the taxes are up todate ho do I go about getting it into my name
John Fedro
December 8, 2016Hi Phil,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Something very similar to this happened on one of my first mobile home deals inside of a pre-existing mobile home community. In many states you will be transferring the title at the local DMV. However in other states this mobile home title transferring may be done in other locations or buildings. The reason I mention this is because when you go to transfer the title the clerk is going to have a problem with any signatures in the wrong spots or any signatures that are crossed off and written somewhere else. The clerk may ask you to have an affidavit signed by the seller to verify everything is correct. This would be the simplest way forward unless they mandate that the seller obtains a duplicate title to refill out all of the information and signatures. With that said I am not sure exactly how the title looks and if it is possible to scratch off the name and add a initial and signature in the right spot. My advice to you is to go to your local DMV with the signed bill of sale and titles you have to aim to transfer the property into your name. The clerk and possibly clerks manager will be able to point you in the right direction and let you know what is possible and needed before the home can be transferred successfully. Basically we are going to be using trial and error until we get this transferred into your name. Hopefully the seller is still available should they need to re-sign any paperwork if needed. Moving forward if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Lisa O.
December 11, 2016I am looking to buy a mobile home and found one that looks good ,only the lady is telling me that it is bill of sale only that the mobile home was sold to the person she bought it from 5 years ago by an insurance company due to fire damage it has been completely remodeled but has “No Title” I was against this at first cause the first thing I thought was that a renter could sell a MH claiming such but then she commented that she has the paperwork the DMV sends every year for the registration….. Does this prove that she is the rightfull owner? I have not yet seen it other than pictures but am going to look at it tomorrow. I have asked her for the ID number a few times and she has always said shes not at home and will get it to me (but hasn’t yet)She doesn’t know if it is salvaged (On Title) or not But if an Insurance company (alfa)sells it as salvage would they first clear any leins (if it was an insurance claim and they paid the bank off) or is it possible that they just “Junked it” and wouldn’t have done the extra paperwork?
John Fedro
December 12, 2016Hi Lisa,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your questions. Good job working with the seller thus far and getting the home to this point. It certainly is interesting that the seller is not providing you with any identification numbers of the home. Once you have these ID numbers you can contact the state or local DMV to find out who owns the home, if there are any other liens on the home, if taxes are current, and how to obtain a duplicate title if necessary. With that said I do encourage you to contact the state with regards to the exact particulars concerning this mobile home. Remember that as the buyer you are in control and the seller is looking to purchase your money with her unwanted mobile home. I say this to not let any seller bully you into paying anything you do not want to pay sooner than you want to pay it. Please keep in touch if you have any additional follow-up questions or concerns.
Talk soon,
December 15, 2016John,
We purchased a late 70s model MH from the owner of a mobile home park. It was owner finance. A bill of sale/purchase agreement was signed by both parties as well as a 1 year lot lease. The agreement stated that an unencumbered title would be given once final payment was made. The final payment was made in April of this year and when asked for the title she said she couldn’t find it but would keep looking. After multiple requests she finally said she never found it. We repeatedly asked that she at least write us something up stating that it was paid for and belonged to us so we would have something to protect us should she decide to do something malicious. Still nothing. We have searched in all possible locations and there are no identification numbers to be found. I have read all of your responses to other’s questions and will be contacting the correct agency for Arkansas to see what we can find out about it if anything. The home is in very bad shape and uninhabitable at the moment. The amount of money it’s going to cost is daunting and I’m extremely concerned about the possibility that she never had a clear title because there’s been no talk of getting a duplicate. And who knows what might be owed in back taxes. There was also a verbal agreement broken by her concerning the electrical wiring. At this point it’s just not worth it to me. I know we could always sell it without the title but we wouldn’t get much for it. I’m looking for a lawyer to run everything by, but given the situation and obvious breech of contract do you think we could take this to court and just get what we paid back and walk away? The one year lot lease ended in April as well.
John Fedro
December 19, 2016Hi Jessika,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed comment as this certainly does help answer the questions moving forward. I very much regret to hear about the situation and headache you are going through. After listening to your comment it absolutely sounds as if the seller was extremely negligent or downright misleading when it came to the fact that she “definitely had” the title in her possession. I also agree that if she is the owner of record and the home is 100% free and clear, it would be extremely easy for her to receive a duplicate title from the state. For this reason I definitely agree with you that there is something very fishy going on. You may want to contact local mobile home parks to see who they use with regards to an attorney in park matters. I mention this because there are probably not too many real estate attorneys locally that have experience with mobile homes. You can absolutely bring the seller to court and you make likely receive a judgment in your favor. With that said you will still have to pursue this seller and try to collect any monies owed to you from a court judgment in your favor. With all this said I would absolutely encourage you to first try to talk with the state and see if they can find any information on your mobile home with regards to the physical address or “owner’s name” on file. First making sure who owns the home, if taxes are current, and if there is any hidden liens is priority number one. Simultaneously I would also encourage you to contact local parks and begin talking to a mobile home attorney if at all possible. The seller absolutely sounds like they do not wish to help you any further and I would definitely proceed with some sort of legal action to get some money back or simply move on. Again, I regret that the seller has taken advantage of you and you are going through these headaches. Moving forward if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. When you do come to a solution please never hesitate to comment back and let us know how everything worked out. All the best. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
John Fedro
December 19, 2016Hi Terry,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear that this new approved buyer is being taken advantage of and misled by the park and the seller in this manner. The mobile home park manager and park owner would have known 100% that the lot rent is past due and that the new buyer would need to bring this current moving forward. In some parks the management will go after the previous seller who owes the money, and in other parks (a majority) the park will ask the new buyers pay the default amount before signing a lease agreement with the park. Either way, this should 100% be talked about before the management ever runs an application for the new buyer. With that said, I have certainly dealt with a few park owners/management that were very selfish and only thought of their bottom-line profit and not anyone else. With all of this said, the mobile home park may likely be just as irrational, unhelpful, and malicious as you may be hinting at. If this is the case then there is no rationalizing within an irrational mobile home park or mobile home owner. For this reason I would encourage this buyer to seek a local real estate attorney if at all possible. I would encourage this buyer to call around to local mobile home parks to see who they use as an attorney. The reason I mention this is because not all real estate attorneys will have mobile home experience. Please keep in mind that if an attorney is brought into the picture and used to negotiate between the new buyer and current park management, this is usually not a recipe for a long happy relationship moving forward. The park may be offended and may feel bullied if you get a new attorney involved, however in order to protect your interest this may be the best chance you have moving forward instead of the park simply taking advantage and steamrolling over you and this new buyer. I hope this helps and starts to make sense moving forward. With that said, it will probably get a bit worse before things do get better. Moving forward please let me know any follow-up questions or additional questions that may come up along the way. Never hesitate to reach out any time. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
John Fedro
December 21, 2016Hi Brad,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed comment as this certainly helps me answer your question. I apologize for your friends health. I also apologize that you may have to live in a mobile home park with crooked management or crooked ownership. With that said it depends who has possession of the current title and who has already signed the purchaser’s line and seller’s line. If your friend has a copy or duplicate of the original title provided by the state then this is a good start. If only the bill of sale is available then it will be very difficult for you or your friend to obtain clear title. Unfortunately it would be easier for the park to simply file for an “abandoned title” or place a lien on the title and simply repossess the home. However, if a title is in the possession of your friend then perhaps the current owner has signed the sellers line and your friend OR you can sign as purchaser and transfer the ownership into your name. There are one or two other suggestions to move forward depending on how the title is signed however will take it one step at a time. Please let me know if this helps or what the current situation looks like. Any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back out any time.
Talk soon,
December 21, 2016Hey John,
I have read several of the comments here and your responses and I feel like you could really help me. I have a situation where we bought a mobile home from my boyfriends cousin when we bought it she gave us a title a bill of sale where she bought it from someone else plus it it located on a mobile home lot the is required to be paid every month they were getting ready to take her mobile home due to past unpaid lot rent so we gave her the money that she owed for rent after we talked to the owner of the lot he refused to take the money because he said he already had a judgement against her so he couldn’t take it we also signed a lease agreement with him to be able to keep the mobile home on the current lot(which we have paid the rent every month) we hesitated to get a title placed in our name(why I don’t know)but we are wanting to get insurance and also doing some remodeling we went to get it placed in our name only to find out the title we have is not the right one we came back home looking for the data plate the hud number or anything else we could find but to no avail so we were able to get a number from a website IBTS but all we have is that,a bill of sale from an owner to her ,and a bill of sale from her to us what is our next step I have tried looking in our area for the original owner but we can’t find anything what should we do from this point we want to get insurance and do the remodeling…we are located in Tn anything you can tell me would help we are at a loss…HELP
John Fedro
December 21, 2016Hi Maxine,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear that your boyfriends cousin either misled you or was misled by the current owner (a.k.a. the original seller). It sounds like the issue of the park manager not taking the money for the past-due lot rent is over. This home is in no jeopardy of being evicted from the park, correct? If this home is in jeopardy of being evicted from the park then you obviously have other concerns to worry about besides simply titling the home into your name. Once you obtained identifying information on the home you could find out where the mobile home you are living in is supposed to be located, who is the owner, and possibly a mailing address where to contact them. With that said the DMV may not want to provide all this information to you depending on who you talk with. The DMV can sometimes look up mobile homes information by the physical address of the mobile home. I’ve also had luck taking off the skirting of a mobile home and finding some information printed on a metal plate at the very front of the home or below the front door area. The mobile home park may have kept records of titles of their mobile homes. Many mobile home parks do this, however not all of them. Besides these few suggestions I would also encourage you to ask the manager at your local DMV for any and all help they can provide. I apologize I’m not able to give you a magic bullet easy answer to find any identification numbers on your mobile home. Additionally, in some states there are ways to sue for ownership if you do not have a title but have been living in the home for a number of years. I do not know if this is possible in Tennessee however you may want to contact a local real estate attorney. If you do not know a real estate attorney that specializes in mobile homes, I would encourage you to contact local mobile home parks to see who they use for an attorney. The reason I mention this is because not all real estate attorneys know about mobile homes or manufactured home law. Moving forward if you learn anything new please never hesitate to comment back. Additionally if you have any additional follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Carol Dobbs
December 21, 2016Hi John, I live in North Carolina. I am purchasing a doublewide on land that was foreclosed. The bank accepted my offer and I am completing the purchase. However, during the title search, it was discovered that the title is not clear.. the double wide title was not retired. What can we do because we were asked to buy with the trailer as personal property. Is there a form we can complete to retire the title?
John Fedro
December 28, 2016Hi Carol,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear you are going through this small headache. However congratulations on the coming purchase of a piece of land and home you really like. I hope you are getting a very good value as this is a foreclosure as well. The first step I would encourage you to take his contact the local Department of Motor Vehicles in North Carolina. Work with someone in person or over the phone and provide them the Vin number or serial number for the mobile home. You will need to find out who is the owner of the mobile home and if they are able to sell you the title once they obtain a duplicate title this could be one way to move forward. However once you own the land you will be able to file for an abandoned title if one is not currently available. You may also put a lien on the title and repossess it because it is on your land as well. Once you have ownership of the title you may then Marry it to the land if it is not already done so. I hope this helps and make sense. Because each mobile home is a bit unique I encourage you to contact the local DMV and hear from them the best way for you to move forward to obtain your goal. I hope this helps and make sense. If you have any follow-up questions and concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Bonnie C.
December 23, 2016Hello John,
You seem to be a wealth of information regarding mobile homes! Please forgive me if you have answered this question already… My parents purchased a double wide mobile home in Ely, NV back in 1992. After my father passed, my mother moved to Lake Havasu City, Az, purchased a plot of land, and then had her home moved there. She now lives in MN and is now in the process of selling the home, but is unable to locate her original title papers.
My question is then, which state do I contact regarding duplicate titles NV or AZ? She does not remember registering the home in AZ after the move, but she does receive tax bills from Mohave County, AZ. The home was not affixed to the property, at least not to her knowledge. Where do I start to straighten this out? What type of documentation do we need to provide regarding ownership?
Thanks a million for your help!
John Fedro
December 28, 2016Hi Bonnie,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear your mother is going through these headaches. In Arizona you want to contact the motor vehicle department locally. Using the Vin number or serial number of the mobile home you will be able to track down more information and your mother may order a duplicate as well. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. If for some reason the title is still in Nevada you will want to contact the Department of Motor Vehicles there to track down the title. However I think Arizona is your best bet is they are receiving the taxes yearly for the property. Keep me posted if you have any follow-up questions or if anything changes. Always here and happy to help if I can. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Ingried N
January 4, 2017Hi John!
Thank you for this awesome forum! Before bothering, I took a minute to scan to see if maybe my question was already answered- no luck.
Any who, I am a property manager in Illinois. I have just received possession of a mobile home and I have no idea whom the “owner” of the home is. There was no title given at the time of surrender. It was thought that the residents were the owners until they shared that they have been “renting” the home sending a payment to “elsewhere”. I’ve done VIN searches with no luck. I am left with no resources and very limited information. I of course would love to sell the home. Any help will be great!! I’ve tried contacting the state and pretty much was told “without knowledge of the owner, I cannot give you any information”. PLEASE HELLLLLLPPP! Thank you!!
John Fedro
January 6, 2017Hi Ingried,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your title in question. You certainly have done a good deal of effort to try to figure this out and get to a logical and win-win solution with the state. I will assume you have the VIN as you mentioned you are doing VIN searches and coming up with no information. Try contacting nearby states with the same VIN to see if they are records pull up a home with any information. In some states there is a legal proceeding that may be done at the courthouse to obtain a title. This is not well known or popular however would be worth consulting with a local real estate attorney that is familiar with mobile homes. Aim to ask a local mobile home park for who they use as a real estate attorney and this would be a good place to asked the same questions you’ve asked me. Besides these two scenarios in finding more information, you can simply do what many mobile home parks around the country still illegally, however not necessarily unethically, to “sell” mobile homes without titles – “sell” with a bill of sale. A bill of sale will not typically transfer any ownership however if the state is not demanding taxes and this home is fell through the cracks it will be difficult to move with most legitimate moving companies as they will want to see a title of ownership. For this reason the home cannot easily be moved and you can sell some interest with the use of a “bill of sale”. You will have to disclose all of this to the buyer as they will not truly have title or ownership of the property. I hope this helps and make sense. It is certainly not the answer you were hoping for however please let me know if you have any follow-up questions or afterthoughts. Keep me posted. All the best.
Talk soon,
Keifer Underhill
January 8, 2017Hello, my wife and i are trying to buy a home in Oklahoma that has been foreclosed on and is owned by the bank. The house sits on ten acres rather than in a park. Acording to my realtor the bank does not know who holds the titles for the home. Do you have any idea who we should reach out to so that we can find the true owner or lein holder? Or should the bank be able to make this much easier some is just being lazy.
John Fedro
January 9, 2017Hi Keifer,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your questions. Congratulations on finding a home and piece of land you and your wife really enjoy. Depending on how the home is titled, who holds the title, if there are any liens, and what state this home is originally from will all very in who you should talk to in the procedure moving forward to get the ownership into your control. In some cases there may not even be a title needed for this property because it may be attached to the 10 acres. With all that said I would encourage you to contact your local tag assessor County assessors, and property appraisers offices. Make sure to have the mobile homes Vin number or serial number or HUD number. The clerks over the phone at the state will definitely want this information so they are able to find out who owns the title and if there are any liens on the home. Also verify taxes are current and have been paid. There are likely a number of ways to move forward however by first understanding how the property is titled and who owns it will you be able to put the title into your name and control. Keep in mind the finding the owner of record may not be necessary as you will on the land and could potentially file for and abandon title after you own the land. I hope this helps and all starts to point you in the right direction. Moving forward if you have any additional follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
January 8, 2017Hello. I have a few questions I would like answers to can you please help me. I bought a mobile home just recently from a dealership and now that’s it’s paid off they are telling me they don’t have the title and can’t transfer it to my name. I rent the lot on a mobile home park and pay property taxes under the park manager’s name. So the dealer is calling me saying the property taxes haven’t been paid for years now and in order to get the title I’ll have to pay 8,000 in property taxes. I’m not the owner even though I paid it off a year ago. What should I do?
