Training and Partnering Application

As smart as you may be, you will pay for your mobile home education one way or another. We all do. We learn with the help of a trusted mentor & partner, or we learn from making costly mistakes, taking wrong turns that cause delays, and avoiding profitable opportunities due to lack of experience and education.  

You are likely already interested in one-on-one mobile home investing mentoring & partnering to increase both your mobile home investing income and the speed at which you obtain your financial goals. By the end of these few short paragraphs, you should understand if the Mobile Home Formula Mentoring & Partnering program is right for you.

Before I got started along the path to mobile home investing, I remember working at one of my last jobs, as a mobile phone salesman in Tampa, Florida. A gentleman came into the office and wanted a new phone and new plan. I showed him around and he quickly agreed on the latest model phone we kept in stock. While chatting with him I came to learn that he was an active local real estate investor.

If you can remember back to when you were brand new to this business, you too likely had little idea what the term “real estate investor” truly meant or the level of activity and skill that was actually involved.

What I did know, and feel was my own deep-burning unsettling desire to leave my jobs and bust-my-*** to work for myself and invest in real estate to make a fulltime income.

I then asked the investor if there was any way I could shadow him or work for him for free.

I will not bore you with the rest of details, however the investor snickered, rolled his eyes and wrote me off as just another young kid that likely wanted to waste his time. He could not have been more wrong. His lack of confidence in me only pushed me forward. This was back in late 2001.


I tell you this mobile home story today above for two reasons

The first reason I tell you the story above is because I want you to understand that I knew in my heart-of-hearts that I was ready to do almost anything for this investor/customer to teach me all he knew. We could have partnered, or he could have taken my first few deals – As long as he showed me the mountains that he had already climbed. I knew that having a real estate mentor was vital to creating a huge short-cut to my future success.

The second reason I tell you this today is because I understand everything that I would have needed and wanted in an investor/mentor over two decades ago. It is this mental-image of a true-mentor/partner that I strive to be for my coaching clients and the Mobile Home Formula members.

It is my goal to build you into a self-sufficient mobile home investor that is confident, reliable, and an expert in your own area. This is possible only through a proven plan, consistent action, asking questions regularly, and dedication to your business from both you and me.

Mobile home investing

Mobile home investing takes near daily effort, a bit of capital, some free time, and a boatload of determination to succeed. I say “succeed” because anyone can have short-term success with one or two deals. However, the ability to create almost any decent income you wish takes a realistic plan and a mentor for you to work with every single day consistently over time.

If we get started on this journey, I must make it clear that I only work with folks that I pre-screen over the phone first. In addition, please see the short list of must-haves below that are asked of and required of you before we get started with a potential partnership together. Note: The items below are not truly required for you to succeed, I did not have money or credit when I started. However, I have worked with enough folks to know that a small amount of money will allow you to get your foot-in-the-door quicker and safely with a handful of sellers.

Does this describe you?

Mobile Home Investing is easier with...

Available Capital In 3 Weeks: In approximately 3 weeks after getting started we will have identified almost every mobile home in your local territory, plus the mobile homes in your surrounding territories. We will know which homes to capitalize on now, which sellers to help, offers to make, and move forward accordingly. This is all in addition to future homes we will be lining up to purchase in coming months. As I have stated previously on this website, a reserve of $3,000+ (over the membership costs) is asked of you to make both your start and progression realistic, safe, and quicker.

Background History: While you will not typically ever require bank loans, many mobile home parks will ask to know your credit, criminal background, and eviction history before they allow you access into their park. If your background is less than fair, you should locate a co-signer just to be safe. We can discuss this more in detail when/if we speak.

Determination: Determination is without a doubt a must-have. From my experience, this determination comes from a deep goal you must achieve at almost any cost. Over the next year you will be asked to learn new skills, grow personally, be uncomfortable, and make sacrifices in the name of more cash-flow and a better future.

Following Directions: The Mobile Home Formula training you are considering joining has been tested time and time again, improved upon, and is proven to get results when followed. If you are able to follow directions and repeat what is already provided for you in the paint-by-number examples, then we’ll truly be able to hit-the-ground-running towards your mobile home cash-flow goals together.

Low-Pressure Style: The sales style taught in the Mobile Home Formula teaches an effective “low-pressure” style of educating sellers and closing win-win deals accordingly. Great deals aren't found, they're created. If you have been described as forceful or impatient this program may not be the best fit for you. I do not mean to discourage anyone. Indeed, all traits have their merit, however if you do not truly wish to help others while helping yourself, a mentor more-your-type may be easier for you to work together with for your success.

