As I sit in my backyard couch writing this article I smile as I am reminded of all that I am thankful for and knowing the difference between “true happiness” and what I call “propaganda happiness”. This article is made for the person working hard towards their dreams.
If this is you then please make sure the dreams you are chasing are 100% yours..
This past Monday I hosted an amazing Real Estate Investing club meeting here in Austin, Texas.  After the meetup was over I sat and had drinks with about a  third of the group that attended. We talked, shared stories, and traded advice back and forth for nearly three hours. Towards the end of the evening I was caught off guard by a unique question, “John Fedro why don’t you seem to be as flashy as other coaches and mentors” within real estate investing.”.Â
So I began to think. Why was I not living in a downtown penthouse instead of a modest house in the suburbs? Why was I not shopping exclusively at the expensive mall in town instead of Target? Why was I not leasing a brand new car every year instead of driving my original 2005 Cadillac CTS?
The answer is because I wanted to stay well under my means.
I am reminded of the classic quote from Jim Rohn, “After you become a millionaire, you can give all of your money away because what’s important is not the million dollars. What is important is the person you have become in the process of becoming a millionaire.”
Let me be clear that I am no millionaire however the answer (I feel) comes down to me being truly happy with myself and not living someone else’s dream but my own.
The story below and answer the few questions below to determine some of your true happiness goals. I wish someone had done this to me when I was at the beginning stages of my investing career.
While growing up I lived a lower-middle class lifestyle. My family had everything we “needed” to get by. However this came at the high price of hardly seeing my mother and father on a daily basis. Except for Saturday mornings when my mother and I would go roller skating my childhood was spent in front of the television and by myself.
The time I did spend with my conventional “rat-race” chasing parents was few and far between. I still harbor some resentment towards their traditional jobs that kept them from spending free time as they desired. Thankfully now we all have a much closer relationship than before. They are retired and I am able to spend much of my free time with them.Â
As I grew to a teenager I began to see traditional employment as a way to enslave me for the next 60 years. At the time I think I was the only one of my friends to vocalize this feeling. It literally frightened me to the point of panic attacks by the age of 13. The idea of working for someone else 40-80 hours a week still keeps me motivated to work only for myself.
I vowed back then to have the freedom, time, and lifestyle to be available to be with my kids and wife while they grow..
In my twenties I realized I still harbored a resentment toward corporate America and began to think of alternative methods to make money with my present skills. “But I was 20, what skills did I have?”
Enter the world of real estate investing..
This hatred for traditional employment carried with me throughout my entire childhood and to this very day. “I will not waste my life making someone else rich!” I was 20 years old and it wouldn’t be until another four months until I closed my first mobile home deal making over $30,000.
You no doubt have heard the term Rat-Race. This refers to your traditional job repeating the same day after day. A rat race can be descried as an endless, self-defeating, or pointless pursuit. It conjures up the image of the futile efforts of a lab rat trying to escape while running around a maze or in a wheel.
If you are currently working hard in your “side business” so one day soon you can leave your full-time job then you are in the minority and I congratulate you. .
Slight subject change: Let us fast forward your future by 15 months. You are now making $3,500 passive cash-flow per month with your portfolio of cash-flowing properties.
Work hard now to play hard later. .
Now you have enough money to pay bill and begin to live fuller lives. In addition you may have some more free time to travel, work hard to take your significant others out of the rat-race, send your kids to a private school, pay your bills, donate to charity, take vacations, and reinvest time and money back into your real estate business.
Envisioning the Lifestyle above and answer the following questions about yourself:
- The people most important to me are…
- I will love to take multiple vacations a year with…
- The vehicle I drive must be…
- I want to be free from my full-time Job by…
- Once I am free I will continue to lower my debt, build my business, follow my dreams, love my family and….
There is a 2nd secret rat-race just ahead in the distance. You have finally freed yourself from your 9-5 job. You are now saving more money than ever. You are growing your business with each new deal you complete. Now here comes the 2nd rat-race trap you may never have seen coming. This second rat-race is one of “keeping up with the Jones” and questioning your self worth.  .
You see this propaganda everywhere in America. One of the lowest studies I have seen states we see 247 advertisements on average per day in America. Every new model car commercial, jewelry store ads, product placement in television shows, your neighbors upgrading their new television, music videos are overloaded with these images of class and they all hint at what to buy with your hard earned money.
Always remember to be truthful to who you are. Only buy expensive toys and lavish gifts if you truly will find long lasting joy in this item, most the time you will not find this happiness you are seeking. The newest flashiest cars, toys, games, and jewels always come and go. Don’t let an ill placed purchase hurt you or your family financially.
Know your priorities and achieve them. Then relax and enjoy the rewards.
Not until I left the country to backpack around Asia was it that I truly notice the obvious and relentless nature of American marking and advertising. Media masterminds know how to manipulate the masses by the popular vote. Don’t be one of the herd, keep up the great work and I challenge you to multiply your investing efforts by 1.25 starting tomorrow.
If you have any mobile home investing questions do not hesitate to reach out and ask.
Love what you do daily,
John Fedro
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September 26, 2011“Don’t let an ill placed purchase hurt you financially.”
Well said!
October 14, 2011Thanks John this is exactly what I needed to hear right now. I completely agree. In my area some of the wealthiest players aren’t flashy at all but they never have to worry about money again. Soon I will be there too. Thanks John and I look forward to joining your mentorship very soon. -JS
August 27, 2012Great post John!
John Fedro
August 28, 2012Hi Scott,
Thanks for the kind words. It’s so important that we always stay true to our real selves. If each of us doesn’t have a clear picture of who “I” is than we can so easily get caught up in a world full of noisy distractions and the media telling us how to dress, think, buy, vote, and act.
Dave Bruton
March 21, 2014Great article John
We have been with you about a year and a half and are creating the life we want. We as you know are traveling the US looking for more deals. What a great way to spend our time. We now have the freedom to do what we want when we want. THANKS !!!
John Fedro
March 21, 2014Hi Dave and Cindy,
Thank you for commenting. I am so proud to know you and to be lending a hand to your future success. I know you are going to go very far with this business and the park business as well. Keep kicking butt and taking daily action.
All the best,
John Fedro
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