John Fedro
January 9, 2017Hi Daysi,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting with regards to your situation. I very much regret to hear that it sounds like you are being taking advantage of and not respected at all. With that said I would very much encourage you to seek the counsel of a local real estate attorney that has mobile home experience. Contact many local mobile home communities around you to ask who they use as an attorney. Bring all your questions and concerns to this real estate attorney and let him know your situation. The reason I say this is because a “dealership” is supposed to be very professional, definitely have titles they are selling to, plus they should’ve verified all taxes are current and have been paid. I obviously do not know the situation completely however something sounds very fishy here and it sounds like you are being taken advantage of and being left with all of the problems after you are the only one who kept up your side of the deal. I hope this helps and make sense moving forward. Things will likely get a bit worse before they get better however you are absolutely in the right as far as I can tell. If you have any additional questions or concerns moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best and keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Shirley Franklin
January 10, 2017Hi John,
We have a 1976 double wide mobile home which we got a mortgage on and it switched lenders several time. We assumed the title would go with the lender that held the loan at that particular time. In 2016 the mortgage was paid in full but they can’t seem to be able to find the title’s. We have acknowledgement from the mortgage company that the loan is paid off in full. We have the plates that were on the outside with serial #’s and other information on them. We went to the court house to see if they may have the title which we were told by the mortgage company that that is where it was. Can’t seem to get them to understand that they sent them the same papers stating pay off as we have. Can you advise as to what our recourse may be. This home is set up permanent on land. If sold the home and land would be together. We really need the title’s in case we sell so as to not have a hassle then.
Thank you,
Shirley Franklin
John Fedro
January 11, 2017Hi Shirley,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your situation. What state are you located in? You are absolutely correct that if you go to resell the home with bank financing most lenders are going to want to see the title in addition to the deed to the land. Even in states where the titles are relinquished the lenders sometimes demand titles that no longer exist. Is the mortgage company available to obtain duplicate titles, as they are the lienholders? From there the titles will exist and can then be provided to you. This is only one option. The most important thing is that the mortgage company is still in the picture and you know the VIN or serial number to identify the mobile home. Things will probably get a little tougher before they get better however there is deftly a way to solve this scenario. Keep me posted on the answers to the questions above. If you have any additional questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
January 11, 2017Hello, I just recently discovered my soon to be ex husband sold our travel trailer without my knowledge or consent. I am a Texas resident and both of our names are on the title. Only his name was on the loan, but the title has both of our names. How was he able to sell it without me signing anything or having a divorce decree stating he was to receive it? We have not even been to court for our divorce yet.
Thank you
John Fedro
January 11, 2017Hi Erin,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about the headache your soon-to-be ex-husband is putting you through. My first thought is that your husband forged your name to transfer the ownership to the new buyer. I’m assuming he then took the money all for himself. I do not know how you would go about obtaining it, however there should be a bill of sale and SOL application from buyers to sellers that would have all party signatures on it recorded with the state. If your signature was forged this would certainly show it. I’m not sure if there other ways your soon-to-be ex-husband could have accomplished this however there may be. You definitely might want to talk to the state directly at 800-500-7074 and asked them any specific questions or concerns you may have. I hope this all helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. All the best to. Please feel free to keep in touch if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Talk soon,
January 11, 2017Thank you so much for the information!
Kaylin Shepherd
January 19, 2017Hi john
let me start by saying i hope you can help me .
so I purchased a single wide mobile home last year in October 2016,
for the tune of $12,600 , now the lady i bought it from decided to tell me after i paid her that she doesn’t have the title because the person she bought it from 20-30 some odd years ago promised to send her the title and never did , well now im trying to get insurance on it and i need the title and have no way to contact the original owner to get the title and the lady i bought it from is going through a hard time right now because her husband passed on Monday 16th , 2017 and im wondering if their is any way to get the title with out bothering her in this troubling time the tax papers are already in my name what should i do ? P.S she has already tried to get in contact with the original owner and we now presume her to be dearly departed
John Fedro
January 26, 2017Hi Kaylin,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about the situation you are going through. It sounds very much like this previous seller omitted very important fax to you prior to you purchasing their home. In my opinion this is definitely fraudulent and possibly worthy of pursuing legal matters if there was any chance of getting your money back. With that said it looks as if you are writing from Washington state. If this is the case then please see the thoughts below of a Washington state mobile home investor after looking at your comment. The following advice comes from this local investor…
Sounds like the previous owner is being cool about it/a good person. Could be a disaster otherwise.
If she uses Foremost I don’t think she will need the title. They have never required us to send a copy of it.
I would just advise her to go to the department of licensing and ask what they would reccomend. It will take awhile, but I believe they will have her fill out a couple excize forms and some kind of missing title form, and probably have the park manager or owner sign to testify that sequence of ownership or something, and the most recent owner to sign something saying she did sell it to the gal, etc. They might even have to write to the surviving relatives of the previous previous owner, but hopefully that wouldn’t create a problem.
If she just wants insurance and doesn’t care about the title I would say try Foremost, otherwise the department of licensing can help her through the process but it may be cumbersome. Possibly not but Washington state is pretty by the book and bureacratic.
I hope the above thoughts and advice help and make sense. As always, moving forward if you have any additional questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. If you are not located in Washington state or have any other questions never hesitate to reach out and will be happy to answer as best we can. If you’re able to figure things out in an easier way please never hesitate to comment back and let us know what works. All the best.
Talk soon,
January 19, 2017My mother and her boyfriend owns a trailer.They both live there in Florida. Both there names are on the title. Last week my mom’s live in boyfriend passed away. Does the title automatically goes to my mom????
Thank you
John Fedro
January 25, 2017Hi Deborah,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. On some older titles the conjunction between the two owners names may be “and”, “or”, “and/or”. If the word between your mother’s name and boyfriends name has an “or” in it then your mother may simply sign as owner/seller in the future when she is ready to sell the home. This is because only one signature is needed. However if the word “and” is located between your mother’s name and boyfriends name then your mother should take the boyfriends death certificate down to the local DMV to have his name removed from the title. Keep in mind that the current taxes must be paid in order for the title to be transferred in most cases. I very much regret to hear about his passing. I hope this helps answer your question and point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
January 25, 2017My husband just passed away. He has a manufactured home in Florida that is in his name only. I need to sell it but cannot find a title in the closing documents. He has owned it and paid taxes on it for several years. Can I get a duplicate title in my name. I have his Will and Death Certificate.
John Fedro
February 6, 2017Hi Kathi,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. First things first, I very much regret to hear about your husband’s passing. I wish you and your family the best during this time. With that said I’m happy to say that this does happen fairly regularly in the state of Florida and there absolutely is a procedure moving forward. In my experience you will need to physically go down to the Department of Motor Vehicles and provide them with the death certificate in person and your ID, however there absolutely is a procedure for this. I encourage you to call the DMV directly at 850-617-2000 and let them know your specific situation. If there is a way for you to do this over the phone or fax machine they will also let you know of this. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
January 26, 2017Hi jonh im buying a 04 mpbile home the owenersaid he has title bu think hes liying those that decrese value of my movile home
John Fedro
February 6, 2017Hi Juan,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Congratulations on potentially purchasing this fairly new manufactured home. I completely agree with you that some sellers are big liars for sure. With that said make sure you call your state directly (depending on your state typically the DMV, DOT, title Bureau, or other manufactured home titling department) that is in charge of mobile home titles. You will want to have the VIN number or serial number of the mobile home you are looking to purchase. Let the clerk over the phone know you are a “private buyer” purchasing from a “private seller” and you want to make sure the owner is who they say they are, that there are no hidden liens on the property, and that all taxes are paid in full and current. You may feel free to ask this clerk over the phone any other additional questions with regards to paperwork needed for selling and transferring the home into your control. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. If you have any additional follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Jason Harris
January 30, 2017Hi John,
I am considering purchase of a MH on an acre of land at a foreclosure sale in the state of Alabama. I understand the land title process, but can you confirm how I would get title to the MH also? I am concerned that the loan for the lot (being foreclosed on) may not have included the MH. Thanks
John Fedro
February 4, 2017Hi Jason,
Thanks for reaching out and connecting. Great job thinking ahead of the curve and realizing that purchasing this land and home package through a foreclosure, will normally have the bank not providing you with the actual titles to the mobile home. These may have been lost or misplaced over time, however many buyers would never even think to ask for the titles simply assuming that they may not exist because the home may or may not be considered “real property” because it is attached to the land. With that said you will want to find some identifying marks on the mobile home itself or via the home’s legal description if attached to real property. Find the serial number, HUD number, or VIN associated with the mobile home. This may be two sets of numbers if the home is a double wide. Once you have this information contact the local Department of Motor Vehicles in Alabama in your area to find out who is the owner and where the current location of the home is supposed to be. Also find out if there are any current liens on the title and if all current taxes have been paid. If this home is still listed as private property and find out how to obtain a title through the DMV if possible. The DMV will tell you that the owner must sign off to transfer the title from their control to yours. You also want to asked the DMV about placing a lien on the home if you are the landowner where the home is sitting. This may be a way to obtain an abandoned title in the future if the current owner is unavailable. Either way your search will start at the local DMV and figuring out who owns this home and if all taxes are current. I hope this helps and makes sense. If I missed something with regards to your question or did not fully answer your question never hesitate to reach out any time. Always here and happy to help if I can. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
karen downing
January 30, 2017John,
We have sold our manufactured home which we signed a listing agreement with the sales office in our park. We close on February 27, 2017 and the sales office says we won’t get our money for 30 days after closing, but our listing agreement says it could take up to 10 days to get the proceeds from closing date. The sales office says we need to contact the bank that has the lien on the title. I feel it is the sales office responsibleity to handle this. Thy are getting 8%
Of the sale (9,600).
However we close on March 15, 2017 for our new home and now we won’t have the proceeds for the down payment. Do you have any advise on how we can expedite this process.
John Fedro
February 4, 2017Hi Karen,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Congratulations on your home tentatively selling at the end of February! Additionally, congratulations on the new home you will be moving into in mid-March! I hope you truly love this new home you will be moving into.
Absolutely make sure you understand why the sales proceeds to you will be delayed 30 days. In some states a current lien must be paid off and the title physically sent to the park so they can facilitate the transfer to the new buyer. This may mean that the buyer will not get a title in her/his name for three or more weeks. Again, this varies from state to state. The park should also give you specific instructions on what to do when you call the bank about the lien on the title. I do agree with you that the park should be crystal clear in what they expect from you as they should be doing most of the work that they can do. With that said they may need you to do one or two things as you are the one listed on the loan, and not the park itself.
I’ve received other emails and comments on this website from sellers who’ve done business with their own mobile home community and who have yet to receive titles (if purchasing) or profit/cash due the seller (if selling). What I mean by this is that some mobile home parks seem to flat-out steal or misrepresent what they are doing. Some parks make excuse after excuse and may never provide you with the full profit you are owed. Some parks think they hold all the cards and their tenants will not do anything to fight back. I mention this only as an FYI because if the park sounds shady or something fishy is going on, this may be the case.
With all this said, if the park does give a valid reason as to why the proceeds will be delayed dirty days, there is little you can do with arguing with them to get your money sooner. You may be able to buy them out of the contract and work directly with this purchaser if the buyer is willing to pay you the money in exchange for working one on one directly with you. This may allow you to receive the money days or weeks sooner if you are able to not utilize the park for the closing procedure. You may still have to pay the 8%, however things may get done a lot quicker with the park out of the picture. Again, I know so little about this property and the details so perhaps the park is doing 100% the correct thing and also taking the most speedy course of action.
Moving forward I hope this helps and starts to make sense. If and when you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. Keep in touch. All the best.
Talk soon,
Jennifer L Walling
January 31, 2017Hi john,
I own a mobile home in NJ and lost the title. I am the owner on record. What do I need to get a duplicate title. MVC of NJ hasnt repsonded to me.
John Fedro
February 4, 2017Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I regret to hear you are not able to get in touch with the MVC however there is absolutely an easy procedure for you to obtain a duplicate title. In New Jersey you will want to get in touch with the Department of Motor Vehicles in person if possible. Make sure to bring your ID with you. The clerk behind the desk will provide you with a form to fill out and a small fee to pay. They may be able to print you out a title while you are there for an extra small fee. Again, it doesn’t surprise me that these people did not call you back. When dealing with the state this sometimes does happen. Get up and go to the DMV yourself and the issue should be taken care of within a matter of minutes. This is of course assuming you are truly the owner and all current taxes and back taxes have been paid. If this is not the case then taxes will need to be brought current before a duplicate title can be reissued. This is not always the case from state to state, however it typically is the norm. I hope this helps and make sense moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Carole M.
February 7, 2017Hey John,
I was recently given a mobile home by my parents. They originally bought the home in 2009 from the lady that they paid lot rent for a different mobile home on the same land. My parents never put the titles into their name unfortunately, and now the owner is deceased. Her grandson bought the property after her death and is saying that he doesn’t own the house although tax records say he does. Is there a way to file for a lost title of some sort to get this rightfully in my name?
John Fedro
February 14, 2017Hi Carole,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. It looks as if you are writing in from North Carolina, if this is correct and I would first encourage you to contact the local Department of Motor Vehicles with the mobile homes vehicle identification number or serial number or title number if you have it. We first need to understand who owns the mobile homes and if there are titles still filed for the properties. You will also be able to check if there any liens on the titles and if taxes are current. If the mobile homes are considered “real property” and legally married to the land they sit on then there will be the extra step of going to the property appraisers to let them know the homes are now personal property and that they will be tax differently. However this all starts at the DMV with regards to figuring out who owns these homes and how to get them into your name. If the grandson is friendly then by all means he could provide you a bill of sale and also obtain a “duplicate title” from the DMV if he has his grandmother’s death certificate. With all this said make sure you explain your situation to the clerk over the phone or personally at your local Department of Motor Vehicles. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to comment back any time. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. All the best. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
February 7, 2017Just a question. I bought this mobile home just last week. I signed a article of agreement. He had told me that he had to dig out the title during the signing. However, it is a week later and he has now changed his tune to he doesn’t know if it has a title. Should I be concerned with buying this house? He said I can use an article of agreement to resell my home is this true? Also can I even move the home out of his park with only an article of agreement?
John Fedro
February 14, 2017Hi Christina,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. It looks as if you are writing from Ohio. If this is the case then before you become too concerned call up your local title office and provide them the VIN or serial number or title number to the mobile home if you have it. It is important to find out whose name is on this title, if there are any liens, and if the taxes are current. If the title is in the park or owner’s name they can easily get a duplicate title and provide this to you.
With everything set above, the certainly is concerning a bit. Based on some experience it sounds as if this owner is very absent-minded, neglectful, or downright lying to you about ever having the title. It is my belief that he may or may not have the title however is not wanting to provide it to you in case you ever move the home out of the park or simply because he is unable to get the title for some reason. Depending on how much you paid as a down payment you may wish to back out of the deal if a title cannot be found or resolution cannot be agreed to after contacting the state. They may say that a bill of sale will suffice however in my experience a title is needed. Do you know if he has done this to anyone else in the community?
Talk soon,
February 15, 2017I was told it was a trade in. I also told him that if there is no title I want my money back plus the money I spend to renovate the home. I have already invested in all new hardwood and new walls plus sub flooring. He said he would work on getting a title. It is a mobile home company that I bought it from so I believe they do have ownership. Yes he has done this many times, stating that bill of sale is enough. I am not sure how I feel about keeping this home without a title. However, I have also spent a lot of time and money on it too.
Rosalyn Mayeux
February 22, 2017We have purchased a mobile home and property, unbeknownst to us, that has no dada plate, the tongue and wheels have previously been removed. No record of a demobilization…. Title is nowhere to be found. I had gone to the Clerk of Courts office and spent days trying to find out info to the mobile home with no luck. Its a small town and sometimes things are not done, back then anyway, according to Parish procedures. The only thing I do know is its a 1985, No info on make/model, etc The original owners have passed away, I was in contact with the daughter, who had power of atty, but she has no paperwork regarding the traile, and has gone above and beyond trying to help to no avail.. What can we do and where do we go from here. We cannot get insurance wihout his info
John Fedro
February 23, 2017Hi Rosalyn,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you so much for your detailed comment as the certainly does help me answer your question. Congratulations on purchasing a home that you like. However I do very much regret to hear the home does not have a data plate and you are not able to find any other pertinent information such as the VIN, serial number, or HUD label for the mobile home. The office of motor vehicles may be able to find the mobile home based on the address where it currently sits, however besides this you may simply not be able to obtain an insurance on the home. Without these identifying numbers on the home it would be nearly impossible to find out the pertinent details of this mobile home. Great job going through all the hard work and effort to track down what you have been able to find. I apologize I do not have a magic bullet type of answer for you to solve your questions. In my opinion you have done everything that I can think of. If you are able to find the vehicle identification number, which is sometimes pressed into the steel near the tongue of the mobile home, you can take the VIN and figure out who the owner is and even file for an “abandoned title” since it is on your land. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. As always, if you ever have any additional follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
February 22, 2017Hi John,
I’m a mobile home park manager in Indiana. There are four mobile homes currently abandoned in the park. How do I get ownership of these homes for the park owner? Two of them need to destroyed and two are in very good shape. No idea on how to contact the home owners. Any help would be appreciated.
