Mobile Home Closings Inside Mobile…
Lost Mobile Home Titles & Other…
Mobile Home Kool Seal
Guess The Mobile Home Exercise
Mobile Home Dealer License Per State…
Podcast 54: $100k Mobile Home Profits…
Podcast 53: Engineer Flips Mobile…
Podcast 52: Movers Destroyed Her…
Podcast 51: Flipping Mobile Homes the…
Podcast 50: How Rod’s Helping…
John Fedro: Morning Anastasia, Thank you for reaching out and...
Rui: Hi John First of all thanks for answering my ques...
Anastasia: Hey John! I reached out to you via BiggerPockets b...
John Fedro: Evening Jerry, Very good to hear from you. Thank ...
John Fedro: Evening Cynthia, Thank you so much for reaching o...
Thank you for all your help that you do for people in this business. We started a a short while ago and now have 5 mobile homes under our belt with a average cash flow of about $370 a month from each..
Daven C
I am a single person and have been for a long time. I was a single mother for many years and really wasn’t able to take any risks on business ventures. I lived in a double wide mobile home for 20 years while raising them in a small park with only 8 units in Maryland (I now live in Delaware). After my last child graduated from high school, I was able to buy my first home about 41/2 years ago and now my goal is to scale a successful mobile home investment venture and eventually in traditional re… Read more
I just post craigslist ads and the buyers are literally begging me to help them. The formula is amazing. I cannot wait to farm the area for good deals.
David P
Bought a 3/2 for $3k all in on Dec 14 put in another $2k in repairs and sold on Dec 27 for $4k up front and $300/mth for 48 months (Lot rent $650/mth). Needed water heater, pipes, fittings, faucets & toilets.
Now I have found my niche and started a new way of working and living more secure and happy. Thank you John. You do not imagine what you do for other people.
I am blown away by the material John has provided in this program. It is very comprehensive and easy to understand.
Eddy B.New York
I am closing on my 2/1 for $750 in a days time. Thanks again.
I am continuing to kill it with individual mobile homes. I have been doing a lot of flips in parks and now venturing to flips on land. Still doing a good amount of MH’s on payments. I have now been self employed by this for 2 years.
Tristan TME
We are working on another mobile we just bought last week. I will try to get it on face book as soon as possible… We just sold another today and spent most of today at the escrow office…YIPPEE!!
Cindy BNevada
Thanks John Fedro. Couldn’t have done it without you!
Brett CCa
Thank you for all your help that you do for people in this business. We started a a short while ago and now have 5 mobile homes under our belt with a average cash flow of about $370 a month from each..
Daven C
I am a single person and have been for a long time. I was a single mother for many years and really wasn’t able to take any risks on business ventures. I lived in a double wide mobile home for 20 years while raising them in a small park with only 8 units in Maryland (I now live in Delaware). After my last child graduated from high school, I was able to buy my first home about 41/2 years ago and now my goal is to scale a successful mobile home investment venture and eventually in traditional re… Read more
I just post craigslist ads and the buyers are literally begging me to help them. The formula is amazing. I cannot wait to farm the area for good deals.
David P
Bought a 3/2 for $3k all in on Dec 14 put in another $2k in repairs and sold on Dec 27 for $4k up front and $300/mth for 48 months (Lot rent $650/mth). Needed water heater, pipes, fittings, faucets & toilets.
Now I have found my niche and started a new way of working and living more secure and happy. Thank you John. You do not imagine what you do for other people.
I am blown away by the material John has provided in this program. It is very comprehensive and easy to understand.
Eddy B.New York
I am closing on my 2/1 for $750 in a days time. Thanks again.
I am continuing to kill it with individual mobile homes. I have been doing a lot of flips in parks and now venturing to flips on land. Still doing a good amount of MH’s on payments. I have now been self employed by this for 2 years.
Tristan TME
We are working on another mobile we just bought last week. I will try to get it on face book as soon as possible… We just sold another today and spent most of today at the escrow office…YIPPEE!!
Cindy BNevada
Thanks John Fedro. Couldn’t have done it without you!
Brett CCa
October 30, 2014John: I am totally blown away by the amount of free info you give away on these videos.
Thank you,
Doni Healy
John Fedro
October 31, 2014Hi Doni,
Thank you for commenting and your kind words. If you have any specific mobile home investing questions don’t hesitate to ask.
Talk soon,
September 29, 2019John how can we become part of your program .. we have been been mobile home investors for about 2 years now .. we are needing some advice and help from you asap could you please contact us .. by email..