People Person: Like it or not, you'll be talking to people daily. Mobile home investing is a people business. Get even better talking to strangers and solving problems. Mobile home investing is your niche and soon you'll be the local go-to person of authority helping local sellers and buyers.

More details on what you get here…

Applied knowledge is power!

Partnering with John during your first 5 mobile home formula deals help ensure your success.

State-by-state instructions, procedures, forms, and much more.

Get the updated strategies John uses for his mobile home investing business in 2025.

Help locating and screening park managers, handymen, sellers, buyers, park owners, movers, and more.

Step-by-step investing help when you need it. No group classes; only one-on one mentoring so your business is the sole focus.

Unlimited Deal Analysis help!

Help making custom mobile home purchase offers for every seller. Help through negotiations, paperwork creation, closing, and more.

Assistance evaluating rehab and repair costs for each mobile home investment opportunity.

Recorded phone calls let you hear how John is speaking with sellers, buyers, park managers and more. Duplicate John's words for your success!

160+ video lessons teach you step-by-step in clear, easy to follow instructions from start to finish.

List of 44,000+ mobile homes parks and addresses nationwide!

Unlimited personal calls and text with John. Just like you would with a normal partner on your side.

All the forms, agreements, Trusts, tools, and training necessary for creating a successful manufactured home investing business. Plus, demo-filled-out versions of most forms for error-proof filing.

Help with presenting offers to sellers, negotiating, and follow-ups with mobile home sellers and buyers.

Incoming-payment-keeping software to help analyze your deals and track expenses and profits.

Future help and partnering with complete mobile home parks locally.

SINCE 2002...

The Mobile Home Formula & 5 Deal Partnering Program

This is hands-down the best deal for anybody that has the real desire to launch a successful cash-flowing mobile home investing business!

Give your business all the help you deserve...


1. Complete Training: Full Access to the Mobile Home Formula’s 160+ MHI Lesson Library

You will receive LIFETIME access to every mobile home form, seller/buyer script, agreement templates, spreadsheets, marketing pieces, Trusts for all your mobile homes, contracts for every deal, EVERYTHING that you’re ever going to need to run a thriving mobile home investing business both on private land and inside mobile home parks.

2. Personal 90 minute 1-On-1 Kick Start Investing Call

You are unique! You deserve a unique and tailored plan for your specific time, goals, exact location, and capital. Here’s where we take action immediately once getting started together.

When you are accepted into the Mobile Home Formula training, we will schedule your 90-minute Kick Start call. During this call you and John will create an exact Plan-of-Action for you to accomplish in the first week together.

3. Nationwide Members-Only Facebook group

Find other local like-minded & helpful Mobile Home Formula investors in your state and nationwide. This is an active group with daily postings, helpful members, and deal pitching. Partnering and money lending available for active Mobile Home Formula members.

facebook mobile home members help group


4. Unlimited Real-time Cell Phone Help, Accountability, Q&A, Deal Reviews with John

Support for you and your business should be a phone call or text message away when you have real-time questions and need help.

There is no one-single conversation you and I will have that will answer all your investing questions and needs. Accountability and ongoing mentoring/help is key for many investors that begin acquiring multiple mobile home properties fast while growing a profitable business.

Never outsourced, always deal directly with John when you need help with daily questions, deal analysis, buyer concerns, seller problems, paperwork, problems, hassles, updates and more while growing your business daily.


5. Partner 1-on-1 with John On Your Next 5 Mobile Home Deals

Your first one to two deals alone will generate multiple times more than this initial education investment. This partnership-split is an easy 70/30%. If you bring the money to fund your first few deals, then you’ll receive 70% of the net profits. If you need me to fund the deal, then you receive 30% net profit for that specific deal. We will then continue to work closely together for at least 24+ full months.

This program is intended to literally pay for itself while teaching you with an extremely experienced mentor totally on your side.

Investment: Mobile Home Formula membership and Partnering with John is only $3,985. The remaining balance is compensated through simply partnering on our first 5 Mobile Home Formula deals together as described above.

If we work together, I sincerely look forward to getting to know you better and helping you grow your local investing business.

The below information will be kept private and is for the sole benefit of better understanding your current situation. Once your application is received, we will likely email you within 72 hours to setup a time to speak confidentially.