John Fedro
February 23, 2017Hi Priscilla,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Obtaining some identifying factors on the mobile home, such as the vehicle identification number, or serial number, or HUD label number, or title number is needed to identify this mobile home with the state. Once you have these identifying numbers please contact the Bureau of motor vehicles to see who owns the homes, if there any liens, and if taxes are current. As the park manager you may likley be able to file for an “abandoned title” with the help of the folks at the Bureau of more vehicles. As long as an identification can be found on these homes then you should absolutely be able to transfer them into the parks ownership. This happens all the time around the country and their is absolutely a procedure and process to move forward in Indiana. With all this said I do encourage you to contact the motor vehicle department in your local area personally and asked them these questions yourself. If you can provide them with a VIN over the phone they will likely be able to tell you the steps in order to take this home and put into your control. Finding the current owners is not needed if you are able to file for an abandoned title. Moving forward if you have any additional questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out. If you find another easier method please never hesitate to comment back as well. All the best.
Talk soon,
Linda Black
February 23, 2017Hi John, My case is complicated. My mother willed me the mobile home my husband and I are living in. She passed away. We did receive the title, however we misplaced it and have looked all over for it. Anyway it is no where to be found. The company she bought the home at no longer exits. I am having a hard time getting this title. Been sent to different places to get title, no one has copy. Need to get a title if ever we want to sell. Also would like to put this in mine and husbands name. What do I do? Went to our MVD and said something about demoblization fee. Never heard of this. Help!!
John Fedro
February 28, 2017Hi Linda,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your mother’s passing. I am happy to say that there absolutely is a procedure to move forward for you to obtain clear title in you and your husband’s name. With that said depending on how this home is owned and titled the procedure will vary a bit. It looks as if you are writing in from Mississippi… If this is correct then I would encourage you to contact your local title Bureau and MVD. Provide them with the mobile homes VIN or serial number. Explain the situation and asked them where you can pick up the correct paperwork to have a title reissued and then placed in your name. You will most likely need to show that you are the true owners, with a copy of the will and/or power of attorney on behalf of your mother. Again, this certainly happens to people all across the state and titles have to be reissued and then transferred into other parties names. You may try calling the state at 601-923-7229 or 601-923-7640 to ask for more help and explain your situation. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
February 25, 2017Hey John I have a question I bought a Mobil home 2 years ago from mr Martin but he didn’t have the title he tell me he lost it so he yes gave me a simple recipe which I lost it, i payed some one to move it to my property, it is any way I can get a title on my name or something to prove that is mine so I can sale it?
John Fedro
February 28, 2017Hi Joel,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. While having a bill of sale and title are almost always a requirement, I’m happy to say that you might not be in too bad of shape at all. Depending on your state you will likely be able to file for an “abandoned title” because the mobile home is on your land. With that said you do need to have the VIN or serial number or HUD label number of the mobile home so you can find out who is the legal owner and then you may file for an abandoned title. It looks as if you are writing in from Washington state… If this is correct and I encourage you to call her head down to the local DMV to explain your exact situation. Based on the current situation of the home and how it is titled currently, your situation and procedure moving forward will change slightly. I very much encourage you to hear it directly from the state of how to move forward in which fees to pay to get this titled correctly into your name and ownership. Keep in mind you may have to pay some back taxes if these have not been paid in the past few years. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. If you have any additional follow-up questions or concerns or learn anything else please never hesitate to comment back anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
February 26, 2017My father and I bought a mobile home in 1998. The truck jackknifed and damaged our home. The company never repaired the home. I tried to get a lawyer but could not. I’m over the income limit to get legal aid. Lawyers said I had to pay between $1000-$1700 upfront. I am disabled and live on Social Security so I do not have money for a lawyer. My father died and I was stuck with the mobile home. My church gave me $1000 to file bankruptcy. I wanted to give the trailer to the finance company and move back to my home state. I did not have money to rent an apartment or pay moving expenses so I went to a local social service organization. They said that they would help me. A few months later we signed a lease for an apartment. I called the social service organization again to find out how to get the money from them that they promised to help us with. I was told our State did not have a budget so they no longer had money to help us. My mother and I moved ourselves to the new apartment except the furniture. A year later the social service organization paid to move our furniture to the apartment. The problem is I am paying rent for an apartment but also paying lot rent on the mobile home as well as the payment on the mobile home we no longer live in. I have until Aug 2018 before the mobile home is paid in full and I can get the title. I can’t afford to keep paying rent for the apartment we live in plus pay lot rent to the trailer park plus pay the finance company for a trailer I can’t live in. We lived in this trailer with no heat, no water, a broken toilet, and black mold and two elderly parents with lung cancer and heart problems. I don’t know what to do. Since a lawyer will not help me, I don’t know what to do. I called a realtor to see if I could sell the trailer and use part of that to pay the balance of the loan. I was told that I cant sell the trailer until I pay the loan in full and get the title because I cant sell the trailer without the title. The trailer park manager told me as long as the home remains in the park, I have to pay the lot rent as well as pay for the water and electricity even though we no longer live there.
Is there anything that I can do?
John Fedro
February 28, 2017Hi Leona,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you so much for the detailed message as the certainly helps me answer your question and understand your situation. I very much regret to hear about the headache you have gone through in the past few years. Additionally, I regret to hear about your father’s passing. It sounds as if the home is been empty and vacant for some time. I’m also curious about the current condition of the mobile home and the mold that you mentioned. I am unsure of the exact area you are living in and if this home is worth any money from an end-user or an investor. I say this not to insult you, only because I simply have no idea what the home looks like. If you are able to email me over pictures of the home’s current condition and your asking price I would certainly be interested in helping you more. You can reach me at John@mobilehomeinvesting.net. Once I receive some pictures I can certainly give you advice to help sell the home or simply what your options and alternatives are at this point in order to stop the monthly cash flow bleeding. Keep in touch. Look for to talking with you soon.
Talk soon,
February 26, 2017I rent a lot in Florida Mobile Park and just received a notice on my door asking for a copy of my title and how many occupants. Do they have a right to ask and get a copy of my title?
John Fedro
February 28, 2017Hi Toby,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. The short answer is, Yes. In fact, most parks will want to see a copy of the title and have it on their file whenever you first move in. Perhaps this park is just slow or they changed management companies and are now “tightening up” their operation. Again, this is quite normal. With that said if you have any additional follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
jamie powell
February 27, 2017I bought a new mobile home in 2007. Now that I am trying to sale it, we found out that a certificate of Origin has never been sent to the tag office. I contacted the closing attorney that was used in 2007 to close the loan. He said he had no record of a title or certificate of origin. I called the tax office, they said they had no record of a title. I called the mortgage company that issued the loan they have no records and said that the mortgage company that has the loan now should have all the paper work. I called the mortgage company that has the loan now, they said that they have no records of title or certificate of origin. I’m paying a mortgage company every month and we have no title filed. What should I do so I can sale the house?
John Fedro
February 28, 2017Hi Jamie,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about the situation in headache you are going through from someone’s neglect back in 2007. So this home is not currently registered at all in your state? Have taxes been issued or paid since 2007? Does this home even have a VIN, serial number, or HUD label number? My initial thought would be to contact the manufacturer to see about a certificate of origin or a duplicate one. My next thought would be to contact the state, as you have likely already done, and explain your situation and ask for any help to move forward. This is a new situation that I’ve never run across before. It seems like it was a huge oversight back when this home and loan were issued. Even if the home was immediately attached to your private land, a certificate of origin should absolutely have still been created. With that said the manufacturer or state would have to have some understanding of how to move forward in a situation right title does not currently exist. I apologize I’m not able to give you an easy fix-all type of answer. My thought is this is going to be a little bit more difficult before it gets better, however there absolutely should be a way to move forward as the home does exist and the state wants you to be legit. Moving forward if you learn anything else please feel free to comment back so that we all may learn what the best way is for someone in your situation. Thank you again. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Benjamin Wentzel
January 25, 2019Hi,
The original manufacture home title was transfers fro WI to MN. When that happened a copy of the first title should have been given back but was not. I’m just trying to correct that oversight and get a copy of the first WI title (but that’s seems to be a big issue for the people at DSPS).
I need a historical copy of the first WI title, how can I do this?
John Fedro
January 26, 2019Hi Benjamin,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. The first thing I was going to tell you was go to talk to the Department of safety and professional services, however since you’ve already done that it appears that they are not very helpful. These are the ones with the title and all of the information to print you out a new copy. However you may also want to talk with the park manager where this home was moved from in Wisconsin… If removed from a mobile home park in the first place. The reason I mention this is because some mobile home park managers will keep a detailed file and a copy of previous titles of homes that were or are in the community. You may get lucky with this however it may be a longshot. You may also want to reach out to the company below. https://www.ibts.org/what-we-do/manufactured-homes/verification-letter-certificate/ They may be able to help you with some of the information that you are looking for. I apologize I’m not able to be more of a help with regards to this. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out anytime.
Talk soon,
Harold Provins
January 29, 2019We purchased a doublewide for my mother in law in 2006,put it on a vacant lot
that we owned.We got a homestead exemption for her.We have been paying taxes on this up to this date.She recently passed away. Now we are trying to sell the land & doublewide & we find out the MH dealer never registered the title.the manufacture has gone out of business.I have went to the dept. of motor vehicles
& to the original MH dealer,& it don’t seem like anybody can help me out.Was hoping you could give me some advice.Thanks
Located in Fl.
John Fedro
January 30, 2019Hi Harold,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed question and comment as a certainly does help me try to point you in the right direction moving forward. I very much regret to hear about the situation that you are in. Additionally, I regret to hear that your mother-in-law has passed away. With regards to this title not being registered, I have received a number of emails and comments over the years mentioning this exact same situation. Florida does not make it very easy when people are in situations like this. If you have already talked to the local property appraiser’s office and tax collector to ask for help in your specific situation, I would encourage you to reach out to a local real estate attorney in the area. If you have all of the paperwork from when the home was purchased and taxes paid throughout the years they should absolutely help in your case in order to try to get another title printed. However if the mobile home was attached to private land the title may have been relinquished once they were joined together. However I would assume that you would know this is it sounds like you are the one that moved the home onto the land back in 2006. I also know of other people that have taken the title and VIN of a condemned mobile home and falsely repurposed it as their own VIN and title. I do not recommend this last suggestion however did want to bring it up as it has been used in the past. Again, I would not recommend this last strategy as it is definitely not legal however did want to mention it. I hope this all helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward I apologize I’m not able to give you a magic bullet easy answer that would solve all of your problems. With that said this is definitely been overcome before and I wish you nothing but the best moving forward. As always, if you have any specific questions or concerns moving forward never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
Brenda Bellerby
March 5, 2019Hi, so I’m having an issue and don’t know what to do next! My husband and myself bought a piece of property with a double wide mobile home in 2015. We received a warranty deed with both on it. We were under the impression that the titles were retired. So, we went to get a loan recently and titles are active. And not in our name. I have tracked down that they are in a mortgage company. The owner that sold to us never got them and transferred them. The mortgage company will not do anything to help me and whom we bought it from are from another country. Is there anything I can do?? Thank you for any advice.
John Fedro
March 5, 2019Hi Brenda,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Thank you additionally for the very detailed message as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. Contacting the mortgage company, the state directly, and even trying to track down the previous/current title owners. If you have a power of attorney from the current owners and you can try to transfer the titles over into your name, assuming that the mortgage company would release the titles to you in the first place. I’m sad to say that this is not the first time that a situation like this has happened, and it will definitely not be the last. You may be able to find a different loan company that does not need the titles in order to process the loan fully. When you purchase the home, if you had title insurance on the property than they should protect you in these type of situations. It may be the title insurance is fault, and therefore they are the ones that could be pressured to pay out in the event of wrongdoing or the fact that they told you something that was not correct with regards to the titles being active. I would definitely encourage you to contact a local real estate attorney if at all possible. You may want to contact some local parks to find out who they use as a real estate attorney as they may have more mobile home experience and other real estate attorneys in the area. I apologize I’m not able to give one easy solution that would fix your problems however it seems as if the mortgage company is not willing to help you even though you can show proof that everything is on the up and up. Moving forward please feel free to reach back out and let us know how this all works out. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Frank Pish
March 11, 2019Hi John,
My 94-year-old grandmother is trying to sell her double-wide mobile home in New Jersey. I’m helping her and we have been unable to find an original Division of Motor Vehicle Services title. We are attempting to apply for a duplicate title but they say that our VIN number is not valid. The trailer home was manufactured in 1996 and I have the serial number from the data plate but it is not 17 digits as mandated in 1981 by the NHTSA. Grandma is under the impression that it was titled at some point. Have you encountered this problem and what can we do?
John Fedro
March 14, 2019Hi Frank,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed message is certainly does help me understand your situation a little bit better. Great job trying to help your grandmother. With the serial number or title number that you have, the state should be able to bring up other pertinent information about your grandmother’s mobile home. In fact, if she is the owner they should be able to pull up the needed information based off of her name and/or address. However if they need the VIN, and will not accept anything besides that, I definitely encourage you to reach out to the website below. This is a company that will provide the data plate information and VIN of the mobile home if you are able to provide them with a little bit of information as well. If I’m understanding your situation correctly that I hope that this helps and point you in the right direction. However if you have any follow-up questions or concerns, or I misunderstood the question never hesitate to comment back any time. Always here to help if possible. https://www.ibts.org/what-we-do/manufactured-homes/verification-letter-certificate/
Talk soon,
March 18, 2019John,
Currently manage a park in Louisiana. I have bills of sale for two homes in the park. One in decent condition and one that needs to be torn down. How do I go out about finding who actually owns these homes in order to get a title.The Vin’s are listed on the bill of sale and we have located one of the serial numbers. I wasn’t sure if the DMV would release peoples names associated with that title.
John Fedro
March 28, 2019Hi Jared,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I’m glad that these bills of sales have the mobile homes VIN or serial number listed on these forms. Because you are the park manager the DMV should give you the people’s names associated with these titles. I would absolutely encourage you to contact them first to know your options moving forward. The state may be able to tell you which lot each of these different homes was placed on. However in some states, including Louisiana, many people simply buy-in sell mobile homes with bills of sale and do not correctly transfer ownership when they sell from one party to another or move the mobile homes from one location to another. This definitely makes things a little tricky and muddies up the water for you when trying to get titles and ownership organized. Inside of each mobile home should be a data plate that tells all the pertinent information of each mobile home. However these data plates can be made of paper and can be removed or painted over throughout the years. On some mobile home models the VIN or serial number will be pressed into the steel beam at the very front of the mobile home where the tongue is located, or there may be a plaque on the tongue itself underneath the skirting. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Will Rainey
March 24, 2019I am about to close on a commercially zoned lot in Tennessee. There is a modular building on the property that was a daycare as recently as a few years ago. The seller has no title to the building. They only have title to the lot. The title insurance is only covering the sale of the lot. My original intention was to demolish the modular building bring in a newer one for.my business. Now, I have decided that I want to renovate the existing building. It is on a conventional, concrete block foundation with a crawl space. We have looked everywhere for a serial number and can’t find it anywhere. I am looking at spending approximately $20,000 between a new metal roof, paint, commercial windows, flooring, etc. I am a little apprehensive of doing this without a title and no serial number to research the building. Do you have any suggestions?
John Fedro
March 28, 2019Hi Will Rainey,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Congratulations with regards to purchasing this land and modular home. With regards to finding the serial number or VIN of the mobile home I would encourage you to look for the modular homes data plate inside of the property if possible. This tells all the pertinent information of the home and was installed when it was built. With that said I’m sure you’ve already done this and are unable to find this so you may want to also check the entire steel chassis of the modular home to look for a small set of numbers pressed into the steel or set on a plaque on the frame itself. You may have to remove some skirting if there is any skirting present. Obviously check with the local property appraiser and tax collector to see if they have any information on this home located on your property as well. If the previous owner placed the home there that he or she may have had to fill out necessary paperwork with the state mentioning the homes identification numbers. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. As always, if you have any follow-up questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Kathrine Vermillion
March 27, 2019Hello, I have a situation and am not sure what to do. My husband and I are purchasing a mobile home from a park. We put a down payment on it in March of 2016. We signed final papers and lease agreement in June 2016. We have been paying monthly since this time but have never received a copy of the title. I have reached out to the office on several occasions as to why this has not happened. My questions remain unanswered and emails remain ignored. My husband has worked for this company since June 2016 and the payments have been held directly from his paychecks monthly since. The park is over thirty years old and in dire shape. The residents across the street from us, informed us recently that this property was actually condemned before the company used day labor to remodel it and sell it to us. Is it legal for them to sell us this trailer? How do I find out if the trailer was ever condemned? How do I find the number for the trailer as I believe it was removed during the remodel? What course of action is available for me and my husband? We were first time buyers and never have experienced anything like this before. I am at a loss and don’t know what to do. I have since found out that many people in the same park have “paid off” their trailers and never received the titles. I have thousands of dollars wrapped up in this “investment” and don’t know if any of it is even legal! Please help.