John Fedro
October 20, 2019Hi Dave,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Great work investing and helping mobile home buyers, sellers, and parks for the past two years now. I have no doubt that all of these deals, successes, and lessons have not come without a great deal of hard work and daily effort on both of your parts. Keep up the great work moving forward! My email is if you ever have any questions. Feel free to click on the “work with me” tab on this website. Happy to help with you are member of this mentoring/training or not. Feel free to keep in touch. All the best.
Talk soon,
Emmanuel Wesley
November 20, 2014Man! You are a breath of fresh air and a voice of clarity in the crazy REI world! I’m blessed to have come across your site and so thankful for all the information that you have made available. I’m super motivated and can see myself working with you in the future.
BTW, since watching a lot of your videos, I started scrolling through Craigslist out of curiosity looking for mobile homes and came across a link of a guy who bought some land with a mobile home on it but doesn’t want the mobile home. It’s a 2bd built in 1991.
Here’s the link:
He’s giving it away for free to whoever will move it off the land. I saw in some of your videos that you know how to do this and thought you might appreciate the lead. Hopefully it is of some value to you.
I appreciate you, and I’m in the process of saving up my funds in order to reach out to you in the near future about your mentoring program.
Emmanuel Wesley
John Fedro
November 22, 2014Hi Emmanuel,
Thanks for commenting and your kind words.
Please see my thoughts below in bold.
Man! You are a breath of fresh air and a voice of clarity in the crazy REI world! Thanks for saying so. I think one of the best things I can do for folks interested in this niche is provide some clarity. I’m blessed to have come across your site and so thankful for all the information that you have made available. I’m super motivated and can see myself working with you in the future. Great to hear it! Keep up this motivation and effort no matter what real estate niche you choose.
BTW, since watching a lot of your videos, I started scrolling through Craigslist out of curiosity looking for mobile homes and came across a link of a guy who bought some land with a mobile home on it but doesn’t want the mobile home. It’s a 2bd built in 1991. This is not uncommon and will happen again for you. The home sounds nice but could be in any condition. In addition I suggest you begin investing in 3 bedrooms homes for your first few, plus homes in park that you do not have to move. With that said this home may likely be a deal for investors already knowledgeable about how to move forward getting the home moved for free and then being able to resell it quickly. I hope this all makes sense.
Here’s the link:
He’s giving it away for free to whoever will move it off the land. I saw in some of your videos that you know how to do this and thought you might appreciate the lead. Hopefully it is of some value to you. Thank you. I will pass the lead along to a local ATL investor. If a deal gets done I will make sure you are compensated. Thank you for thinking about me with regards to this.
I appreciate you, and I’m in the process of saving up my funds in order to reach out to you in the near future about your mentoring program. If there is anything I can do for you in the mean time don’t hesitate to ask. All the best and have a great Thanksgiving.
Talk soon,
February 3, 2015john what would you do if you were trying to purchase a 75 unit mhp and the owner cany locate title on half the homes? also, how do you go about having the water individually metered? any 3rd party companies you work with that read the utilities for you?
John Fedro
February 9, 2015Hi Darren,
Thanks for reaching out and connecting. If the owner can not find half the titles to the homes then first it is important to undrstand why. If you believe this rational answer then proceed with locating VINs of all the homes and finding out which titles can be replaced. Are any of them owned by the owner? A duplicate title should be no problem to obtain if so. At worst case the owner could not find the titles or get new ones you would simply buy the park and not value the homes at all. You can then still sell the homes if that was your plan.
A plumber will help meter all the homes individually. The cost for this should be $300-$1000 per home as they are only adding a meter to the pipes in and out of the home (prettyquick install). Park managers are usually always able to read meters monthly in my experience.
Hope this helps some.
Talk soon,
Talk soon,
Joyce Sullivan
March 28, 2015Hello,
I’m so excited to have just acquired a mobile home to rehab. I work for Habitat for Humanity and we are redoing this home for a low income family in New Hampshire. The interesting thing about this mobile home is that it is in a comunity owned park or co-op.
It’s very exciting. I’ll post our pictures as we go on
John Fedro
March 29, 2015Hi Joyce,
Thanks for reaching out.
In NH there are many co-op parks. Additionally, Habitat for Humanity would only fix and sell a mobile home on private land. This is awesome! I totally stand behind your group and the fixing of this home. Thanks for commenting. if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out. Congratulations again.
Question: Do you know if HFH is going to be concentrating efforts towards manufactured housing due to the affordable nature and ability to provide more homes for more families in need?
