Mobile Home Repairs: Learn This Quick Fix

Welcome back,

In today’s video you’ll discover a quick-fit-fix for changing your next mobile home interior door knob replacement. If you go your entire career without ever having to change a door knob or never running into any speed-bumps than I commend you. On occasion when replacing your interior mobile home door you may run into a size issue.

Many interior mobile home doors may require you to simply install average door knobs without worry. If you ever run into an issue with regards to the new door handle’s door-latch face protruding from the door and therefore causing the door to not close you’ll be happy to know there is likely a quick solution.

Mobile Home Repairs: Learn This Quick Fix

The brand of door handle used in the video below is a Kwikset brand interior bed and bath door knob. There are added directions in the package for additional challenges that may arise. Kwikset makes a semi customize-able door knob for less than $11.

This “secret” that is likely well known already to seasoned repair men took me 3 years to realize. Thanks for watching and I hope this quick video will add value to your investing.

Love what you do daily,
John Fedro


Related Mobile Home Repairs: Learn This Quick Fix videos:


  • Stacie

    Reply Reply December 23, 2013

    Some times the easiest fixes are free huh. Thanks for posting this John. I haven’t got my first investment yet but when my husband and I do we will have your video for help. Do you have more quick fixes and tips for mobile homes?


    • John Fedro

      Reply Reply December 24, 2013

      Hi Stacie,

      Right on! Yes, I am a big fan of looking for and applying the fastest, most effective, easiest correct fix for a challenge we face. Thank you for watching and commenting. I am glad that you have received value from this small post. Yes, I have additional videos and tutorials. Many of them are reserved for members of my Mobile Home Formula however there are some to watch on Youtube for free. In addition I will start creating more of these hands-on type of videos as they seem to be popular.

      Talk soon,
      John Fedro

  • Dave

    Reply Reply December 23, 2013

    Very nice tip.
    Please keep the ” how to ” videos coming.

    • John Fedro

      Reply Reply December 24, 2013

      Hi Dave,

      Glad you enjoyed it. I’ll keep these types of videos coming.

      John Fedro

      • Kristen

        Reply Reply October 9, 2022

        You are so helpful and cute too! I really enjoyed your videos and I appreciate you taking the time to post them. You helped me save some big bucks!! And I feel so silly…about the doorknob thing… I’m not gonna tell you how many I’ve tossed and replaced! No more, no more.. thanks john

        • John Fedro

          Reply Reply October 18, 2022

          Hey Kristen,

          Thank you for the kind words and the complement! I will keep the videos and mobile home fixes coming with future lessons. Any follow-up mobile home related questions never hesitate to reach out anytime.

          Talk soon,

  • Sam Dellco

    Reply Reply December 25, 2013

    Great post. Very fun to watch. Merry Christmas John.

    Your fan,
    Sam and Regina

    • John Fedro

      Reply Reply December 25, 2013

      Hi Sam and Regina,

      Thanks for watching and your kind words. Merry Christmas to you both as well.

      John Fedro

  • Dave

    Reply Reply December 25, 2013

    How much ” fixing up ” do you do before you sell a mobile home ?
    Do you put $ into it to make it look awesome, or just fix the broken things ?

    • John Fedro

      Reply Reply December 27, 2013

      Hi Dave,

      Good followup questions.

      There is no cookie cutter deal however in general I do not do much fixing before I resell a mobile home for monthly payments. I do have a specific list of items that must be fixed before resold that most buyers will object to if not in working order, these are major items that make the home unlivable or slightly uncomfortable to live in.

      When we do repairs items we are repairing are broken. We are not trying to upgrade already functional items. There are many reasons for this including cash flow, your profit, attracting the right buyer, sweat equity on the buyer’s side, and our exit strategy. Keep in mind that because we primarily sell with monthly cash flow we repair homes to a certain standard. The more the repaid the more you can typically attract as a Move-in fee from your tenant-buyer. If your exit strategy is to sell for all cash then you will wish to repair the home to very good condition throughout.

      Does all this make sense?

      Talk soon,
      John Fedro

    • Kristen

      Reply Reply October 9, 2022

      You are so helpful and cute too! I really enjoyed your videos and I appreciate you taking the time to post them. You helped me save some big bucks!! And I feel so silly…about the doorknob

      • John Fedro

        Reply Reply October 18, 2022

        Hey Kristen,

        Thank you for the kind words and the complement! I will keep the videos and mobile home fixes coming with future lessons. Any follow-up mobile home related questions never hesitate to reach out anytime.