John Fedro
March 28, 2019Hello Kathrine Vermillion,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about the situation you and your husband are going through. Thank you for your detailed description as well as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. After reading through your comment it definitely sounds like you and the other local residents have been fooled into thinking that you will be receiving titles to homes that may or may not currently have titles. I would very much encourage you and the other residents to seek legal counsel from a local real estate attorney in the area. I would encourage you to look for an attorney that offers one free hour of consultations you are able to get all your questions answered in this time if possible. This is not the first time I have heard of a situation like this happening, a park manager or park owner being very shortsighted and greedy to sell homes that they do not own or do not have clear title to. In most cases the owners or park managers simply figure that the people inside the park will not complain or will simply get fed up and tired of complaining. Keep in mind that if you bring any legal suit or trouble to the park manager or owner they could try to make your life even worse by firing your husband and not renewing your lease to remain inside of the park. This means that you, your husband, and the mobile home would have to leave within the next 30 days give or take. Additionally, even if you did get the title the manager and owner would likely be upset that you fought with them, even after they have been ignoring you and disrespecting you by not giving you a title as they originally told you that they would. In my opinion it sounds like they have been lying from you from the very beginning. This is definitely a fine line to walk as you are renting the land from the community and do not own the land yourself. In order to find your mobile homes VIN or serial number you may try to look for the data plate inside of the mobile home which will tell all the pertinent information of the property. I assume that you have tried looking for this and have been unsuccessful. On some mobile home models the serial number is pressed into the steel at the very front of the mobile home where the tongue will be or used to be. Additionally, there may be a small plaque on the mobile home tongue as well. You may have to remove some skirting in order to see this if it is even there. The state may also be able to find the serial number for you based on the location and address of the home, however this may not be possible as well. Sometimes the mobile home park manager keeps all the information of the mobile homes and previous information on file at the park office, however if this was the case they probably would not tell you based on how helpful the park is already been. I regret I do not have a quick and easy solution for you moving forward. However I would consult an attorney to learn more of your options and move forward from there. As always, if you have any follow-up questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Shannon Schoonmaker
April 5, 2019Hi I have a question. We are working on buying a trailer in Maine and its been back and forth with the owner. Where would I go to find legal information about how to legally buy the trailer from the owner in a private sale and where could I go to verify that she is the actual owner of the trailer? Any input would be greatly appreciated as we want everything legal on our end because the owner has done some sketchy things in the time that we’ve rented it but can pass up the price she’s selling it for.
John Fedro
April 6, 2019Hi Shannon,
Thank you very much for taking the time to reach out and connect. Great job working on this trailer in Maine, or ideally hoping to. Check out this following webpage with regards to transferring the mobile home title in Maine and also finding out other information pertaining to the property and moving forward. https://www.mobilehomeinvesting.net/maine-mobile-home-title-transfer/ I hope that this web page helps and provides what you are looking for. If not, never hesitate to reach back out any time. Always happy to help if possible. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
April 19, 2019I bought a mobile home 12 yes ago only to find out the original owner has lein against the title what do I do.
John Fedro
April 27, 2019Hi Tom,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about the situation that you are in. Clearly the original owner/seller was not upfront and honest with you or very ignorant about their situation in general. With that said I’m assuming that there was some sort of payment program as you did not receive clear title day #1 when you first moved in. I’m curious if you been able to find out who the lender is and how much is owed? Perhaps if this is a small amount you would be able to pay off the underlying note, however the ownership would still be in the current owners/previous sellers name. If you had a power of attorney that was valid for all these years than perhaps you could sign on the owner’s behalf, however this is probably not likely. With all that said, the bank/lender holding the note probably will not give you any information as you are not the one on the file. Unless perhaps it is a private individual that is the noteholder. If this were the case you may be able to reach out to them by looking up their name and address or contact information to give them a call personally. If you do know where the seller/borrower is that would be ideal to get them involved to help figure out the situation, figure out the underlying note information, and resolve this moving forward. If this underlying note is able to be paid off then depending on the state, you may be able to still transfer title into your control with proper proof that you agree to purchase this home 12 years ago. A bill of sale or other supporting documents that the seller sold the home to you back then would be helpful as well. It looks as if you may be writing from North Carolina. If this is the case then you want to reach out to the local DMV to explain your situation and find out the proper steps moving forward. With all the advice I gave above the answer to your question really is, it depends. There are number of ways forward and things will definitely get a bit more complicated before they get easier, however I very much encourage you to push forward and track down the information you need. Reach out to the DMV and explain your situation and provide the VIN or serial number for your mobile home if possible. I do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information so I would rather have you here and answer directly from the state. These folks should be able to help point you in the right direction moving forward. I hope this helps and makes sense. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Dan B
April 24, 2019Hello, I have a rather odd situation. I purchased a property (2 acres) with a double wide on a foundation 20 years ago. I purchased it from an investment company that had foreclosed the mortgage of the prior owners. The home is attached to the foundation, there are no axles on it. I did not receive a title when I purchased the property, just the deed for the land. I was talking to a real estate agent recently and they said to sell the property I would need to have an affidavit of affixture, I looked it up and the Michigan Secretary of State (our DMV) requires the Title to be sent in with the application, obviously I can’t do that since i don’t have a title. There is a site that allows for the lookup of these affidavits and my serial number doesn’t come up so I assume it wasn’t ever done for the property. The SOS website does allow for getting a duplicate title but it requires the parties listed to request, I assume since I never had it I am not listed. I can’t even figure out how to go about searching to see if there is a title who is listed 🙁 Do you have any suggestions for me?
John Fedro
April 30, 2019Hi Dan,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed question as a certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. I regret to hear about the situation that you are in. With that said, because you are the landowner you are holding most of the cards. There are a handful of ways to move forward however you’ll first need some pertinent information on the mobile home. The HUD label number, the serial number, or VIN will be very helpful. If you know any of this information then you can use the website here https://www.ibts.org/what-we-do/verification-letter-certificate/ to find out more data of the subject mobile home. You can then follow some of the instructions on the Michigan State website found at the following link concerning abandoned mobile homes. https://www.michigan.gov/sos/0,4670,7-127-1585-286789–,00.html This talks about abandoned mobile homes on your property. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time. Keep in touch. All the best.
Talk soon,
April 26, 2019I am hoping you can put me in the right direction my Parents have a mobile home in a campground in NJ that they bought used around 1995 and can’t locate the title to add to this problem My Father died in December 2018 we have the vin number but the DMV said they don’t show any record of this in their system what can we do?
John Fedro
April 27, 2019Hi Arleen,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your father passing. If the mobile home is in a campground that it may not have had a title for some time. I mention this because I have seen other mobile homes in campgrounds because they really cannot go anywhere else. With that said there still should be a VIN or serial number associated with the mobile home unless it was made from scratch or is extremely old. Sometimes the serial number or VIN is pressed into the steel at the front of the mobile home near where the tongue is or would be. If the DMV is not able to see any records under your father’s name, perhaps they could find it from the address associated with the campground or your father’s previous mailing address. It would obviously be ideal if you had some previous paperwork from the purchase in 1995, or if the campground had some paperwork in their files. Additionally, check inside the mobile home to see if the “data plate” can be found. This is a piece of paper that will have the mobile homes pertinent information on it may be located near the washer and dryer area, master bedroom closet, electrical panel, food pantry or in other areas of the home. However over time this may have been removed or painted over as well. The home may also have a HUD seal or HUD label on the back of the mobile home. This is a small metal tag that will have a unique number associated with this mobile home. You can usually give the DMV this information and they will be able to pull up the records on this home as well. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
April 29, 2019I purchased a lot in a retirement community with a manufactured home on the lot at least that is what I was sold as it turns out the home is not permanently attached and was not part of the prior sale (from the lender of the land to the person I purchased from) I am in the process of selling and found this out in escrow and everything has come to a halt, What can I do?
John Fedro
April 30, 2019Hi Jackie,
Good to hear from you. I regret to hear about the situation that you are in. If you have the serial number, HUD label number that I would encourage you to call the California HCD at the following phone number (800) 952-8356. Explain the situation and ask them the best way to move forward to obtain clear title. If the mobile home is still considered personal property they will be able to tell you so. However the title may have been relinquished and the mobile home may now be considered real property attached to the land. If the HCD is telling you one thing and the escrow company is telling you another it is important to get to the bottom of it to see who is correct. Additionally, if there was title insurance issued when you purchased the property and perhaps there is a claim you are able to make due to the situation not being correctly represented. Obviously you have been living in the home and assumed it was included in the sale. I’m curious if you do know who currently owns the property? I’m also curious about whether the taxes are current on the mobile home. I hope the starts to help and point you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time. Keep in touch. All the best.
Talk soon,
Christopher Cavanagh
May 24, 2019Hi John,
Mobile homes are not my forte and I’m impressed by your expertise on the subject. I hope you can help. A friend of mine owns a mobile home jointly with her brother in California. Her brother has completed a form to transfer ownership to just his name and remove her name from title without her permission. He forged her signature. It is my limited understanding that California handles mobile home title changes via mail as opposed to in person at a local DMV (where they would verify the title owners ID and not just signature). If the state honors the forged form and changes title out of my friends name and into her brother’s name as a sole owner, what recourse does my friend have? Does she need to hire an attorney or go to small claims court? Is their a department of California State that she can contact to dispute this or let them know her brother is attempting to change title without her permission? Any help you can give is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
John Fedro
June 5, 2019Hi Christopher,
Thank you very much for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about your friend situation with her brother. You are correct that you may mail in all the forms and not do things in person. The state currently has a backlog of a few months in order to get titles reprinted and mailed to the new owners. If the forged signature was accepted then it would be placed in the new party’s name. An attorney may be needed however calling the California HCD and speaking directly with these folks over the phone would be my first course of action. (800) 952-8356 Your friend should explain the situation she is having an ask for any advice these clerks may have. You may have to wait on hold for a little while however these folks have always been helpful when I call as well. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Hank Salzmann
May 29, 2019We recently payed off our mortgage on our Mobile Home. How do I get a clear title to it. We live in Texas.
Thanks for any/all help
John Fedro
June 5, 2019Hi Hank Salzmann,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. You will absolutely want to get in touch with the lender that was recently paid off and understand their policy for either sending you a “release of lien letter” or an electronic release directly to the state. You want to asked the turnaround time that it will take for you to get this new SOL or lien release letter mailed to you. You will then take this release letter along with the SOL application and mail it to the state to get a new SOL in your name without any lien holder. I hope this helps and makes sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
June 23, 2019My husband’s grandmother bought a double-wide from a family friend 17+ years ago. She received a bill of sale, but no title. Both parties are now deceased and the MH sits on our family land. We recently found out that there is a bank lien against the MH from the original owner (family friend), but the bank went out of business a number of years ago. We are trying to get the title in our name so that we can refinance the land the MH is sitting on, but with both parties deceased and the bank holding a supposed lien having gone out of business were not sure what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated. (WA state – Snohomish County)
John Fedro
July 7, 2019Hi Renee,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I apologize about the delay in this comment reply. Additionally, thank you for the detailed comment as a certainly does help me understand your situation. I very much regret to hear about the title owners passing and the old/outdated lein on the mobile home. I have seen this issue firsthand and secondhand in a number of states. However I have never dealt with it directly or indirectly in Washington state. Washington is not the easiest date to deal with however I would very much encourage you to call the Department of licensing and explain your situation. Try to have all the information you can about the mobile home and you’ll probably be passed around from person to person until you are able to speak with the manager. This is definitely not the first time that a situation like this has happened, and it will absolutely not be the last. There is usually a way for you to prove that the bank went out of business and the home is been on your land for enough time for you to file for abandonment. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Ross Serold
July 23, 2019Hi, John. I found your website via google, and find it very helpful. We purchased a doublewide mobile home in Sun Lakes AZ paying cash. We want to sell it now with the buyer needing a mortgage. We cannot find a HUD plate on the home but have found the original document containing the Affidavit of Affixture stating an affixture date in July 1983. At the bottom of the document is a “Receipt for Surrendered Mobile Home Documents” showing a manufactured date of 1976 and two title numbers with one of the titles issued in Dec, 1975 and the other issued in Feb, 1983. The manufacturer is Wickes Corp (no longer in business.) With no HUD plate and no specific day in June of manufacture, all mortgage companies are reluctant to provide a loan. According to the loan companies, the mobile home had to be manufactured after June 15, 1976. Any idea on how to get more specific manufacturing information, or a copy of the original titles from 76 and 83? I tried to go through the AZ DMV since I have VIN numbers, and they said that they could not find any records. I can email you the single page with pertinent info on it if it would help. Thanks for your thoughts.
John Fedro
July 24, 2019Hi Ross,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. First things first, I very much regret to hear that you are going through this entire situation. It seems like you have done a lot of research so far. I would definitely point you to the link below. This company may be able to help you find much more information with regards to the subject mobile home you are discussing. https://www.ibts.org/what-we-do/verification-letter-certificate/ I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. Keep in touch. All the best.
Talk soon,
July 29, 2019Hi John!
Been watching your youtube videos for years now, very big fan.
Anyways I have a question for you involving title issues when buying foreclosed homes in parks thru a county auction. What I am curious about is, will I be liable for any debt that was owed by previous owner prior to foreclosure? Can foreclosures at an auction have liens? Would I be liable for prior owner’s missed lot rent payments? Any tips?
I do have VIN numbers to all the homes I am interested in. They are all in WA state, where do i start to check for clean title?
John Fedro
July 31, 2019Hi ben,
Thanks for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thanks for the kind words. Thanks for following along. I do hope that these videos have been somewhat helpful to thus far. Check out the following link with regards to transferring titles in Washington state. https://www.mobilehomeinvesting.net/washington-mobile-home-title-transfer/ With regards to your questions about having to still pay back lot rent or other non–tax-liens on the title, these would all still remain and have to be paid. I hope the link above helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time. Keep in touch. All the best.
Talk soon,
August 6, 2019HI John,
so I have a tricky issue. I’m helping a client purchase a MH from HUD (it was foreclosed on about a year ago). In WA we need to eliminate the title. This is normally an easy issue to address except there is NO title in existence, Not recorded, not in someones file not anywhere. To top it off it’s a palm harbor home and they went out of business around 2011. The home was built in 2001, but Palm Harbor has no records not even the M.S.O. It was built in OR and Shipped to WA. Any Ideas on how to find a title or M.S.O?
thanks you,
John H
John Fedro
August 14, 2019Hi John,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I regret to hear about the issue you and your client are going through. This certainly is a tricky situation, and it is odd that things like this happen. I’ve heard of things like this happening in the past to other people, and there is always a solution and way forward. With that said I’m curious what type of identifying marks or numbers you can find on the property or paperwork. Do you have the Vin number or serial number? If so that I would encourage you to reach out to the company at this website https://www.ibts.org/what-we-do/verification-letter-certificate/. This company may be able to track down more information on this exact property and where and when it was last titled. Perhaps this may give you more information to proceed forward. If this does not help then I would encourage you to speak with someone about having a new titled issue for the mobile home. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. There will still be more hurdles moving forward however I hope this gives you something new to work with. Moving forward keep in touch and let us know what happens. If you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Vickie Thomas
August 7, 2019Hi John,
I have a friend who’s selling a mobile home, but transferring ownership by signing document but no title. He said that it was given to him the same way but not from the original owner. From my understanding the original owner is deceased. He has had the trailer on his land for over 10 years. He lives in North Carolina and I want to bring the trailer to Virginia. Will I need a title or is it okay to transfer ownership by a signed document?
John Fedro
August 14, 2019Hi Vickie,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Please see my thoughts below in bold.
I have a friend who’s selling a mobile home, but transferring ownership by signing document but no title. He said that it was given to him the same way but not from the original owner. From my understanding the original owner is deceased. He has had the trailer on his land for over 10 years. He lives in North Carolina and I want to bring the trailer to Virginia. Will I need a title or is it okay to transfer ownership by a signed document? Thank you for the detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit more. North Carolina and Virginia both definitely want you to have a title on the property to prove you, or anyone else’s the owner of the mobile home. With that said, if the home did not have to be moved we can potentially still create value while helping the seller, park, and a future buyer. However because it has to be moved, and it is changing state lines, it will almost definitely need a new title to get connected to utilities in its new location. For this reason I would encourage you to pass unless you are able to call Virginia to figure out a process to obtain a clear title. I mention this because I do not know of a way to do this in Virginia, especially if you do not have the title or know anything about the owner, taxes, or any liens. I wish I better news to tell you however in this exact situation I would pass unless the sellers can get you the title. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
August 11, 2019I recently purchased a foreclosure mobile home and lot in Georgia through an Auction website. I was not provided a copy of the mobile home title at closing, but I have all the information from the plate in the home (Serial #, make and model)
I was wondering what I should do and where should i start, to get a title. The property is listed as Homestead Exempt, so all taxes on the mobile home are paid with the property/land tax.