All the best,
P.s. This is a long shot however if you are able to take pictures and keep track I would love to make a before and after remodel article about your organization. Either way talk soon.
October 23, 2015I’ve watched most of these videos now, so I feel I can ask the questions I have– How do you get the title if you’re on payments with the seller, but retain the title when a buyer is making payments to you?
Why are you responsible for lot rent even after you’ve sold it (on payments)?
John Fedro
October 24, 2015Hi Austin,
Thanks so much for reaching out concerning these questions. Additionally, thanks so much for following along with regards to the videos. I hope they have been helpful. Your question about the title and payments is a great one. There are no cookie-cutter tight mobile home investing deals, however many of our mobile homes are purchased inside of an individual personal property trust. If we are making payments to a seller and the seller is there for the lien holder, then they will be holding onto the title until they are paid in full. We still retain the ability to sell the beneficial interest within the mobile home personal property trust. I could certainly talk about this for an hour or more so I am really just giving you a quick overview answer. I hope this helps and makes sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to comment back.
With regards to being responsible for lot rent even after you’ve sold it, this is because it is important to make sure lot rent gets paid while your tenant buyer is still paying off the mobile home. The bottom line is I trust you way more than I trust your tenant buyer to make the monthly lot rent payment. After three or four years of on-time payments then you can feel free to allow the tenant buyer to start making payments directly to the park for their monthly lot rent. Keep in mind this is only my opinion based on experience. I have seen where tenant buyers stop paying the park in the park does not alert you, but starts the eviction process without you knowing. Again, I hope this helps and makes sense.
Talk soon,
October 24, 2015Okay that makes sense. I’ve got a lot to research in the land trust and personal property trust department.
Now on the lot rent, is it an expense you absorb or do you bill the tenants after you receive and pay it each month?
J long
October 27, 2015I purchased a Mobil home 6 yrs ago now I’m thinking of selling an the title don’t match the Mobil home what can I do
John Fedro
October 28, 2015Hi J long,
Thank you so much for reaching out concerning this issue. I regret that you are having a problem like this now that you are trying to resell your home. The mobile home title you purchase six years ago may indeed be from a different mobile home. If that is the case then that means that the mobile home you have been living in has a title that is somewhere. Most likely no one is going to come back for the home that you are living in even though it is not currently yours. If the mobile home is inside of a mobile home community than you’ve likely developed a relationship with the park manager. I would have a talk with the park manager to let her know the problem you are having with the title. This park will be able to file an “abandon title” form with the state and should be able to produce a new title. Keep in mind that at this point the title will be in the park’s name and they will then transfer it over to you, hopefully for free or for a very small fee.
I hope this all helps and makes sense. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach back out.
Talk soon,
Orlando Paz
December 16, 2015Even though time has gone by since Jeffery found himself in a tough time, I keep him in my prayers. To some degree, I can relate to his fears and circumstances.
John Fedro
December 18, 2015Hi Orlando,
Thank you for reaching out and commenting. I could not agree more. Jeffrey was a very nice gentleman that ended up getting into a bad situation. I was just thinking the other day about him and reached out to see how he was doing. I left a message and did not hear anything back however I am optimistic that he is secured employment and is in a much better place in his life.
Talk soon,
April 8, 2016Hi John,
I’m a future investor but wish now I had found and watched your videos before I purchase my manufactured home from a threiving weasel who obviously has never heard of you. He insists that I pay taxes and insurance on it. I wouldn’t have a problem with that except he wants his name as payee on the insurance and he showed me a title that has not been transferred to his name where he bought it 10 months ago.
How can I be responsible for taxes when the title is in neither of our names and, how do I protect my $5,000 down investment if he gets to collect 100% for a loss?
John Fedro
April 9, 2016Hi Michelle,
Thank you so much for reaching out and getting in touch with me. I regret that you are having trouble with this seller and running into these problems now. Ideally, everyone would do exactly what they are promised and the deal will go through smoothly.
I am curious how the situation is set up at the moment. Ideally, your name should be on the title into his name should be listed as Lien holder (depending on your state). However it sounds like neither of your names are on the title at this point. If this is the case then this is a big issue that needs to be resolved quickly. I’m curious if the seller even has the power to transfer the ownership from the current owner to somebody else’s name?
Your already paid $5000 down, which is not a small amount of money. If something happens to the home your name should also be listed on the insurance policy. As I mentioned above, your name should be listed as owner on the title and the lien holder should be the gentleman who is selling the home to you. When you obtain insurance you should obtain a “homeowners policy” with your name listed as the primarily insured party, and the seller should be listed as “additionally insured”.