        Talk soon,

  • Dave

    Reply Reply December 27, 2013

    Thanks john,

    That makes perfect sence.

    • John Fedro

      Reply Reply December 28, 2013

      Glad to hear Dave.

      John Fedro

  • Dave

    Reply Reply December 28, 2013

    Does your course go over the specific list of items ?

    • John Fedro

      Reply Reply December 28, 2013

      Hi Dave,

      Yes of course. This list has come from trial and error and listening to hundreds of potential buyers over the years. The goal with this list of repair items is to spend the least amount of money while making the home attractive to the most amount of buyers.

      Talk soon,
      John Fedro

  • Burt

    Reply Reply February 28, 2014

    Loved the content and positivity that you have for this section of real estate investing.

    • John Fedro

      Reply Reply February 28, 2014

      Hi Burt,

      Thanks for commenting and I am glad that comes through in my posts.


  • Melissa

    Reply Reply June 20, 2014

    I bought a Kwikset brand door knob at Lowes today, and for the past two and a half hours, my fiance, my fiance’s dad, my fiance’s cousin, and myself have been struggling to get this door knob functioning. Before we got a replacement, the old door knob didn’t fit in the hole properly;y. You could tell it used to, but for whatever reason, the door knob moved around the circle and rested at the bottom of the circle, leaving a crescent shaped hole you could peek through, and the door would take 10 to 20 tries to actually lock (you had to throw your weight against the door while moving the faulty door knob to get it to lock). As you can imagine, that was really annoying, so after six months of me complaining, we finally decided to fix it, but for whatever reason, it won’t fix. I’ve watched a dozen videos and everyone making them takes about 2 to 3 minutes to do what has taken us hours.We have had the door knob completely installed twice, but after a few times of us opening and closing the door, the knob started to move up and down again and then, the door knob completely came out of place. We are all at our absolute wit’s end and we just need help. We have done everything in your video as well as trying a few of the other videos to no avail.

    • John Fedro

      Reply Reply June 22, 2014

      Hi Melissa,

      Thanks for commenting and watching. I regret to hear that you are having this difficulty. By this time I hope you have solved the issue. Great work at being proactive to fix the solution and have a correctly functioning door.

      If the door has been having trouble closing the problem does not sound like a door knob issue as much as it sounds like a door/door-frame issue. Without seeing the issue that you are having I would encourage you to hire a handyman for $20 or less to fix the issue for you. The reason I am suggesting this is that an experienced handyman should likely fix the issue quickly and without headaches. Once it is fixed you will then know the remedy for next time if this should happen again.

      I hope this has helped. Did you get the door fixed? How did you remedy the problem?

      All the best,

    • Joy Ferdna

      Reply Reply May 5, 2019

      I think your problem is the size adjustment of the knob shaft. Check your instructions for how to adjust the depth adjustment. Bring it back to the home improvement store and ask if they can change it for you. There are generally only two sizes but it is tricky.

  • Elaine

    Reply Reply January 30, 2015

    Seriously? We rent a mobile home and I broke the door knob to my office about a year ago. Apparently the inside was plastic and I turned it too hard. Who knows? Anyways, I got locked out for days until I got mad and beat the door knob until it fell off. I’ve been using a ink pen to stick through the hole and into the strike area to keep the door closed all this time because I didn’t feel like ordering a special knob. I had no idea you could do this! Guess what I’m buying tomorrow? Thank you so much. šŸ™‚

    • John Fedro

      Reply Reply January 30, 2015

      Hi Elaine,

      Lol. Love it! So glad to hear it helped.


  • Bre

    Reply Reply November 4, 2015

    We need to replace a doorknob on the front door of our 15 year old trailer. It is a typical trailer door with the small diamond shaped window. Can you tell me if we can replace the knob with a regular door knob from home depot or Lowes or do I need to find a specialty mobile home dealer?

    • John Fedro

      Reply Reply November 5, 2015

      Hi Bre,

      Thank you for reaching out and commenting concerning this question. Based on your description of what you are looking at I am fairly certain you will need to visit a local mobile home specialty store for that door knob. With that said the best thing to do would be removed the doorknob altogether and go visit the local hardware store to see if the doorknobs matchup. You would of course want someone at home with something propped against the door to keep it shut until you return with the correct doorknob. I’m sorry I cannot give you more accurate information over email. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out. Keep in touch.

      Talk soon,

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