John Fedro
August 14, 2019Hi West,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Congratulations with regards to this mobile home and land purchase! The mobile home may be legally married to the land so I would encourage you to check the legal description to see if the mobile homes Vin number or serial is located on the legal description of the land.
I’m assuming that you know the mobile home serial number or Vin number. If you do not than I would encourage you to look throughout the mobile home for the data plate to find this information. The mobile homes data plate then this number is sometimes, not often, pressed into the steel on the chassis of the mobile home where the front door is or where the mobile home tongue is located. If you are not able to find this number then you can perhaps call your local property appraiser’s office and tax collector’s office to see if they have any mobile home serial numbers or Vin numbers for you on record.
I’m not sure what state you’re located in however definitely call your mobile home titling department and provide them the land address, serial number of the mobile home or VIN of the mobile home so they can tell you more about who owns this and how to get this into your control. As the landowner you certainly hold almost all the cards as long as you can identify which home is currently sitting on your land. I hope this all helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
jewel clark
August 14, 2019Have a question for you I brought a home paid for it and had the title notated but never sent it to the head office. I am currently having my home tear down and now they are stating that I cant have it tear down until it is in may name is there anyways around this.
John Fedro
August 25, 2019Hi Jewel,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. It sounds like you’re trying to have the home torn down. I suppose that once the process starts, especially if there can be some type of mechanical equipment involved, that it really cannot be rebuilt too quickly. With that said you do not want to tip over the home only to have it destroy or damage the neighbors property. Perhaps it is being removed and pulled out of the park. If this is the case then the head office is technically right about you not supposed to be moving it until the ownership is in your name. However they are being real sticklers since it sounds like they know the situation. With that said you may want to go into the head office and prove to them that you are the owner and simply waiting on the title to come in. I hope this all helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Johanna Browne
September 1, 2019hi John,
Great information-thank you. I am paying off the mortgage lien, by Ditech as well as the owner of a mobile home I have been living in. Ditech did not acquire the titles to the mortgages from Greentree when the merged companies. I am worried about how to get them to send the title to the current owner, how long it will take and if the current owner, who is being difficult, will even bring the title to my closing attorney’s office after we have paid for everything and the owner has signed the paperwork. How do I get the title when I have full signed transferred documents and payoffs if the owner doesn’t comply only in bringing forth the title itself?
John Fedro
September 8, 2019Hi Johanna,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better and point you in the right direction moving forward. I wish that there was a quick and easy answer for you. Obtaining an attorney will help give you guidance moving forward however an attorney is definitely not technically needed if you do not want one. In my opinion and experience you will have to do one of two things. I would first confirm with the state that the mobile home with your serial number or Vin number does have a lien on it that is active in from a certain bank. Assuming that there is a lien then you will need to babysit Ditech/Green Tree, because when they merged your paperwork went somewhere. If they cannot produce your paperwork and you may not have to pay any further. On second thought, you may want to talk with a few real estate attorneys to get their opinion on the situation as well. Definitely do some more digging however you’re probably not a top priority for the bank, so calling them back and speaking with someone higher and higher in charge would be ideal. This is a mistake that they made and they need to make it right. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Feel free to keep in touch moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
freda baker
freda baker
John Fedro
September 8, 2019Hi Freda Baker,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Thank you for clarifying that you are in Pennsylvania. The park is likely correct that nothing will happen to if you simply take control of the mobile home with a “Bill of sale”. However like you mention this is not the title and not technically recognized by the state. With that said I would very much encourage you to bring the homes been number or serial number to a local mobile home notary that is experienced with these type of closing. This will cost you a little bit of money to use the help of the notary however it is worth it if they are able to track down the title and figure out which paperwork is needed to remedy the situation. In all reality you may need to get the mobile home park involved into this as well if needed. Because the park owns the land they can most likely file for an abandoned title to get clear title in their name if they wish to. However this all assumes that the mobile home park actually has the correct Vin number or serial number for the mobile home in question. If this number has been gone or missing for years and there may not be a way easily to obtain a clear title is the information on this mobile home is gone. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
September 17, 2019Hi John,
I appreciate all the info you provide here! I have a question that I hope you might have some insight for.
Legally, I am only 25% owner of my mobile home, which I have lived in for several years and invested thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of work into, for home improvements. My parents’ living trust is the owner of the other 75%.
Do I need to go through the legal process of aquiring the other 75% in my name before moving the mobile home, or is 25% ownership enough to move the home with?
John Fedro
September 20, 2019Hi Grace,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. If your name is located on the title, then many mobile home transporters will transport your mobile home to a new location of your choice. In fact, even if your name is not on the title some shady movers may be happy to take your money and move the mobile home anyway. I hope this helps a bit and point you in the right direction. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Michael Prejean
October 3, 2019Hello Mr. Fredo,
My family is currently going through a succession of our parents estate. Not really a lot of value involved only some questionable transactions by another sibling. The sibling in question worked themselves in as power of attorney, at some point after researching my parents financials we found a loan for $25,000. At that same time my sibling was divorced six years prior yet property had not been settled. At the time my parents took out a loan my sibling paid off the mobile home from her ex, state tax assessor estimated the mobile home worth $23,800. Now I have not been able to get any records pertaining to the buy out however, I do know that the title has never been transferred. So my question is, is there a way I can track the VIN number using the original buyers name since as you might guess my sibling and I are not on trusting terms.
John Fedro
October 20, 2019Hi Michael,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. I very much regret to hear about the family issues you are having with regards to your parents estate. Some states make this information a bit easier to track than others. Looks like you may be writing from Louisiana, if this is the case then the DMV will have much of the information with regards to past sales of the mobile home, however there pretty tightlipped about not sharing them with the general public. In short, in most states there is no real way to find out what the home has previously been purchased or resold for. I believe that that is the information that you are looking for. If you are looking for different information about the property besides what it previously bought and sold for them please feel free to write back and let me know. If you have any additional follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time as well. All the best.
Talk soon,
julie pinion
October 16, 2019hello sir. I’ve been watching an abandoned mobile home for over a year now. I believe the property owner and mobile home owner are different people because I have seen the eviction notice that appears to be the case. I’m thinking the evictees have just abandoned the home therefore I believe this must be a foreclosure. my question is… how can I see the title and status of the actual home. I’d like to contact owner and possibly purchase the home. I have serial, model and hud info numbers. I’m in Louisiana. any help you can assist me with will be greatly appreciated. thank you.
John Fedro
October 20, 2019Hi Julie,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I too agree with you with regards to the mobile home probably being personal property and not owned by the landowner. Unless perhaps it is the state or county evicting the home for nonpayment of taxes, however this would be more of a seizure rather than an eviction. When it comes to obtaining more information on this particular mobile home, contacting the local DMV will be a good place to start. However even with the serial number or VIN they will not tell you much about the owners information. Might be able to do a lookup to see who lives at this address through the Yellow Pages or skip tracer service such as skipgenie.com. You might also want to get in touch with the landowner to see if they could help you, or perhaps the neighbors could help you as well. Placing a note on the door for the homeowner to find if they ever come back might be helpful as well. Great job following this mobile home and land in the first place. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
March 6, 2020My daughter sold a mobile home 2 years ago. She later got a tax form and paid it assuming it was left over taxes when she still owned it. I next year she got a bill for taxes again. She then called to find out the Mobile home was not transfered. She has reached out to the new owner who said he will fix it but has not. Her last call to him was he had two weeks to get it done or she was filing an eviction. It has been two weeks and still not done. Is she able to file a eviction because the title does say she still owns it? We are actually hopeful when he gets a 3 day notice he will handle the title. However, She may have to follow up with the actual eviction.
John Fedro
March 25, 2020Hi Wendy,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I apologize about the delay in this comment reply. I’m not sure what has changed however I will answer these questions assuming not much has changed. Besides the fact that many foreclosures and evictions are suspended around the country due to the coronavirus. If your daughter is still the owner that she may obtain a duplicate title to then resell to someone else. Once she has this duplicate title the person living in the home might be a bit more interested in cooperating. With that said depending on how much is owed the person in the home may have lost their job to to the coronavirus or something else. However not calling you is no excuse and should not be tolerated. Instead of a three day notice. I would give a 30 day notice for nonrenewal of lease. This would be the correct paperwork for this situation. Even though there is no written lease, or verbal lease for that matter, you are not demanding any rent and there is no payment the resident can make. If they are not out in 30 days then you may evict them. It is a little bit more time however it is the correct thing to do. The court want to see that you gave this 30 day notice in most areas. Additionally, most courts are closed for 30 days or longer. Feel free to keep in touch moving forward. Hope this helps.
Talk soon,
Kathleen Jimenez
April 1, 2020Hello John. Writing from California. My mom just recently purchased a small one bedroom mobile home. Instead of my mom signing it my sister did. My mom is listed on the bill of sale and she isn’t. My sister does not want to be on the title and we are not sure why she signed it. So now we dont know how to move forward. I dont know if it is legal to cross her name out or put white out on it. It surely would then look like the title would be tampered with, as in Not Original. Any and all advice is appreciated. The lady who sold the trailer/mobile home to my mom says that she has a copy of the title. Will that work?
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Your help in expediting this request is greatly appreciated.
Kathleen Hope Jimenez
John Fedro
June 3, 2020Hi Kathleen,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Good to hear about your mother’s passing. Understood about your sister signing her signature. Depending on how clean or sloppily she writes that signature could certainly be used as your mother signature. Crossing off the signature will definitely be a problem in the state will not accept this in most situations. The lady who sold the mobile home has a copy of the title with the same title number than that will most likely work however it would still need to be signed by the title owner which I believe is your mother. I’m not sure if this fully helps answer the question however I do hope that it points you in the right direction. You may always call the California HCD to explain to them the situation and what is happening. They will likely point you in the right direction and tell you the quickest way to get things into the correct ownership. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out anytime. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Mary A Hadden
April 18, 2020my dad left me his property when he passed.my boyfriend talked me n to taking my name off n put his.said so my siblings couldnt take from me. so two weeks after dad passed he paid off made ma move n forged my dads name on titles. ha also put the date my dad put n my name. my dad did not have access to titles to sign them.i have pictures of the forged titles. what can i do
John Fedro
June 3, 2020Hi Mary,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. I very much got to hear about the situation you are going through. Your boyfriend definitely sounds like he took advantage of the situation and probably knew what he was going to do from the beginning. With that being said I would definitely encourage you to contact the state directly. Every state has a mobile home complaint department where you can report fraudulent activity like this. You will not want to let this go. If this can be proven to the state and a new title can likely be printed and sent directly to you. Once this happens you can evict whoever is inside. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Keep in touch moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
pat langelle
May 27, 2020i bought a mobile home 7 yrs ago . paid it off in 3 yrs.the person i bought it from says he cant find the title. i did some research and found the title to be in somebody elses name that apparently owned it before .they live in another state.the taxes are pd i have all my reciepts and the rent to own paperwork his signature on it and mine .what do i do i live in nevada?
John Fedro
June 3, 2020Hi Pat,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I regret to hear that you are in the situation. In Nevada you are able to call the Nevada mobile home department to find out if the person you’re buying it from is the owner on the title. If this is not the case then there’s probably something fishy going on. This person likely sold to something that he did not have in the first place. I would encourage you to call the Nevada mobile home department at 775-684-2940 directly to explain the situation and find out the best course of action moving forward. You also want to get in touch with the seller to let them know you will most likely need their help in order to get a free and clear title. However it sounds as if you are going to have to do all of the work and get the information directly from the state. You are certainly not the first person who this is happened to however I would like you to hear directly from the state as the best course of action forward to get the title into your name. I hope this helps him and point you in the right direction. Keep in touch moving forward. All the best.
Talk soon,
Liza Garcia
February 12, 2021My husband bought a double-wide mobile home 11 years ago. He don’t have the title of it, the person that sold it to him 11 years ago said “that he couldn’t find the title no where.” and he let years pass. Today I went to go ask and they gave me a form that is call “APPLICATION FOR STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP AND LOCATION.” I’m wondering if that the right form that we need to fill out? He only got’s a paper with the sellers information,and he had bean paying all his taxes every year on the mobile home. We leave in the state of Texas. I really hope you can help us out. THANK YOU!!!!
John Fedro
April 17, 2021Hi Liza,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. My apologies for the delay in this comment reply. By this time I assume that you’ve already worked out the situation, however I would still like to answer this to help you and others reading this. I would very much encourage you to call the TDHCA located in Texas. I’m glad to say that Texas has a pretty simple and straightforward process to solve your situation, and others in this exact situation as well. You are not the first person that this has happened to, and you will sadly not be the last. However again Texas does make this pretty simple as long as you can show somewhat valid proof that you have been living in the home for a significant length of time. I would definitely encourage you to call the Texas manufactured home titling department at (512) 475-2200 explain your situation to the clerk over the phone. You will need your mobile home serial number or VIN to give to the clerk over the phone so they may help you out a bit more. These folks will usually point you in the right direction moving forward. I hope this helps and all makes sense. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Kam Kali
February 17, 2021Hey, Jhon got a dilemma attempting to buy a mobile home seller bought land with 4 mobile homes on it all titles are showing up but the one I’m wanting to buy, previous seller deceased. No ID numbers front door(seal plate), electric panel, and cabinets were all swapped out. Do I have a play here?
Thanks in advance!
John Fedro
April 17, 2021Hi Kam,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. My apologies with regards to this delay on this comment reply. For some reason this comment slipped through the cracks. I very much am glad to hear that you are pursuing or at least looking at these four mobile homes without titles. The answer to your question about do you have a play here is, it depends. In my opinion you do have a play however it really depends on the condition of the home, your area, how quickly these homes need to be removed (assuming they need to be removed), and a handful of other questions as well. You may have to track down the mobile home pin numbers or perhaps you can sell them as is to a buyer that has different intentions for the mobile home or does not mind that there is no present title. If we were working together there are about two dozen questions I would ask you in order to figure out the best way to move forward here. However to answer your question again about having a play, yes you most likely do. By this time you’ve likely already solved your own questions and I’m curious if you are able to create value with these mobile homes. Please keep in touch moving forward. Feel free to comment back anytime or email me directly at support@mobilehomeinvesting.net. All the best.
Talk soon,
Judith Moore
February 17, 2021I’m trying to fine a title for my grandmother singlewide. How can I fine one. She passed on in 1994 and I move in to single mobile home in 1995. My dad brought it for her. My dad passed on in 2017 which i didnt have chance to get info about the house. The land is in my name now and i dont have the title for the house.
John Fedro
February 24, 2021Hi Judith,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear about the losses in your family. Thank you for the detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. However I’m unsure of what state that you and the mobile home are located in. However I can absolutely say that you are not the first person to go through a situation like this that needs a duplicate title, or the title track down and finally placed into his/her name. I would absolutely encourage you to click the link below. Once you get to that page scroll down a bit and click on your state. You will then find instructions to transfer title. You are not looking to transfer title but rather obtain the mobile homes VIN or serial number to call your states title transferring department. Explain the situation clearly to them and they will let you know the quickest way to move forward legally to obtain ownership of the mobile home. I hope that this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. If they are not very helpful then there are ways to move forward as you are the landowner as well and can likely eventually file for an abandoned title if possible. If you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best. https://www.mobilehomeinvesting.net/mobile-home-title-transfer-state-by-state/
Talk soon,
Liza Garcia
March 17, 2021HI JOHN,
My husband bought a double wide mobile home 11 years ago.he didn’t get the title of the mobile home, because the owener of the mobile home told that he couldn’t find it. He let years pass, today i went to go ask and they gave me a form that is “APPLICATION FOR STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP AND LOCATION’ is that the right form i should be filling out to try too get the title of the mobile home? We do got the name of the person that so;d it to him and my husband has bean paying Texas on the mobile home since he bought it? We leave in state of Texas. I really home you can answer me and help us out. THANK YOU!!!!
John Fedro
March 29, 2021Hi Liza,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. Due to your specific mobile home and situation I would absolutely point you to the direction of the TDHCA. In Texas this is the manufactured housing titling department you will want to be speaking with. Call the number below and make sure to have the mobile home serial number or VIN or HUD label number to provide the clerk over the phone. Explain the situation you are in and the clerk will tell you the quickest way to get the ownership into your control. I do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information based on your specific situation and mobile home so I would definitely encourage you to call (800) 952-8356 when possible this helps and puts you in the right direction. All the best.