Please let me know if my thoughts about sound accurate. Are you listed anywhere on this title? If you are not then this is the first thing that has to be corrected prior to you obtaining insurance. Ideally this seller is on the up and up and really wants to sell you this property or the agreed price and terms. However with that said, something definitely sounds fishy if neither of your names are on the title at this point. Keep me posted please
Talk soon,
July 1, 2016Hey John
Just listened to your pod cast on bigger pockets. I am planning on wholesaling mobile homes in my competitive market of Denver Colorado. The reason I wanted to get in contact with you is if you can pull a list of mobile homes that own their own land on list providers like list source?
Thank you
John Fedro
July 1, 2016Hi Riley,
Thanks for reaching out and connecting. I recently released a podcast of a gentleman in Colorado doing something very similar. With regards to your question about purchasing a list of mobile home owners with attached land, yes this is absolutely available to purchase through a number of list services and list sellers. I do hope this helps and answers your questions. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach back out. All the best.
Talk soon,
November 19, 2016Thanks for the Great Site and Information. Real estate investing is one of my passion’s but really was not able to find a starting niche and get passed the information overload/paralysis for a while. I find myself coming back to your site again and again. I think I may be interested in mobile investing in the near future and learning from you once I have the down payment and my ducks in a row. It seems like a great place to start.
John Fedro
November 28, 2016Hi Gianna,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you so much for the kind words and kudos. They mean more than you know. I absolutely understand with regards to the information overload and analysis of paralysis many people go through. What is happened in the past certainly does not dictate your future. Moving forward if you have any questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Sherry Lorenz Zwick
February 23, 2017Two questions:
1. Since the purchase and the re-sale are in a land trust, why would a dealer license be necessary? (Florida)
2. Where/how do we get your mobile home formula materials/package?
Thanks John
John Fedro
February 28, 2017Hi Sherry,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Your first question is a very good one. You are correct that a land trust and personal property trust will keep your name off of public record and hidden from ownership. Additionally, there certainly is some merit to say that the title will not transfer for five or more years until you are paid in full. With that said this does not change the fact that you or your company will be purchasing and reselling mobile homes for profit. In short, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck. I say all of this knowing full well that many people will not become licensed in Florida and likely never receive any penalty for it. No one is down at the courthouse steps shining a light on you as to why you are purchasing these mobile homes. Only if somebody shines a light on to what you are doing because you take advantage of them than perhaps what you are doing will be discovered. Again, being licensed is absolutely a good thing that will teach you more about your state rules and regulations and allow you to rub shoulders with other dealers and park owners. With regards to your second question, it is not very well advertised. You may find out more information here.
I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. As always, never hesitate to reach out any time with any questions or concerns you ever have. All the best.
Talk soon,
Tim Hiatt
March 27, 2017I’ve been looking for mobile homes to buy. Most of the ones I am finding are in 55+ communities. Am I allowed to buy those since I won’t be living in them and I will be owner financing it to someone else as long as they are older than 55. Thanks,
John Fedro
March 28, 2017Hi Tim,
Thanks for reaching out and connecting. Very good question. In my experience about 60% of the mobile home park you walk into will not be able to work with you simply due to your age. They will know exactly what you are doing however their hands will be tied. With that said there will be 40% of parks that understand what you are doing and happy to have you there as long as you do not live in the home and sell to somebody who is approved by the park to live there. With that said of this 40% of parks, some may need your help and others may not need your help. With that said you do have to go through almost all of the senior communities one by one to figure out who wants to work with you and who does not. I hope this helps and answers your question. All in all that’s pretty good news. As always, if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
Ruben Perez
May 19, 2017Hi name is Ruben
Would you have a book on the subject of investing in mobile homes. We have heard plenty mentioned before about Safe Act and the new Dodd Frank regulations and wondering if you have found a way to legally and ethically invest in mobile homes and the steps to operate within the laws.
Many people get into legal problems by not doing their due diligence and I would like to get it done right.
We have been in the real estate arena for some time and curious to get some business going in the mobile home arena.