Wait, what exactly is in the Mobile Home Formula course?

Really glad you asked. Here's some of
what you get... (Over 80 hours of investing secrets.)


Becoming a Local Expert For Buyers, Finding Qualified Seller Leads Quickly, and Meeting Park Managers (In Parks)

  1. Important: Welcome and your mindset now and moving forward.
  2. Module #1: An overview
  3. History, the basics, and sizes of mobile homes (6 videos)
  4. Four levels of learning
  5. Interior and exterior
  6. Communities and restrictions
  7. Lack of traditional financing for qualified buyers
  8. Identification
  9. Natural disasters
  10. Mobile home titles and MCO’s
  11. Statement of ownerships
  12. Start building your buyers list and replies
  13. Setting realistic goals
  14. Mobile home business card templates
  15. Raising investment capital
  16. LEAD MAGNET SET-A: Virtual Bandit Signs & Automated Searches (3 Minute Leads)
  17. Know your target parks
  18. Action assignments: leads and park managers.
  19. Bonus: MHP investing


Screening Callers, Making Appointments, and Rating Homes (In Parks)

  1. How you may choose to make money when you sell a mobile home.
  2. Irrefutable traits of successful investors
  3. 3 types/stages of mobile home sellers
  4. How will others see you?
  5. Your game plan moving forward.
  6. Rating each mobile home
  7. 1st outbound call to sellers-dissected
  8. Reaching out to your Internet leads
  9. Using your seller questionnaire
  10. Incoming calls and FAQs
  11. (Situation) seller wants more money you want to pay and its off market…
  12. Perpetual buying funnel and RVM intro.
  14. The curious case of the too desperate seller
  15. How to transfer title in my state-test run
  16. Action assignments module #2


Making Winning Purchase Offers (In Parks)

  1. Module #3 game plan
  2. Meeting the park manager-warm
  3. Finding a handyman (3 videos)
  4. Meeting the sellers
  5. Checklist and repair cheat sheet
  6. Property insurance when buying
  7. How much can you resell this mobile home for?
  8. Creating 0-3 purchase offers per mobile home.
  9. Presenting 0-3 purchase offers to sellers.
  10. Live examples: Making your 1st 3 offers to each seller.
  11. (Situation) partnership purchase offer in parks
  12. (Situation) mobile home has bank loan of $10,000-$25,000.
  13. Wholesaling/Consignment inside of mobile home parks homes that must be moved.
  14. Negotiation examples
  15. Action assignments module #3.


Closing Correctly (In Parks)

  1. Applying at the park
  2. CRM’s – Keeping in touch automatically with buyers, sellers and park managers.
  3. Verifying personal property taxes have been paid.
  4. Moving forward with the Dodd Frank and SAFE ACT.
  5. Personal property trust + forms needed to buy/sell.
  6. Purchase forms: mobile homes in parks!
  7. All states closing & after closing procedures.
  8. California: Title transfer before and after closing.
  9. Texas: Purchase forms, closing, and post-closing procedures.
  10. Oregon: Pre-closing, closing, and post-closing procedure.
  11. New Hampshire: before, during, and after closing procedure.
  12. West Virginia: before, during, and after closing procedure.
  13. Washington: Pre-closing special steps
  14. The cautious case of the unhappy lienholder
  15. Action assignments module #3.5


Repairs and Advertising that Works (In Parks)

  1. Module #4 overview
  2. 6 ways you’ll typically sell a mobile home.
  3. What repairs to make inside of parks?
  4. Handyman tips, repair examples, and repair videos
  5. Your ideal mobile home buyers
  6. Clean and market the mobile home for sale
  7. Marketing the home-blitz (4 videos)
  8. If the PM keeps denying your potential buyers…
  9. Automated selling funnel in parks) start only after deal #2)
  10. Automating your calls to PMs after you spoken to them twice
  11. Julia’s video method to help sell mobile homes.
  12. 1st call for potential buyer.
  13. Background check (3 videos)
  14. Filling your mobile homes use this mindset.
  15. Property insurance once sold.
  16. Approved! Approved! Set up closing time.