Talk soon,
March 26, 2021I have a customer who purchased a new mobile home from a dealer in MO in 1993. It was placed on his property in AR. The customer never titled the mobile home in his name and does not have the original certificate of origin. The dealer is no longer in business. Is there anything the customer can do to title his mobile home? He is needing a title in order to surrender to state. He also does not have the VIN number. Thank You
John Fedro
March 29, 2021Hi Sarah,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed comment is the certainly does help me understand the situation a bit better. There definitely are options in many situations, however most of these options require there being some identifying information or numbers on the mobile home itself. Since the mobile home does not have a Vin number it really does not matter where it was built as long as the wind zone is the correct one for the area. You will want to get in touch with the state directly and find out how you are able to receive a new VIN or serial number for the mobile home. You want to call the states manufactured housing titles and department to get started with. Once a new Vin number can be obtained than a new title can be created with the owners information. I hope this helps and punch you in the right direction. All the best.
Talk soon,
Paul Gorbas
March 29, 2021Great article, but I wonder if you are keeping it updated? The article does not have and needs a date stamp stating when it was last updated.
John Fedro
April 6, 2021Hi Paul,
Thanks for reaching out and connecting. Great job tracking down taxes and lien information. Hope that this potential mobile home was one that you really liked and will ideally be a good investment. Thanks for the great suggestions as well. Yes, the information is updated yearly and as I get great feedback from readers like yourself. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Jacob steffen
March 30, 2021I have recently bought a mobile home in Wichita ks and i bought my mobile home at riverside mobile home park at 4560 s hydraulic St and when we paid and signed are contract for are mobile home we were not told that there was no title for it until after we bought it and was told we would be given a bill of sale for it then I found out that a bill of sale would not be suitable for home ownership so the owners are supposed to be getting a title on the grounds of abandonment by original owner but so far they still havent given us anything on the house and I m worried about it being taken from me and then I wont be able to donanything and i have put 6000 worth of work in this place what should I do please help !!!!!!!! The people that own the trailer park is the Saratoga group out of California supposedly
John Fedro
April 6, 2021Hi Jacob,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed comment as this definitely helps me understand your situation a bit better. I regret to hear that you are going through the situation in the first place. The landowner may likely be able to get clear title of the mobile home to abandonment in Kansas. However depending on the situation they may not be able to get clear title as well. This process may take a few months however it is important for management to keep in touch with you in my opinion. Locate your mobile homes VIN or serial number then called the DMV locally in Wichita and mention you have purchased this mobile home and provide the VIN or serial number to the clerk over the phone. Let them know you want to confirm that it is in the park’s name or not. Also try to find out the last time the title was changed into the current owner’s name. It is best to work with the park if they are sincere about getting you an abandoned title. However talking with the local real estate attorney for a free consultation is definitely not a bad idea either. I hope that this helps and point you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
April 12, 2021John,
I bought my first home in September of 2019 in cash and when I went to the closing, I found out that the seller didn’t have a title for the mobile home but a deed for the land only. In order to avoid delays and costs and out of my own ignorance, I went ahead with the purchase. Now I want to get rid of the mobile home and replace it on the land but I can’t without the title. I have a pretty strong feeling that the person I bought it from never had a title as it was a rental property and he didn’t offer any way of getting it for me. What are my options now? I live in Tennessee. Thanks
John Fedro
April 17, 2021Hi Michael,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear that the seller jerked you around a little bit and never had title to this mobile home in the first place. Understood about your quick decision with regards to closing on the land as to not completely lose the deal. If the mobile home is already there than by all means you can probably fix it up and sell it or rent it if possible. There are certainly buyers that will purchase a mobile home without a title, however they will want a very good deal and they are fewer and far between. Like you said, you are not the true owner so you will not be “selling” the mobile home but rather selling the possession of the mobile home. In all reality the true owner of this mobile home is likely long gone. Additionally, as the landowner you may be able to file for an abandoned title if you know the mobile home serial number, VIN, or hide label number that should be located on the back of the home if it was built after 1976. You may file for an abandoned title over the process varies a bit from state to state. You may also file for a bonded title however this is not available in every state. I would encourage you to contact your state’s mobile home titling department to learn more about the abandonment process and possibly a bonded title for this mobile home. However you will need the mobile homes VIN or serial number once again. Lastly, you can certainly demo the mobile home by bringing in a dumpster and having the mobile home destroyed and placed into the dumpster with proper equipment. You can also hire someone to remove the mobile home as is or bring it to the dump. To demo a mobile home you are probably looking at a cost of around $2000-$3000. You may find somebody that wants to scrap the mobile home for material however they will usually take six weeks or longer to get this all done, if they actually finish things and do things correctly. I hope this gives you some options and things to think about. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions about this or anything else never hesitate to reach out anytime. Hope this helps a bit. All the best.
Talk soon,
April 11, 2021Hello I recently purchased a doublewide and land in Florida got my bill of sale and was told that they will send me the title cause the seller lives California but now the seller wants more money and refuses to give me the title after we already agreed on a price made the transaction and as I said I have the bill of sale what do I do do I even have rights my family and I have been living in this home for over a year made home improvements and everything please if anyone can give advise my email is skittlisdastud@yahoo.com thank you in advance
John Fedro
April 17, 2021Hi Robin,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. I regret to hear about this seller out of state jerking you around and not providing title. This may be because they do not actually have the title, or perhaps something else a bit more malicious. I would very much encourage you to reach out to a local real estate attorney in the area. Perhaps one that gives one free hour of consultation so you can explain your situation. Getting attorney involved in my opinion is definitely the right thing to do as you have lived up to your side of the transaction however the seller has not. It would also be good to contact the Florida title transferring department at the local DMV to give them your VIN or serial number so they can tell you if the woman you are talking to is in fact the owner of the mobile home. I hope this helps some and point you in the right direction. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
April 28, 2021Local realty company has listed a doublewide thats been foreclosed on. I just spoke with the realtor. He said the title has been lost with DMV and they haven’t had any luck in location. The doublewide isn’t on permanent foundation, sitting on 1/2 acre of land (which is deeded). The realtor did say its sold “as is” and “hold Harmless” agreement would be offered. This would be a great investment; however I do not want to take a chance of future problems with last owner, bank, etc. I would greatly appreciate your advice. Thank you,
John Fedro
May 10, 2021Hi Linette,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. You’re certainly right to be concerned about selling this home in the future and a bank being interested. In my experience if there is no title the bank or the bank’s underwriter will jam up to the deal. Even though the mobile home is considered real property and the title may have been relinquished the state banks will not approve the deal if a physical title cannot be shown. However this is only in many cases and some banks or loans will allow this to go through from what I have seen. This means that if you plan to rent the property or sell this with seller financing then you should have no problem moving forward. Hope this helps a bit and make sense. These new exit strategies into account when making a purchase offer. It will not only be difficult for you but anyone else that buys the home to sell it with bank financing. Hope this one works out if you can get it for the right price. All the best.
Talk soon,
Cecilia Ponce
May 4, 2021Hi, I am trying to buy a doublewide from an individual but they have absolutely no information on the home , no title, no VIN number, can I do anything about it?
John Fedro
May 10, 2021Hi Cecilia,
Thanks for reaching out and connecting. Thank you for explaining the situation. Perhaps your friend contract on the person he/she purchased it from. Perhaps the park owner knows some more information or has a VIN or serial number in their office file. You may be able to call the local mobile home titling office in your state to see if you are able to track down any information or go online to the property appraiser’s website or tax collectors website to perform an online search if the local municipality is high-tech enough to put this information online. Also, make sure to look for the mobile homes data plate inside the mobile home which is a piece of paper hanging on the wall with the information that you are looking for. Sometimes the VIN or serial number is pressed into the steel of the I-beam running the width of the home at the very front where the tongue is or would be. However if you are not able to find any pertinent details of the mobile home in a title may not be able to be found or transferred to you. However this does not mean you can still not controlled the property. If the double wide does not have to be moved then perhaps it can remain in its current location and you can have a very long lease to control the property and be able to live in the home or rent it out for an investment. In the situation a bill of sale to use would be helpful as well. There are definitely a few other things to consider however I hope that this helps and points you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Andrew Velasco
May 13, 2021I am so glad that I found this website. I recently purchased a used mobile home that came with a Bill of Sale including the Decal No. of the unit, the Trade name of the unit, and Serial No. The vendor informed me that the title was lost. Not knowing much about mobile homes, I purchased it as a rennovation project, but want to get the title for legitimacy. I am in California, and am having trouble finding resources on how to get a title with a bill of sale. Thank you!
John Fedro
May 28, 2021Hi Andrew,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Great work jumping on this opportunity and pulling the trigger when you had the chance. However I regret to hear that this “vendor” never provided you with clear title. Did you purchase this mobile home directly from a mobile home park? Or perhaps from a mobile home dealer or mover? If the vendor is a dealer and licensed with the state than it may not been ethical or legal for them to sell you this property with no title. However I am glad that there is at least a decal number that hopefully matches the mobile home. I would very much encourage you to contact the California HCD at (800) 952-8356 to ask them specifically how to obtain clear title in your name the easiest way possible. Since this is a renovation project I would encourage you mention you are a private buyer who is purchasing a mobile home for themselves. You will definitely want the serial number or decal number when you call the HCD office. You may have to wait on hold for a while however these folks are usually very helpful whenever I call. They will be able to tell you the quickest and easiest path forward. Hope this helps and points you in the right direction. All the best.
Talk soon,
May 19, 2021Hi Jon
Just purchased land with a mobile home on the property. I am trying to get it insured but insurance companies are asking for manufacture, make and model of the home. It is located in New York. I’ve tried all local offices to obtain this information. Any suggestions you may have would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
John Fedro
May 28, 2021Hi Mary,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. In New York the mobile home title may be long gone and only a bill of sale is needed. However ideally on this bill of sale the make and model number of the home was included. Obviously it was not you would already know the information you are looking for. If you do have the VIN or serial number I would encourage you to check out the following website. They may be able to help with regards to obtaining the make, model, and manufacture of your mobile home. https://www.ibts.org/what-we-do/verification-letter-certificate/ I hope that this helps and points you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
Janet Collins
June 17, 2021I bought some property in Florida With an older noble home on it I have no title to the mobile home no serial no or vin. Numbers what do I need to do
John Fedro
August 31, 2021Hi Janet,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. The short answer is that you will need to bring the mobile home up to current HUD standards and have the home inspected in order to obtain a new serial number or VIN. If you did have a HUD label number, serial number, or VIN you would be able to file for an abandoned title or obtain clear title in another way. You are not even able to go through court as you do not currently have any pertinent information on the mobile home. This does not mean it is not valuable, there are certainly buyers will purchase a mobile home with no title and only a bill-of-sale. In most states this definitely does not convey mobile home ownership however it definitely happens in every state mobile homes exist within. When you only transfer the home with a bill of sale there are definitely precautions you want to make to protect both you and the buyer. I hope this helps and point you in the right direction moving forward. This is definitely the short answer, however if you have any follow-up mobile home related questions please never hesitate to reach out any time. If you find some pertinent information on the mobile home or discover another way to move forward please never hesitate to comment back anytime. Keep in touch. All the best.
Talk soon,
Emily Lee
June 20, 2021I have question regarding mobile home title, I will buy one mobile home but when I saw the title , in the top left of title said DUPLICATE, how I can check this title is the only one title that the owner have it ?
If I go to Department Motor of Vehicle , can they tell me the story why the title come with DUPLICATE not originally?
How to proof that title is not fake?
John Fedro
June 30, 2021Hi Emily,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. This is a very good question. It is 100% legal to sell a duplicate title. When the mobile home is originally purchased the state will give a normal and original mobile home title. However if this original title is lost, then a duplicate title is made which says that it is a duplicate. The way to determine if this duplicate title is the most current, is to look at the title number and asked the state specifically if this is the most current title. However, now that I mentioned that last sentence, it is important to know that if the homeowner orders five duplicate titles then all five are real and legitimate titles. It will only take one of these titles to be signed off by the seller and by the new buyer to transfer into a new buyer’s name. Once the title is transferred into the new buyer’s name all of those other duplicate titles do not mean anything since the home is now placed in the new buyer’s name. For this reason it can be important to call your local title transferring department, probably the local DMV like you mentioned, and confirm with them that this duplicate title is real by giving them the title number. I hope that this helps and points you in the right direction. Moving forward if you have any mobile home related follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Susan Gustafson
July 11, 2021Hello John,
My mother bought a mobile home for my brother, and both she and he are listed on the title. There are no liens on the mobile home, and it was purchased in and is located in Illinois. We want to remove my mother’s name from the title so that the mobile home is solely in my brother’s name. What is the best way to accomplish this?
Appreciate your help.
Susan Gustafson
John Fedro
July 26, 2021Hi Susan,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Thank you for expanding the situation as this definitely helps me understand things a bit better. The state will likely have your mother sell her interest over to your son for a dollar. However there should be a way for your mother to simply remove her interest without this being considered a “sale”. Have the VIN or serial number or title number to the mobile home and contact the local Department of Motor Vehicles to ask them this question. They will tell you the quickest and simplest way to have your mother’s name removed and where to go moving forward. You may have to wait on time for a bit however these folks are usually helpful when we have general questions like this. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up mobile home questions never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Eleanor Guerrero
August 22, 2021My mother and I have a deed for a mobilehome she bought in 1997. It is a mobilehome on a foundation. It is a Fleetwood mobilehome. She died in 2011. I have recently decided to sell her 2 1/2 acres with the mobilehome. I do not have title but I finished paying my mother’s mobilehome to Greentree mortgage. I secured a loan and paid off the home $36,000. How do I get the title since Green Tree was bought out by another company. It was bought out by Ditech but have looked for a phone number to talk to them but can’t find. I know the Serial Number of the mobilehome and it resides in Lemoore, CA. What do I do to try to acquire a title.
John Fedro
November 30, 2021Hi Eleanor,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. I very much regret to hear about your mother passing. I’m glad that you are able to continue paying off her note like this. Not only does the lien have to be released but the title will also be in the name of your mother. With a will, death certificate, and/or power of attorney obtaining ownership should be likely with these forms. Let’s talk about getting in touch with the lender 1st. This is definitely not the 1st time something like this has happened. Banks sell, resell, resell, and resell notes to one another all the time. You will find that some of these banks definitely do close down. However the address, serial number, and more than likely the file number will transfer from bank to bank. Sometimes we have to be a detective to call one bank that will only lead us to another and another. However we almost always track down where the loans are. If the final bank has gone out of business then this may be a situation where we have to go in front of a judge to get a judgment for a new title. However this would be the last case resort. I would 1st encourage you to get in touch with ditech and track down which lender/servicer is holding this note. If you are listed on the note as well then the bank will talk to you. However if you are not the bank may not discuss many things with you. They will need to send a satisfaction notice to the home address if possible. The satisfaction letter can then be taken to the state for a title to be received if you have power of attorney. However I would like you to hear all of this directly from the state HCD in California. In California mobile home titles are transferred through the HCD department. Explain the situation in detail along with the serial number and these folks should be very happy to help. They’re usually very helpful when I call although you may have to wait on hold for an hour. Hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns now or moving forward please never hesitate to reach out anytime. Keep in touch. All the best.
Talk soon,
Sangeeta Dutta
August 25, 2021Hello,
We have an abandon mobile home without title in Michigan. We don’t have the serial number as well. We checked everywhere but it’s not on the trailer. Is there anyway we can get the title without the serial number?
Thanks for your help!!
John Fedro
August 31, 2021Hi Sangeeta,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Great job searching everywhere you could to find any kind of pertinent information or serial numbers concerning the mobile home. You may be able to find the information online if you search via the address on the local property appraiser’s website tax collectors website, or by calling the local Department of Motor Vehicles. That said the Department of Motor Vehicles will likely not provide you with the serial number unless you are the landowner or owner of the mobile home typically. You are not able to move forward with a bonded title, abandoned title, or even have a court case to obtain a new title as you do not currently have any information on the mobile home itself. However this does not mean it is not valuable. There are certainly still mobile home buyers that will take a mobile home with only a bill of sale. This does not sell the ownership, however it does sell possession and hands over the keys. There are definitely things to consider and know before selling this way, and in many states it will deftly not be the right way to move forward as far as the state is concerned. However many situations are different and sometimes it is wise to sell with only a bill of sale, sometimes it is able to be tackled another way, or sometimes the mobile home is demoed and a new/use home is added with a clear title. I hope this helps him and point you in the right direction moving forward. It is probably not the advice you are looking for however I hope that it makes sense. If you have any follow-up questions about this or something else never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
Irma A.
September 16, 2021Hello,
I have been following you on YouTube and I want to thank you for your willingness to share your knowledge with the rest of us. It is appreciated!
My question is as follows: In the beginning of 2020 my son and his fiancé found out they were pregnant, and wanted to get their own place. My son asked me for help (money) and I agreed, with a couple stipulations.