Please contact me at your earliest convenience
John Fedro
May 20, 2017Hi Ruben,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. I very much agree with your thoughts and sentiment that there is a lot of confusion and uncertainty with regards to seller held financing, the safe act, Dodd Frank act, and the myriad of other truth in lending rules. For this reason I encourage you to use a mortgage loan originator when possible. With regards to your question about a book pertaining to these acts, there is not a third party book I know of that talks about the subject in detail. With that said I would encourage you to read these ask yourself if at all possible. This would also be a very good question to bring up at your local real estate investors Association and also to your local real estate attorney if possible. With that said we did have a tele-seminar on the subject a few years ago. Some things have changed, however many things are the same as they were a couple years ago. You can check out that tele-seminar here. I apologize that I’m not able to give you a specific answer with regards to a book or course that may help on this particular topic. If you find one that is helpful and you really like please never hesitate to comment back and let us all know. Moving forward if you have any additional follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Shaun Barbour
June 15, 2017John, you are amazing bro! This is really good stuff. I am seriously considering applying to your mentorship program. I just need to save a little more to be ready. Quick question on legal entity… would you recommend I set up a real estate holding corporation and each mobile home is held by its own separate LLC? That was recommended to me by a real estate investor friend, but they invest into very large apartment complexes. Would the same be true for mobile home investing? How are you structured? What would you recommend?
Thanks man!
John Fedro
June 19, 2017Hi Shaun,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you so much for the kind words. They truly mean more than you know. I do hope these articles and videos have been somewhat helpful to you thus far. Please see my thoughts below in bold.
Quick question on legal entity… would you recommend I set up a real estate holding corporation and each mobile home is held by its own separate LLC? The answer is, “it depends”. I certainly do not want to give you any incorrect or misguided information. Additionally, I am no CPA or financial planner at all. With that said LLCs are the only type of corporation I use, and I would recommend to set up a corporation sometime during your first five deals. If you already have a corporation set up for your very first deal then so be it, however if you do not that is certainly not a dealbreaker. That was recommended to me by a real estate investor friend, but they invest into very large apartment complexes. Would the same be true for mobile home investing? How are you structured? What would you recommend? Normally one or two corporations is fine, one may be for your long-term properties and one may be for other quick flips. However we typically purchase every new mobile home investment into a separate personal property trust or land trust. There are other ways we close properties however it really depends on the situation and due diligence we performed prior to closing. In short, there are number ways to move forward however keeping yourself and your sellers and buyers protected is priority #1. I hope this all helps and make sense. My answer above was a bit vague however depending on your exit strategy and goals the answer definitely changes. I hope this all helps and make sense. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions now are moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Roy Buffington
February 12, 2018Hey John, I have been viewing your videos and am convinced and impressed. Now the hard part is convincing my wife. I have attempted to invest in the past and have truly failed so you can see why I have to convince my wife. She is on board with real estate investing but highly skeptical. This may be my last chance. We have saved up our money and have good cash reserves and discretionary income. We live in the ATL. And man the reimbursement out here for MHI IS CRAZY. I hope I would get to speak with you soon prior to joining the team. I look forward to working with you soon.
John Fedro
February 15, 2018Hi Roy,
Good to hear from you again. Thank you for the kind words. They mean more than you know. Additionally, thank you for being so candid with regards to your past real estate experience. I do not think that this is entirely your fault. Real estate investors work with marketers to sell junkie training and education to people that don’t understand what they are getting into. It’s important to have clarity in making decisions, especially a decision as big as real estate investing or mobile home investing. You certainly are in a good area of the country for this niche. With that said it is definitely best if you are both on board working together and moving forward. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns now are moving forward never hesitate to reach out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
March 12, 2018Hi John. I really enjoy your videos. I have a double-wide home in West Palm Beach Florida, Lake Worth on a lot that I am trying to sell. When I bought the home brand new, I thought I would be staying so I upgraded. I put in granite etc. I bought the house for 59,0000 and put in another 20,000 in upgrading. I now want to sell the home. I have it on the market for 69,900 and have not had much luck. I had a few 40,000 offers. I am well considering moving the home to the Atlanta area. I have reached out to many movers and have had no luck in this area either. Do you have any suggestions on selling and or know someone who would move a double-wide from Florida to Atlanta. Thank you.
John Fedro
March 14, 2018Hi Trisha,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed comment as the certainly does help me try to point you in the right direction. I have no doubt that your manufactured home is gorgeous and large. I regret to hear that you are looking to move. Ideally you do not want to be a motivated seller however it is good to hear that you at least have some offers for $40,000 as a worst-case scenario. I would very much encourage you to list your mobile home for sale in the local newspaper, with some signs in the windows, and online such as websites such as and and With regards to finding movers I would very much encourage you to reach out to a number of mobile home parks in and around your general area. Asked them who they can recommend with regards to reputable and reliable mobile home transportation companies. You may have to talk to a few before you find one that is interested in driving the home this far. You will also be paying quite a bit of money in gas and moving charges, however it will likely be less than the hit you will take if you have to sell for cash. With that said I would imagine moving this double wide would cost $20,000+ to move and set up. I could be wrong about this and hopefully it would be half the cost but it would still be quite sizable. Perhaps you can sell the home to somebody that has $20,000 or $30,000 down and can make payments on the rest. I hope this all helps and starts to point you in the right direction. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time.