Reselling for Maximum Profit and Hands-Free Management (In Parks)

  1. Selling without using personal property trust
  2. Selling the lease-option inside mobile home parks
  3. Selling cash-flow #1 core selling paperwork
  4. Selling cash-flow #2 selling disclosures
  5. Selling cash-flow #3 buyers repair agreement
  6. Closing at the mobile home with your tenant buyers (part #1, checklist)
  7. Closing at the mobile home with your tenant buyers (part #2, with audio of closing)
  8. Collecting payments, Excel spreadsheets and Trustee forms
  9. Net profit sharing on 1st 5 deals with John. Plus your new shirt!
  10. New Hampshire: selling a mobile home in a park
  11. Management and winterizing a vacant mobile home
  13. Getting/Taking a mobile home back
  14. More FREE-ish leads (you may have been putting this task off)
  15. Profiting with must-be-moved mobile homes
  16. FHA and conventional manufactured home loans
  17. Your buyer completes all payments to you, now what?


Becoming a Local Expert For Buyers, Finding 50-100 Seller Leads Locally (MHs On Private Land)

  1. Module #5 review
  2. Lifecycle of a neighborhood
  3. Familiarize yourself with your farm area.
  5. Sending postcards and letters to mobile homes on land
  6. Becoming an expert in your area mobile home buyers on land
  7. Action assignments module #5


Understanding Your Purchasing Methods, Power Team, Trusts, and Paperwork (MHs On Private Land)

  1. Module #6 overview
  2. Working with ants and bird dogs
  3. Know your exit strategies on private land.
  4. 1st phone call to and from sellers (3 videos)
  5. How to estimate after repaired value on private land?
  6. Buying subject-to mortgage on land
  7. Land trust agreements with land.
  8. 8 steps of a successful subject-to transaction with land.
  9. Important mortgage details and the due on sale clause
  10. Verify mortgage info and property taxes with land.
  11. Action assignments module #6


Knowing Your Sellers, Creating Win-Win Purchase Offers, Negotiations (MHs On Private Land)

  1. Module #7 overview
  2. 1st meeting with the seller
  3. Checklist your cheat sheets on land
  4. Creating your PURCHASE offers on land.
  5. Creating your payment plan offers on land.
  6. Word problems
  7. Presenting crafted offers to sellers
  8. Your 2nd meeting with the sellers
  9. Follow-up campaign for mobile homes on land
  10. Closing procedure when buying with land
  11. Wholesaling mobile homes on private land
  12. Introduction to closing.
  14. Action assignment module #7


Paperwork, Marketing, Purchasing (MHs On Private Land)

  1. Module #8 overview
  2. Creating your closing paperwork when buying with payments
  3. Creating your closing paperwork when buying with cash
  4. Real estate closing procedure
  5. Marketing the mobile home on land-blitz
  6. Bonus lead magnets-55 additional magnets that get results (Set-G)
  7. Action assignments module #8


Repairs, Advanced Marketing, Reselling, and Hands-Free Management (MHs On Private Land)

  1. Module #9 overview
  2. Selling strategy on land
  3. Selling price and terms on land
  4. The automated selling process on land
  5. What repairs to make
  6. Repair examples on land
  7. Background check by her objections and concerns
  8. Your ideal buyers on land
  9. Collecting payments and Excel spreadsheets
  10. Background checks
  11. Selling the mobile home on land for all cash
  12. Creating paperwork and signing when selling the payments
  13. Taxes and insurance once sold on land.
  14. FHA and conventional manufactured
  15. Management on land
  16. Closing on the home/land package successfully


Wholesaling, Websites, Remote Investing, Moving MHs and More

  1. Building and effective seller lead capture website.
  2. Additional advertising tools to find motivated sellers. 
  3. Wholesaling/Consignment inside of parks and Must-be-moved homes.
  4. Subject 4 purchase technique on land. 
  5. 1031 exchange introduction and FAQs
  6. Buying seller leads automatically.
  7. Investing virtually and remotely out-of-state.
  8. Facebook Paid Advertising for sellers.
  9. Profiting with Must-be-moved mobile homes.
  10. Profiting with PAST DUE TAXES (personal and real property) 
  11. State by state manufactured housing associations
  12. Partnering, Money lending, Borrowing and JV-ing for even more opportunities. 
  13.  Broker mobile homes for extra profit.
  14. Automating and Systematizing to your MH investing business.

Daily accountability

Real-time help just for you! Partner with an experienced investor on your team.

Bonus Lessons

Building a working seller lead capture Website, Facebook advertising, Investing remotely, Tax lien sales, moving & removing mobile homes, and much more.