First that my name had to be included in the title/purchase (which they told me later it couldn’t be done because I was not going to live there as they were told by the park owner) and that the money had to be paid back within a year at least half of it and at that point we could figure out a new deadline so they could become the sole owners of the mobile home. In the case the amount of money was not paid back then my son said I was free to take it back, or do what I deemed necessary.
Year 2020 proved to be difficult for most of us, and winter in the Midwest was extremely cold last year. The water meter broke and they (along with the baby by now) moved out and they moved in with me. Neither one of them wanted to go back, by now I had been helping them pay their bills and lot rent.
I replaced the water meter and fixed the water damage caused by it and fixed all the water leaks the home had. Bu this point my son wanted to sell the place and take the money. I said NO. They did not hold their end of the agreement and told him that was not going to happen.
I spoke to the owner of the park and found that my son lied to me; I was told that my name could’ve been included in the title and all he needed to know was who was going to live there and who the owners were. I have kept the place, place the rent and utilities and my son gave me back the tile ( he no longer speaks to me).
However, they never transferred the title, they did not pay the 2020 taxes and they were sold in auction in June 2021. Sorry this is so long, but now I am at loss on how to proceed.
I can’t even find the information for the mobile home online and have the title number. Can a quick deed document suffice to transfer it into my name? I don’t see my son cooperating so I won’t even bother to ask him.
I want to pay the taxes to whoever bought them but don’t know how that works.
Also, title has all signatures, if I get a replacement can it be in my name?
I have proof of getting the 15k on a cashiers check for the purchase and proof for every month I have been paying the rent.
Your advise is greatly appreciated and I am grateful everyday for people like you. Take care!
John Fedro
September 23, 2021Hi Irma,
Thank you very much for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed comment as this certainly does help me understand your situation a little bit better. I apologize about the delay in this comment reply getting back to. I very much regret to hear about this ongoing mobile home headache with your son. I also very much regret to hear that this is caused problems and you are no longer on speaking terms at the moment. It sounds like you have done everything possible and realistic to help them out in this situation. If you have a signed title with your son signature on the sellers line then by all means you can likely transfer the home into your ownership. However at the time of transfer the state will likely ask you to pay these back taxes. The next step would be to contact your states mobile home title transferring department. Let them know you are a buyer looking to purchase a mobile home and you have the VIN and would like to know what paperwork is needed to transfer the home into your control. Make sure you have all these forms and they are signed by you and your son. Additionally, I would very much encourage you to call a few local real estate attorneys in the area to see who specializes in mobile home properties like this. You may also want to contact your state’s manufactured housing Association as they may have a few phone numbers to attorneys that may be able to help you in this situation. Due to your exact situation I do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information. I would absolutely encourage you to reach out to an attorney that offers some free consultation to get a few questions answered and decide the best way to move forward in your specific situation. Keep pushing forward. You will likely be able to pay off these back taxes and fees and obtain clear ownership again. Feel free to keep in touch moving forward. If you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
September 25, 2021Bought our single wide 15 years ago paid cash have receipt from trailer company but never got title called dmv said title was not in our name and cant get any information trailer company is gone now is there anyway we could get title ?
John Fedro
October 13, 2021Hi Brenda,
Thank you very much for reaching out and connecting. I very much regret to hear that 15 years ago you were dealing with a company that never completed the deal and transfer title into your name. Perhaps they never owned the home in the first place or perhaps they just got lazy. Since you are not the owner is difficult for you to contact the DMV and ask them for information about the current owner. I’m not sure what state you are in, however in some states you are able to find out more about who is the current owner on the property appraiser’s website or local County tax collector’s website by putting in the personal property address, owner’s name, or serial number. I’m curious if the taxes or yearly registration has been paid over the past 15 years? If the local government did not know that you are the owner perhaps the bill was being sent somewhere else. If this is the case then this will likely have to be paid before title transfer can be put into your name. However in some states this is not the case. I would encourage you to contact the manager at the Department of Motor Vehicles where you are. I assume that this is where they transfer titles in your state since this is what you mentioned before, however I’m not sure exactly what state you’re in but the DMV is a commonplace for titles to be transferred. Contact the manager and let them know your situation and asked them what can be done. Due to her exact situation you may need to go in front of a judge and start a court case to petition for a title. You want to prove to a judge that you are the owner for the last 15 years and forced the DMV to create a new title for you. In my experience this would be the worst case scenario, however you’re not left with many options as this was done so long ago and the company you are dealing with is long out of business. Keep in mind that in many states you will still be able to find a buyer that will pay money for a mobile home without a clear title. This is not ideal however there are still a number of buyers that will not know to ask about a title or simply not care. This is definitely not ideal and it is very important to disclose the entire situation to a buyer, however it is important to know all of your options. If possible it is definitely ideal to obtain clear title in order to sell the mobile home correctly. I hope this helps some and make sense. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions please never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
John Pollan
December 16, 2021I want to buy a trailer /mobile to rehab directly from the park.. its old park has no title
they are saying bill of sale will surfice
John Fedro
January 3, 2022Hi John,
Very good to hear from you. In most states a bill of sale will not truly transfer mobile homes ownership one person to another. If you are in New York State, Louisiana, or Alabama then depending on the age of the mobile home no title may be needed, and only a bill of sale is needed to transfer ownership. However in every other state a bill of sale will naturally transfer ownership, however it will show a meeting of the minds and a clear agreement as to a trade of sorts. Keep in mind that with a bill of sale person will get possession of the mobile home, and if it is in a mobile home park than it can likely stay in the current location as long as the buyer gets approved at the community. With all of this said, mobile homes across the country are given to one another with a bill of sale all the time. It is not correct, and it will eventually cause problems down the road, however it is done very very often. Some parks are okay with this, and some parks will want you to do things the correct way will want to see the buyers name on the physical title or ownership paperwork depending on the state. Keep in touch if you have any follow-up questions or if there are any unique parts of the deal you are looking at. Happy to help if possible.
March 17, 2022Hi, I purchased a mobile home about 3 years ago from a private seller, and never received the title, nor will they respond when I ask for it. I’m wanting to turn my mobile home into a house next year, and want to know if I will be able to do so without having the title.
John Fedro
April 4, 2022Hi Kaylee,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. The answer definitely will vary from state to state. However it absolutely sounds like the seller is ignoring you for one reason or another. Perhaps the seller never truly owned the home in the first place or there is a lien on the property or something else. If possible, contact the mobile home title department in your state. Give them the serial number or VIN of the mobile home you purchase. This number may be on the bill of sale you have, any tax paperwork you pay annually, or on the mobile homes data plate which is a piece of paper that can be found somewhere inside the mobile home on a wall with pertinent information about the mobile home. Your states mobile home title transfer department should be able to tell you if the person you bought it from is the current person on title. They should also be able to tell you when the last time the title was transferred and if there are any taxes owed or hidden liens. Depending on what information you find out, he will then want to ask the clerk over the phone what are the steps to obtain a title. Explain the situation you are in and asked to speak with a manager there if possible. This is definitely not the first time this has happened, and unfortunately will not be the last time. In every state there is a process, and you may have to go to court to obtain clear title. If you are not able to find the Vin number or serial number and that is more of a significant problem and you may not be able to obtain a clear title without these numbers. If there is a HUD label on the back of the home this will have some numbers as well that may be given to the state to identify the mobile home. There may be some numbers pressed into the steel at the very front of the mobile home where the tongue is found. Hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Keep in touch moving forward. Happy to help if possible.
Talk soon,
Karen Clements
March 20, 2022Hi,
I’m hope you can help us with a problem we have run into. We would like to purchase a manufactured home in Port Saint Lucie Florida, it is a land owned lot in a 55 community. But the home was last transferred only with a bill of sale. The title was destroyed by the insurance company after a claim was filed many years ago. The then owners rebuilt and lived there many years. The daughter sold it last year with just a bill of sale to the current owner after both parents had past. How can we get a title. You mentioned having the park file for abandoned property title but how can they do that if the taxes have been paid and are up to date ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
John Fedro
April 4, 2022Hi Karen,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Glad to hear about you looking to purchase a manufactured home in the Port St. Lucie area. I hope that you love the area and community. Different mobile home communities that are resident owned and transfer land ownership do so in a few different ways. Sometimes there are shares that will transfer from the seller to the buyer. These shares represent a fractional ownership in the total land the park is on. In these cases a title is definitely warranted. Other times the mobile home and land will be joined together in the mobile home will be sitting directly on top of the land in which you will own as well. In these situations a warranty deed is typically used and the mobile homes Vin number is placed on the legal description. In these cases a bill of sale is common. Keep in mind that if you try to finance this through a bank they will want to see a title for the home, even though this is not often transferred with mobile homes considered real property. If you know the mobile homes VIN or serial number it will be important to call the DMV to ask them about this mobile home. You can find out if the daughters mother or father are still the ones on title or something else has happened. You can then asked the clerk over the phone the process moving forward now that these owners have passed. Speak with the manager at the DMV if needed however these will be the folks to speak with with regards to your specific question based on the address and VIN. I hope this helps and make some sense. If you have any follow-up questions moving forward never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
Karen Clements
October 16, 2022John,
After talking with the accessors office and asking them if a title was needed they said it was not that anything on the property went with the property and you didn’t need a separate title. So we did purchase the property and home in Port Saint Lucie Fl. But now I am wondering if I can get a title seems realtors believe you need a title to sell in the future. How can I get a title can I apply that it was destroyed. We have the deed for the property so that should prove ownership I would think. Any help with this would be appreciated don’t want to leave a headache for my kids.
April 13, 2022I bought property from a tax sale in TN with a double wide on it.
How do I go about getting the mobile home titled in my name?
John Fedro
April 18, 2022Hi Angela. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. In Tennessee mobile home titles are transferred at the department of motor vehicles. However if you bought a tax sale parcel of land with a mobile home already on it, then the double wide may be considered real property in the title relinquish to the state years ago. I would definitely encourage you to contact the local tax collector and property appraisers to see if this mobile home is real property or personal property. You may then start to go down the steps needed to obtain a title if one is desired. If there already is a title and the DMV should be able to help you with this. Since you on the land you will be able to file for an abandoned title and obtain clear title without too much effort. Hope this helps and begins to point you in the right direction. Feel free to keep in touch moving forward. All the best.
staci baker
April 15, 2022If you have friends that give you a trailer they wrote out they sold it to you for a dollar 5 years ago but it isn;t notarized is it still good or worth anything in the letter he wrote says he give it to my mom for $1.00 then his signature is prove my mom owns the trailer
John Fedro
April 18, 2022Hi Staci. Very good to hear from you. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. In some states a title is the only thing needed to transfer ownership. However a majority of the time a title or some other paperwork is needed to transfer ownership from one person to another. The fact this was signed many years ago will not be too big of an issue, however you are correct that some bills of sale need to be notarized and others do not. Please click the link below and then click on your state to learn more of the step-by-step instructions to transfer from one party to another. This page will let you know if a notary is needed on the bill of sale or title. https://www.mobilehomeinvesting.net/mobile-home-title-transfer-state-by-state/ I hope this helps and point you in the right direction. Moving forward any follow-up questions you have never hesitate to reach out anytime.
Melody Gray
May 20, 2022We bought some property here in South Carolina. It has a 40+ year old mobile home on it that we would like to just donate. Apparently we need a title which we asked for from the previous owner but the owner of the property said there was not any available?
I have found the model, serial number and the plate stamped on the actual underside of the mobile home. How do we figure out a VIN number? I was told back then there was no VIN numbers assigned. Is that accurate? We can’t reach the previous owner neither can the real estate agent. We have an emailed bill of sale from the seller. How do we go about obtaining a title so we can donate this. As of right now it is not inhabitable. I called NC because that’s where it was manufactured, although the manufacturer is no longer in business it’s now a Clayton homes company from what I understand. I called Clayton homes, they directed me to the state in which it was manufactured which was NC. I called and left a message but haven’t received a returned call. Any information you could give me would be very helpful. Thank you!
John Fedro
May 27, 2022Hi Melody,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed email as this certainly does help me understand your situation better. With that said I obviously cannot physically go through the home to inspect the property and look for a serial number or VIN stamped into the frame, on the HUD label, or located on the data plate inside of the mobile home. All mobile homes are assigned a VIN however it is likely that over the years this one’s information is simply gone missing. I understand and agree that the donation company will want a title in order to legally resell the mobile home to somebody else and make a profit for their charity, or be able to fix it up and sell it legally. However if your goal is to simply have it removed off the land then I would encourage you to place an ad free a free mobile home that must be moved on Facebook and Craigslist. You will not be donating this to charity however somebody will remove it free of charge, unless it is really destroyed or completely falling down. Great job already trying to reach out to the previous owners and doing a bit of work to try to obtain clear ownership. There are many mobile homes around the country that are missing their information and ID numbers. Without this identification information is very difficult to obtain a new VIN. The scrubbing out the information you are looking for however I hope it does help and point you in the right direction. Get this one online for free that must be moved. Feel free to keep in touch if you have any follow-up questions. Lastly, if you do decide to get rid of the home for free and give it to somebody that will move it off the property, feel free to email me directly more information and there is likely an investor or two I know in the area that may be interested. You can always email me at support@mobilehomeinvesting.net with follow-up questions or information. All the best.
Talk soon,
Lynn Johnson
August 18, 2022Just selling my mother n law mobile home and looking for proper process online. I just want to say your info is very helpful and YOU ARE AMAZING!!!
You have been responding to people who are in need of guidance now for 7 years!!!
Reading some of the stories, gives me caution for making sure I take all the proper steps when selling this home.
That is so crazy great… I don’t see very many people respond in the comments so often or who stick to it for so long.
Thank you!!
John Fedro
August 24, 2022Thank you so much, Lynn! Your words mean more than you know. Time sure flies. Moving forward any mobile home related questions you have never hesitate to reach out any time. I certainly do not know everything about everything, however happy to help if possible. All the best.
August 28, 2022Hi there hoping you can answer a question for me. I live in Florida and bought a single wide mobile home through a mobile home park, apparently is a lost title situation. Former owner sold to me through a bill of sale and mobile home park said they will get title for me. They have not done this. There are other people in same situation as me in park. Title office asked me for vin number so that they could try to help me but I did not have it. I am currently looking for it but trailer is from 1970 has alot of rust which is making it hard for me to locate. My question is what should I do if I cannot find vin number. Who should I call, do I need an attorney, things like this.
John Fedro
September 1, 2022Hi JT,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed comment as this certainly does help me try to point you in the right direction. Every state has a bit of a different policy what they do in situations like this. However I can assure you that in every state this absolutely happens, again and again. Some states make it much more easier than others to obtain a clear title again. However in most of the states you need to know some type of identifying numbers on the home so it can be located in the states record-keeping system. Please check out the video at this link for some more information. Once you find some information on the mobile home then you may have a few different options depending on what the DMV tells you. Obtaining an attorney may be an option as well depending on what you find or do not find. Additionally, it does sound like the park misled you to believe that they would be able to obtain clear title, when it may be impossible if there are no identify numbers on the mobile home. https://youtu.be/9sN3pyNqBAw keep in touch moving forward if you have any follow-up questions or concerns.
Talk soon,
September 2, 2022Thanks for the reply and I am currently looking for some identification numbers on mobile home, and will go from there. I will let you know how it works out and if I have any questions along the way, I will reach out to you. Thanks again
John Fedro
October 3, 2022Hi JT!
Thanks for reaching out and connecting. Yes, moving forward if you have any follow-up mobile home related questions never hesitate to reach out anytime. Happy to help if possible.
Talk soon,
September 7, 2022Hi,
My father passed away last year and owned a trailer in a trailer park in New Jersey. I need the title to sell the trailer back to the trailer park. Unfortunately, it has been lost. What do I need to do to get a duplicate title? I do have the VIN#, if that matters.
Thank you
John Fedro
October 3, 2022Hi DB,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. First things first, I very much regret to hear about your father passing last year. Understood about you wanting to receive a duplicate title and/or transfer the title. You may or may not need to the death certificate in your state. This will definitely depend a bit from state to state. In fact, in some states the duplicate title process can differ wildly. For this reason I would absolutely encourage you to contact your mobile home title transfer department. The initial department or office where you transferred your mobile home title in the first place. If the title was purchased from a dealership and you may not have done this yourself. If this is the case then please click the link below and then click on your state for more information. I would like you to contact the state directly to provide them with the VIN or serial number of the mobile home. These folks will definitely point you in the right direction and let you know the quickest and easiest way to get a replacement title for your lost one. Hope this helps and point you in the right direction. https://www.mobilehomeinvesting.net/mobile-home-title-transfer-state-by-state/
Talk soon,
October 7, 2022Dear John,
I’m in New York State. Currently in contract for property with a manufactured home on it. This is a foreclosure, the bank selling does not have the title. I’ve no luck in locating the previous owner whom was foreclosed on.