Talk soon,
July 26, 2018Hey John,
I love your videos! You put out some great stuff.
I’m hoping you can answer a question. In one of your older videos, you say that you will provide certain paperwork for free when someone signs up with your website. I’m referring to this video:
Is that offer still valid? I signed up for your mailing list. But, I’m not sure if there’s something else I would need to do. Or, are those documents only available to people who have paid the full tuition needed to work with you?
John Fedro
August 11, 2018Hi Bob,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your kind words about the website and previous videos. I do hope these have been somewhat helpful to you thus far. With regards to the video in question, you are correct that this is an older video and that this offer is not something I provide any longer. While I did used to provide these I found the people were unsure of how to use them, where to fill them out, and where and when to file them accordingly. For this reason I have made subsequent videos, how to demos, and even recorded examples of me filling them out with buyers and sellers. However this is something I provide for folks I work with one-on-one so I can make sure they’re getting into the correct opportunities.
With that said I very much apologize the is no longer available to the general public. I have wrestled with taking this video down versus leaving it up for the content. I’m sure you are not thrilled to hear this however do hope it makes sense. As always, please know if you have any additional mobile home questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best. Keep in touch.
Talk soon,
Esau Arrieta
November 2, 2018John,
I have been studying the material you post and I think it is amazing how easy and confortable you can make a new investor feel.
I hope you can help me with this. I have a mobile home that needs no repairs that I want to buy with financing and then have someone renting to own it from me. I have my target home, have spoken to the owner ( title is in his hands) and also a renter lined up. What paperwork do I need to prepare to buy it from the current owner and to rent it to the people lined up? Does the title go into an escrow account or something similar?
This would be my first deal, I am confident in the side of finding the people and analyzing details in the home but a bit insecure regarding the part of the paperwork.
Thank you.
John Fedro
November 5, 2018Hi Esau,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Additionally, thank you for your detailed comment as a certainly does help me answer your questions and point you in the right direction moving forward. Please see my thoughts below in bold.
I have been studying the material you post and I think it is amazing how easy and confortable you can make a new investor feel. Thank you so much for saying this. This truly means more than you know. I hope these videos and articles have been somewhat helpful to you thus far.
I hope you can help me with this. I have a mobile home that needs no repairs that I want to buy with financing and then have someone renting to own it from me. I have my target home, have spoken to the owner ( title is in his hands) and also a renter lined up. What paperwork do I need to prepare to buy it from the current owner and to rent it to the people lined up? The paperwork and procedure will vary greatly or slightly from state to state and area you are investing in. With that said please feel free to check out this webpage to get more information with your exact state. Does the title go into an escrow account or something similar? In many situations the answer is no, however there are certain situations and certain states were going through escrow or title company may be desired or required. Without knowing what exact state you are in do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information. For this reason please check out the webpage link above and feel free to comment back with any additional questions or concerns that you have.
This would be my first deal, I am confident in the side of finding the people and analyzing details in the home but a bit insecure regarding the part of the paperwork. Congratulations with regards to being ready and willing to take action and pull the trigger when needed. With that said I’m not a big fan of going to a bank to obtain lending on investment properties. If you have to go through a bank make sure it is needed and for bigger properties. However for most mobile homes inside parks and on private land there are the strategies to purchasing control this property without obtaining bank financing. With that said I do hope that you like this property and this is just the first of many mobile homes for you. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns now or moving forward never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
Billie Zahir
September 3, 2019Hi John!
Firstly, I want to thank you for all the knowlegeable information you provide here. I have been enjoying learning from you and look forward to learning even more in the future.
Secondly, if you could find the time, I have a couple of topics I’d like to either get your thoughts on or perhaps be given a link to a video or videos that you have provided which address the topic.
#1 Poly-B plumbing
Do you think it is something that should be checked for during your inspection? If found, do you consider it a deal breaker or information to use to negotiate a lower price?
#2 Construction of Mobile Home walls
On my on mobile home I discovered there was only a very thin paneling like barrier that did not go all the way the ceiling between the framing and siding. In my mind there should have been some OSB or something else. So, because it is going to be my personal home, I am going to adding some when I remodel. However, I am curious to know if this is a common occurrence in mobile homes. If not, would you recommend finding it be a deal breaker?
Any thoughts you have on these two topics would be greatly appreciated if you can find the time.
Thanks in advance from one of your appreciative online students.
Billie Z
John Fedro
September 8, 2019Hi Billie,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Please see my thoughts below in bold.
Firstly, I want to thank you for all the knowlegeable information you provide here. I have been enjoying learning from you and look forward to learning even more in the future. Thank you very much for your kind words. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions never hesitate to reach out any time.
Secondly, if you could find the time, I have a couple of topics I’d like to either get your thoughts on or perhaps be given a link to a video or videos that you have provided which address the topic. Sure. Shoot.
#1 Poly-B plumbing
Do you think it is something that should be checked for during your inspection? If found, do you consider it a deal breaker or information to use to negotiate a lower price? No, not a dealbreaker at all. Yes, I will try to negotiate $500 discount if possible. Again, this is definitely not a dealbreaker for me.
#2 Construction of Mobile Home walls
On my on mobile home I discovered there was only a very thin paneling like barrier that did not go all the way the ceiling between the framing and siding. In my mind there should have been some OSB or something else. So, because it is going to be my personal home, I am going to adding some when I remodel. However, I am curious to know if this is a common occurrence in mobile homes. If not, would you recommend finding it be a deal breaker? I apologize however I’m having a bit of a tough time imagining exactly where you are talking about. Is there anyway you could email me a picture of what exactly is missing and what you are discussing? If possible that would be ideal… Then I would definitely be happy to point you in the right direction if possible. The best email to reach me at is
Any thoughts you have on these two topics would be greatly appreciated if you can find the time. Happy to help. Keep in touch moving forward.
Talk soon,
October 17, 2019Love your site and the information you provide. I’m really interested in mobile home investing. I’m located in the DFW area of Texas and would love to work with you. But I do not have 2k to invest at this time. Please reach out to me, I am willing to partner and do deals in exchange of mentorship.
John Fedro
October 20, 2019Hi Cheney,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. You certainly are in a good area of the country and state for this type of investing. Great job saving up $2000 to begin your investing. This will definitely not help everyone, however it will help one person get out of a tight squeeze or begin making payments to a seller or be able to wholesale a mobile home to raise more capital. Either way please know if you have any questions or concerns I’m happy to answer and help if possible. My direct email as Happy to help whether you are member of this mentoring/training or not. Keep in touch. All the best.
Talk soon,
Charles Goetz
January 5, 2020Hi John,
I am interested in understanding how you get around the “owner occupied” clause in most every lot rent lease agreement that tenants are quasi forced to sign with the mobile home park?
Also, I would be interesting in understanding how you handle buyer’s needing to be financed for homes when you are selling?
Great site! Looking forward to the info.
Thank you
John Fedro
January 24, 2020Hi Charles,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I apologize about the delay in this comment reply. Please see my thoughts below in bold.
I am interested in understanding how you get around the “owner occupied” clause in most every lot rent lease agreement that tenants are quasi forced to sign with the mobile home park? By placing names of owner-occupants name’s on title. Some parks will absolutely demand that the person inside of the home be listed as owner on the title, however many parks do not demand to see the title or need proof that the title has transferred. Either way we want to sell to low-risk folks that have the ability to pay monthly.
Also, I would be interesting in understanding how you handle buyer’s needing to be financed for homes when you are selling? I’m not sure that I understand the question. If they are needing to be financed and you can potentially send them to a local bank or 21st mortgage or some other lender. If you are looking to hold the financing that it is important that your paperwork is correct or you are using a licensed mortgage loan originator to negotiate and originate these loans. I hope this makes sense. If I misunderstanding something let me know. Never hesitate to reach back out any time. All the best.
Talk soon,
Robert C Hamilton
March 9, 2020Hi John,
I found you while researching real estate investing on another website. You provide tremendous value. The question that I have is anyone successfully doing this in California? In my area, MH go anywhere from 100k-250k.