Is there a way to replace a ‘lost’ title after purchasing the property. Everything I’ve looked up refers to the original title, or person. OR, can the home be converted from personal property to real property without the title?
Thank you.
John Fedro
October 18, 2022Hi Harold,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Your definitely located in a beautiful state with a lot of mobile homes. I am not a fan of everything New York state does, however it is helpful that homes over 20 years old no longer need a physical title. A notarized bill of sale is sufficient to transfer ownership from one party to another. With that said, if there is still a lien on the personal property home than perhaps this lienholder may come out of the woodwork, however very unlikely. If the home is older than 20 years then you are now the proud legal owner of the mobile home and can sell it with a bill of sale. Keep the fact that you purchased the land as proof that the mobile home is yours. If the home is newer than 20 years you can either wait for it to be 20 years before reselling it, or aim to file for an abandoned title assuming you can find the VIN or serial number or HUD label number on the property. Hope this helps and makes sense and points you in the right direction. Feel free to reach back out anytime with follow-up questions. All the best.
Talk soon,
November 29, 2022Hello John, David here with a question on title transfer. About 6 years ago my wife sold a mobile home in Texas. We recieved the money we were asking for it. The buyer took the title and said she knew what to do to transfer it, said she had done it before and was familiar with the process. Many times since then we have recieved notice after notice about non payment of taxes. Recently recieved a letter threatening lein foreclosure on the home. Many times I have spoke with our local county tax collectors, independant title and tax offices, even the Texas housing department mobile home division. Each one saying there is nothing they can do to help. From my understanding, the mobile home has beem sold, and sold again. I tried to go talk to the current owners, but the home has been moved. County records still say the trailer is there, and in my wife’s name. What can we do? We don’t want the home, we sold it. We just want it out of my wife’s name. Also, I find it odd, that every person we talk to, says they have never seen this happen before.
John Fedro
January 8, 2023Hi David,
Very good to hear from you. My sincere apologies with regards to the delay on this comment reply. Somehow this comment ended up in a different folder and I did not see it until just now. I hope that you have overcome the situation you are dealing with. Sadly this is very very common around the country, and around Texas. I am surprised that calling the TDHCA was not more helpful for you. I’m curious if your home shows as sold on their records. Some specific County tax authorities around Texas are very difficult to work with, with very large egos. They do not want to be told what to do, even if what they are doing is wrong, they do not want to hear the right thing to do. You may have to talk to an attorney for consultation as well. However you should not be responsible for these taxes since the home simply was not there. Please check out this link and scroll down two thirds of the way. https://www.mobilehomeinvesting.net/texas-mobile-home-ownership-transfer/ There is a section on taxes with a couple handouts that show that in Texas we are only responsible to pay the back four years and nothing more. However in your situation, you should not even have to pay the back four years as the home was not even there. Again, getting in contact with a County property tax type of attorney may be the quickest way to go. Although it will cost a little bit of money. I’m sorry that I’m not able to give you more of a magic bullet type of solution. I did make a recent video talking about the difficulties we have in different tax offices around Texas. https://youtu.be/8ifwQpuVegU Like I said before, sadly this happens to a lot of people. And I know the tax offices make a lot of money by incorrectly charging people. Feel free to keep in touch moving forward and let us know what happens. Any follow-up mobile home related questions please never hesitate to reach out anytime.
November 29, 2022Dear John,
I am trying to help my mother get the lien release for her trailer. She had paid it off some years ago. The lien was through Green Tree Financial and she was located in Montana. The company has since gone bankrupt as far as I have tracked, several company’s since have taken and passed those loans on. Who would she need to get in contact with to have the lien removed?
John Fedro
January 8, 2023Hi Davie,
Thank you very much for reaching out and connecting. Your situation is unfortunately a common one. Banks around the country, including Greentree financial, go under and do not necessarily let their customers know what is going to happen. Usually the loan is sold to another bank, then sold to another bank, then sold to another bank. However sometimes the bank simply goes under and takes the loan with them. Making it very difficult for the borrower to ever get clear title, at least in some states. If you are able to track down who currently holds the note, or who held it when it was satisfied, that would be the easiest. You could likely get another satisfaction letter from them with the borrower’s permission. In some states you are able to go forward one of a couple different ways in these situations. However I’m not sure what state that you are in and do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information. I would absolutely encourage you to have the VIN or serial number to the mobile home and call your states mobile home title transfer department. Explain the situation, and speak to a manager if needed, they should be able to help point you in the right direction. Ultimately you will need proof the loan was paid off or to convince someone at the title office that the lien no longer exists. There may be one or two other avenues depending on your state, or you may need to go in front of a judge to order that the state print you a new title free and clear. Sorry I’m not able to be more of a help your however do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information as this will vary from state to state. Feel free to keep in touch moving forward. Any follow-up questions please never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Dianna Jameson
January 8, 2023Hi John. My husband and I are in the process of selling our manufactured house. It was quit claim deeded to us a couple years ago. The abstract was up to date when we purchased it. There is no evidence of a title mentioned in the entire abstract. There was no VIN found anywhere on the trailer or in the home. It had been gutted an we completely remodeled it. It is a very old single wide trailer. We are assuming early 1970 or late 1960’s. We have no certainty of year, make, or model. My question is was there a time that mobile homes were not issued a paper title? We live in Oklahoma. My other question is, why has the abstract been updated several times over the past years and the lack of title never been an issue until now? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
John Fedro
January 8, 2023Hi Dianna,
Thank you very much for reaching out and connecting. I do hope this entire website has been somewhat helpful to in your search already. I regret that you are in this situation. It sounds as if you own the mobile home as well as the land that it sits on. When you purchase a home/land package like this the title company will usually only perform due diligence on and guarantee the real estate involved in the transaction. If there are old cars, sheds, or mobile homes that are personal property on the land, the title company will usually not warranty clear ownership transfer as part of their job. If the mobile home is attached to the land and considered real property. When mobile homes are considered real property they are legally joined to the land at the state and taxing level. They are taxed differently and banks treat them differently as well. I would imagine that the mobile home that you rehabbed, which I imagine must be beautiful, his personal property and has not had a title in many many years. Perhaps the last few owners only sold it with a bill of sale. In the 50s and 60s there absolutely were some builders that were only selling mobile homes with a bill of sale. There were hundreds of builders and each one had a different title or sales form. However even back then, many of them had data plates and titles. I would highly suspect that your mobile home did at one point have a title. With regards to your second question, if no one ever required a title for the mobile home then life just simply kept on moving along. If the bank never ask for it or the landowner never really cared about it, then I can definitely see how decades go by without the title ever being issued. I hope this makes sense. I do not think it helps very much or points you in the right direction, you are certainly in a difficult situation. If you’ve looked all over the mobile home for identifying numbers, as well as on the front I-beam, the mobile home may be a ghost mobile home. I talk more about these types of homes in this video. https://youtu.be/9sN3pyNqBAw I hope this helps some and make sense. Any follow-up questions that you have please never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
April 2, 2023Hello John, I bought a mobile home from my landlord in 2008. He said he didnt have the title but Icould get it later. I tried to find the vin number but was unable to. I also had two different people, try to help me find it and couldnt. I went back to the owner and he said that there was nothing he could do. He said that if anything happened to me that My daughter could just move it off the lot. I live in a mobile home park and rent the lot. It has been 16 yrs now and my daughter is really on me to try and get a title. I do have homeowners insurance and it has a serial number on my documents. Can I get a title from that and will I have to pay back taxes from all those years?
John Fedro
April 12, 2023Hello Vickie,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. In only a couple states, and under a few circumstances, is a bill of sale legally a way to transfer title. However this is done across the country. So many times folks believe that a bill of sale will transfer ownership from one party to another. Sadly this is not the case. As far as the state is concerned, someone else still owns the property. There may even be back taxes all this time. However the landlord definitely did not tell you everything they should have back in 2008. If he could not get the title then, then it will be much more difficult to get the title now. In some states there is an easier remedy for this than in others. I would definitely encourage you to call your mobile home title transfer department in your state. Use the serial number from the insurance to see if they have any home on record matching the serial number. If they do not then perhaps the mobile home is from out of state or is a completely made up number. If they are able to find the home then please find out if there are any back due taxes, liens on the property, where the mobile home’s address on file is, and even who the owner is. You may be able to pull this up online for the property appraiser’s website, however it depends on how technical savvy your state and current county is. I would definitely encourage you to reach out to the mobile home title transfer department in your state to speak with the manager and explain your situation. You obviously have proof that you have been there for this long and some states you need to convince the person in this department or go in front of a judge to force the state to print you a title. It will not be easy, and in some states it will not be possible at all, however it is worth you trying every avenue possible. I’m glad that your daughter is pushing you to do this. You are definitely not the first person, and sadly will not be the last. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction moving forward. Any follow-up questions big or small please never hesitate to reach out anytime. If you don’t understand something fill free to reach out to me personally at support@mobilehomeinvesting.net. All the best.
Joel C
April 10, 2023Hello John, my father purchased a double wide, had it moved to his property and has been trying to acquire the title for it. The home has been sitting in his property for two years waiting for permits, utilities to be hooked up but requires the title to move forward. It was purchased by bill of sale as the owner did not have the title for it. Ive been helping him and done some research to figure out how its titled, did a title search with the serial# and showed the title and registration where cancelled. Called the department of housing they told me that the home was considered real property and was married to the original owners land. My question is what can we do to detach it from the land and get a title for it?, we reside in California. Your help would be greatly appreciated thank you.
John Fedro
April 12, 2023Hi Joel,
Thank you very much for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed comment as this helps me understand your situation a bit better. Around the country so many people purchase mobile homes with only a bill of sale. However in almost every area around the country a bill of sale will not transfer ownership from one person to another. The mobile home typically will have a title in many states that shows this ownership. Even with a bill of sale, the state recognizes that somebody else will own the home. It sounds like in your situation your father purchased the double wide mobile home that was married to the land it was previously on. The home was not reclassified to personal property or legally separated tax-wise to the land it was sitting on. This means that over the last two years taxes are probably accrued on the home and land together. This typically will have to be paid and there will need to be no liens on the land or the mobile home before the home could be retitled or moved into your father’s name. Because of all the moving pieces of this situation I would very much encourage you to reconnect with the HCD in California. You will likely have to wait on hold for an hour however these folks are very helpful when I call as well. In my experience you will absolutely need to get in touch with the landowner where the mobile home was purchased. I would also encourage you to contact the tax collector and property appraiser in the county where the mobile home was moved from. When un-retiring a title these departments need to be alerted and paperwork filed so that the home and land can be taxed correctly moving forward. When you contact these departments they may still incorrectly think there is a double wide mobile home in the location. It will definitely not be very easy, however it is definitely possible to go down this rabbit hole to get your father’s title. If needed you may want to reach out to a escrow company or attorney that has experience with manufactured homes. I hope this all helps and points you in the right direction. Any follow-up questions please never hesitate to reach out anytime.
June 22, 2023How do you acquire an abandoned title for a home that has been left on the property?
John Fedro
June 26, 2023Hi Christine,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. In each state the process will very some. Typically as the landowner you are holding most or all of the cards. However this is typically only true if there are some identifying numbers or markings on the mobile home. The VIN or serial number or HUD label number will all help. Or perhaps the VIN is located on the legal description or you have old paperwork that shows these numbers somewhere. If that is the case then you will typically be able to contact your states manufactured home/mobile home title transfer department. These folks should be able to point you in the right direction defiling for an abandoned title on your property. This may or may not require going through court and being in front of a judge. However either case it typically will take a little bit of time, 30 days or more, as you will have to post a notice or two on the door and give the home owner time to remove the property. An abandoned title typically cannot be done if you are the one abandoning it on the property. Meaning that you move the home onto the property yourself and are now looking to get a clear title. However I suppose where there is a will then there is a way. Hope this helps and all make sense. Feel free to keep in touch moving forward. All the best.
Talk soon,
September 29, 2023I purchased a mobile home to live in while attending MU. After graduation I sold it to my mother, a realtor, who sold it to someone in K.C. I would like to locate that home and buy it back. How do I search for the current owner, so that I can buy it? Is there a way to do a title search? I do not know the VIN nor any frame number, but my name was on the title.
John Fedro
October 9, 2023Hi Monty,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the detailed comment as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. That is a very interesting situation, and I love the fact that you would like to purchase back your old property. Obviously if the mobile home is in the same location, then you can simply go back to find it. However I’m assuming that it has been moved. In some states you are able to track this information down through the County property appraiser’s website or through the website that controls mobile home title transfers in your state. However I am not completely sure what state the mobile home is located in so I do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information. The truth is that most of the time you will not be able to track down this information. Unless you know someone that works at the DMV or have access to this information. If you do have the VIN, previous address, or name of the previous owner you can likely track down the home but you will need the information that is privy to the state workers. This is not usually given to regular folks like us. If you are unable to track down this information perhaps the neighbors might know where the mobile home went to if it was the way some time ago. My apologies I’m not able to give you a quick and clear answer. If you have any follow-up questions big or small please never hesitate to write back anytime.
Talk soon,
December 11, 2023hey John,
I live in Alabama and I bought a 1999 mobile home and had it moved to property in my name. I have hooked it up to utilities that are also in my name. I was given the title, but it was lost when my sister’s house flooded. I do have the VIN written down though. I contacted the MVD and they said they do not duplicate copies of titles older than 1999. I had not registered it in my name yet when the title was lost because it had not been moved yet, so legally I have no proof of ownership. I contacted the couple I bought it from multiple times to see if they would do a bill of sell and they won’t answer me back. I have remodeled the trailer and am wanting to sell it and the property. Do you know what I need to do this? Is there still a way for me to register it in my name without the title or a bill of sale?
John Fedro
December 11, 2023Hey Alaina,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I really regret to hear that you are in the situation. However, in my experience this is definitely not too negative of a situation. However, it may be difficult to borrow money and refinance against the mobile home or be able to sell the mobile home and/or land to a bank approved buyer. This is because most banks will want a title even if it is technically not required in the state. Additionally, it will be difficult to move this to another state as they will want to see the current title before it is transferred into this new states title. In short, you are definitely limited on what you can do with the property now. However you absolutely can reside there in peace and sell it to a cash buyer in the future.
It would be ideal if you had a title, however like you mentioned in your comment having a signed and notarized bill of sale will be the next best thing. In fact, in Alabama that is the paperwork to transfer ownership between one party to another. A signed and notarized bill of sale when the mobile home is after 1999. You may be able to use a service such as skipgenie.com to find the sellers current address and go see them in person if needed. Keep in mind that these past sellers will likely never come back to take this home from you. Additionally, your name should be registered with the local tax department is paying the property taxes for this mobile home. All of this will support that you have been living there and the owner for a number of years.
I hope that this all helps and makes sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns big or small never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
March 3, 2024Hi,we have a strange situation. The original owner sold the home to her nephew, he’s had the home for years and never paid taxes or transferred the title to his name. The county came after the original owner for the taxes and she gave the home to the owner of the land. Now the landowner has sold it to us. But no one has the title, it was given to the first buyer signed by seller but never turned in for transfer. He left and abandoned the home owed the landowner back rent and back taxes. Before we found out about this, we have already paid the landowner the money and paid the back taxes. But now the first buyer who abandoned it is trying to take it. What exactly should we do? I’m in GA
John Fedro
March 4, 2024Hi Brandi,
Very good to hear from you. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for the very detailed message. I apologize that you are going through this situation in the first place. The mobile home should never have been transferred to you without a title. I am glad that you told me you are in the state of Georgia. In the state of Georgia there is something known as a “bonded title”. There are people that specialize in performing these bonded titles to help mobile home owners. As long as the mobile home has a vin or data plate, and is considered personal property then you should be able to obtain a bonded title which will then allow you to obtain a traditional title on the mobile home. I am unsure of all the particulars in your exact situation, however I would definitely encourage you to Google search bonded title company in Georgia. These folks can help get you the real title that you are entitled to. I hope this helps and makes a little bit of sense. Follow-up questions please never hesitate to reach out anytime.
Talk soon,
Cynthia McDuff
January 13, 2025I have lost the title to my mobile home (paid for with no liens). Is there w way. To request a duplicate or do I have to go to the Secretary Of State office?
John Fedro
January 16, 2025Hi Cynthia,
Very good to hear from you. I’m not sure what state you’re located in, however in my experience there is almost definitely a way for you to request a duplicate title without physically being there. You will have to prove that you are the owner, however you are not the first person that has needed to do this across state lines. Do contact the secretary of state’s office or the office where mobile home titles are transferred in your state to explain your situation and figure out the best way to move forward to get a duplicate title. Hopefully this should not be more than a few dollars for you. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction.
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