John Fedro
March 16, 2020Hi Robert,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. You certainly are in a unique area of the country for this type of investing. It may be hard to believe however there are absolutely sellers that need to sell for a variety of reasons in and around your local area. The closer that you get to metro areas and the coast the more cash buyers there will be in the more likely you are to purchase a home fix it up and sell it for a higher-priced retail value cash. However there are certainly other areas were purchasing a mobile home from a motivated seller will cost you under $10,000. I am certainly working with folks in the state that are doing this. However again to purchase homes under $10,000 you are absolutely driving inland and away from the coastal areas. Keep in mind that there are a lot of parks and you will have to have a good territory to be purchasing homes consistently at lower prices. However if you do not mind purchasing homes for higher prices and putting $30,000 or more into them, then this business model would be something to consider in coastal areas and more high demand areas where your exit strategy would be selling for cash since you’re into the property for so much yourself. This is a very short answer however I hope that it does help some. It is obviously vague and there are a lot of other questions that you likely have however I hope that this does help some and point you in the right direction. Feel free to keep in touch. All the best.
Talk soon,
Misses brown
April 15, 2021Hi John,I was looking for the contracts!!i really love and appreciate your content!!
John Fedro
April 17, 2021Hi Misses Brown,
Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. Thank you for commenting with regards to any contracts or agreements available. I used to provide some free contracts and agreements however I soon learned that without the proper education many folks would not know how to fill these out, properly explain them, or know when or where to file them properly. For this reason I do not provide free forms to the general public any longer. I do provide forms for folks I’m working with where we can discuss things and talk one-on-one on how to use these forms and documents, however they are no longer provided free for the general public. I have wrestled with taking a few of these videos down as they do mention free paperwork however the content in them is good so I’ve decided to keep them up and live. You may also contact a local real estate attorney that is familiar with mobile homes to provide you with some documents and forms as well. Using attorneys is how all of my documents have been created along the way as well. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Moving forward if you have any follow-up questions please never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
May 20, 2022Hi,
Is your course for newbies in the mobile home investing space? How much is your course? I love how detailed the modules look but I don’t want to purchase another investing course just to know less than I did when starting.
John Fedro
May 25, 2022Hi Bria,
Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Moving forward if you have any mobile home related questions never hesitate to comment back or email me directly at Happy to help whether you are a member of this mentoring/training or not. This program is not for everyone and includes partnering on your first few deals. I very much regret to hear about any program you invested in that did not give you a return on your investment, let alone you feeling dumber after going through the course. You can find out more information about the mobile home formula mentoring/training program by clicking the “work with John” tab at the top of the website. That page will tell you the initial investment, partnering, and what is expected moving forward. Again, if you have any follow-up questions about this or mobile homes never hesitate to reach out anytime. All the best.
Talk soon,
Jason Watkins
November 22, 2022I swear I’m just waiting my turn. It’s been challenging to save $5,000 or even $3,000 to get started..
Sometimes I can get to save $1,000 or $1,400 or so then maybe 3-4 bills is due around that time 😥 . For the life of me I want to mobile home invest so bad I can just taste it like the best thing in the world I can do.
I’m presently in a mobile home that I’ve been financing for about 3 years and I owe $2,000 left on it, Single wide 2br 1 bath renovated. Got into deal with park about 3 years ago. I so bad want to start flipping homes, just taking so long to get started.
I think about finding a park friendly enough to get a 1st one for $1,000 – $1,500 or so if I’m able to have an additional $2,000 to do cosmetic repairs and get going..
In effort you have or suggestions I can act on or even just wait more time maybe until my home is paid off whereas I’m only paying lot rent which may free up extra $ for me eventually..
I’m 49 years old, trying to work a new 2nd part time job that I’m not comfortable with exhausting myself over and over.
John Fedro
November 22, 2022Hey Jason! Very good to hear from you. Thanks for being so open and candid. Is definitely wise to save up money in the beginning. Sometimes it is important and smart to do things slowly and cautiously, before ramping up full speed. There are definitely things you can be doing right now with less capital. Learning, asking a bunch of questions, networking and going to local real estate investment clubs. You can absolutely get homes under contract as well for different types of wholesaling. Moving forward any mobile home questions you have never hesitate to reach out anytime. While I do reserve my phone time for folks I’m working with one on one, if you have any general mobile home questions never hesitate to reach out anytime. Mobile homes are not going anywhere, and neither am I. I have no doubt that you will be a successful real estate investor and mobile home investor. Keep in touch moving forward. All the best.
Jason Watkins
November 22, 2022FYI I Just keep watching more and more of your videos, I am subscribed.
Just watching and watching your videos just keeps my inspiration high.
John Fedro
November 22, 2022Hi Jason! Thanks for reaching out and connecting. Moving forward any follow-up mobile home related questions never hesitate to reach out anytime. Keep in touch.
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